

Wishing you a prosperous future as you embark on this new chapter in your professional jou~~你喜欢这些短句吗?因此,栏目特意整理了开业的英文句子(热门127句),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


2、The wait is over! We are thrilled to finally be opening our doors and inviting you to experience our new establishment.

3、The god of wealth is in your doorway!财神到,接财神!

4、We are delighted to announce the grand opening of our new store, which represents our commitment to providing top-quality products and excellent service to our customers.

5、A bouquet of flowers, a true feeling, a faith, I wish the opening of auspicious, big rich source!一束鲜花,一份真情,一份信念,祝开业吉祥,大富启源!

6、Our new restaurant is now serving the finest cuisine in town.

7、We invite you to join us at the launch of our latest product line.



10、We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of our new venture.


12、Warmest congratulations on the grand opening of your store. May it become a hub of creativity and a favorite destination for customers. 热烈祝贺您店铺的盛大开业。愿它成为创意的中心和顾客的首选目的地。



15、May your business thrive and bring joy, fulfillment, and wealth to you and your team. 愿你的事业兴旺发达,给你和你的团队带来快乐、成就和财富。


17、Have a thriving and happy new year.恭喜发财,新年快乐。

18、Wishing you a prosperous and thriving business venture. May your entrepreneurial spirit lead you to great heights. 祝您生意兴隆,事业腾飞。愿您的创业精神引领您走向巅峰。

19、With the opening of our new branch, we are excited to bring our services closer to our customers.

20、Wishing you boundless success and prosperity as you embark on this new business venture. Congratulations on your grand opening! 祝你在开始这个新的事业尝试时获得无限的成功和繁荣。祝贺你的盛大开业!


22、Congratulations on the grand opening! Wishing you a prosperous future filled with numerous achievements. 恭喜店铺开业!祝您未来充满繁荣,取得无数的成就。


24、We are counting down the days until we can welcome you to our brand new location.

25、Congratulations and warmest wishes on your new business venture! May it bring you great joy, personal satisfaction, and abundant rewards. 祝贺你的新事业,并送上最热情的祝福! 愿它带给你巨大的快乐、个人满足和丰厚的回报。

26、Business is like spring, and money is longer than water.生意如同春意满,财源更比流水长。


28、Ready to serve you from the crack of dawn! Our store opens promptly at 8 am.

29、Spring comes before spring.春意春前草,财源雨后泉。


31、We are proud to announce that our new venture is now open for business, and we are eager to serve our community.


33、With cutting-edge technology and a team of experts, we are confident that our business will thrive in today's competitive market. 凭借前沿科技和一支专业团队,我们相信我们的业务将在当今竞争激烈的市场中蓬勃发展。

34、The wait is finally over! Our doors are officially opening on [date].

35、We are delighted to finally open our doors and share our passion and expertise with you. Thank you for joining us on this momentous occasion.




39、Business is thriving. Congratulations on your fortune!财源广进,生意兴隆!恭喜发财,开业大吉!


41、We're excited to be bringing our business to this vibrant community and can't wait to see what the future holds. 我们很兴奋能够将我们的业务带到这个充满活力的社区,并迫不及待地想看看未来会带来什么。

42、Sending heartfelt congratulations on the opening of your new business. May it flourish and become a prominent establishment in no time. 衷心祝贺您的新业务开张。愿它繁荣起来,并迅速成为一家闪耀的企业。


44、Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional products and services, as we strive to exceed your expectations.

45、We are filled with excitement and anticipation as we launch our new business, and we look forward to making a positive impact in the industry. 我们满怀激动和期待地启动新业务,期待在行业中产生积极的影响。





50、It's 8 am, time to kick-start another day of serving our valued customers.

51、With great excitement, we invite you to join us for the inauguration of our extraordinary business.

52、We are pleased to announce the grand opening of our new store. 我们很高兴地宣布我们新店盛大开业。

53、Congratulations on your grand opening! I wish you great success and prosperity in your new venture. 祝贺你的盛大开业! 祝你在新的事业中取得巨大成功和繁荣。

54、Our new business venture is officially underway, and we couldn't be more thrilled to see where it takes us. 我们的新业务冒险正式开始,我们非常激动,想看看它将带给我们什么。

55、It is with tremendous joy that we declare our business officially open for business.

56、We're thrilled to be opening our doors and welcoming customers to our brand new location. 我们非常高兴能够打开门迎接客户来到我们崭新的位置。


58、Sending my heartfelt congratulations on this special occasion. May your business grow and bring you happiness and fulfillment. 在这个特殊的时刻,我衷心祝贺您。愿您的事业蒸蒸日上,带给您幸福和成就感。


60、It is our pleasure to welcome you to our newest location, and we look forward to building a lasting relationship with you.

