


英语教案 篇1

Title: Learning English with Love for Lotus


Teaching English using the topic of "Love for Lotus" or "Ai Lian" is an innovative approach to engage students in learning. This teaching plan aims to incorporate various activities, exercises, and discussions to enhance students' language skills while immersing them in the natural beauty of nature, specifically the lotus flower. By interconnecting language acquisition and appreciation for the lotus, students will develop a deeper understanding and connection with both English and Chinese culture.


- To develop students' English language skills through a unique and inspiring topic.

- To enhance students' vocabulary related to lotus and nature.

- To encourage creative thinking and expression through writing and speaking activities.

- To foster appreciation for natural beauty and Chinese culture.


1. Warm-up: (15 minutes)

- Start the class by showing pictures of lotus flowers and asking students what they know about them.

- Discuss the significance and symbolism of lotus in Chinese culture.

- Elicit vocabulary related to lotus, such as petals, bloom, serene, beauty, etc.

2. Introduction to "Ai Lian" poem: (20 minutes)

- Introduce the famous Chinese poem "Ai Lian" (Love for Lotus) by Lin Qingxuan.

- Provide a brief background about the poem and the poet.

- Read the poem aloud, focusing on the melody and rhythm.

- Play a recording of the poem being recited to enhance students' listening skills.

3. Vocabulary Building: (15 minutes)

- Create a word wall with lotus-related vocabulary.

- Have students match the vocabulary words with their meanings.

- Provide examples of sentences using the vocabulary words.

- Engage in various activities like word association games, crossword puzzles, etc.

4. Writing Activity: (25 minutes)

- Ask students to reflect on why they think the poet wrote about lotus.

- Instruct them to write a short essay (150-200 words) on the beauty of lotus and its symbolism in their culture.

- Encourage students to be imaginative and descriptive in their writing.

5. Speaking Activity: (20 minutes)

- Divide students into pairs or groups to discuss their essays.

- Allow students to share their thoughts on the significance of lotus and its relevance in today's world.

- Conduct a class discussion based on the group discussions, highlighting different perspectives and opinions.

6. Extension Activity: (25 minutes)

- Show a video or images of a lotus pond.

- Have students describe what they see and express their emotions in English.

- Engage in a group activity where students create a short skit or dialogue based on lotus-related themes.


Using the theme of "Love for Lotus" or "Ai Lian" as a teaching tool is an excellent way to captivate students' attention and foster a love for English language learning. By incorporating literature, vocabulary building, writing, speaking, and real-life connections, students are encouraged to think critically, express themselves creatively, and appreciate the beauty around them. This integrated approach creates a memorable and meaningful language learning experience for the students while deepening their cultural understanding.

英语教案 篇2



2.学习句子Here you are and Sure。














What do you like?

I like a red/ballon

重复几遍后,教师用动作帮助学生理解Here you are的含义。




教师发指令Show me




Pair work:每组中一人发指令,其他人进行活动



I like green.What colour do you like ?


I like




Pair work






T:What colour is the ballon?

Do you like the red/ballon?










英语教案 篇3


1、学会说 reading、 singing、 drawing、 dancing,并知道其意思;复习单词ru ing、walking 、hop。







reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing的图片各一幅


一、Warm up :

1 Greeting——《Hello》song ;

2 Review——sing the《Ru ing》song;

二、Gue ,what am I dong ? ——reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing;



3、Game : 《I say , you do》

If I say “reading”, you are reading; If I say “singing”, you aresinging……

三、Look at the pictures ,and follow me say the words;and tell mewhat`s the words ` meaning .

1、Practice :Game《I do ,you say》

If I am reading, you say the word “reading”; If I am singing, yousay the word “singing”……

2、Game《Traffic lights》

Teacher: If I point to green light , you should follow me say theword (reading、 singing、 drawing、dancing), If I point to red light ,you should be no voice .

