

found the snipe!(我发现沙锥鸟了!)。会发现互相分享句子已经成为一种“流行标志”。充满情调的句子能够让我们心旷神怡,你找到值得分享的句子了吗?我们为你准备了一份详细的常用的英语短句报告快来查看吧,如果你仔细研究这些句子你会获得一些有价值的知识!

1、Letters swill cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster.(这样会稍微多花点钱,但肯定要快得多了。%。)

2、But the forbearance shown by a valiant and brave person is true forgiveness.(但是及其勇敢者所表现出的忍耐是真正的宽恕。)

3、Even as they foreshadow the rise of Asia, his Numbers also help explain the historical rise of Europe.(麦迪森的数据既预示了亚洲的崛起,也有助于解释欧洲历史上的崛起。)

4、The degree of formality also influences sentence style.(句子的正式程度也会影响你的文章风格。)

5、Group 2 (control group) had 29 patients who were laid supine after injection.(组2(对照组)有29例,注射后采用仰卧位。)

6、Lightning floodlights gnarled trees and a giant iron bell. Monks with umbrellas flit about in robes and slippers.(闪电泛光灯照亮了盘根错节的古树和一具庞大的铁钟。和尚们打着伞,穿着僧衣和拖鞋四处走动。)

7、The inscription is deeply cut on the stone.(碑文已深深地刻在石头上。)

8、Common snipe of Eurasia and Africa.(欧亚大陆和非洲普通的沙锥鸟。)

9、The decorative form of furniture is the modal characters with that the furniture endue by decorative elements.(家具的装饰形态是指家具的装饰要素所赋予家具的形态特征。)

10、Lie perhaps to see "Red Chamber Dream" in just coming out the lawn of the small bud, concussed spirit back bowel of the love will let you infatuate with for a long time.(或者躺在刚刚冒出小芽的草地上看“红楼梦”,荡气回肠的爱情会让你陶醉很久。)

11、This interdisciplinary, prospective, longitudinal study included a total of 68 patients with acute vestibular vertigo syndromes.(这项多学科的、前瞻性的纵向研究一共包括68位伴有急性前庭性眩晕的患者。)

12、Inside the slug, about 1 percent of the amoebas turn into police.(在鼻涕虫体内,大约1%的阿米巴原虫变成了警察。)

13、Sara assures Katie that nothing will ever happen between herself and an inmate.(Sara向Katie保证说,她不会和囚犯发生任何感情。)

14、You think that God will smite him because of our insensitivity?(你认为我们的敏感会使上帝打击他?。)

15、sold stock, preparing to trade another slug of calls.(我卖出股票,并准备新一轮卖单的来临。)

16、In this case, I can see sticking with Blood Spatter.(遇到这种的情况,可以点鲜血飞溅。)

17、Foreign Minister li Zhaoxing will meet with him on the sideline of the meeting.(会议期间,李肇星外长将与他会面。)

18、Can you give little Gerda nothing to take which will endue her with power over the whole?(你能不能给小小的格尔达一件东西,使她能有力量克服一切困难呢?)

19、Objects like this turn up at sales with surprising frequency.(这样的东西在拍卖会上出人意料地频繁出现。)

20、And in that role, he was already starting this idea of interdisciplinary work, at that point between the School of Medicine and the School of Engineering.(也就是在院长的时候,他开始通过药学院与工程学院之间的合作来了解和研究跨学科工作。)

21、Those people hyenas birds and insects are painted with black oil paint pigment with a large amount of acrylic added and the effect is very surreptitious as long as I maintain the shape.(那些人、鬣狗、鸟儿、虫子则用黑色的油画颜料加大量的丙烯剂画上去,效果很是随意,只要保持外形就行了。)

22、When I saw Infernal Affairs is when he caught my eye.(当我看《无间道》的时候,他一下子吸引住了我。)

23、If Congressman Blowhard ever got his way, the snipe hunters of the world would surely fight to keep their tax break.(如果国会议员布哈德的方案曾被通过的话,那么现在(削减税式支出的行为)必然会让世界上的猎鹬者全力争取继续享有他们的抵税优惠。)

