



1.dating back to/from 始于,起源于,追溯到;此短语多用于一般现在时态中

This castle dates from the 14th century.这座城堡建于14世纪。

Our partnership dates back to 1960.我们从1960年就合伙了。

2.bury vt. 埋葬

Many men were buried underground when there was an accident at the mine.


专心致志于, 埋头于(in)

He buried himself in his work.


be buried in thought


3.with his face to the north 面向北方

with his face to the north属于“with+名词+介词短语”结构在句中常作状语,表示伴随动作或伴随性质。根据宾语和宾补之间的关系,还可以用现在分词或过去分词作宾补。

The weather was even colder with the wind blowing.


He usually works in his study with the door locked.


4.test on试验,检验

Many people are against new drugs being tested on animals.


5.certain be sure和be certain后都可跟从句,但be sure的主语必须是人,而be certain的主语既可以是人又可以是物。

6.Some of the objects found in the grave give us an idea of how he was dressed when he was buried. 一些在墓穴中发现的物体让我们得知他被埋葬时的穿着。


1)He was not conscious of what an important discovery he had made.

2)Did she say anything about how the work was to be done?

7.amaze vt.使惊奇;使吃惊

Her knowledge amazes me.


Visitors were amazed at the achievements in the car manufacture of the city during the past decade.


I was amazed by the news of George's sudden death.



He stood in amaze at the sight.

他看到那种景象, 惊愕得呆呆地站在那里。

8.distinction n.特点;特色;非凡;卓越

the chief distinction of Chinese food


a writer of distinction


academic distinctions


There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.


His distinction of sound is excellent.


His style lacks distinction.


9.dozen n.一打,12个

I want a dozen of pencils, please!

劳驾,我要一打铅笔。(缩写为: doz)

dozens of


There were dozens of people there.


10.Next to them lay a cushion stone, upon which the man could work metal


1).At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake.

2).The soldiers ran to the building, on the top of which flew a flag.

3).East of the lake lie two towns.

4).Under the tree was lying a wounded soldier.

11.spare adj.备用的

a spare tire



spare cash


If you have a spare bed, may I stay tonight?


Have you any spare time to help me?


You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!


v.节约, 节省, 不伤害, 宽恕, 分让, 提供给某人

Can you spare ten minutes?


I have no time to spare.


spare no efforts [pains]


12.a variety of种种;各类

The shopping-centre sells a variety of goods.


At school we learn a variety of things.


He didn't come for a variety of reasons.


She made the children glad in a variety of ways.


13.tend vt.(常与to连用)有某种倾向;有…的趋势

People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.


Laziness tends to poverty.


Boys tend to be bigger than girls.


14.class n.阶级

class differences


Class differences can divide a nation.


lower-class life


to travel third class


15.approximately adv.近似地, 大约

16.average n.平均数

The average of 4, 8, and 60 is 24.



What is the average rainfall for August in your country?


His results is the average.


on (an) average通常;按平均

Wwe fail one student per year on average.


nvey vt.运送;运输

The truck conveyed machinery across the country.


Wires convey electricity.


通知;通报;传[表, 转]达

I will convey the information to him.


I can't convey my feelings in words.


The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.


18.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he may have had a hand in planning the monument; or in helping transport and pull up the stones.


vt., vi.(常与together, to, with连用)连接, 联合

The two towns are linked by a railway.


The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.


20.have a hand in参与,插手,对某事物负部分责任

I can’t promise much. I’m not the only one that has a hand in things in this town.



He may have gone to the library.他可能去图书馆了。

22.In terms of technical development, people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.


23.In terms of用……的话,以……的观点,就……而说

He thought of everything in terms of money.


In terms of money we’re quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.


24.Bronze Age青铜时代。在距今50前后,在旧大陆的有些地区,首先是西亚地区,发明了铜的冶炼技术,开始制作铜器。最初为红铜,接着又在红铜中加锡或铅,成为青铜。这样人类进入青铜时代。

nflict n.


conflict of interest



conflict between religion and science



The two stories conflicted, so I did not know what to believe.


ifact n.人工品, 赝品

27.It has been proven that the copper knives came from places as distant as Spain and western France.




it should be noted that their economy is still on downward slide.


It was thought highly likely that there would be an extraordinary session soon.



1. ask for directions 询问方向

2. give directions 指方向

3. in amusement 有趣地

to one’s amusement 使某人感到有趣的事

amusement park 游乐场

places of amusement 娱乐场所

do sth for amusement 为消遣而做某事

be amused at [by, with] 以...为乐; 对...觉得有趣/好笑

amuse oneself with 以...自娱

4. risk sth/ doing sth

run / take a risk (in doing sth) 冒险

at risk 处于危险中

at the risk of 冒着…的危险

at any risk 不顾一切

5. escape injury 幸免受伤

do an injury to sb 伤害某人

an injury to a person’s reputation 损毁某人的名誉

6. achieve success 获得成功,

achieve victory 获得胜利

achieve one’s purpose 达到目的

make great achievements 取得很大成就

7. learn about 了解

8. give a reason for doing sth 为做某事给个理由

9. go over the bridge 过桥

10. walk past 走过

11. lead to 通往; 导致

13. a collection of 集…为一体的;许多的

14. be based on 以…为依据

15. China’s fifty-five minorities 中国的五十六个民族

16. combine…with… 把…和…结合起来

17. the opportunity to do sth 做某事的机会

18. be divided into 被分成

divide…into… 把…分成 (几份)

separate…from… 把…和…分隔

19. explore the past 探索过去

20. winged beauties 长翅膀的美丽生物

21. the first (+n) to do sth 第一个做某事的

22. step into 步入; 走进

23. go on rides 去玩车乘

24. What is it like to do sth? 做某事是什么样的感觉?

What does it feel like to do sth? 做某事是什么样的感觉?

25. It seems that+从句 好像…

26. get enough of 得到足够的; 玩够了

27. risk injury 冒着受伤的危险

28. carve…from+材料 用…雕刻成

be carved from 使用…雕刻成的

carve…with+工具 用…刻成的

29. art works 艺术作品

Lu Xun’s works 鲁迅作品集

A chemical works 一个化工厂

30. send up 发射

31. attend a meeting 出席会议

32. get /fall sick/ill 生病;病倒

33. cut off the electricity 切断电源

34. a seven-day ticket 一张七天的票

35. go through 经历;经受

36. race against sb. 与….比赛

37. thrill ride 动感电影

38. give sb a thrill 为某人刺激

39. send…into space 把…送入太空

40. get started 开始

41. a description of 对…的描写

42. focus on 聚焦于


1. succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事=manage to do sth

2. by one’s own effort 靠自己的努力

3. get a wonderful view of 对…尽收眼底

4. it is believed that 人们相信/认为

5. meet the goal 达到目的


send sb. into a fever of excitement使某人感到极度兴奋

2 energy n.精力, 活力; [pl. ]干劲, 劲头, 力气, 能力【物】能, 能量

force strength power energy都含“力”的意思。

force强调“力所产生的实际效果”, 如:

The law should remain in force.法律应当有效力。

strength 指“体力”、“力量”、“强度”, 如:

He is a man of great strength。他是 个大力士。

power 指“能力”、“权力”, 着重“行动所根据的能力或职权”, 如:

It's beyond my power.它超出了我的职权。

energy 原是物理学上的术语“能量”, 用于人时则指“精力”, 如:

He worked with great energy.他以巨大的精力工作。

She had to make a choice between the two dresses.她得在两件衣服中选择一件。

She is the people's choice for Prime Minister.她是人民选出来的首相。

常用短语:a great choice of大量可供选择的 (物品等)

have no choice but[后跟动词不定式]非...不可, 除...之外别无他法

choose vt., vi.chose, chosen, choosing

Who did you choose as the new member of the construction committee?