四、Game : 《Wood man》

All the children make a big circle , sing a song ,when I say stop, you should be a wood man , do nothing .

五、Cla is over: sing《 Say Good bye》

小百科:Let`s Do It 翻译为“让我们开始吧”或“让我们行动吧”。这句话本来是let us do it .逐字翻译就是“让我们做它”,“让我们做这件事”。

英语教案 篇4


主题:My Family(我的家庭)


1. 学会向他人介绍自己的家庭情况。

2. 掌握描述家庭成员特点的词汇和句型。

3. 培养爱家庭、爱家人、关心他人的意识。


1. 学会正确使用家庭成员的词汇。

2. 根据所学词汇和句型进行简单的句子描述。


1. 学会描述家庭成员的特点。

2. 用英语简单地询问和回答家庭成员的情况。




Step 1: Warm-up

1. Let's sing a song "My Family"

2. T: Do you have a family? Can you tell me something about your family? (学生回答)

T: How many people are there in your family?

T: Who are they?

T: What are their names?

T: What do they do?

T: Do you love your family members?

Step 2: Presentation

1. T: Look, here is a picture of my family. Let me introduce them to you. This is my father. His name is Mike. He is a doctor. He is tall and strong. He likes playing basketball. And this is my mother. Her name is Mary. She is a teacher. She is kind and beautiful. She likes cooking. I love my parents very much. What about you? Can you introduce your family members to your friends?

2. 教师以相似的方式介绍学生自己的家人给全班:My mother/father/brother/sister…… His/Her name is…… He/She is…… He/She likes…… Do you love your family members?

Step 3: Listening and Speaking

1. T: Now let's listen to a dialogue about Lily's family. Please listen carefully and choose the correct pictures. (播放录音)

2. T: Now tell me what you have heard. Who are Lily’s family members? What are their names? What do they do? What are their hobbies? (学生回答)

3. 小组练习:让学生在小组内互相介绍自己的家庭成员情况。

Step 4: Vocabulary

1. T: Let's learn some vocabulary. (出示图片) father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother

2. T: Now let's read the words together. (学生跟读)

3. T: Can you match the words with the pictures? (学生进行匹配)

Step 5: Grammar

1. T: Now let's learn some sentences to describe family members.

This is my father. He is tall and strong.

My mother is kind and beautiful.

My brother is funny and active.

My sister is cute and smart.

My grandfather is old and wise.

My grandmother is gentle and caring.

2. 教师示范,学生模仿。

Step 6: Reading

1. T: Now let's read a story about Tommy's family. (出示故事书《我的家人》)

2. T: It's your turn to read. Read the story with your partners. (学生分组合作朗读)

3. T: Who can retell the story to me?

Step 7: Speaking

1. T: Let's play a role-play. Please act out a dialogue with your partner.

A: Can you introduce your family members to me?

B: Sure. This is my father…

2. 学生分角色扮演,展示对话。

Step 8: Homework

1. Interview your family members and write a short passage to describe your family. (询问家人的情况,并且用英语写一篇小短文描述自己的家庭。)

2. 课堂作业检查。


My Family

Vocabulary: father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother

Sentences: This is my father. He is tall and strong.

My mother is kind and beautiful.

My brother is funny and active.

My sister is cute and smart.

My grandfather is old and wise.

My grandmother is gentle and caring.



英语教案 篇5


1.能听懂、会说、认读数字词:fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty

2.能听懂、会说单词let's 、count

3.能听懂、会说、认读询问物品数量的句型“How many books/pens/… do you have?”


能熟练运用句型“How many books/pens/…do you have?”询问物品的数量,并能用I have…回答。




2.能运用How many....do you have?询问20以内物品的数量并回答。





1.Sing an English song: Head, shoulders.