61、On this special milestone, may your business bring you immense happiness, fulfillment, and financial abundance. 在这个特殊的里程碑上,愿你们的生意带来非凡的快乐、成就和财富。

62、We're proud to be joining this thriving business community and look forward to serving our customers for years to come. 我们很自豪能够加入这个繁荣的商业社区,并期待为我们的客户服务多年。


64、We extend our congratulations on the official opening of your business. Wishing you immense prosperity and success in all your future endeavors. 我们衷心祝贺您的企业正式开业。愿您在未来的努力中收获巨大的繁荣与成功。

65、Wishing you boundless success, relentless passion, and remarkable achievements. Congratulations on your new venture! 祝您取得无尽的成功,持久的激情和显著的成就。恭喜您的新创业!

66、We are pleased to announce the opening of our state-of-the-art facility.

67、After months of preparation, our new flagship store is finally open for business. 经过几个月的筹备,我们的新旗舰店终于开业了。

68、Congratulations on the opening of your new business! May it be the beginning of a prosperous journey filled with exciting opportunities and endless growth. 祝贺你们新生意的开张!愿它成为一个充满令人激动的机会和无限增长的繁荣之旅的开始。


70、As we cut the ribbon, we symbolize the opening of new possibilities and a thriving business venture.

71、After months of hard work, we are thrilled to announce the official opening of our new store. 经过数月辛勤工作,我们很高兴宣布新店的正式开幕。


73、Our new branch office is now open for business and ready to serve you.

74、We are proud to be part of this vibrant community and look forward to serving you for many years to come.







81、A new chapter begins! Congratulations on your business launch. May it bring you endless opportunities and memorable experiences. 开启新的篇章!恭喜您的创业之路。愿它带给您无尽的机遇和难忘的经历。


83、We are grateful for your presence at our grand opening ceremony, marking the beginning of our success story.

84、Congratulations and best wishes on the grand opening of your business. May it bring you joyful moments, loyal customers, and endless opportunities. 祝贺你们生意开业,祝福你们。愿它给你们带来欢乐的时刻、忠实的顾客和无尽的机遇。


86、Brace yourselves – something amazing is brewing! We are opening soon.

87、Wishing you a successful and prosperous future as you embark on this exciting new chapter. Congratulations on your grand opening! 祝你在开始这个令人兴奋的新篇章时能够获得成功和繁荣。祝贺你的盛大开业!

88、Today marks the beginning of a new era for our company. 今天标志着我们公司一个新时代的开始。

89、Bright and early at 8 am, we're ready to provide you with the best shopping experience.

90、Congratulations on realizing your dreams and opening your own business. May your entrepreneurial spirit inspire others to follow their passions and achieve their goals. 祝贺您实现梦想,开创了自己的事业。愿您的创业精神激励他人追随激情,实现目标。

91、Thank you for joining us to celebrate the grand opening of our flagship store.


93、We are excited to introduce our innovative range of products that will transform your daily life.

94、We have been working tirelessly to prepare for this moment, and we are excited to finally be able to welcome you to our grand opening.




98、Our grand opening marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for our company, and we are grateful to have you with us on this journey.


100、Good morning, early birds! Get your shopping spree started bright and early at 8 am.





105、Thank you for choosing us as your trusted partner. We promise to deliver excellence in all aspects of our business.


107、Our new store showcases the latest trends in fashion, décor, and technology, providing something for everyone.

108、Our new business is finally up and running, and we couldn't be more excited! 我们的新业务终于开始运营了,我们感到非常兴奋!


110、Together, we celebrate the birth of our business and look forward to serving you with excellence.

111、Business has opened up. Wish your business is booming, thriving and thriving.生意开张了,祝愿你的'生意财源滚滚,如日中天,兴旺发达,开张大吉啊!

112、The opening of this new branch is a testament to our commitment to expanding our business and serving our customers better. 新分店的开业证明了我们扩大业务、更好地服务客户的承诺。

113、May your business flourish, your customers multiply, and your profits soar high. Congratulations on this milestone! 愿您的事业蓬勃发展,客源不断,利润飞速增长。恭喜您迈向这一里程碑!



116、I believe that your business will thrive more this year.我相信今年您的生意将更兴隆。


118、Our grand opening sale offers incredible deals and discounts. Don't miss out on this one-time opportunity!


120、The moment we've been waiting for has finally arrived - our business is open for business! 我们期待已久的时刻终于到来了-我们的业务已经营业了!



123、Best wishes on your new business endeavor! I believe in your vision and know that you have what it takes to make it a great success. 祝贺你的新事业的开始! 我相信你的愿景,也知道你一定有能力让它取得巨大的成功。

124、We invite you to explore our state-of-the-art facilities and indulge in a unique shopping experience.


126、We are excited to introduce our latest product line to the market and look forward to serving our customers with excellence. 我们非常兴奋地向市场推出最新的产品线,并期待以卓越的服务回馈顾客。

127、Wishing you a prosperous future as you embark on this new chapter in your professional journey. May your business flourish and thrive. 祝你们职业生涯新篇章顺利启航,愿你们的事业蓬勃发展、茁壮成长。