She chose to study chemistry.她选择了学化学。

choose three from [among, out of] these books从这些书中选三本书

C-me a good hoe.替我选一把好锄头。

决定;拿定主意;愿意, 宁愿 [后跟不定式]

He chose not to go home.他决定不回家了。

His uncle chose to settle in the countryside.他叔父决意在乡下定居。

chose to fly rather than drive.决定乘飞机去而不是开车去

This food is not fit for your visitors.这食物对你的客人来说不合适。

“After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job.”


Do you feel fit?你觉得身体好吗?

He runs to keep fit.他跑步为了保持健康。

Her new shoes didn't fit so she took them back to the shop and changed them for another pair.


Your clothes fit well.你的衣服很合身。

This coat's a beautiful fit to you.这件外衣对你非常合身。

安装;装备 fit。。。on。。。

to fit new locks on the doors给门装上新锁

Her height fitted her for basketball.她身材高适合打篮球。

1)We must find carpets that’ll _________the curtains.

2)The new coat ________me well.

3) No one can ________her in knowledge of classical music.

4) He ________his speech to his audience

He quickly gained experience.他很快就有经验了。

Only after ten years in the country did she gain her citizenship.


He gained weight after his illness.病后他的体重增加了。

His bad behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.


cn痛;疼痛He had a pain in his head.他头疼。

He has pains / a pain / pain in the shoulders.他两肩痛疼。

She's a real pain.她真是一个令人讨厌的人。

(pl) 辛苦;努力“No pains, no gains.; No gains without pains.(谚)”不劳则无获。

We must give him sth. for his pains.我们必须给他点什么以便酬报他的辛劳。

常用短语:give sb. a pain[美]令人讨厌, 惹人生气, 使人感到不舒服

No pains, no gains[谚]不劳无获。

take pains费尽力气, 煞费苦心, 尽力设法 with great pain煞费苦心地

There's a little bit of time left.只剩一点儿时间了。

He dug the garden bit by bit.他一点一点地挖园子。

片刻Wait a bit!稍等片刻!

I was just going out for a bit when my uncle came.我正打算出去一会儿,可我舅舅来了。

有点;稍微The modern opera was a bit of a disappointment; we expected it to be much better.


I'm a little bit tired. Let's take a short rest.我有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。

a bit (of) 一点儿也(不)I'm not a bit tired now.我现在一点儿也不累。

A: Sorry to have bothered you. B: Not a bit (of it).

Really, David is not a bit like his brother as far as generosity is concerned.


10 base n.

底部, 基础, 根据地, 基地, 本部, 基数, (运动)出发点

vt.以...作基础, 基于...

adj.卑鄙的, 低级的,伪造的 a base coin伪造的硬币

That company has offices all over the world, but their base is in Paris.


vt.based, basing(与on, upon连用)根据;基于

This news report is based entirely on fact.这篇新闻报导是完全根据实际情况写成的。

11 probable adj.

A storm is probable today.今天可能会有暴风雨。

It is probable that he has forgotten our appointment.很可能他是忘了我们的约会了。

likely possible probable意思都含“可能的”。

likely 系常用词, 指“从表面迹象来看很有可能”, 如:

She is not likely to come next month.她下月很可能不来。

possible 指“由于有适当的条件和方法, 某事可能发生或做到”, 强调“客观上有可能”, 但常含有“实际希望很小”的意思, 如:

It is possible to go to the moon now.现在有可能登上月球。

probable 语气比 possible 强, 指“有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物, 带有‘大概’、‘很可能’”的意思, 如:

l don't think the story is probable.我觉得那故事不大可能。

My new dress is similar to the one you have.我的新衣服和你的那件相似。

All big cities are quite similar.所有的大城市差不多大同小异。

13 respect n.

to show respect to those who are older尊敬长者

The students have great respect for their history teacher.


Give my respects to your wife.请代我向你太太问好。

have respect to牵 涉到, 关系到;注意到, 考虑到

His custom was to get up early and have a cold bath.


At the airport; the customs officers searched his case.在机场,海关人员检查了他的箱子。

Habit custom都含“习惯”的意思。

habit 指 “个人由于自然条件、社会环境、爱好或经常接触而导致习以为常的行为或特性”, 如:Smoking is a bad habit.抽烟是种坏习惯。

to have habit of smoking during meals有吃饭时吸烟的习惯

It is not easy to break off a bad habit.要改掉一个坏习惯不容易。

custom 指“经过一段时期在某人、一国、一地区或一个社会中形成的传统的习惯或风俗”, 如:In China the custom prevails in eating dumplings on New Year's Eve.

在中国, 除夕晚上吃饺子的风俗很盛行。

Smoking is not allowed here.此处不准吸烟。

Allow me to introduce Miss Mary.请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。

The government servants aren't allowed to accept rewards.公务员不得接受酬谢。

allowed him £1000 for expenses给他每年1000 英镑的开销

We must allow that he is a good teacher. (We must allow him to be a good teacher.)


We must allow for his inexperience.我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。

It takes about two hours to get to their office building, allowing for possible traffic delays.


The situations allow of no excuse.形势不容许拖延; 形势刻不容缓。

He asked his father's opinion about his plans.他征求爸爸对他的计划的意见。

In my opinion, you're wrong.依我看,你错了。

What's your opinion?你的看法如何?

常用短语:in one's opinion按某人的意见, 据某人看来

4 the common people老百姓 common knowledge常识

common characteristic共同特点 common beam标准天平; 标准

common ordinary general都含“普通的”意思。

common强调“常见的”、“ 不足为奇的”, 如:Colds are common in winter.感冒在冬天很常见。ordinary强调“平常的”、“平淡无奇的”, 如:His ordinary supper consists of only bread and milk. 他通常的晚餐不过是面包和牛奶。general意为“普遍的”、“一般的”, 如:This book is intended for the general reader, not for the specialist. 这本书是为一般读者写的, 不是为专家写的。normal指“正常的”、“正规的”、“常态的”,

如:the normal temperature of the human body 人的正常体温

The fish we caught is still alive.我们捉的鱼还活着。

In most cases, both parents were still alive and still married to each other.


Although old she is still very much alive.她虽已年迈,但仍很活跃。

The argument was kept alive by the politicians.政治家们还在继续争论那件事

The dead tree is alive with insects.这棵枯树上爬满了昆虫。

Living alive live意思都含“活的”。

living 用于生物时, 指“活着的”, 如:

Shelly was still living when Keats died.济慈死时, 雪莱还在世。

alive 指“活着的”、“在世的”, 着重于状态, 它用作表语, 或放有名词或代词后作定语, 如:

The spy was caught alive though he died from wounds the next day.

特务被活捉, 不过第二天便因重伤而死。

live 只用于物, 指“活的”, 如:

a live rat一只活鼠。

窍门; 诀窍to learn the tricks of the trade

圈套; 诡计He got the money from me by a trick.他用诡计骗走了我的钱。

恶作剧 The children played a trick on their teacher.孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。

He tricked me into giving him the money.他哄骗我给了他钱。

play a trick on a sb.诈骗某人; 开某人玩笑

trick sb. into [out of]骗人去...[骗取 ...]

7 give away背弃, 出买;泄露(秘密), 暴露; 赠送, 分送; 颁发

Give the money out to the children.把钱分给孩子们。

Our food supply at last give out.我们的食物终于用完了。

His strength gave out.他已精疲力竭。

It was given out that he was dead.他的死讯已经公布。

We gave him over to the police.我们把他交给了警方。

8 take in收留,收容(某人);包括;囊括;包含;改短(衣服);缩减尺寸;了解领悟;欺骗;蒙骗You can also take in some of the notable architectural monuments.


take after相似She takes after her mother.她长得像她妈妈。

We must not take it for granted that the board of the directors will approve of the investment plan.我们决不可想当然地认为董事会一定会批准这个投资计划的。

The plane took off at three o'clock.飞机三点钟起飞了。

Why don't you take on sb. your own size?你怎么不跟和你一样高的人较量?

