


优秀英语演讲稿 篇1

Liao our class teacher with a long black hair, thick eyebrows, and a pairof his eyes big eyes.

Liao teacher taught us the language, as well as our class teacher, so weattach great importance to the language. I remember one occasion, the teacher inclass along with a hanging water-frame, we are all curious front of the shelflooked at, the original teacher correcting homework last night, when the changeto the night, careless cold, but it does not matter teachers are like the same:" Fast lectures 呀! Do not I look at the following open the book to "" ""

Not only for our language teachers attached great importance, but alsoattach great importance to our health, I remember once in my last art classstudents are not accidentally hurt his hand cut with scissors, Liao met with theteacher to call her mother flew, but also criticized it students in the School"" "

Teacher, you're like a candle: lit their own to illuminate others; Teacher,you're like a crew: the other side of victory pulled us; teacher, you will belike the spring silkworm silk spit dedicated to the people.

优秀英语演讲稿 篇2

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, fellow contestants and distinguished guests.

Today, I am truly honored to stand before you and share my thoughts on the topic of "The Outstanding Individuals". Throughout history, there have been numerous remarkable individuals who have left an indelible mark on the pages of human history. These extraordinary individuals have not only accomplished outstanding achievements in their respective fields, but have also served as beacons of inspiration for generations to come.

One such exceptional individual is Mahatma Gandhi, the father of modern India. Gandhi, renowned for his nonviolent resistance and leadership, was an influential figure in the fight for India's independence from British rule. His unwavering commitment to nonviolence and justice inspired millions and continues to resonate with people around the world. Truly, Gandhi's dedication and perseverance make him an excellent example of an outstanding individual.

Another outstanding individual that deserves recognition is Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. Jobs revolutionized the technology industry with his innovative mindset and visionary leadership. His contributions to the world of computers, smartphones, and digital entertainment transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. Jobs' relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering belief in his vision are lessons that can inspire anyone striving for greatness.

Moving on, we cannot overlook the remarkable achievements of Marie Curie, a pioneer in the field of radioactivity. Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and remains the only person to have won Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields. Her groundbreaking discoveries have had a profound impact on the field of science and medicine. Curie's unparalleled dedication and passion for her work make her an exemplary model for aspiring scientists and researchers.

Additionally, we must acknowledge the remarkable contributions of Nelson Mandela, a global icon of peace and justice. Mandela, known as the father of South Africa, played a pivotal role in ending apartheid and promoting racial harmony and equality. His years of imprisonment did not dampen his spirit or his commitment to fighting for a just and inclusive society. Mandela's tireless efforts and unwavering determination demonstrate the true essence of an outstanding individual.

In conclusion, the individuals I have mentioned are just a few examples of the countless outstanding individuals who have shaped our world and inspired us with their remarkable achievements. These exceptional individuals teach us the importance of resilience, determination, and passion when it comes to working towards our goals. They serve as role models for anyone who aspires to make a positive difference in the world.

Let us remember that each and every one of us has the potential to be outstanding in our own way. It is up to us to recognize our unique talents and passions and use them to make a lasting impact on the world. As we strive towards excellence, let us draw inspiration from the remarkable individuals who have preceded us and let their stories guide us towards greatness.

Thank you.

优秀英语演讲稿 篇3

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to stand here today and share with you some thoughts on excellence and what it takes to achieve it.

Firstly, let me define what I mean by excellence. Excellence is the quality of being outstanding or extremely good in a particular field or skill. It is the pursuit of perfection and the constant drive to improve oneself and one's work. Excellence is not just about being better than others; it is about being the best version of yourself.

One of the key characteristics of people who excel in their field is their ability to set high standards for themselves. They do not settle for mediocrity and are not satisfied with good enough. They constantly challenge themselves, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and striving to achieve more. They have a clear vision of what they want to accomplish and are relentless in their pursuit of that vision.

Another important trait of successful individuals is their resilience. They understand that failure is an inevitable part of the process and are not deterred by setbacks. Instead, they use failure as a learning opportunity and as a chance to improve their performance. They do not give up when things get tough; they persevere, finding new ways to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles.

In addition, those who excel in their field are great communicators. They know how to effectively convey their ideas and thoughts to others and are able to inspire and motivate those around them. They have excellent interpersonal skills and work well in teams, building strong relationships with others and collaborating to achieve common goals.

Furthermore, successful individuals are lifelong learners. They are always seeking to expand their knowledge and to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their field. They are open to new ideas and are not afraid to challenge their own assumptions and beliefs. They are curious and inquisitive, constantly seeking to learn and improve.

Finally, people who excel in their field are passionate about what they do. They have a deep love for their work and are driven by a sense of purpose and meaning. They are not motivated solely by financial rewards or fame; they are inspired by the impact that their work can have on others and on the world.

In conclusion, excellence is not something that is easily achieved. It requires hard work, dedication, and a desire to constantly improve oneself. However, for those who are willing to put in the effort, the rewards can be great. People who excel in their field are not only successful in their careers; they are also deeply fulfilled and satisfied by their work. So, my challenge to you today is to strive for excellence in all that you do. Set high standards for yourself, be resilient, communicate effectively, be a lifelong learner, and be passionate about your work. With these traits, you too can achieve greatness. Thank you.

优秀英语演讲稿 篇4

as you slowly open your eyes, look around ,

notice where the light comes into your room;listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize;

feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air.

yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day!and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life,

a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions,

take new actions, make new friends,

and take your life to a totally unprecedented level!








you must do your part,you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan,

you must never quit, you must never fear.i know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed! now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out:i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!

i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!

i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!






优秀英语演讲稿 篇5

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I am honored to stand before you and talk about the topic of "Outstanding People".

There are many outstanding people in the world who have made significant contributions to our society. From inventors and scientists to leaders and artists, these individuals have left an indelible mark on history. In this speech, I would like to introduce three remarkable people from different fields who have inspired us through their excellence and achievements.

Firstly, let me tell you about Marie Curie. Born in 1867 in Poland, Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to ever win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields: physics and chemistry. Her groundbreaking research on radioactivity revolutionized the field of science and led to the development of new treatments for cancer. Curie's dedication and passion for knowledge made her one of the most influential scientists of her time and a role model for future generations.

Next, I would like to talk about Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian independence movement. Gandhi was a political and spiritual leader who believed in nonviolent resistance to achieve social and political change. His peaceful protests and civil disobedience campaigns inspired millions of people around the world and eventually led to India's independence from British rule. Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence and his commitment to justice and equality continue to inspire activists and leaders to this day.

Lastly, I would like to mention Leonardo da Vinci, a true polymath of the Renaissance. Da Vinci was not only a master painter but also an inventor, scientist, and architect. His artistic masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, is arguably the most famous painting in the world. Da Vinci's knowledge and curiosity spanned a wide range of disciplines, from anatomy and engineering to astronomy and botany. His thirst for knowledge and relentless pursuit of perfection have cemented his legacy as one of history's greatest geniuses.

These three individuals exemplify what it means to be outstanding. They all possessed a relentless pursuit of excellence, a determination to overcome obstacles, and a passion for their respective fields. Their contributions to society and their unwavering dedication to their work serve as an inspiration for all of us to strive for greatness in our own lives.

In conclusion, the world is filled with exceptional individuals who have made a lasting impact on our society. Marie Curie, Mahatma Gandhi, and Leonardo da Vinci are just a few examples of outstanding people who have inspired us through their achievements and excellence. As we navigate through life, let us remember their remarkable stories and let their legacies motivate us to reach new heights. Thank you.