(1)师生边打手势边说数字,复习one two three four five之后,小老师打手势,其他学生抢答数字,倒着数。

(2)Free talk:接龙问答How many colors /rulers/erasers/schoolbags/pens/pencils /books…等。(设计意图:既巩固了上节课的内容,又为新句型的学习做好了铺垫。)


1.教师出示自己的英语书说:“I have a book.”接着教师指着一个学生桌上的三本书说:“ How many books do you have?(板书)”请该生边数边答:“one,two,three…I have three books.(板书) ”师领读这组句型,之后师生问答、男女生问答操练。(师示范并强调books中s的发音/s/)再找一个学生把他所在的`那一行6个学生的英语书收起来,师指着一书较多的学生问“ How many books do you have?”请该生边数边答one,two,three,four,five,数到6,师出示单词卡six新授,师领读,升降调读,大小声、快慢速读,one by one纠音。

2.看课文插图,听录音,整体感知课文内容,让学生画出数字词,之后,找学生交流听到的数字词,师出示单词卡片依次教授seven, eight, nine, ten。 “seven”强调“v”的发音要上齿轻咬下唇。通过大小声读、爬音高读,击掌练习等方式操练单词。



2.出示课件用What's missing?的形式复习数字词。




6.学生看Let's play部分的课文,听录音,模仿跟读。


1.师生练习对话,同位俩使用“How many… do you have?”“I have…”句型进行问答练习。找几组展示。

2.四人一组,沿用上节课表格,使用“How many… do you have?”“I have…”句型调查小组成员有多少文具,完成以下表格,进行问答练习,提醒学生尽量用整句话“I have one/two…”进行回答。(本节课主要学的是数字6-10,所以可提前告诉学生每样文具尽量准备的数量多点儿)


name pen pencil ruler eraser book schoolbag pencil-case

Li Ming


3. Let's play.部分。让学生观察画面,读一读,找到同一字母的大小写并连线,看看哪些学生找得最快。

五、 Summary




2.使用“How many......do you have?”句型去询问别人拥有多少物品。






Unit6 How many

英语教案 篇6

一. Teaching Time:


Lesson Time:

二.Teaching aims and demands:

(一)1. Four skills: month, January, February, March, April.

2. Three skills: January is the first month of the year.

3. Let's make and talk.

制作相册。要求用以下句式进行交流:It’s January. She is skating. In March, the children plant


4. Let's read and chant.

(二)Teaching Affection

1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.

2. To teach the Ss how to say the first month to fourth month of the


三.Teaching important points and difficult points:

1. Words: month, January, February, March, April.

2. Sentence: January is the first month of the year.

四.Teaching methods:

1. Communication Teaching Method.

2. Direct Teaching Method.

3. Reading and writing.

4. TPR.

五.Teaching aids:




六.Lesson type: New Lesson

七.Teaching Steps:

1. Warming-up / Revision (3’)

1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.

2)Review the words : January, February, March, April.

2. Presentation (20 ’)

1)教师提问学生的生日:Whose birthday is in January / February / March/ April?

让生日在1~4月的学生到前边逐个介绍自己的生日,例如:Hi! I'm xx.My birthday is in


is .... Start! 学生开始抢答,答对者得一分。看看谁的瞬间记忆好。



3)Just write.

3. Practice (17 ’)

1)教师请学生分成小组完成学生用书第50页的制作讨论活动。鼓励学生联想以前学过的句型来交流,例:Who is this? Where is he /

she? Do you like ... ?

2)Let's read and chant

4. Assessment

Finish the activity book about the lesson.

5. Additional activities/Homework

1)Finish the activity book.


八. Blackboard design:

英语教案 篇7






















英语教案 篇8



My Favorite Place

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to share with you my favorite place. This place is very special to me because it holds many precious memories. Can you guess where it is?

My favorite place is a small beach town called Xiamen, located in the southeast of China. Xiamen is a beautiful city with breathtaking scenery and a rich cultural heritage. Let me tell you why I love this place so much.