1 missing adj.失去的, 不见了的, 下落不明的, 失踪的, 错过的

There is a page missing.缺少一页。

3 after all in all above all at all

above all意为“尤其是”、“首先”、“最重要的是”,常位于句首或句中,作插入语,起强调作用。如: But above all tell me quickly what I have to do.可首先快些告诉我该做什么。

A clock must above all keeps good time.时钟最重要的是必须走得准。

after all意为“毕竟”、“终究”、“终归”、“到底”,在句中位置较灵活。可位于句首、句中或句末。如: After all,your birthday is only two weeks away.毕竟,两周后就是你的生日。

He is,after all,a small child.他毕竟还是个小孩子。

He failed after all.他终于失败了。

at all用于否定句时,意为“丝毫;根本”,用于疑问句时意为“究竟;到底”,用于条件句时,常译为“当真;实在”。用于肯定句中,表示说话人的某种情绪或情感(如怀疑或惊奇等),意为“竟然”等。如:

He doesn’t like you at all.他根本不喜欢你。

Are you going to do it at all?你究竟做不做这件事?

If you do it at all,do it well.若你真要做这件事,就得做好。

I was surprised at his coming at all.他竟然来了,我很惊讶。

4 matter n.

事件, 问题, 物质, 内容, 实质, 原因, (印刷或书写的)文件, (文章或讲话等的)素材

It doesn't matter if you are late.你如果迟到也没关系。

What does it matter ?那有什么关系?

It does not matter (if ...)(即使...也)不要紧

It doesn't matter about the price; buy it, whatever it costs.

价钱没什么关系; 不论多少钱都买。

常用短语:as a matter of fact实际上, 不瞒你说, 确实, 事实是

6 on one’s /the way to (doing) sth. 正在做某事的过程中

表示时间”临近”的短语: be approaching;be coming;be on the way

by the way 顺便问一下 in the way 防碍,挡道 under way在进行中, 发生; 在航行中

in this/that way以这/那种方式 in many ways在许多方面

by way of途经by way of London途经伦敦 out of the way反常的;异常的

feel one's way谨慎小心地进行 fight one's way奋斗前进, 打开一条道路

force one's way挤(出去), 冲(出去) give way (to)让步; 退让;让位于

make one's (own) way前进, 繁荣, 兴隆; 发迹, 飞黄腾达

in a way有几分, 稍微; 在某一方面; 在某种意义上; 在某种程度上

in any way无论如何, 在任何情况下 in no way决不, 无论如何不

reduce the production cost降低生产成本

His carelessness cost him his life

8 for this once (=for once, just for once)就这一次; 破例一回

once again再一次 once and again一再, 再三

9 call on号召;呼吁;邀请;拜访;请求I'll call on him tomorrow.明天我去拜访他。

My chauffeur will call for you at seven.我的汽车司机七点钟会到你那儿去取

The occasion calls for a cool head.这种场合需要冷静的头脑。

The meeting has been called off.会议取消了。

call up召集;动员;使人想起 (= call upon)传人到法庭; 应征入伍; 打电话;

calling in silver dollars.回收银币 call in a specialist.邀请一个专家

Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea.


pay back报复 (= pay off, pay out, serve out)

I'll certainly pay you back for what you did to me!

How can I pay you back for all your kindness?你的这番好意我该怎么报答呢?

attend to倾听, 注意, 留心;关心, 照顾, 护理; 办理


Subject: English Grade One, Class Six Class Time :Monday, August 23,


------- Focusing on the key phrases and structures

Teaching goals

1. Help students strengthen what they have learnt in the past half term

2. Make them relaxed fully in order that they can deal with the coming exam at their best.

3. Make them have a further understanding about some key structures.

Teaching important points

1.How to motivate our students when they are playing the games

2.How to help them to keep the key phrases and structures by heart efficiently.

Teaching difficult points

1. How to keep the activities well organized and how to clarify some complicated structures.

2. How to give the instructions simply and clearly

Class Type

I am making for a new way to review language knowledge more efficiently

Teaching methods

1. Communicative teaching methods

2. Integrate competitions into the process of reviewing

3. Group work.

4. Induce students to analyze some key structures

5. Strengthen the teaching effects by giving them great encouragement.

Teaching aids

Papers, blackboard, slide projector


Prepare themselves for the coming examination

Summary after Class

The goals made before class have been reached quite well. The students took part in the games actively. They are quite pleased to accept this way of teaching.. However, the amount of knowledge they have really learnt by heart is a little less than we have anticipated beforehand . So we have to admit the fact that it is rather difficult to combine the communicative teaching ways with the current teaching conditions, in which we have such a large class including fifty-six students or so and the great pressure coming from the miscellaneous examinations.

Teaching procedure

Step 1 A competition for key phrases(10 minutes)

T: Good morning, boys and girls .Have you prepared well for the coming exam? Do you feel a little nervous about that ? Now let’s relax ourselves together. We will have a competition. We have four unknown slides. They are slide A, slide B, slide C, and slide D. Each slide has six phrases in Chinese on itself. In our class we have four groups. Every group can get a slide by drawing lots(抽签).In the end , we will see which group can translate all of these phrases into English correctly., Ok , now every group will send a student out to choose your slide.

Group 4 : (A)junk food, ought to , plenty of , keep up with , make a choice, now and then

Group 1: (B)dress up, in one’s opinion, play a joke on sb., take in, call on, bring back

Group 3: (C)pay off, at most, act out, a great deal of , a number of , pick out

Group 2: (D)around the corner, come to terms with, die down, day and night, take possession of, make up

T: Good job. You have finished it very well except for only one mistake. Group 3 have mixed up two phrases.

We should pay attention to the answer to NO.4 in the slide C, The right answer should be ”a number of”. And the answer to NO.5 in the slide C should be “a great deal of ”. Let’ look at another slide.

T: Group1, Group2, Group4 each have got 10 points. Congratulations! Group 3 has got 5 points. Try harder, guys.

Step 2 Design a form about those modal verbs which are used to express possibility.(18minutes)

T: Our competition will continue. We have learnt that “must , can/could, may/might “can be used to express possibility.

Can you try designing a form to make it clear how to use them in different sentence styles and different tenses. Group members should work together to get the best one in your group. Give you ten minutes to prepare for it.

T: Ok, the time is up. You can’t change it any more. Different groups can exchange your forms, and let’ s compare them with each other. Oh, which do you think is the best one?

Ss: We have agreed on the form made by group 3 .

T: Let’s have a look at it with the projector.

Modal verbs to Tenses

express guess or possibility Present



Present continuous Past




sentences must:: very sure, certain


might perhaps, maybe

could possible




Modal verb

+be doing

Modal verb

+have done


sentences Can’t very sure

Couldn’t it is impossible

May not perhaps

Might not not




T: Well done. Your group deserve another ten points and the other three groups each have got five points

Pay attention to two points: (1)“mustn’t” means “You shouldn’t do it”, or “you are forbidden to do something.”. If you want to express you are sure that something is impossible, you should use “ can’t or couldn’t” to say that.(2)Look at the following examples.

a. He must be a student, isn’t he?

b. He must have finished it, hasn’t he?

c. He must have done it yesterday, didn’t he?

If we write the first part of each sentence without “must”, we’ll get three sentences like these.

a’. He is a student b’. He has finished it. c. He did it yesterday.

We got the second part of a, b, c from the sentences a’,b’,c’. Actually, we don’t try to guess any more in the second part of Sentence a, b, c.

Step 3 A game named “single or plural”(15mintues)

T: The following game is still played among groups. The knowledge you will use in this game is Subject-verb agreement.

T:(facing the group 1) Let’ s take Group 1 as an example. I have some phrases for your group members which can be used as subjects. As soon as I tell you one, you should tell me whether its predicate verb is single or plural. I will tell you my phrases one by one and you guys give me your answers one by one. You must do it as quickly as possible because you have only three minutes. Within three minutes, the group who has got the most correct answers is the winner Let’s have a try.

T: physics

S1: single

T: a library together with books

S2: single

T: not only the teacher but also the students

S: plural

… … …

… … …

T: Do you know the rule of the game , S10? Can you tell us something about it?

S10: Yes.I think every student has a chance to take part in the game. It’s very exciting.