24、Some people have died from swine flu.(某些人死于猪流感。)

25、Yi sleet affects a corner of jaws hard ugg claccic also wants apt extrude an silk smile.(伊雪努力的牵动嘴角,还想挤出一丝微笑。)

26、This work models the transition from "ram" to "scram" propulsion.(这一模型将研究从亚燃到超燃的转换。)

27、Carried on the detailed floodgate to the plate drying machinery principle of work and the transformation plan to state, carried on the analysis to the economic efficiency.(锤式烘干机是铜陵化工研究设计院自主开发设计的一种新型高效煅烧石膏粉的专用设备,简要介绍锤式烘干机的工作原理、流程等。)

28、On October 7th a businessman in Osaka produced a surreptitious recording of his seven-hour “voluntary” questioning, in which the police threaten to hit him and destroy his life.(十月七日,大阪的一位商人就他的七小时“自愿”审讯做了一份秘密记录,在审讯中,警察威胁说要打他并毁了他的生活。)

29、If such an earthquake happened today, it would be felt from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and would flatten most of the cities in the Mississippi valley.(如果今天发生这样的地震,从落基山脉到大西洋都会有震感,而且会把密西西比河谷的大部分城市夷为平地。)

30、Pope rushes back into his office, demanding to know how an inmate vanished with a guard right outside.(Pope快步冲进他的办公室,质问下属们,既然警卫就在外面,Michael怎么会凭空消失了。)

31、Germany could probably shoulder its share but France, with public debt of over 80% of GDP, would sag.(德国也许能够承担自己的那部分份额,但法国因为有着相当于GDP的80%的公共债务而无力承担。)

32、They start to handle more complicated problems, and then they take over and supplant the old way of doing things.(他们开始处理更复杂的问题,然后他们接管并取代旧的处事方式。)

33、Her red fitted gown showed off her svelte figure, while also complementing her light hair and skin.(裁剪得体的红色礼服突出其纤细苗条的体态,同时又和她浅色的肌肤和秀发交相辉映。)

34、Often the spiel tries to convince you of something.(通常这个演讲是为了努力说服你某件事情。)

35、Here on the lake, the days pass by and I know how easy it can be to let the backdrop of lake and forest slink into the background unappreciated and unused.(在湖面上,日子悄无声息地走过,我知道让湖四周的风景,森林偷偷走进未被欣赏,未被开发的背景是很容易的。)

36、Rudolph looked surreptitious ly at his watch.(鲁道夫偷偷地看了一下自己的表。)

37、Once it reaches the surface of the soil, the "slug" undergoes another transformation.(一旦接触土壤表面,这条“鼻涕虫”就会发生另一种变形。)

38、Is chewing tobacco or taking snuff a safe form of tobacco use?(咀嚼烟草或吸鼻烟是安全的方法吗?)

39、As I stood in front of it, two women came over to look, and helped me translate the Hindi inscription.(正当我站在它前面的时候,两位妇女也走过来看,并帮助我翻译上面的印地语。)

40、For decade of years, this machine was famous in quick arc-starting, less spatter, good weldment and cost saving.(十多年品牌,起弧快速、飞溅小、焊道美观、效率高。)

41、Out of the water: Ursula goes from a sea-based witch into saucy sorceress.(出海啦:乌苏拉从海底女巫变成了俏皮的人间女巫。)

42、Put the dry items away as you are waiting for that soup to simmer.(炖汤的时候要把干东西放远点。)

43、He really liked Sissy too well to have a contempt for her.(他实在太喜欢西丝,不至于看她不起。)

44、They are like that. One must not hold it against them. Children should always show great forbearance toward grown-up people.(他们就是这样的。小孩子们对大人们应该宽厚些,不要埋怨他们。)

45、Among sterile lines 880a is a better a line, though it is susceptive in smut.(不育系中,880a表现较好,但是易感黑穗病,需要改良。)

46、Small wonder that Japan's young, creative engineers are getting in touch with their inner sissy.(难怪日本越来越多年轻,富有创造力的的工程师开始从事原本内心看做娘娘腔的职。)