First of all, the natural scenery in Xiamen is absolutely stunning. The city is surrounded by crystal-clear water and picturesque mountains. The air is fresh and the weather is mild all year round. Every time I visit Xiamen, I take long walks on the beach, listening to the sound of waves crashing against the shore. The gentle sea breeze and the warm sunshine bring me a sense of peace and relaxation. It is the perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

In addition to its natural beauty, Xiamen also has a rich cultural heritage. The city is known for its unique architecture, especially the famous Gulangyu Island. It is a car-free island filled with colonial-era buildings and beautiful gardens. Whenever I visit Gulangyu, I feel like I have traveled back in time. The streets are lined with old-fashioned shops, cafés, and museums. I love walking through its narrow alleyways, exploring hidden corners and admiring the intricate details of the buildings. It is a place where history and modernity merge perfectly.

Furthermore, the people in Xiamen are warm and friendly. They always welcome visitors with open arms and are eager to share their culture and traditions. Whenever I come to Xiamen, I am greeted by smiling faces and helpful locals. They are proud of their city and are willing to show me around, introducing me to their famous local cuisine and traditional customs. I have made many friends in Xiamen and they have become like a second family to me.

In conclusion, Xiamen is my favorite place because of its breathtaking natural scenery, rich cultural heritage, and friendly people. It is a place where I can relax, immerse myself in history, and connect with the local community. If you ever have the chance to visit Xiamen, I highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed! Thank you for listening.


英语教案 篇9



1. 了解明朝文化名人杨慎及其诗歌《临江仙·滁州西涧》;

2. 了解古代中国与外国交流情况;

3. 了解“东方美学”概念;

4. 通过漫画、视频等形式,学习英语表达能力;

5. 提升学生的英语听说能力。


1. 杨慎与《临江仙·滁州西涧》;

2. 古代中国与外国交流;

3. “东方美学”概念;

4. 漫画、视频等学习英语表达能力。


1. 讲授、演示、操作、互动、练习;

2. 图片、视频、音频、文本等多媒体手段;[一起合同网 hC179.com]

3. 小组讨论、角色扮演等互动形式。


1. 导入环节


2. 学习杨慎和《临江仙·滁州西涧》



3. 介绍古代中国与外国交流




4. 学习“东方美学”概念



5. 漫画、视频等学习英语表达能力



6. 总结及作业布置




1. 学生能够了解和掌握“爱莲说英语”这一主题的相关内容,掌握一定的文化知识;

2. 学生能够运用音视频等多媒体工具,提高英语听说能力;

3. 学生能够积极参与互动环节,促进合作与交流;

4. 学生能够灵活运用中西文化知识进行思考和表达。

英语教案 篇10

教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说单词a tape, a pencil sharpener, a knife, a crayon

2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语What’s this/that in/on the…? What’s this/that in English? It’s … Come here. 并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。要求读音正确,语调自然。

T: (PPT 1 显示课题) Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

T: 同学们你们好,我是你们的新朋友,My name is May. 我的名字是May。今天由我来和你们一起学习三年级第一单元Unit 1 My school bag,现在我们就开始吧!

T: 首先我们来玩一个游戏复习已经学过的单词和句子。请你看老师出示的图片,猜一猜它们都是些什么呢?(PPT 2)然后回答老师的问题What’s this?和What’s that? 你可以怎么回答呢?对了,你可以回答It’s a/an… 记住了吗?好,我们开始吧!(PPT 显示图片剪影×4,教师带领学生问答)

T: OK! Good! 你们回答的真好!现在老师要把几样东西分别放到不同的地方,请你仔细看好回答老师的问题 (PPT 3显示图片,若干物品分别放在桌子上椅子上盒子里面和上面。)

T: Look! What’s that on/in the …? (PPT 3点击显现物品)

