











(2) 时间:2014年5月12日19:30


(4) 主题:我是一名大学生




(6) 要求:①演讲不得超过规定时间;





参赛选手的分数由两部分组成 :定题演讲部分(该部分占总分的70%) 回答问题部分(该部分占总分的30%)

评分细则为: 发音15分内容30分仪态仪表10分语言能力20分应变能力15分总体印象10分总分100分








1、 二、三等奖获得者参加决赛,2013级第




大家晚上好!各位收听了今晚的国美之声了吗?下面是今天的录音文稿xxx月xxx号录音文稿:xxx和 xxx——有关苹果的一切


Joanna:Today we are talking about some fruit-related idioms.

Jakki: That's right. Today we are going to be looking at, in particular apples. So I think everyone knows about apples. Apples they come in so many different varieties. And for some reason in English, there are so many different idioms and sayings around apples.

Joanna: 苹果好像在英美文化中有非常重要的文化属性,所以有很多的idiom短语是跟苹果有关的。

Jakki: That's right, so we're going to take a look at a few here. So starting off, “as American as apple pie”, basically saying that apple pie is the epitome of being American, and so if you’re as American as apple pie, then you’re just very American.

Joanna:苹果馅饼是非常具有美国特色的一种食品,as American as apple pie 就是说像苹果馅饼一样极具美国特色。

Jakki: Yeah, so baseball, jeans, hamburgers, the American flag, fireworks on fourth of July, things like that.

Joanna: Disney, something like that.

Jakki: Yes, as American as apple pie. And the second one, you can compare “apples and oranges”. This is actually one of my favorite because what happens a lot of times that people like to make comparisons between what seem like are similar things. Apple and orange are both fruits, but if you look at them, it's impossible to compare them because they are so different.

Joanna: 当你在指出别人逻辑上的错误时你可以用这个短语comparing apples and oranges, 就是把完全不一样的.东西放在一起比较。

Jakki: Right. There's “apple of someone’s eye”, so a favorite or a well-like person. So for example, my lover is the apple of my eye.

Joanna: So for anyone who has heard the song "you're the apple of my eye", right?

Jakki: I have no idea what that is.

Joanna: What? Are you an American?

John:I am, but not as American as apple pie.

Xiaohua: Yeah, that's what I'm going to say. 所以apple of one's eye 就是极为珍视的人,非常珍爱的人。

John: Then “the apple never falls far from the tree”, so a person’s personality traits are close to those of the person’s parents. This can be good and bad, in fact. And usually the way I remember to hearing it is in a negative context. You know his parents or her parents, they won't very nice people. The apple really falls far from the tree.

Joanna: I see. 这有点像中文里的有其父必有其子,“苹果落地离树不远”也是这个意思,这个短语有褒义也有贬义,但这里好像贬义的应用居多

Jakki: Then “as sure as God made little green apples” basically just means that you are very certain. So I'm sure this, as sure as God made little green apples.

Joanna:当你对一件事情确认无疑毫无疑问的时候你就可以说as sure as God made little green apples.

Jakki: Then to be a “bad apple” or a “rotten apple” is to be a bad person. You can also say that “one bad (or rotten) apple can spoil the whole bunch (or barrel)” implies that one flawed person can basically undermine an effort or a group, and you can be “rotten to the core” to be thoroughly bad or worthless.





jakki:welcome to DoubleJ‘s Talk Show. i'm Jakki

joanna:i'm joanna

jakki:wow.joanna,what is today's topic?

joanna: let’s talk about a little bit about parents using WeChat. Internet social network used to be young people’s new form of diary in which they can confide, but not anymore. Nowadays more and more parents start to follow their kids on WeChat and check out their “Friend Circle”. Well before asking the question I should say that nobody should treat WeChat or social network as new form of diary. Whether their parents are spying or not. Period. But you think that the whole parents getting involved in social media for their kids, as heartwarming or annoying?

jakki: I think the issue is that the parents are using this to intrude upon their children’s lives, both in terms of when their teenagers and so in school, but also as adults. Obviously they don’t live with their parents anymore but their parents follow them on WeChat or on Weibo. And then they actively comment and maybe get in touch directly like you know you post something at midnight then your parents call you and said “Why are you still up!” I think that’s the biggest problem. And I think as a parent you have to be very very careful because that is damaging to the relationship with your children. Especially as they get older they have a greater sense of autonomy. One of the reasons they moved out of the house is because don’t want you telling them what time to go to bed. And so I think on the one hand it’s important for parents to be involved in their children’s lives and more and more we’re seeing that are lives are happening more and more online. And so as a parent if I want to involve in my child’s life as much as possible, part of that is going to be involved their life online. But like I said there’s that very very fine line, difficult for many parents I imagine, you know when do you say something and when do you not. I think really if you want to know as much about what your kids are doing, don’t say anything, unless it’s amazingly important.

joanna: Yeah that’s a very good point and I think that’s probably a lifelong lesson for a parent to learn. Well but on the other hand I still sort of feel that for the children if they are posting this stuff online and all this is in your “Friend Circle” on WeChat and you know your parents are on the contact list then I mean come on…






B:Hello,everyone..Nice to see you again! Welcome to our Happy English Time同学们,大家好,我们的快乐英语广播站又和大家见面啦。

A:Dear schoolmates,Are you ready? Ok, Follow us and enjoy it!亲爱的同学们,你们准备好了吗?跟着我们一起享受今天好听的节目吧!


AB:首先,请同学们进入我们的第一个版块:“Say you Say me”,说你说我。下面请同学听下面这个对话。

A:Hi,Dean,you look so sad,what happened?(嗨,Dean,你不高兴吗?怎么了?发生什么了?)