47、don't know if this is related to the current "saucy rooms" issue, but it may be.(我不知道是不是和有伤风化的聊天室事件有关,但很有可能。)

48、Public discontent is beginning to simmer.(公众的不满开始变得激烈起来。)

49、When conventional deburring and material finishing methods fail to produce the required results, industry turns to Extrude Hone.(当传统的毛刺和材料整理方法不能产生必要的成果,产业化的挤压珩磨。)

50、The Devil bird, or Ulama, is a frightening horned bird of Sri Lankan folklore.(恶魔鸟,或乌力马,是斯里兰卡民间传说中一种吓人的有角的鸟。)

51、British libraries scrimp, save and appeal to lottery and charitable funds to buy collections, but cataloguing, the next stage, is also pricey, so some archives are inaccessible for years.(英国图书馆节俭、节省、恳求一份抽奖式的奖金和慈善基金去购买作品集,但是下一阶段的分类也是十分昂贵的。所以几年来一些档案是没有必要的。)

52、The driver cannot but make a scram to avert two guys who rush the red light.(司机不得不紧急刹车以避免撞倒两个闯红灯的行人。)

53、Gunmen continued to snipe at people leaving their homes to find food.(枪手不断伏击外出找寻食物的人。)

54、When it comes to opportunity we won't entrench the advantages of the fortunate few, we will do everything we can to help anybody, whatever your background, to go as far as your talents will take you.(在机会方面,我们不会巩固少数幸运儿的优势,而是不遗余力地帮助每一个人最大限度地发挥其才能,不论其背景如何。)

55、This is a solar-powered sea slug.(这是太阳能海蛞蝓。)

56、Our conventional superiority is a wasting asset.(我们的传统优势,是一种正在浪费的资产。)

57、Your car is the white Ford.(您的车是白色的福特。)

58、This shock wave is called rectilinear ballistic extrinsic shock wave.(这种冲击波被称为直线弹道式体外冲击波。)

59、Books swill only be on computers, not on paper.(书将会只存在于电脑上,而不是在纸上。)

60、He had a well-developed sense of his own superiority.(他的个人优越感十足。)

61、Result: Readers are unlikely to find them useful and therefore don't flit from new articles to old ones as much as I'd like.(其结果是我的博客读者不大可能发现这些标签的用处,也就无法让他们像我想的那样去阅读以前的文章。)

62、There was not much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe.(“斯奈普”战斗机的驾驶舱内没有太多的活动空间。)

63、There is no doubt, of course, "Infernal Affairs" and "disciples.(毫无疑问,当然是《无间道》和《门徒》。)

64、started some half - dozen snipe.(我惊起了五六只山鹬。)

65、He became a Congressman at the young age of 29 and brought his frontier swagger to the Senate a year later.(他29岁成为议员并在一年后昂首阔步进入参议院。)

66、The supine pelvic tilt is a great exercise for "awakening" the pelvis, reducing pain in the lumbar spine.(仰卧盘骨倾斜运动对激发盘骨及减少腰椎疼痛有很好的作用。)

67、"No one else to—well, I mustn't be hard on you," said the Rat with forbearance.(“没有别人——好吧,我不能对你要求太高。”水鼠宽宏大量地说。)

68、"You scamp!" said Mother Bear to Little Bear.(“你真顽皮!”熊妈妈对小熊说。)

69、Optimum control period of false smut is from the end of boot stage to the rupturing stage of rice.(防治稻曲病的药剂以瘟曲克星的防效最好;防治适期足水稻孕穗末期至破口期;)

70、Add the kale to the simmering soup, and continue to simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes.(往炖汤里加入羽衣甘蓝薄长条,继续炖15~20分钟。)

71、Secondly, a trained ANN can endue risk assessment model with expert assessment knowledge in the way of joint weight through its learning and adapting capability.(其次,利用神经网络的自学习和自适应能力,经过训练的神经网络系统能够将专家评价思想以连接权的方式赋予风险评价模型。)

72、So you really have to work to flatten the organization.(因此一定要使组织平面化。)

73、You're not wanted here, so scram!(这里不需要你,走开!)