T: Quite right. Remember only your first answer makes sense. Anyone can not answer it twice in the same round.

T: When one student is telling his answer, others should keep quiet. Let’ s start our game from group 4.

(maths, the number of students , a number of students, everything, both A and B, half of the food, half of the students, fifty percent of the population, ten pounds, works, every possible means , a clerk and secretary, every boy and every girl, more than one , many a , the pair of glasses, the glasses, bread and butter, the United States, cattle …)

T: Ok, the game is over. Group1 has got 15 points ,.Group 2 has gained 17 points. Group 3 has got 21points. Group 4 has scored 14 points.

Step 4 Summary(1minutes)

Let’s look at our score board

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

30 32 36 29

T: Congratulations. Group 3 win the game at last.

Step 2 Homework(1minutes)

I will assign you nothing for homework. Just remember to prepare yourself for the coming examination. Keep yourself in a high spirit and never forget to relax yourself now and then.


Britain and Ireland




Ⅰ . 词汇学习

match , republic , separate , stand for , be made up of , coal mine , especially , live on, go bad , die of , hunger , keep in touch with , lead , church , fond , be fond of , lead a simple life , play a part in , coat , Asia , shoot , nationality , generally , divide , divide … into… , sort , all sorts of, main , mainly , disease , poem , continent , ocean , agriculture , production , puzzled , UK , kingdom , countryside

Ⅱ . 交际英语


1 . Are you from … ?

2 . Where are you from ?

3 . What are you ?

4 . I'm ( from ) …

Ⅲ . 语法学习



※ 否定疑问句表达肯定语气。如:

Look at the picture . Can't you see the bird ?

You are students , aren't you ?

※ 在回答前否定后肯定的反意疑问句或否定疑问句时,yes 可译为否定的 , no 可译为肯定的。如

- You aren't late , are you ?

- No , we aren't .

- Can't you see ?

- No , I can't .

※ 回答 mind 组成的疑问句,否定可译成肯定。如:

- Would you mind opening the windows ?

- Certainly not .

※ 含有 not…until 的句子。如:

We didn't go to be until eleven last night .

Mary didn't go until Xiao Ming came back .

※ 含有 no , nothing , nobody 等否定词的句子和 but 连用时。如:

There is nobody but Tom in the classroom .

Nothing but this can make toe old man happy .

※ 双重否定表示肯定。如:

Nothing can live without water .

We can't finish the work without their help .

It's never too old to learn .

※ 用 can't help + doing 句型。如:We can't help laughing .



“打在某人某个部位”一般用于下列句式 ( 即整体,后部分 ) :hit + sb . ( 整体 ) + 介词 ( 可根据其不同的宾语而变换 ) + the + 部位。综上所述,“英语中把接受动作的人作宾语,而用介词短语说明接触到的人体某一部位”。如:

( 1 ) his sb . on the shoulder / nose / head / 找在某人的肩膀上 / 鼻子上 / 头上

pat sb . on the shoulder / head 拍某人的肩膀 / 头

touch sb . on the shoulder / nose / head 触摸某人的肩膀 / 鼻子 / 头

slap sb . on the face 打了某人一耳光

注:on 表示接受的是“打、击、拍、碰、吻”等触及动作,其中有的动作比较猛烈。

He hit the boy on the nose . 他击中了那个男孩的鼻子。

( 2 ) hit / strike sb . in the face / chest / side 打在某人的脸上 / 胸部 / 腰部

注:in 表示接受的是“打、掴、直视”等非温和性的动作,一般说来,这些动作比 on 所表示的程度更强烈此。例如:

He looked me in the eye , and asked …

The bullet wounded him in the shoulder .

take / catch / seize sb . by the hand / arm / sleeve 抓住某人的手 / 胳臂 / 袖子

注:by 表示接受的是“拉、抓、握、捏、领”等非猛列性的动作,它一般是用来指手的动作。如:

He looked me in the eye , and asked . . .

The bullet wounded him in the shoulder .

( 3 ) take / catch / seize sb . by the hand / arm / sleeve 抓住某人的手 / 胳臂 / 袖子

pull sb . by the hand / arm / sleeve 拉住某人的手 / 胳臂 / 袖子

注:by 表示接受的是“拉、抓、握、捏、领”等非猛烈性的动作,它一般是用来指手的动作。如:

I took him by the arm .

He pulled me by the leg .


He patted his own head with his hand .




1 . divide 分开;被分开

This river divides ( separates ) our village into two parts .

The teacher divided ( separated ) the clever pupils from the stupid pupils .

〖点拨〗divide … into = separate … into 把……分成……be divide into = be separated into 被分成 divide A from B = separate A from B 把 A 与 B 分开

separate 与 divide 的区别

separate ( 分开,隔开 ) ,侧重表示把原来在一起或靠近的事物分隔开来,分开后的部分具有相对的独立性。如:

The teacher separated the boys from girls .

The children are separating the good apples from the bad ones .

divide ( 划开,分开 ) ,指把某一整体按一定大小、比例分成若干部分,还有“自然划分”之意。如:

He divided the apple into four parts .

The fence divides their land from ours .

The class is divided into several groups .

A year is divided into four seasons : spring , summer , autumn , and winter .

2 . shoot 射击;发射;射杀;射中;射伤 shoot at ( sb . or sth . ) 向……射击 be shot in the head 头部中弹 shoot sb . ( dead ) 击毙某人 shoot at the basket 篮球运动投篮

〖点拨〗shoot 与 shoot at

shoot 作及物动词时,意思是“射中” ( 用枪 ) 打死或打伤。shoot at 是以某人或某物为目标进行射击,不一定击中。

He shot at a bird , but didn't shoot it . 他朝一只鸟射击,但并未命中。

3 . puzzled 边惑的;困惑的

There was a puzzled expression on his face . 他的脸上露出迷惑不解的表情。

I am puzzled what to do next ( how to answer ) . 我不知道下一步该怎么办

〖点拨〗puzzling 令人迷惑不解的。That's a puzzling problem .

4 . nationality 国籍

What nationality is this man ?

He has British nationality .

5 . generally 一般地,通常地,普遍地

British children generally have lunch at school .

I generally get up at seven .

It is generally believed that smoking is had for the health .

〖点拨〗in general 大体上

6 . especially 特别地,尤其

It has been especially hot this week .

She is especially interested in painting .

Tom loves all fruit , especially bananas .

〖点拨〗especially 强调超出一般的程度性。specially 强调特定的目的性。


1 . part of - ……的一部分

Scotland is part of Britain .

It's part of my duty to note down the main points of the speeches at the meeting .

[ 注意 ]也可用 a part of 表示“……的一部分”。如:

There is but one China and Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times .

Macao is part of China , which if forty miles from Hong Kong .

2 . be puzzled - 弄糊涂了,感到迷惑不解

He was puzzled how to act .

I was puzzled with the question .

3 . stand for - 代表,象征

The letters“UK”stand for“The United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland . ”

The sign X stands for an unknown number .

Each star of the flag of the United States stands for a state of the nation .

4 . be made up - 由……组 ( 构 ) 成

New England is made up of six states .

Clouds are made up of little drops of water .

A TV set is made up of hundreds of different parts .

The medical team is made up of five doctors and three nurses .

The cake is made up of flour , butter , eggs and sugar .

注意:be made up of 是 make up 的被动结构,of 后面跟名词复数形式。如:

Eleven players make up a football team .

A football team is made up of eleven players .

5 . be famous for - 因…而闻名

France is famous for its food and wine .

He is famous for learning .

辨析:famous 与 well - known 同义,不过 famous 词义强,出名的地区较大,时间较大,而且多用于好的意思;well - known 既可用于好的意思,也可用于坏的意思。如:

6 . be about to - 即将,正要

I am about to leave the office .

She was about to leave when the postman arrived .

The English Evening is about to begin . 英语晚会即将开始

注意:be about to 这个词组所在的句子中,不可用表示时间的词语。

7 . have a population of - 拥有……人口

London has a population of seven million .

