

随着人们精神需求逐渐增加,越来越多的人闲暇时喜欢观影看剧,在网上讨论度很高的电影电视剧就值得大家去看。在观影过程中可以启迪我们的心灵,让我们了解其他人对世界的看法,经典台词能让我们记住那些值得铭记的场景和情境, 您觉得电影电视剧中的哪句台词最让您有共鸣?请欣赏栏目小编精心准备的《英文台词》,敬请您阅读并收藏本文句子!


1、"I need to practice my piano for at least an hour every day." - 我需要每天至少练习一个小时的钢琴。


3、If God had gifted me with some beauty And much wealth,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave youI am not talking to you now through the medium of custom,convenionalties, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the gave, And we stood at Gods feet,equal-as we are!yJs21.CoM


5、"Do you want to go out for ice cream later?" - 你想晚点出去吃冰淇淋吗?


7、in your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years

8、"I fight for a brighter tomorrow." - 我为更加美好的明天而战斗。

9、"Never underestimate the power of the scout's code." - 绝不要低估斥候守则的威力。

10、Close your eyes, everything is deserted, and all that remains is despair.


12、"You will remember Yorick Mori, for I will not be forgotten." 你们会记住约里克·莫里,因为我不会被遗忘。

13、"My blades will do the talking, and you will be silenced." 我的刀刃会代表我说话,而你会被沉默。

14、we are never so happy nor so unhappy as we imagine——我们永远不会像自己所想象的那么幸福,也永远不会像自己所想象的那么痛苦

15、"Let's get in there and mix it up." - 让我们进去混一场。

16、"I will kill you, and you will know my name." 我会杀了你,你会知道我的名字。

17、"I may be outnumbered, but never outmatched." - 可能我人数不足,但绝不会被打败。



20、dad的中文意思是:爸爸读音:英[dæd]美[dæd] 复数:dads词汇搭配:ho-dad丑八怪双语例句:妈和爸从来没有对任何一件事有一致的看法。扩展资料:近义词1、daddy 读音:英['dædi]美['dædi]n.爸爸Thegirloverthereaboutsixyearsoldcalledhimdaddy.那边那个大约六岁的女孩叫他爸爸。2、papa 读音:英[pə'pɑː]美['pɑːpə]n.爸爸Thelittleboyaskedhispapatotakehimoutside.小男孩让爸爸带他出去。3、Dada 读音:英['dɑːdɑː]美['dɑːdɑː]n.爸爸;达达主义爸爸看我写了半个点时的钢笔字。

21、Dont be too mean to those who love you. There are few people who really treat you well in their whole lives.



23、I will learn to forget you, just as you forget me.



26、Dont disguise yourself in front of me. Youre a fake.

27、In addition to the movie, no one will wait for you for four or five years. To put it bluntly, emotion is nothing without connection.

28、love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow when the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere friend is who can give you strength at last

29、Love is not long with, except death is betrayal.

30、Love at first sight, but only the color of the intention.

31、if love is a mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while women will see fewer men——如果爱情像座山,男人越往上走可以俯视的女人就越多,而女人越往上走可以仰视的男人就越少。

32、"I long for a worthy opponent." - 我渴望一个有价值的对手。

33、"Fear not, I will make sure you die with honor." - 不要害怕,我会确保你光荣牺牲。


35、Understand your tears.




39、"I'm sorry I can't come to your party, I have too much work to do." - 很抱歉我不能来参加你的聚会,我太忙了。

40、"I'm feeling really tired today, I think I need to get more sleep." - 今天我感到非常疲惫,我想我需要多睡一些。

41、one may fall in love with many people during the lifetime when you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love


