


1、May the solstice bring you new beginnings and fresh starts. Happy Winter Solstice!

2、On this winter solstice, let's remember to be grateful for the blessings we have and cherish the people we love.

3、Warm greetings and best wishes for a happy New Year.



6、When the new year is coming, the taste of the new year is getting stronger. Clean the house, clear the window, feel Jennifer, send the kitchen god, greet the god of wealth, make a good fortune, store the new year's goods well, and celebrate the New Year safely. Bless your friends, have a happy new year and be lucky for your family.

7、Happy New Year, accompanied by happiness!

8、When the young year comes, I want to tell you what I have in my heart, and say thank you to you! Bless the people I love and those who love me, happy all day, good things one after another; All troubles are abandoned, and good luck keeps coming!


10、Off-year dust removal is very important, and go bad luck in the coming year. Refreshed after the New Year, the old man happy children make; Laugh finds peace in his home everything is wonderful, happy life together. Blessing messages sent to the first: blessing and ruixiang skies!

11、As the season turns and the nights lengthen, may you find comfort in the company of family and friends. Happy Winter Solstice!

12、However, the dragon lantern, she smiled; Onstar, good luck, happy happy! Off year on this day, blessing to you, wish you happy forever, happiness always, always in peace!



15、As the sun begins its journey back towards us, may your life be filled with renewed hope and optimism. Happy Winter Solstice!

16、Christmas was coming, and think of nothing for you, is not going to give you too much, just to give you fifty million: never happy! Be sure to health! Be sure to peace! Be sure to contentment! Don't ever forget me!!!!!!!


18、Ate the winter solstice rice, a long line. Today the winter solstice, the sun began to come back, the spring is becoming more and more close, can let my message and my blessing like the winter sun, to drive away the cold for you, send to warm. ZhuDongZhi happy!


20、I'll be home to enjoy this Christmas me is on the e for the holidays.但愿我能回家共度佳节。

21、When the young year is coming, I wish you a happy family to welcome the New Year and happy young year!

22、May the longest night of the year bring you warmth and comfort. Happy Winter Solstice!

23、In the small year, the kitchen king praises you, writes to the Jade Emperor, and gives you luck, health and safety, good fortune, good luck, good fortune, good fortune, expensive wife and son, many things, and blessings, lucky in the small year.

24、The twelfth lunar month, New Year's greetings come, I pray for you, I wish you happiness and no worries, I wish you happiness and good luck, I wish you health and good luck, and I wish you family reunion, and I wish you a new year and a new atmosphere!

25、On the occasion of the end of the winter solstice, on the day of the winter solstice at the beginning of the year, best wishes for you and your family, good fortune, best!


27、On the 23 rd day of the twelfth lunar month, every household is busy sweeping the house; Stick grilles, killing cattle and sheep, rejoicing in the New Year; Worship the kitchen king, seek good fortune, and live in peace for another year; When the young year comes, I wish you happiness and peace and a happy family!

28、Off-year, blessing, fortune, good luck to the New Year, happy every day is a king, god of wealth chasing you around, wife is obedient and well-behaved, family harmony happiness, wish you off-year lively and a wonderful New Year!