74、He carried all his finery like a hog in armor.(他那套华丽服饰穿在身上好像猪穿盔甲似的。)

75、After the first installment, Dickens wrote to the artist and asked him to correct a drawing Dickens felt was not faithful enough to his prose.(在第一期之后,狄更斯写信给这位画家,请他修改一幅狄更斯认为和自己的散文不够相符的画。)

76、Advanced extruding device can extrude evenly with low pressure.(先进的涂胶装置,涂胶均匀,压力不高。)

77、Don't spatter the soup onto the table.(别把汤洒到餐桌上。)

78、You can't be a leader from the sideline.(你不能成为副业中的领导者。)

79、Another inmate immediately continues to pound the glass with a fire extinguisher.(另一个犯人接着继续用一个灭火器砸向玻璃。)

80、Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer and continue cooking until the liquid is reduced by half.(煮沸后,关小火继续煨煮直到汤减少一半。)

81、And indeed when house prices sag consumers tend to lose confidence, which affects growth and jobs.(而实际情况也是,房价下跌,消费者就会失去信心,就业率和经济增也也会受到影响。)

82、Down by the roadside the saucy dandelion mingled his gold with the royal purple of the wild violet.(路旁种著黄色的蒲公英,蒲公英中间,又夹著紫色的紫罗兰。)

83、Strike a good balance between formality and practicality.(平衡形式性与实用性。)

84、How many swine flu viruses are there?(现在有多少种猪流感病毒?)

85、The extent to which unmanned aircraft could or should supplant piloted ones will be debated for decades.(无人驾驶的飞行器究竟能够或应该在多大的程度上取代有人驾驶的飞行器,争论将会持续几十年。)

86、Improvement in alkaline etching and smut removing before zincate treatment was summed up.(对浸锌前处理的碱蚀和出光的改进方法进行了总结。)

87、Her superiority made her a very superior kind of women.(她的优势使她成为那种非常卓越的女性。)

88、Just a bit of foresight will help you truly relax and enjoy what the holidays have to offer.(稍稍有点远见,将会有助于你真正放松下来好好享受假期给你带来的一切。)

89、It adopts outer pipe co-extrude technology, improving the joint stress among layers.(采用的外管共挤技术,提高了管材的层间结合强度。)

90、Retaining strong performers requires a good balance of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors.(要留住优秀员工,需要很好地平衡内在和外在的激励因素。)

91、other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried.(没有其他殖民地表现出这种苟安的、自私的无动于衷,任其边境居民被残忍地侵掠。)

92、The planning of the Suvarnabhumi Airport is a masterpiece of interdisciplinary work between architects and engineers.(曼谷素万那普机场的规划是建筑师和工程师之间的跨学科杰作。)

93、Our forbearance should never be misunderstood.(对我们的忍让绝不应误解。)

94、Endue him with blessings, and send him your peace.(祈神保佑,让他安宁吧。)

95、It also significantly reduces cellulite concentration in parts of our body, presenting a leaner, trimmer and svelte body.(它还大大降低了我们的身体部位的脂肪含量,提出一个更精简,精干和苗条的身体。)

96、We're still going to have bench lineups that look like the the Svelte, the quick, long lineup that delivered us into last years finals.(我们依然拥有替补阵容看起来也很灵活快速,去年,快速而不失高度的阵式把我们带到了总决赛。)

97、Mr Prince has been ridiculed for his lack of foresight.(Prince先生已被讥为缺乏远见。)

98、had to scrimp and save to pay for my holiday.(我必须节省开支以支付度假的费用。)

99、You watch your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions flit through your mind without getting involved.(你看着你的念头、感知和情绪掠过你的头脑而并不牵涉其中。)

100、Russia refused to extradite the main suspect, another former spook.(俄国拒绝引渡主要嫌疑人——另一位前情报人员。)

101、His surreptitious behaviour naturally aroused suspicion.(他那鬼鬼祟祟的行为自然引起了旁人的怀疑。)

102、This robbed markets of a big slug of liquidity, almost certainly exacerbating the price falls.(这使市场失去了大量现金,当然加速了价格下跌。)

