


1、The roundest moon can be seen on the Mid-Autumn Day. My dearest, I miss you so much. May the beautiful fairy bring my best wishes and blessings to you. 八月中秋月儿圆,对着嫦娥表思念,心中的人啊你可看见,嫦娥也在默默祝愿,愿你生活比蜜甜!

2、How can any of a thousand miles peace ?and is sent away to miss. , Followed by love and care, deep affection and good wishes, the Mid-Autumn joy!千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,中秋快乐!

3、Is it safe to ask a thousand miles? And send your thoughts to each other. Continuous love and care, strong feelings and blessings, happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,中秋快乐!

4、Husband and wife are a whole circle, without which one, the circle can not turn, so we can not separate. 夫妻就是一个整圆,缺了哪一个,圆就转不起来了,所以我们不能分离。

5、The more full moon, the more we miss the love you! Moon Represents My Heart ... I love you!越是月圆时,越是思念深爱的你!月亮代表我的心...我爱你!

6、Mid Autumn Festival is coming soon. I wish you a happy mid autumn festival. 中秋节快到了,提前祝您中秋节快乐!

7、The Mid-Autumn Festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen; The family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth; Love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever! 中秋是一首长篇史诗,永远漫长永远动情;亲情是一团不灭火焰,永远燃烧永远温暖;爱情是一坛温过美酒,永远劳神永远醉心!

8、On the night of Mid-Autumn Day, may the bright moon and shining stars bring my best wishes to you:Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋的夜晚我将明月和星星排成最美的祝福:中秋快乐!

9、The moon is priceless, both alpine conditions. To your life like this, like the moon 15, Yuanyuanmanman!明月本无价,高山皆有情。愿你的生活就像这十五的月亮一样,圆圆满满!

10、On the night with blooming flowers and a full moon, I want to express my best wishes and blessings. May you have asweet dream!花好月圆人团圆,寄去相思和祝愿,幸福快乐好梦圆。

11、Let the round moon accompany you and me. The bright moon will take my wishes and blessings to you. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future. 让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福… 祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事圆满!

12、Since ancient times, the Mid-Autumn Moon has been the brightest, and the cool breeze will be clear at night. One day, the weather sinks into silver and the sea is full of fish and dragons. 自古中秋月最明,凉风届候夜弥清。一天气象沉银汉,四海鱼龙跃水精。

13、Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn Day. 愿你的生活就象这十五的月亮一样,圆圆满满

14、The Mid-Autumn Festival full moon is more round, fat you can go to reunite with people, because you are the most round. 中秋月圆人更圆,胖嘟嘟的你可以去与人团聚,因为你是最圆的。

15、Full Moon in this moment, I send a belated blessing to you dream of a round, intelligence circle, a more rounded person.在这月圆的时刻,我送一个迟到的祝福,愿你梦圆,情圆,人更圆。

16、Would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight?今晚能邀你一同赏月吗?

17、Now the cakes on the water, with penetration of courier from the moonlight. 现将月饼放在水中,用月光返照原理速递过来。

18、No matter where you are from, regardless that we gather and leave, all those blessings are forever linked in my mind. I wish you success and only things beautiful! 无论天南海北,不论相聚与离别,有份祝福永远挂在我心中,祝你一切圆满美好!

19、Letters, short stories and long speeches are endless. I wish my friends are more healthy. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion. 信短情长言未尽,唯愿朋友多安康。中秋快乐,合家团圆。

20、There are long clouds light poems, light poems are in the joy of continuous, the joy of continuous lightly, I have the greetings, a happy Mid-Autumn festival! 悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的喜悦,绵绵的喜悦里有我轻轻的问候,中秋快乐!

21、Wang cited the first Haoyue, Ningsi matches. If a Seoul company, Wuhan end his life!中秋佳节到了,我要把一年来对你的思念诉说给月老听!

22、May you go out and enjoy good health, good luck, happiness and peace. 愿你出门在外顺利健康、好运绵延、幸福平安!

23、Sweet cakes will be served with my blessings. Wish you a successful life and a bright future. 送上香甜的月饼,连同一颗祝福的心...愿你过的每一天都象十五的月亮一样成功!

24、Send Acacia Thousands of miles in the bright moon! The moon represents my heart! 明月千里寄相思!月亮代表我的心!

25、wish you a happy moment, a happy day, a safe year, a happy life! 祝你有开心的一刻,快乐的一天,平安的一年,幸福的一生!

26、May you have a happy reunion with your family, and I wish you all the best from now on. 愿你与家人过个幸福的团圆节,祝你从此步步高升,万事皆圆满。

27、The moon is boundless and the world is full of affection. May you have a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and have a happy reunion with your family. 风月无边,人间有情,愿你中秋快乐,能与家人过一个美满的团圆节。

28、Although no can eat the moon cake to you, but we want to give you we the mood like the waves pass。 虽然没能吃到你的月饼,但我们想把我们波涛般的心情传递给你。

29、On this special day, I want to send you a light, faint scent to celebrate your colorful life. Happy Mid-Autumn Day, my best friend. 在这特别的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,为你洒脱缤纷的祝福!远方的你,中秋节快乐!

30、Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future 月到是秋分外明,又是一年团圆日,祝你节日愉快,身体安康

31、am glad that you are with me on the full moon night. I want to whisper to you that Happy Mid-Autumn Day,my dearest.很高兴在这月圆之夜你与我相聚在一起。我只想轻轻对你道声中秋快乐,我最亲爱的。

32、Department Yu Cheng met in edge, the bosom friend, a true friend no matter where, always always pay off and love, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival! 相识系于缘,相知系于诚,一个真正的朋友不论在身何处,总时时付出关和爱,愿你中秋快乐!

