



My name is juanjuan Xu , and I will graduate from Xi’an FanYi University in the year 20_, My major is secretary in English department.

It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. During the three –year college study, I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge, and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself; I have mastered English listening, speaking, writing and reading skills.

Moreover, I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory, public relationship of secretary. Meanwhile, in order to enlarge my knowledge, I always read some newspapers and magazines about business and trade, and I used to do some representative of business in my spare time. At the same time, I learnt computer skills during my summer vacation, and now I’m familiar with Office 2000. It is my three –year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Also my three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge, and it’s also my three-year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Honesty, Trust, Diligence is principle of how to be a man.

As a college graduate, I believe “where there is a will, there is a way”, and I will try my best to do a good job in my business. So I sincerely hope that I can make a position in your company so that I can serve for the company in the future.


Western festivals celebrated in China have become more commercialized and ideologically less. Chinese people enjoy more relaxed social control. Therefore, they adopt some western festivals, while the Chinese, mainly young people, celebrate their fun.

Businessmen see a good opportunity to make money. Valentine's day has become China's young people and the rest of the world Places, too, are important festivals, with cards and flowers (mainly roses) selling for millions of dollars. However, in the west, Chinese people have limited gifts for their spouses, lovers and sexual partners.

Candy can be given to friends and colleagues. This difference may be due to the misunderstanding of Valentine's day as "Qingren's Day", in which the meaning of Qing people's Day is Valentine's day. Some people call for the Chinese traditional Qixi Festival (the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, meaning "Qixi Festival") to replace this exotic celebration of love The legendary Cowherd and Weaver Girl Christmas Chinese, especially the younger generation, do not pay attention to its religious background when embracing Christmas.

They decorate their homes with Christmas trees and Christmas lights, send Christmas gifts to children, and go to parties to enjoy the carnival atmosphere of Christmas Eve. It is too obvious in the busy streets of big cities, where shops, restaurants and hotels are exhausted What it can do to attract customers. Santa Claus, mostly played by young women, is their best promotion tool.


To me ,the most interesting subject is English.But I find studying English is very difficult.So if you ask which subject is the most difficult to me

.My answer will be English.Now I am a student,everyday I have more than one English classes,I like studying it very much and I hope I can study it very well,so I can talk with foreigners and know the foreign countries things,it is very useful.



大家好!我叫…,是…20xx级,今天我要应聘的 是贵校语文教师这一光荣的职位。

怀着对教师这一职业的无限崇敬和热爱我走进了…,大学四 年,我一直以“…”这八个字来不断地鞭策自己。思想上,我积极 进取,不断向党组织靠拢,在大二即被发展成为预备党员,现在也很 荣幸的成为一名光荣的中共党员。

在校期间,我多次获得“一等、二等奖学金” ,在大三时获得了 “国家励志奖学金” .在全国大学生英语竞赛中获得了三等奖、英语 演讲比赛中获得了校级二等奖。

当然, 要想成为一名合格的人民教师, 还必须不断地提高自己的师范生技能。

因此, 我积极地参加各种相关 活动,获得了“健康杯”演讲比赛校、院一等奖 , “五四杯”演讲比 赛校“三等奖” 、院“一等奖” 的好成绩,同时我也注重对自己表达 能力的培养,在入学前两年,我多次主持学院活动,并担任了三届迎 新晚会的主持人。

在学习的同时, 我也加强对自身能力的锻炼, 一直担任学院的学 生干部, 从大一时的一名干事到大二时的文娱部副部长再到后来的学 院团总支学生会学生书记, 三年的学生工作培养了我吃苦耐劳、 乐于 奉献的精神。

在我校本科教学评估中,我有幸作为全校 15 名学生代 表之一参加了教学评估学生座谈会,并与湖南省十大名师之一的… 进行了交流, XX年,我也很幸运的被学校选派参加了科协年会领导 与高校大学生见面会。XX 年我又参加了重庆市主要领导与高校大 学生的见面会。

这些难忘的经历让我在领略大师的风采的同时, 也鞭 策我不断拼搏。

现在,我马上就要从一名受教者,到一名施教者,这是我一直梦 寐以求的愿望。因此,我将以满腔的热情、百倍的信心投入到我热爱 的教育事业中去,经过四年的学习,我相信我已具备了走上教师岗位 的条件!同时,我也知道贵校严谨求实,团结向上,桃李满园,因此, 我真诚的希望能够到贵校实现我教书育人的人生理想! 谢谢!


GoodMorning / Afternoon, My dear teachers

My nameis __. I am 11 years old, and I am a fifth grade student.

I have many hobbies. I like drawing and I can drawvery well, which get a lot of praise from my teachers and friends. I likesports, such as dancing, skating, biking and playing badminton. I often play badmintonwith my sisters and we have a great fun together. I love music, especially thepop music, which makes me feel rela_. I love English, too. I hope I can travelall over the world one day.

I have manyfriends. I often study and play with Ke Jingqi and Zhu Si huai. Sometimes, wego to bookstore or supermarket together. We are so happy when we are together. Ilove my friends and they love me, too.

Thatsall! Thank you for your attention.