103、Increasingly, such techniques are being used to extend and even supplant traditional morphologic methods.(随着该技术的不断扩展延伸,将可能取代传统的形态学方法。)

104、He squares his shoulders and warns the nervous looking inmate in front of him to put on his jail face.(他厌恶地看着排在他前面的一个紧张不安的犯人,告诫他要装得强硬点。)

105、This can be a surreptitious method of mounting a takeover bid.(这可以是秘密发起收购的一种方式。)

106、China will be a test case after its big lending spree of the past 18 months.(过去18个月借贷狂欢的中国便是一案例。)

107、Light can not only endue with the soul and life for construction space, but also can ruin space design.(光环境设计既可以赋予建筑空间灵魂和生命,也可以成为空间的败笔与祸源。)

108、It has a low welding spatter and aesthetic formation of weld.(堆焊过程飞溅小,焊缝成型美观。)

109、Just one filling is not enough - the filigrees extrude, and the surface is dull.(只是一个填充是不够的-是挤出,且表面平淡。)

110、This chart gives you a summary of some of the critical thermal-neutron cross sections of important fissile and fertile nuclides.(这个图表给你们一个重要的,可裂变和可转换核素的,一些临界热能中子横截面的总结。)

111、Does such an administration operate within the political system, or supplant it?(这种管治是在既有政制中运作,抑或另起炉灶?)

112、Michael smiles and walks away but not before T-Bag takes notice of his interaction with a black inmate.(Michael笑了笑,走了开去。T-Bag注意到了他和黑人囚犯的勾勾搭搭。)

113、If I am NOT familiar with such product category, its extrinsic factors are more important.(当我不熟悉该类别产品时,它的外在因素比内在因素重要。)

114、At Planned Grandparenthood, children targeted by their parents to reproduce could obtain non-biased information about the insanity of having their own kids.(在“祖父母计划”的组织中,被父母逼着生育的孩子可以获得一些客观的信息——关于生养他们自己的孩子可能带来的精神错乱。)

115、You will also learn about the use of the Taper object, Fillet option and Bevel function.(您还将了解锥度对象、圆角选项和斜角功能的使用。)

116、It may seize up and spatter and generally be disagreeable.(糖浆会结块并且飞溅起来,这通常让人恼火。)

117、Sag: a defensive tactic in which a player drops off his man to help double-team a player in the pivot.(协防(sag):一种防守战术。球员放弃自己防守的队员来帮助在中线的队友。)

118、Since then, SAG has been angling to beat its sister performers' union to the negotiating table.(从那时开始,SAG就已经在谈判桌上用一些手段打败它的姐妹集团。)

119、The state may for the public interest expropriate or take over land for public use and pay compensation in accordance with the law.(国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。)

120、wish we could treat each other without formality.(我真希望我们彼此之间不要太拘谨。)

121、That's it for this installment; until next time, enjoy!(这就是本期的全部内容;在下一期发布前,请尽情欣赏!)

122、Those dividing lines come crashing down with the discovery of a sea slug that's truly half animal and half plant.(这些分界线随着真正的半动物半植物的海蛞蝓的发现而崩塌。)

123、As for another full installment to the series, don't hold your breath.(对于这个系列的又一完整部分,千万别屏住呼吸。)

124、Whenever a cold wind blows in, they tremble and chatter their branches . Sissy trees.(每当寒风吹起,它们就颤抖起来,枝叶直哆嗦。多么娇里娇气的树啊!)

125、And retreating energy costs may yet snuff out even these faint, inflationary embers.(同时能源成本下降也可能会熄灭这微弱的,通胀的余火。)

126、Your feet really hurt now and you are taking surreptitious glances at your watch only 9 o clock.(你真的伤脚现在正在偷你的眼神你只手表9点。)

127、They falsify or deny whatever doesn't suit their books.(他们篡改或者否定任何不符合他们意见的东西。)

128、Chugging along, we flit through the lives of families on the beach as if flipping through holiday snaps.(火车继续前进,我们在掠过沙滩上看见有家人在进餐。)

129、Do Humans Get Swine Flu?(人会得猪流感吗?)