T:同学们,刚才老师是怎么样用英语来问在某处的某样东西是什么的呢?你还记得吗?对了,老师是在原来我们学过的句子后面加上了物品所在的位置。例如What’s this on the desk?是想问在桌子上的这个是什么。请你也来读一读.(带读) 再例如What’s that on the …? 是想问… 请你也来读一读。

T:在这里老师还想提醒大家介词in 和on的区别,(PPT4显示帮助解释) in 表示在……里面,例如What’s this in the box? 盒子里面的是什么?而on 表示在……上面,例如What’s this on the box? 盒子上面的是什么?好,现在你都懂了吗?老师来考考你。(拿铅笔盒和一只铅笔,分别放在里面和上面,带领学生问和答,进一步解释说明)

(本步骤设计说明:教师首先通过游戏带领学生复习旧知并过渡到新句子的学习,这样的层次有助于学生自然接受新知识。同时通过讲解和教授,帮助学生理解,体会in 和on这两个介词的区别,突破重点难点。)

1 T: Now boys and girls, let’s look at these boy and girl. Who are they? 同学们,现在我们来看看这两位小朋友,他们是谁呢? (PPT5显示Yang Ling 和Wang Bing) Yes, they’re Yang Ling and Wang Bing. Yang Ling is in Wang Bing’s house today. 今天杨玲在王兵的家里,他们在说什么呢?我们一起来看一看吧!(播放课文动画)

2.T: 好,现在你知道他们在谈论什么了吗?对了,他们在谈论王兵的文具呢!那么他们谈论了哪几样文具呢?请你听课文对话,把他们谈论到的文具选出来。(PPT 6显示待选文具和听力要求)(播放课文录音)

3.T: OK. 他们到底谈论了哪几样文具呢?请你和同学讨论讨论。

T: 好,我们一起来看看正确答案。他们谈论了这四样文具,你会用英语说一说这些文具吗?首先我们来看What’s this in English? Yes, it’s a tape. And what’s this in English? It’s a pencil sharpener. 很好。这个呢?What’s this in English?这个用英语怎么说呢?Yes, it’s a knife. (教授带读knife) 最后What’s this in English? Yes, it’s a crayon. (教授带读crayon)

4. T: 同学们现在你知道怎样询问某样物品用英语怎么说了吗? 我们可以问:What’s this/that in English? in English是用英语表示的意思。(带读词组和句子) 现在就请你看着这几样文具用What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an …来问答。首先请你来看看以下两位同学是怎样对话的吧!

5. T: 好了,现在我们来跟随杨玲和王兵一起来说一说。请听课文动画跟读。

6. T: Very good! 现在你能来自己读一读课文吗?

7. T: 同学们,现在请你来当杨玲,跟电脑上的王兵来对对话。

8.T: 好,现在请和一位同学搭档表演课文。首先请你来看看这两位同学的表演吧!(学生演示表演课文)

(本步骤设计说明:本部分教师直接引出课文中的两个人物,让学生通过看初步感知课文,在通过听理解课文内容,从待选物品中选出他们所谈论到的文具并进行新单词和句型的教授,此部分的重点应转移到句型What’s this/that in English?这个问句上。在此基础上再让学生跟读学习课文,在充分的读和理解的基础上进行课文表演。)

1. T: 今天我们学习了两种新的提问方式,(PPT小结)一种是询问在某处的某样物品是什么,我们可以问:What’s this/that on/in…? 这里我们不但要注意物品的远近,还要注意物品的位置,如果物品离我们比较近,我们应该用代词this;如果比较远,应该用代词that;如果物品是在某样东西的上面,我们应该用介词on;如果物品是在某样东西的里面,我们应该用介词in。另一种提问的方式是询问某样物品用英语怎样表达,我们可以问:What’s this/that in English? 而这两种提问方式都可以用It’s a/an …来回答。你都明白了吗?好,现在我们就用今天所学的内容来编对话进行表演。(提供四个场景,让学生4选1进行表演)

2. T: 首先请你们来看看这几位同学所编的对话吧,说不定会对你有所启发哦!(学生演示表演编对话)

T: 本节课中我们一起跟随杨玲和王兵学习了如何询问在某处的某些物品是什么,还学会了询问某样物品用英语怎样表达,希望你在课后认真复习课文,我们下节课再见。Bye!