A recent report said that Taiwan has a population of over 21 million , of which 97% are of Han nationality .

8 . live on 以……为主食,靠……生活

They live on poor food .

People in south China live mainly on rice .

He lives on $50 a month .

He lost his job and had to live on his wife's income .

[ 注意 ]live by sth . ( doing sth . ) 也是“靠……为生”如:

The blind man lived by begging .

They live by honest labour .

9 . go bad - 变坏

Fish soon goes bad in hot weather .

You can't drink the milk in the cup . It has gone bad .

注意:go 有时可用作联系动词,后接形容词,表示变成某种状态。常指变坏,出问题等。如:

His wife went mad .

Has anything gone wrong with the machine ?

10 . tens of thousands of - 数以万计的,好几万 = thousands upon thousands of

Tens of thousands of deer are kept in the nature park .

Tens of thousands of foreigners come to visit China every year .

11 . keep in touch with 与 -- 保持联系

Do keep in touch with us by writing to us regularly .

Write to me as often as you can , I want to keep in touch with you .

A newspaper keeps one in touch with the world .

注意:这个词组的反义是 be out of touch with , 和 lose touch with .

I don't want to lose touch with you .

有关 touch 的短语:bring sb . into touch with…使某人与……接触 / get in ( into ) touch with…与……取得联系

12 . lead / live a…life - 过着……的生活 ( 日子 )

Tom led / lived a simple life those days .

We are leading / living a happy life today .

In the old days he led a hard ( miserable ) life .

We lead a very quiet life .

13 . play a…part ( role ) in - 起……作用,扮演……角色

Marx played an important part in the revolutionary work .

Electricity plays an important part ( role ) in our daily life .

We must make them play their parts to the full .

14 . be fond of 喜爱

Are you fond of watching TV ?

注意:be fond 后不接不定式。

15 . get together 聚会,联欢

Families always get together on New Year Eve .


1 . The larger of the two islands is Britain , which lies to the east of Ireland . 较大的那个岛是不列颠,它在爱尔兰东面。

①这是一个非限制性定语从句,which lies to the east of Ireland 是修饰 Britain . 在书面语中,非限制性定语从句前常用逗号与主句分开。又如:

I gave him some bread , which he didn't eat at all .

He has to work on Sundays , which he doesn't like .

②The larger of two islands , 表示两者 ( 人 / 物 ) 之间“较 ( 大、小、高、矮等 ) 的一个”,用“the + 形容词比较级 + of + 名词”表示。如:

He is the older of the twins .

Tom is the younger of the two boys .

This is the more expensive of the two cameras .

Which is the more interesting of the two TV plays ?

③“the + 形容词最高级 + of + 名词”,指“三者以上最 ( 大、小、高、矮等 ) 的一个”。如:

She is the eldest of the three ( sisters ) .

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year .

She has got the most stamps of all the girls here .

2 . Many of the coal mines are about to be closed . 煤矿中的许多处即将被关闭。

①“be about to do”意思是“马上就要做”表示即将发生的行为,不能和时间状语连用。

Don't go out now - we're about to have lunch .

They are about to start . = They are just going to start .

②加上副词 just,使将来更有即时感。如:

Let's take our seats . The meeting is just about to begin .


I was about to go to bed when here was a knock at the door .

④“be going to do”表示按计划安排准备做的事,或即将发生的事。其时间性没有 be about to 那样紧迫,另外,be going to do 可与时间状语连用。例如:

We're going to put up a building here .

Many of the coal mines are about to be closed next month . ( 错 )

Many of the coal nines are going to be closed next month . ( 对 )


3 . The southern part of the island is a separate country , called the Republic of Ireland with Dublin as its capital . 该岛南部则是另外一个国家,叫做爱尔兰共和国,首者是都柏林。

①called the Republic of Ireland 是一个过去分词短语,在句中作定语。如:

He was reading a book called“My Home Town . ”

To the west of Britain lies a large island , called Ireland .

②句中 with Dublin as its capital,是由“介词 with + 名词 + 介词短语”构成的复合结构,相当于一个定语从句。修饰前面的 the Republic of Ireland . 又如:

The woman with a baby in her arms is Wei Fang's sister .

A boy , with a football under his arm , rushed into the classroom .

In the middle of China lies Hubei province , with its capital on the Yangtze River . 但是,with 的这种复合结构更多的是作方式状语,表示伴随的动作或状态。

4 . Around 1850 , a terrible disease hit the potato crop , and potatoes went bad in the soil . 大约在1850年,土豆作物发生了一场可怕的病害,土豆全都烂在地里了。

①在表示“大约”什么时间时,around 和 about,或 round 的用法相同,可以互相替换。

②go 在句中用作连系动词。go bad 是“变坏”之意。

③hit 在句中表示“袭击,打击,使得某种事物受到损害或影响”。又如:

Last night a storm hit the city .

In 1978 , Iran was hit be a strong earthquake .

They were hard his by their failure .

The strike hit his business hard .


Simple Things平常小事

I'm thankful for the simple things 感谢生活中平常的小事

in life that mean so much 它于我意味着太多太多

Like a small hand slipping into mine ; 如那纤纤素手悄悄握着我的手

Or a kitten's friendly touch… 如那小猫友好地触摸……

Like the sound of raindrops falling 如那深夜的雨滴

on my roof at 2 A . M ; 在屋顶上淅淅沥沥;

Or the song a bird is singing ; 如栖息在古老橡树枝头的小鸟

perched upon an old oak limb… 婉转鸣唱的一支歌……

Simple things like fragrant flowers 如那芬芳的花朵

blooming just outside my door ; 在我门前的灿灿开放;

Or the smell of clean , fresh pine scent 如母亲厨房的地板

Coming from Mom's kitchen floor… 散发出的清新的松木香……

Like the taste of home - fried chicken 如祖母常做的炸鸡

like my grandma used to make ; 香香的令人回味;

Or the colors in a rainbow 如那催开睡眼的咖啡

Lord , there's beauty in it all . 浓浓的溢满茶杯……

Simple things like seasons changing平常小常如季节的更替

winter , spring , then summer and fall ; 冬去春来夏逝秋莅

Or the colors in a rainbow 又如那绚丽彩虹

Lord , there's beauty in it all . 啊呀 ! 那是多么的美丽。

May I never take for granted 但愿我永不会把生活中的“平常小事”

all of life's “simplicities” ; 都理所当然地看作“平常”;

For they're gifts you chose to give me 它们都是您精选给我的礼物,

to fill all my memories . 它们充满着我记忆的橱窗。




Can You Help Them ?

Three young sisters , Jane aged 17 , Jenny aged 18 , and Joyce aged 19 , are engaged to marry three professional men ( 专家 ) . The wedding ( 婚礼 ) ,however , never took place because they couldn't decide who was going to marry whom . they only know the following :

1 . John is a bank manager .

2 . Jenny is not engaged to the doctor .

3 . The teacher's future wife is not the eldest sister .

4 . Jack is engaged to the youngest sister .

5 . Joe is a doctor .

Can you help each of them find the right partner ?

答案:John is engaged to Jenny . Jack is engaged to Jane . Joe is engaged to Joyce .




“be made + 介词”

“be made + 介词”结构为一种被动结构,在英语中随处可见,介词不同,其含义和用法也不同。本文对此小结如下:

1 . be made of 意为“由……制成” ( 能看出成品所用的原材料 ) 。如:

The desk is made of wood .

2 . be made from 意为“由……制成” ( 看不出成品原材料 ) 。如:

This kind of paper is made from wood .

3 . be made by 意为“被 ( 由 ) ……制造”,by 后接动作的执行者。如:

The machine is made by Uncle Wang .

4 . be made in 意为“在某地制造”,in 后面接产地,这种结构用于产品标牌上为“Made in…”。如:

Made in China . 中国制造。

This kind of car is made in Japan .

5 . be made for 意为“为……制造的”。如:

The machine is made for the farmers .

6 . be made into 意为“……被制成……”。如:

Rice can be made into wine .

