




3、我的幸福,就是和你温暖的过一辈子。my happiness is to have a warm life with you

4、爱情是风花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起的。love is a matter of wind and snow, frustrated people can not play

5、"Good relationship dont just happen..They take time, patience and two people who want to be together. 好的感情不是被碰巧撞到的。它需要时间经营,耐心包容,还有两个人真心想要在一起的人。"



8、Never expect the perfect man,it’s not because that u cannot find,but just becoz there is no perfect man。不要期待完美的男人,不是因为你期待不到,而是根本没有完美的男人。


10、我不再爱你的时候,也许不是我不爱你,只是,我已不能再爱你了。when i no longer love you, maybe it's not that i don't love you, but that i can't love you anymore

11、再回到那个被深深摧毁过的世界,又有何意义呢?To go back to the world that has been deeply destroyed, and what is the meaning?

12、在悲伤里寻找光明,奈何这个世界太冷,冷的心都结了冰。look for light in sorrow, but the world is too cold, cold hearts are frozen

13、时间的推移,只是让我更加的对你依恋。the passage of time, just let me more attachment to you



16、我假装无所谓,告诉我自己,我那么的坚强,我可以承受一切的!i pretend to be indifferent, tell myself, i am so strong, i can bear everything!

17、爱情只有当它是自由自在时,才会叶茂花繁。Love only when it is free, will ye fan

18、宝贝儿,只要你幸福,我就幸福,不管你在谁的身边。baby, as long as you are happy, i will be happy, no matter who you are by

19、时间是最好的医生,也是最差的美容师。Time is the best doctor and the worst beautician

20、You're the one I want to spend my life with. 你是我想共度一生的人。

21、你是我幸福的回忆,我是你遗忘的过去。You are my happy memories, I was you forget the past.


23、You leave me breathless. 你让我无法呼吸。


25、英文:I want to grow old with you and love you deeper each day.



28、夏初的悲伤,我站在阳光下无尽的眺望。Summer sad, I stood overlooking the endless in the sun.


30、是你让我呼吸,决定我的心跳。It's you that let me breathe and decide my heartbeat

31、You mean so much to me. 你对我太重要了。

32、人因为心里不快乐,才浪费,是一种补偿作用。People because of the heart is not happy, just waste, is a kind of compensation.

33、把你埋在心底。这算不算心计。Bury you in the bottom of my heart. This is not scheming.

34、Not a moment goes by when I'm not thinking about you. 我每时每刻都在想你

35、Independent,forever。Regardless,emotional or money。独立,永远。不管,感情还是金钱。

36、你是一场盛大的梦,梦醒了我能怪谁。you are a grand dream who can i blame when i wake up?

37、雨洗刷不掉我对你的思念,风吹走不掉我对你的爱恋。the rain can't wash away my missing for you, and the wind can't blow away my love for you

38、英文:There's only one thing to do, three words for you: I love you.




42、用微笑来释怀过去的点滴,这是我留给自己最好的回忆。with a smile to let go of the past, this is the best memory i have left for myself


44、你给我的爱,直到世界的尽头都还存在。the love you gave me still exists till the end of the world

45、沵就是涐的灯,沵亮了,涐才能看得见方向。You are my light, your light, I can see the direction.



48、我害怕,你不知道你对我有多重要。I'm afraid, you don't know how important you are to me.

49、英文:I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

50、我对你的爱,一直到新闻联播大结局那天。My love for you, until the day of the news broadcast.

51、For years I had been searching,For that perfect fantasy,But,I find it in my arms,right now,You are all to me。我已经寻找了多年,为了那个美丽的梦想,但是,现在,我发现它就在我的臂弯里,你就是我的全部。

52、There is no moment,you feel bad over my dedication?有没有一瞬间,你心疼过我的执着?

53、我不贪心。我只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。i am not greedy i have only one small wish: you will always be in my life

54、在生命中,再无聊的时光,也都是限量版。In life, then boring time, also are limited edition.

55、没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两颗心。No two people entirely appropriate, only mutual accommodation of two hearts.

56、我以为一切不曾改变,后来时间久了,只剩下我在原点。i thought everything had not changed, and then for a long time, i was left at the origin