2、 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 What’s …plus /minus…? It’s…That’s right/Sorry , you are wrong.

教学重点:1、 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 What’s …plus /minus…? It’s… That’s right/Sorry , you are wrong.

教学难点:1、 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 What’s …plus /minus…? It’s… That’s right/Sorry , you are wrong.

教学准备:1、 教具准备 课前准备 数字卡片,加减法的符号 “+ -”



Step1. Free talk:

3、花样数数:如隔5就说:It’s me ! / 接龙数/ E Funhouse : 说前一个数或后一个数(可适当增加难度,如前二个等)


What’s the time now ?

It’s … o’clock.

Is it time to …?

Yes, let’s / No , it’s time to …


What’s the time ?

Work in pairs :

Step2. Presentation and practice

T: What’s the time now ?

T: Let’s go to the supermarket .

T: By bike . I’d like some …. Look , how much is it ?

It’s __x yuan .

T: I’d like two hambergers. How much ?

T: I’d like two cakes. How much ?

T: What’s ten plus ten ?

What’s five plus five ?

板书:What’s ____ plus _____ ? It’s ______. √ That’s right.

T: Good morning . What do you want ?

S: I’d like ….How much ?

T: (板书 12+12= 24 ) Twenty-four yuan.

T: Good morning. I’d like two T-shirts.

S: 40+40=80 Eighty yuan.

T: Sorry . Here you are .Would you please give me a change( 请找钱)。

S:100-80=20 Here you are,. Twenty yuan.

板书:What’s ____ minus ____ ? It’s ______.

T: What’s _____ plus / minus _____?

T: That’s / You’re right.

1、 出示本课1、2两幅挂图。生看图听课文录音并跟读。

1、 复习数字: Can you count from … to … ?

2、 看图回答(几样物品放在一起,算价格) How much are they ?


What’s the time now ? It’s ____ ______ .

What’s ____ plus _____ ? It’s ______. √ That’s right.


5+5= ?

What’s ____ minus ____ ? It’s ______. ╳ Sorry , you are wrong.


英语教案 篇11


Introducing the World to Others: A Guide to Traveling

Traveling is an experience that can engulf us in the world like no other. It can be the chance to see new cultures, learn a language, develop new skills or even make lasting relationships. However, the world of traveling can sometimes seem daunting, confusing, or expensive. With this in mind, we have put together a guide to help you make the most of your travels.

Getting Started - Planning Your Trip

The first step to any successful travel experience is to plan ahead. It is important to research the destination you would like to visit and to establish the logistics of your travel. This may include things like the cost of accommodation, transport, and the best time to visit. You should also look at the culture, customs, and any potential health or safety risks for your destination.

Packing for Your Trip

When traveling, it is important to pack efficiently and intelligently. You should aim for a balance between convenience and practicality, being mindful of the type of activities you will be involved in. Consider the length of your trip, the climate and culture, any medical equipment you may need, and any personal items that you may require. Additionally, remember to pack any essential documents like passports, visas, and travel insurance.

Exploring the Destination

Once you have arrived at your destination, it is time to explore and experience the local culture. This can involve visiting local attractions and landmarks, trying local food and drinks, and witnessing local events and celebrations. Try to meet the locals and engage with them in conversation. You may also want to learn the basics of the language, as this can make your interactions more meaningful and enjoyable.

Safety and Security

While traveling is a fantastic experience, it is important to remember that safety should always be a priority. You should be aware of any potential health risks like food poisoning or insect-borne diseases, and take all necessary precautions. Additionally, be sure to take care when walking through unfamiliar areas, and keep items like valuable documents and electronics safe and secure.