7 . be made after 意为“仿照……制成”。如:

This building is made after that one .

8 . be made up of 意为“由……构成”,强调事物的组成部分。如:

Our class is made up of fifty students .


1 . The bridge is made _______ stones .

2 . This kind of TV set is made ______ our factory .

3 . Glass is often made _______ bottles .

4 . Steel is made ______ iron ( 铁 ) .

5 . This kind of cars is made _______ the workers of the factory .

6 . These colour TV sets are made _______ the workers of the factory .

7 . The red skirt is made ______ my sister .

8 . Water is made ______ hydrogen ( 氢 ) and oxygen ( 氧 ) .

答案:1 . of 2 . in 3 . into 4 . from 5 . after 6 . by 7 . for 8 . up of




1 . 两个城市中上海更大些。

Shanghai is ______ ______ ______ ______ two cities .

2 . 日本位于中国的东边。

Japan ______ ______ the east of China .

3 . UN代表联合国。

UN _____ _____ _____ the United Nations .

4 . 中国因它久远的历史而闻名。

China ______ ______ ______ its long history .

5 . 当我小的时候我常和弟弟玩耍。

I ______ ______ ______ ______ my younger brother when I was a child .

6 . 我们的国家能够生产各种小汽车。

Our country can produce ______ ______ ______ cars .

7 . 在中国,北方人主食玉米和小麦,而南方人吃的是稻米。

People in North China ______ ______ corn and wheat , while those in South China _____ _____ rice .

8 . 在炎热的天气里鱼很快会变坏。

Fish soon ______ ______ in hot weather .

9 . 我要离开这儿三个月,请和我保持联系。

I'll be away for three months , please ______ ______ ______ ______ me .

10 . 我的父母在乡村过着安静的生活。

My parents ______ ______ ______ ______ in the countryside .

11 . 科学在我们生活中起着重要作用。

Science ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ our life .

12 . 他们喜欢跳舞。

They ______ ______ ______ ______ .

13 . 我原以为我们的英语老师是美国人呢。

I _____ our English teacher ______ ______ the U . S . A .

14 . 你我都没错。

_____ you _____ I _____ wrong .

15 . 大不列颠联合王国由四个地区组成。

The UK ______ ______ ______ ______ four parts .

16 . 把好的和坏的分开。

_____ the good ones _____ the bad ones .

答案:1 . the larger of the 2 . lies to 3 . stands for 4 . is famous for 5 . used to play with 6 . all sorts / kinds of 7 . live on ; live on 8 . goes bad 9 . keep in touch with 10 . lead / live a quiet life 11 . plays and important part in 12 . are fond of dancing 13 . thought ; was from 14 . Neither ; nor ; am 15 . is made up of 16 . Separate ; from




Note:印度India 尼泊尔Nepal 锡兰Sr lanka 俄罗斯 Russia 蒙古Mongolia 朝鲜Korean


China is one of the largest countries in the world . It lies in the north of Asia . Its neighbours and India Nepal . Sr Lanka . Russia . Mongolia . Korean and so on . Taiwan and Hainan islands are two separated islands , The Changjiang and the Yellow River flow into the sea from the west to the east . It has an area of 960 million square kilometres with population of 1 . 3 billion . Although China has a long history , it is still a developing country . She is trying her best to catch up with other developed countries .



Britain and Ireland

What is the difference between the British Isles (岛),Britain,the United Kingdom and England? These terms are so often confused (弄混淆) by us.

The British isles is made up of two large(1):one is called Ireland and the other (2).Britain,or Great Britain,is the (3)of these two islands.and it is (4)into three parts:Scotland,Wales and England.

The United Kingdom is that(5)of the British Isles ruled over by the (6).It is made up of Scotland,Wales and England ,that is ,the (7)of Britain,and also about one-sixth of Ireland,the Northern part.The (8)of Ireland is self-governing.The(9)name of the United Kingdom is (10)“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”

(11)is larger and richer than Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland,and has the most (12)of the United Kingdom,so people often use the (13)“English”when they(14)“Britain”and“British”.This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little (15).The Scots in particular are very(16)of their separate nationality: they have their own legal(法律的)system, and (17)of their internal affairs(内部事务)are (18)by special Scottish department. The Welsh too do not regard (19)as English, and have a culture and even a (20)of their own.

Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801,but for forty years the“Irish (21)”was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom.(22),Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still(23)to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland (24)to found an Irish free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.

The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as British. and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations(英联邦).Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to (25)British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

1.untries B.islands C.states D.republics

2.A.Wales B.Britain C.England D.Scotland

3.A.stronger B.richer C.larger D.older

4.A.divided B.cut C.broken D.separated

5.A.piece B.island untry D.part

6.A.English B.government C.Queen D.king

7.A.south B.north C.part D.whole

8.A.smaller B.larger C.rest D.island

9.rrect B.true C.full plete

10.A.also B.therefore C.likely D.perhaps

11.A.The UK B.The British isles C.Great Britain D.England

12.lleges B.officials C.cities D.population

13.A.words B.names C.spellings nunciations

14.A.call B.forget C.mean D.write

15.A.angry B.difficult C.tired D.lonely

16.ud B.fond C.full D.kind

17.A.none B.some C.all D.few

18.A.separated B.played C.managed D.made

19.A.it B.Wales C.them D.themselves

20.A.capital B.language C.history grammes

21.untry B.Question C.Disease D.Republic

22.A.At last B.So C.Meanwhile D.Also

23.A.retruns B.belongs C.gets D.speaks

24.A.hoped B.refused C.broke away D.used

25.A.feel B.touch C.fight D.help



Did anyone find the names of“Great Britain”,“the United Kingdom”,“England”and “the British commonwealth”which have the same meaning ? Strictly speaking,these names all refer to something different.None of them are exactly the same as any of the others.

The British isles refer to the main islands and several thousand small ones as well,which you can see on the map .Great Britain ,or Britain,refers to the larger of the two main islands.But the word“Britain”is often used as a short form for the United Kingdom or you call it the U.K.

Now as for England ,it refers simply to the largest of the three countries on the island of Great Britain.The United Kingdom is the name of the state and the official name of the country,which many people popularly refer to England. Finally,the Britain commonwealth is the usual name for what is left of the British Empire(帝国).This change shows the weakening of British Empire and the rising of the national liberation movements throughout the world today.

1.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Great Britain has the same meaning as Britain.

B.The United Kingdom has the same meaning as Britain of England.

C.All the names in the first paragraph have the same meaning.

D.All the name refer to England.

2.Which of the following shows the right relationship(关系)between the Briti sh Isles (BI),Britain (B)and England (E)?


3.It is clear that the Britain Isles refer to .

A.Britain,England and the U.K.

B.The two main islands and thousands of small ones

C.three countries and several islands

D.Great Britain or the United Kingdom

4.If you want to write to someone in Edinburgh which lied in Scotland,you should write the address as .


B.Edinburgh,Great Britain


D.Great Britain,Scotland,Edinburgh

5.“The British commonwealth”has taken the place of“the British Empire”,f rom which we can see .

A.the British Empire is separating

B.the national liberation movements are rising

C.both A and B

D.neither A nor B

答案:1~5 ADBBC


In order to deal(对付)with one of the most pressing problems-congested traffic,the British city of Leeds is advising its citizens to share cars in rush hours.

As peak hour traffic floods into the city,many cars just contain the driver.Surveys show that there are more than four thousand empty seats in these cars each morning,which the city council(议会)want filling.So from now on, priority(好处)will be given to those envirommentally-conscious (有环境意识的) drivers who have taken at least one other person with them into work.One lane will be designated only for those vehicles(车辆)with two or more people;the other slower lane for the single ocupant(占有者).

6.According to this report which way do you think is the best to solve(解决)the congested traffic?The best way is .

A.not to allow cars, uses into the city

B.to have people go into the city after the rush hour

C.to reduce the numbers of cars entering the city

D.to reduce the people entering the city

7.If you are walking to the city of Leeds along the highway, you are easily .