B:I’ll never talk with Jack.(我再也不会和杰克玩了。)


B:Just now he called me“a lucky dog”,I am not a dog,he is really a dog .(刚才他说我是一条幸运的`狗,我才不是狗,他才是狗,一条愚蠢的狗。)

A:Oh,my god,you misunderstand him.(噢,你误会了他。)



英美人非常看重狗,认为dog是“忠诚、可靠”的象征。经常能听到他们赞美dog是man’s best friend.他们还常用它来比喻人,如a clever dog(聪明的孩子),a lucky dog(幸运儿)等。甚至,我们大家都非常熟悉的洋快餐—hot dog,也离不开狗。还有不少带dog的谚语还体现了对狗的爱护。如love me,love my dog,爱屋及乌dog does not eat dog同类不相残.





jakki:welcome to DoubleJ‘s Talk Show. i'm Jakki

joanna:i'm joanna

jakki:wow.joanna,what is today's topic?

joanna: let’s talk about a little bit about parents using WeChat. Internet social network used to be young people’s new form of diary in which they can confide, but not anymore. Nowadays more and more parents start to follow their kids on WeChat and check out their “Friend Circle”. Well before asking the question I should say that nobody should treat WeChat or social network as new form of diary. Whether their parents are spying or not. Period. But you think that the whole parents getting involved in social media for their kids, as heartwarming or annoying?

jakki: I think the issue is that the parents are using this to intrude upon their children’s lives, both in terms of when their teenagers and so in school, but also as adults. Obviously they don’t live with their parents anymore but their parents follow them on WeChat or on Weibo. And then they actively comment and maybe get in touch directly like you know you post something at midnight then your parents call you and said “Why are you still up!” I think that’s the biggest problem. And I think as a parent you have to be very very careful because that is damaging to the relationship with your children. Especially as they get older they have a greater sense of autonomy. One of the reasons they moved out of the house is because don’t want you telling them what time to go to bed. And so I think on the one hand it’s important for parents to be involved in their children’s lives and more and more we’re seeing that are lives are happening more and more online. And so as a parent if I want to involve in my child’s life as much as possible, part of that is going to be involved their life online. But like I said there’s that very very fine line, difficult for many parents I imagine, you know when do you say something and when do you not. I think really if you want to know as much about what your kids are doing, don’t say anything, unless it’s amazingly important.

joanna: Yeah that’s a very good point and I think that’s probably a lifelong lesson for a parent to learn. Well but on the other hand I still sort of feel that for the children if they are posting this stuff online and all this is in your “Friend Circle” on WeChat and you know your parents are on the contact list then I mean come on…





jakki:welcome to DoubleJ‘s Talk Show. i'm Jakki

joanna:i'm joanna

jakki:wow.joanna,what is today's topic?

joanna: let’s talk about a little bit about parents using WeChat. Internet social network used to be young people’s new form of diary in which they can confide, but not anymore. Nowadays more and more parents start to follow their kids on WeChat and check out their “Friend Circle”. Well before asking the question I should say that nobody should treat WeChat or social network as new form of diary. Whether their parents are spying or not. Period. But you think that the whole parents getting involved in social media for their kids, as heartwarming or annoying?

jakki: I think the issue is that the parents are using this to intrude upon their children’s lives, both in terms of when their teenagers and so in school, but also as adults. Obviously they don’t live with their parents anymore but their parents follow them on WeChat or on Weibo. And then they actively comment and maybe get in touch directly like you know you post something at midnight then your parents call you and said “Why are you still up!” I think that’s the biggest problem. And I think as a parent you have to be very very careful because that is damaging to the relationship with your children. Especially as they get older they have a greater sense of autonomy. One of the reasons they moved out of the house is because don’t want you telling them what time to go to bed. And so I think on the one hand it’s important for parents to be involved in their children’s lives and more and more we’re seeing that are lives are happening more and more online. And so as a parent if I want to involve in my child’s life as much as possible, part of that is going to be involved their life online. But like I said there’s that very very fine line, difficult for many parents I imagine, you know when do you say something and when do you not. I think really if you want to know as much about what your kids are doing, don’t say anything, unless it’s amazingly important.

joanna: Yeah that’s a very good point and I think that’s probably a lifelong lesson for a parent to learn. Well but on the other hand I still sort of feel that for the children if they are posting this stuff online and all this is in your “Friend Circle” on WeChat and you know your parents are on the contact list then I mean come on…


better english, better life!












2) 字母、单词、间距合理,密度正确,标点符号正确。所有字母应略向右倾斜,窄和宽应协调一致,并一笔画完。

3) 抄袭的文章没有涂改痕迹,没有错别字,不缺词,不重词。整件作品美观整洁,富有艺术感。




比赛时间:第13周海选、复赛[作文5000网 M.ZW5000.com]




1) 发音规范,发音清晰,发音语调流畅自然,语速适中。

2) 反应迅速,语言能力强。

3) 她优雅得体,能灵活运用语速、语调和手势来提高表演效果。

3、 英语教师公开课参与者:武琳、杨柳


we have looked forward to today for a long time—that is a whole year ,twelve months.

We come here to show our spirit; we come here to gain scores. Although our team did not get a high mark at last sports meeting, We do have confidence that we will do better this time.

Never say “I can not ”,because you can. During last year,文理(art & science)apartment has encouraged students to take part in sports issues,basketball,volleyball,volleyball,football,tennis,etc.

Dur apartment has chosen good qualified athletes for today’s sports meet .All of them sign that they will try their best during cmpetition.

And also ,we have got a good jurnalist team.Their job is to report the result in time,to encourage the athletes and to connect with other apartments.

Where there is a competition,there is cheer team.Students who do not take part in sports programs,can also play an important role.To cheer up,to higher the atmosphere and to help encouraging.

We will do our best!