33、Wishing the full moon is also round. 祝愿月圆人亦圆,把酒赏月笑开颜!

34、On the Mid-Autumn Day, may your life always be filled with happy times and may all your wishes come true. Happy Mid-Autumn Day!中秋佳节来临之际,愿你笑脸如鲜花常开!愿望个个如愿!中秋快乐!

35、Family love, love is a holiday. The moon is full and the Mid Autumn Festival is perfect. 亲情爱情,情系佳节。家园月圆,圆满中秋。

36、A gentle kiss, has touched my heart, a deep feeling, so that I miss now. 轻轻的一个吻,已经打动我的心,深深的一段情,叫我思念到如今。

37、I will tell you the phone numbers of a stranger, he is joking that he would help to the Mid-Autumn full moon night, I tell you; I thought you, I am your mind, heart, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!我将你的手机号码告诉了一个陌生人,他叫月老,他会在中秋月圆夜要帮我告诉你;我心思你,我心念你,我心祝你中秋快乐!

38、Stars shine on nine continents, the moon sends love; thousands of miles apart, two hearts depend on each other. 繁星耀九洲,明月寄相思;千里人相隔,两心遥相依。

39、The mid-autumn night is warm and the moon is bright and quiet. To invite Change Dance to share the worlds longing. 中秋之时夜温馨,十五月圆亮又静。举杯邀请嫦娥舞,共伴人间思念情。

40、When a full moon is a time when I miss you! No matter how far we distance, stop I deeply miss to you! 月圆的时候就是我想念你们的时候!无论我们的距离多遥远,都挡不住我对你深深的思念!

41、Mid-Autumn day looked at the bright moon, bowed their heads and old friend, although I was miss you, but I won't be lonely, because I share it with you in the same round of the moon。 中秋节抬头望明月,低头思故人,虽然我很是想你,但我不会寂寞,因为我与你在分享同一轮明月。

42、The moon is full, it is time to send blessings, in the breeze, under the moon, wish you and your family a happy reunion, happiness and well-being. 月儿圆了,是该送祝福了,细风里,明月下,愿你和家人团圆美满,幸福安康。

43、Its almost Mid-Autumn Festival. Happy holidays to you! Have a good mood every day, remember to call me! 快到中秋了,祝福你节日快乐!天天拥有一份好心情,记得给我打电话啊!

44、today is a full moon night, on three-under for you to: a child to dream of a round like, two days more than willing to sweet cakes, like beauty to three months cents. 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。

45、Soft wind yurun elixir of love, sweet happy life! Winter spring water in smoke, year Mid-Autumn festival here! The time when it is past, the life must drink。 A happy Mid-Autumn festival! 风柔雨润花好月圆,幸福生活好甜!冬去春来似水如烟,一年中秋在眼前!流年不复返,人生须尽欢。中秋快乐!

46、The magpie bridge broke on July 7 and the baby circled on August 15. The Bodhisattva Hospital is warm in the sun and cool in the autumn. The moon is infinite and full. 七月七日鹊桥断,八月十五月儿圆。日暖秋凉菩提院,月儿无限月长圆。

47、Mid Autumn Festival, I wish you a family reunion, happy forever! 中秋佳节到,祝您合家团圆,幸福万年长!

48、Its better to spend a good person, to reunite a full moon, to have a thousand knots in ones heart, to know each other. 花好人更好,月圆人团圆,心有千千结,自有人相知。

49、Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.在这团聚的日子里祝你全家节日快乐。

50、Another fragrant season of Dangui, missing at this moment condensation, I wish my friends happiness in this Mid-Autumn Festival! 又一个丹桂飘香的季节,思念在这一刻凝聚,祝愿我的朋友在这个中秋节幸福!

51、When the Mid Autumn Festival comes, I hope your wallet will be round and round. 中秋佳节到,愿你钱包圆鼓鼓,万事圆通通。

52、You cakes I stuffing, smell the meeting; You are my kite is the line, recovery being chased by you; You Mingyue I Springs, menu 10,000 years!你是月饼我是馅,缠缠绵绵总见面;你是风筝我是线,追追逐逐把你牵;你是明月我是泉,圆圆满满一万年!

53、bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry mid-autumn day and a happy life.皓月闪烁,星光闪耀,中秋佳节,美满快乐!

54、This most beautiful holiday, I want to send you the most special blessing. 这个最美丽的节日,想送你最特别的祝福。

55、When the wind blows, I miss you. When the moon is full, I am thinking of you. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, remember to keep in touch. 当风起的时候,我在想你。当月圆的时候,我在念你。中秋快乐,记得常联系。

56、In this special day, send a touch of Qingxiang,洒脱fun for your blessing! Afar you, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!在这特别的日子里,送一份淡淡的清香,为你洒脱缤纷的祝福!远方的你,中秋节快乐!

57、Thousands of mountains and rivers, I miss you in the holidays. 千山万水,隔不断我在佳节对你的思念。

58、The autumn is clear and the autumn moon is bright. Acacia knows when, at this time this night embarrassed. 秋天清,秋月明;落叶还散,栖复惊。相思相见知何日,此时此夜难为情。

59、wish you a prosperous career, a happy holiday and hard work. 祝您人圆家圆事业旺,节日愉快身体硬,心想事成保准赢!

60、The Mid-Autumn Festival is here. Happy holidays to you! The earth is too dangerous. Lets go to the moon. 中秋到了,祝你节日愉快!地球太危险,还是到月球上去吧!