Traveling is a wonderful experience that can broaden our horizons and introduce us to new cultures. By planning ahead and taking care of ourselves and our possessions, we can create a memorable and rewarding travel experience. So why not take the leap and explore what the world has to offer?

英语教案 篇12

课题:Unit 2 What time is it?

教学重点:“It’s time to…”和“It’s time for…”的用法。








2.教师和学生谈谈他们的作息时间,如:T: What time do you get up ? S: Six forty。 也可让 学生猜猜教师的活动时间,如:T: What do I do at 6:30? S: You get up。 以此导入课文。

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1.教师拿出Mike的图片,问学生Who is he? What time does he get up? 学生可能会给出各种答案,让他们从录像中找到正确答案。

2.看图片或课件,回答理解性问题,并通过情景、动作等帮助学生理解hurry, ready 和oops的意义,可适当进行造句练习加以巩固,并注意对两个句型:“It’s time for…”和“It’s time to…”加以比较。听录音,然后跟读、模仿。分角色朗读和分角色表演。

(三)趣味操练 (Practice)

1.调查:设计一个调查表,然后调查五名学生或教师的作息时间,在四人小组中进行交流。鼓励学生用新句型“It’s time to…”来表述。

2.Let’s check:



(1) What time is it? It’s 8:30。

(2) I’m hungry, Mom。

Oh, it’s twelve o’clock。 It’s time for lunch。

(3) Hurry up! It’s 7:05。 It’s time to go to school。

(4) It’s 9:40。 It’s time to go to bed。

Good night, Mom。



1.做本单元B部分Let’s talk的活动手册配套练习。




英语教案 篇13

There are several possible themes when it comes to English lesson plans in Xiang language. One possible theme could be "Daily Life." Below is a sample English lesson plan on this theme.

Title: Daily Life

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 60 minutes


- To improve students' listening and speaking skills in English

- To expand students' vocabulary related to daily life

- To enhance students' ability to ask and answer questions in English


- Pictures or flashcards related to daily life (e.g., a photo of a kitchen, a picture of a grocery store, etc.)

- Handouts with vocabulary related to daily life

- Whiteboard or blackboard

- Audio or video recordings related to daily life activities, if available


1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

- Greet the class and ask simple questions about their day, e.g., "What did you do this morning?" or "What do you usually do after class?"

2. Presentation (10 minutes)

- Show the pictures or flashcards related to daily life and elicit vocabulary from the students, e.g., "What is this?" or "Where can you find this?"

- Write the vocabulary words on the whiteboard or blackboard and discuss their meaning and pronunciation as a class.

- Distribute the handouts with the vocabulary words and ask students to match the words with their meanings.

3. Listening and Speaking Practice (20 minutes)

- Play an audio or video recording related to daily life activities, e.g., a conversation between two friends grocery shopping or a cooking tutorial.

- Ask comprehension questions about the recording, e.g., "Where are they?" or "What are they doing?"

- Have students pair up and role-play daily life situations, using the vocabulary from the handouts, e.g., students can pretend to be at a restaurant ordering food or at a store buying clothes.

4. Group Activity (15 minutes)

- Divide the class into groups of 3-4 students.

- Provide each group with a different scenario related to daily life, e.g., planning a party, going on a trip, or doing household chores.

- In their groups, students must discuss and come up with a plan or solution for their given scenario, using the vocabulary and grammar structures they have learned.

- Each group will then present their plan or solution to the class, practicing their speaking skills.

5. Wrap-up (10 minutes)

- Ask students to share one thing they have learned about daily life during the lesson.

- Review the vocabulary words and their meanings as a class.

- Thank the students for their participation and provide any additional feedback or guidance as needed.

This lesson plan aims to engage students in various activities related to daily life, incorporating listening and speaking skills, as well as vocabulary expansion. By exploring real-life scenarios, students are encouraged to use English in practical situations and develop their communication abilities.