A.brought up B.picked up C.knocked down D.called on

8.What's the meaning of the word“survey?”

A.观察 B.研究 C.估计 D.分析

9.If you want to get to the city as soon as possible,you should .

A.get up early and drive too fast

B.drive along the fast lane

C.have your car shared with somebody else

D.Both B and C


What's the difference between the British Isles(不列颠群岛),Britain,the United Kingdom and England?

The British Isles is made up of two large islands:One is called Ireland and the other Britain.Britain,or Great Britain,is the larger of these two islands,and it is divided into three parts:Scotland,Wales and England.

The United Kingdom(U.K.)is short for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.It is made up of Scotland,Wales,and England (i.e.the whole of Britain),and also about one-sixth of Ireland,the Northern part.The rest of Ireland is selfgoverning(自治的)。

England is the largest,most populous (人口众多的),and generally speaking,the richest section(=part).English people often use the words“England”and “English”when they mean“Britain”and “British”.This sometimes make the Scots and the Welsh angry.The Scots are very proud of (以……为骄傲) their separate nationality.The Welsh too do not consider themselves as English ,and have a culture and even a language of their own.Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801,but is soon grew discontented(不满的),and for forty years the “Irish Question”was the greatest headach of British Parliament(国会).At last,Ireland divided itself into two:Northern Ireland remained loyal(忠诚于)to the Grown (英国王室),and in 1922 the rest of the country broke away to form an Irish Free State,now the Republic of Ireland.

10.Which is the largest in area?It is .

A.the British Isles B.Great Britain

C.the United Kingdom D.England

11.Which is the largest island of the British Isles?

A.Ireland B.Britain C.England D.Northern Ireland

12.The United Kingdom is mainly made up of .

A.3 parts:Scotland,Wales,and England

B.4 parts:Scotland;Wales,England and Ireland

C.2 parts:the whole of Britain and Ireland

D.2 parts:the whole of Britain and Northern Ireland

13.Strictly speaking(严格地说),which is wrong?

A.“English”refers (指)to people of England.

B.“The Scots”refers to people of Scotland.

C.“English”refers to all the people to the UK.

D.Only one-sixth of Ireland belongs to the UK.

14.Who will be glad if we use “England”when we mean Britain?

A.The British B.People of England

C.People of the Republic of Ireland. D.the Welsh


Husbands and Wives

“In the old days,”as one wife said,“the husband was the husband and the wife was the wife.”Husbands each had their own way of going on.the wives'jobs were to look after them.“The wives wouldn't stand for it nowadays(当今).Husbands help with the children now.They stay more in the home and have more interest in the home.”We shall give some examples of what husbands do ,firstly, in sharing work with their wives, and secondly, in their largely independent(独立的)domain(领域)of house repairs.

“Some husbands, as well as doing much of the heavy work in the home, carrying the coals and emptying the rubbish,act as assistants to their wives for at least part of the day.”Mr Hammond washes up the dishes every night and lays the breakfast for the morning. Mr clark said that on Sunday mornings he usually hoovered(吸尘)around for her while she did a bit of washing. Mr Davis polishes(擦亮)the floors and helps to make the beds at the weekends,and during the week takes the dog out for one of his twice-daily walks.So it goes on…

15.The words“act as assistant to their wives”mean that .

A.husbands read plays around

B.husbands are paid by their wives

C.husbands help their wives

D.husbands look after their sick children

16.One wife's words were .

A.before liberation men stayed at home all day

B.in the past,there was a clear division of roles in the family

C.in the past,most boys and girls were married

D.before liberation ,wives and husbands lived alone

17.What does Mr Davis do at the weedends?

A.He cleans the floor and makes the bedclothes tidy.

B.He reads plays aloud and does the weekly shopping.

C.He hangs about and sweeps beds out of wood.

D.He takes the dog out for a walk.

18.In the past ,the women's main jobs were to .

A.take the children to school

B.take care of their husbands

C.do the washing up

D.dig the garden

19.The passage is mainly about .

A.the division of husbands,wives and dogs

B.how to get on well with husbands and wives

C.the relationship between husbands,wives and children

D.the relationship between husbands and wives


阅读下列故事开头部分,然后根据你的想象完成故事。字数:120 个左右。开头部分不


One day,on my way home I was stopped by a robber,whose face was covered with a piece of cloth,leaving his two eyes exposed.The robber ordered me to give him money at once.

答案:Ⅰ. 1~5 BBCAD 6~10 CDCCB 11~15 DDACA 16~20 ABCDB 21~25 BABCD Ⅱ.1~5 ADBBC 6~10 CBADA 11~14 BDCB 15~19 BABD Ⅲ.One day,on my way home I was stopped by a robber,whose face was covered with a piece of cloth,leaving his two eyes exposed .The robber ordered me to give him money at once.

At first,I gave him a ten-yuan note.But the money did not satisfy him.Instead,he raised his fist,threatening to beat me.This time I had to bring out more money--a 100-yuan note.But again he was not satisfied.He drew a knife upon me .Iwas forced to search all of my pockets,but now I had none left.

I had no choice but to raise my two fists to fight back.On seeing this ,the robber was so frightened that he dropped his knife and ran away as fast as he could.

It has given me a good lesson that if we each dare to fight back,such things will be avoided.


Cultural represent give in give up recreate damage limit stand for would rather compete point

The price includes transportation fee

There were six people in the room, including three womem.

There were six people in the room, three women included.

2.Give in 1)Vi, 投降。 屈服, 呈现(文件)vt

The nobels were forced to give in.

He has given in to my views.

Please give in you examination papers now.

3. limit n 极限,限制。Vt, adj,

Don’t excelled the speed limit. 不要超速。

You must try to limit your expense. 你要控制你的开支。

The problem is not limit to U.S.A 这个问题在美国是不受限制的。

limited, adj.

Our natural resources were very limited.

Limitless: My patience is limitless.

4. make (1) make it clear that-----

They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job.

I will make him king.

The film made him famous.

The medicine made me feel better.

5.stand for (1)vt , be in favour of sth, support sth

What does the BC stand for?

We will stand for you if he fights with you.

I’d rather stay here.

Would rather----- than----

The soldier would rather die than surrender(投降)

I would rather you wrote the letter.

1.The red lines on the map _________ railways.

A. replace B. represent C. recover D. reserve

2.It is not easy to enter the garden in the daytime _______being noticed.

A. without B. instead of C. unless D. before

3. The _______ of the meeting is to elect a new manager.

A. reason B. fact C. result D. purpose

4. The city of San Francisco was lit by an earthquake, A village in this area was also _________.

A. under attack B. an attack C. under an attack D. on the attack.

5. Although he explained again and again, he could not make himself _______ by all of us.

A. understand B. understanding C. understood D. be understood

6. Wind _______ electricity in many parts of the world.

A. is widely used to produce B. is widely used to producing

C. widely used to produce D. widely used to producing

7.Is ______ you want to say? Please ask the teacher.

A. this B. that C. all that D. that all

8. The workers bought a new house but ______ will need a lot of work before they can move in.

9. --Would you like some coffee?--Yes, and please get me some milk too,

--I prefer coffer ____ milk.

10. In Sydney, the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ______ the third of all the competing countries.

A. ranking B. ranker C. the rank D. having ranked

11. We were ______ to hear of your escape from the big fire we cried with great joy.

A. more happy than B more than happy

C. happy more than D. happier than

1. What(a/an) + n. + 主语 +谓语!

What a dirty ashtray it is!

What beautiful colors( they are)!

What beautiful sunshine!

2. How + adj./adv. + 主语 + 谓语!

How lucky he is!

How terrible the snakes look!

3. make sure that------

Please make sure (that) the door is locked.

He made sure that he had enough food for the journey.


1.While walking the dog, you were careless.

a.Following old photos, the new room has been made to look much like the old one.

b.Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated.

2.I didn’t dare open a window.

3.It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face.

4.I still find it hard to make good friends with them.

5. I do want to change this situation.

a.As they were not cleverer than me, but did pass their exams.

6.However ,even on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.

a.In 1770, the room was completed the way she wanted it.

7.Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize each other’s dialects.

8.It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.

9.She insisted that we find the source of the river.

a.The man who has it insists that it belongs to his family.

10.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.

11.Our legs felt so heavy and cold that we thought they were ice.

12.To climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hills was great fun.

13.Even the pigs were too nervous to eat.

14.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.

15.It seemed that the world was at an end.

16.Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.

17.Water,food and electricity were hard to get.

18.All hope was not lost.

They may not be able to understand everything.

19.Who do you think is a great person?

20.This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.

a.This was a time when the two countries were at war.

b.There was times when my size was totally changed.

21.Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

a.Nor do I think they should give it to any government.

b.No other country could join in, nor could slaves or women.

22.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep.

23.I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.

24.The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days.

25.It took a team of the country’s best artists ten years to make it.

26.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg.

27.I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece”.

28.Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games? As a matter of fact, everyone wants to.

29.It’s just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.

30.The more you speak English, the better your English will be.

31.People thought I was simple-minded until they discovered I had “artificial intelligence.”

32.As the years have gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller.

33.There was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.

a.Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing?

34.They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.


1.add up 2.calm down

3.be concerned about 4.go through

5.hide away 6. set down

7.a series of 8.be/grow crazy about

9.on purpose 10.in order to

11. face to face 12.according to

13.have trouble with 14. get along well with

15.fall in love municate with

17.make an effort to 18. join in

19.more than 20.one another

21.play an important role/part in 22.because of

23.even if/though e up

25.be based on 26.believe it or not

27.be expected to 28.dream of/about

39.persuade sb to do sth 30.care about

31.at an altitude of 32.make up one’s mind

33.give in/up 34.as usual

35.put up 36.for one thing, for another,

37.be familiar to/with 38.right away

39.think little/much/highly of 40.at an end

41.the/a number of 42.instead if

43.be proud of 44.honor sb for sth

45.be known as/for 46.lose heart

47.in trouble 48.die for

49.fight against/for 50.believe in

51.be/put in prison 52.advise on

ntinue doing/to do 54.be out of work

55.as a matter of fact/in fact 56.blow up

57.in one/a way 58.came to/into power

59.be sentenced to 60.look into

61.belong to 62.belong to

63.get lost/dressed 64.in search of

65.be used to do/doing 66.be made into

67.in return (for) 68.serve as

69.more than one 70.rather than

71.agree with/to/on 72.take part in

73.every four years 74.be admitted as/to

pete for/against/in 76.as well as

77.be/get married to mise sb to do

79.pick up 80.one after another

81.have---in common 82.go by

83.deal/do with 84.make up

85.after all 86.as a result

87.die out 88.in danger (of )

89.no longer/more tect--- from

91.pay attention to 92.have an effect on

93.came into being 94.play jokes on

95.pretend to do 96.break up

97.as if/though 98.stick to/insist on

e up with 100.above all


Teaching aims:

1. To develop the reading skills of skimming and scanning to understand the reading material.

2. To read about the successful development of a famous band “The Monkees” s hard life from being common to get a big hit.

3. To improve the Ss’ reading skills such as skimming and scanning.

Teaching important points:

1. Help Ss to understand the passage better.

2. Learn and master some important words and phrases.

Teaching difficult points:

1. How to help Ss understand the passage better.

2. How to improve the Ss’ reading skills through some activities.

Teaching approaches: task- based approach

Teaching aids: the computer , the multi-media projector

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

1. Introduce the topic of music.

(Before class, play the Monkees’ song “I’m a believer”)

T: Do you like the music I played before class? Today our topic is music. Are you fond of music? Do you know who they are? (The teacher shows the pictures of some famous singer S.H.E,Coco li , Liu Huan, Andy Lau刘德华,Jay 周杰伦,Michael Jackson , Rich Martin)

Then what kind of music do they sing?

Do you know some other kinds of music?

How does music make you feel?( I feel inspired when listening to music , when I’m listening to music . when I’m mot having a good mood music can calm me down . when I listen to the music. I feel happy and recall some good memories and beautiful things in life ).

( I feel relaxed when listening music, music tells us the real life.)

2. Introduce “The Monkees”.

T: Excellent, I really enjoy your opinions and I also have learnt a lot from your ideas so you are really music fans. Now I have a problem. I would like you to give me some advice. I want to listen to some famous bands music. Can you recommend some famous bands for me? Or have you ever heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you have.

T: Good. Thank you for your recommendation . I have many choice to consider. But here I have a photo of an band, Can you tell me who they are? ( The Monkees)

T: Well, it seems you know little about them it doesn’t matter. Now let’s read the passage on the paper and find more information about them “The Band That Wasn’t”

Step 2 ( Task 1 ) Fast reading

Please read the passage quickly and tell us what the passage is about.

( The passage is about the successful development of a famous band “ the Monkees”.)

Step 3 (Task 2 ) Skimming

Skim the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Para 1 : Dreaming of being famous musician or singer

Para 2 : How musicians form bands.

Para 3 : How the band got their start.

Para 4 : How “The Monkees became serious about their business.

Step 4 (Task 3 ) Scanning

Scan the passage and find out jwhether the following statements are True or False.

T 1.Most musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play music.

F 2.The TV organizers had looked for five musicians who were lovely and who could make good music.

F 3.Each week the group that was called “The Beatles” would play a song or two written by other musician.

T 4.“The Monkees” broke up in about 1960,but reunited in 1980.

Step 5 (Task 4 ) Intensive Reading

Ask the students to look through the questions on the screen and read the text silently.Students are expected to find out all the answers by themselves.

T:OK,boys and girls.Now let”s read the text in detail and answer the following questions.


1. Why do most musicians like to be in a band with others?

( Because they want to write and play music together.)

2. Which two musical bands are mentioned in the passage?

(Beatles & Monkees )

3. How do bands that are formed by high school students earn some extra money?

(They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.)

4. When did “The Monkees” break up and when did it reunite?

( They broke up in about 1970 and it reunited in the mid-1980.)

5. Why was “The Monkees” successful in their work?

( Because they were serious about their work and they also worked very hard.)

Step 6 (Task 5 ) Word study

Listen to the recording and then match the words or phrases with the meanings

musical instrument someone whose job is to play or write music

karaoke something used to make music

fan excited supporter of somebody

Advertisement person or thing that is very popular and successful

hit imagine something would come true

passers-by go away in different directions

dream of tell exactly what one thinks

break up public message to tell about sth. or service

be honest with person going past by chance

musician sing a song with a video

Step 7 ( Task 6 ) Retell the story

I guess you have totally understood the text.Now let”s check whether you have comprehended the text.On the blackboard,it”s the summary of our reading text.But it”s not complete.You have to think out a proper word to fill in each blank without reading your textbook.After filling the missing words,you will have a complete summary of the text.Now,I will give you 5 minutes to do this task.

If we are ______ ______ ourselves,most of us have ______ ______ being famous sometimes in our lives.Most musicians often meet and ______ a band.Sometimes they play in the street to ______ so that they can earn some ______ money and this also gives them a ______ to realize their dreams.There was once a band started ______ ______ ______ ______.The musicians of whom the band was formed ______ ______ ______ each other as well as played music,whose music and jokes were loosely ______ ______ “The Beatles”.Their exciting performances were copied by other groups.“The Monkees” played their own ______ and wrote their own music.Though it ______ ______ in 1970,it ______ in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today.

Suggested answer:

honest with;dreamed of;form;passers-by;extra;chance;in a different way;played jokes on;based on;instruments;broke up;reunited

Step 8 Summary

Today we”ve learned a passage about the band “The Monkees” and we know their success lies in their hard work and unique style of performance.The Monkees worked hard to be a famous band and their special performance styles were loved by people all over the world.


1. Read the passage over and over again and find out all the sentences with attributive clauses.

2. Read another passage “Biography of ‘The Monkees’” to get more information about the Band.