130、The technology to irradiate food has been around for the better part of a century.(在大半个世纪以来辐照食品的技术变得愈加突出。)

131、The clothes that Mom buys make me look like a sissy.(母亲买的衣服使我看起来娘娘腔的。)

132、Place berries in a pan with 700ml water, simmer untill fruit starts to burst.(将浆果放置一个盛有700毫升水的锅中,火煨至浆果涨开为止。)

133、Inside "Cellblock h" where an inmate lives with her 18-month-old child and cellmate.(在“H号”牢房内一名囚犯和她出生18个月的孩子以及她的狱友住在这里。)

134、The understanding of material may endue with rich imagination. add the person consciousness and emotion of the author and create fine production.(材质的理解可以赋予设计者以丰富想像力,揉合作者的个人意识和情绪,创造出精美作品。)

135、Use a laser pen to irradiate one fly's compound eye.(用激光笔照射一只苍蝇的复眼。)

136、think now people would know, but then I thought: "Drug flashbacks, insanity, Go Ask Alice!"(现在人们知道了,但我那会儿想:“药物性闪回、精神错乱,去问爱丽丝!”)

137、The various symbols from nature not only intensify the cruelty of natural laws, but also foreshadow the fate of the main characters.(取材于自然的各种象征不仅深化了自然法则的残酷性,而且预示了主要人物的命运。)

138、Forbearance is to scold himself by doing something against human nature what he has to. This is a soldier's duty.(隐忍是明知种种行为违背人性,却又不得不为之,只因这是军人的使命。)

139、The snipe shook its head violently to cast off the clam, but it failed no matter how hard it tried.(鹬想把蚌甩掉,就拼命的用力甩头,可是蚌夹的非常紧,鹬怎么也甩不掉。)

140、Converting the new debt could also slam confidence without raising a big enough slug of equity capital to restore it.(转换新负债也会削弱信心,除非能通过提高大幅资本来重建信心。)

141、found the snipe!(我发现沙锥鸟了!)

142、need my privacy, " said Chen, who has starred in films including the Infernal Affairs series.(我也需要这一些私人生活,”这位电影《无间道》的主演表示。)

143、Vampires have haunted literature, art and folklore since the dawn of mankind.(自人类文明诞生之初,吸血鬼(vampire)就一直阴魂不散地出现在文学艺术作品和民间传说中。)

144、Just one more question, when select the letter I can't use 3d - extrude and bevel because it aint active.(只要再一个问题,当选择的信我不能使用3d-挤压和锥,因为它是不活跃。)

145、Swim across a river to sneak past soldiers, snipe them from a distance or steal a turreted jeep and start firing.(你可以游过河偷袭士兵,也可以远距离狙击他们,或者偷一辆塔式吉普车,然后开火。)

146、And don't get grumpy about it or you could be "resisting arrest."(而这时你万万不能生气,否则就是在“拒捕”。)

147、He talks like he is a sissy.(他讲起话来好像是个女生。)

148、But what about those who do not click, the many millions of others whose eyes merely flit across the screen?(可是你知道有多少人一下不按,数百万人中有多少人只是眼睛匆匆掠过屏幕?)

149、Machines swill do all the dull jobs on farms, in factories and offices.(机器会在农场上,工厂里和办公室里干那些枯燥无聊的活。罒。)

150、However, one study found that salespeople who wanted extrinsic rewards were less effective in salary-only plans.(然而,一项研究发现销售人员想获得纯粹工资计划少有的额外奖励。)

151、The results show that the major factors affecting the occurrence of rice false smut are fungus resource, rice variety, weather condition and rice growth period.(结果表明,菌源、品种、气象条件及水稻生育期是稻曲病发生与否和发生轻重的主要因子。)

152、There are a hundred lovely children on both sides of a pair of tiny little snuff-boxes.(在一对微型鼻烟壶内面,画有一百个可爱的娃娃。)

153、This machine USES the S-shaped milling cutter to extrude materials into particles through stainless steel sieve tube.(本机是用S型碾刀,通过不锈钢筛筒的筛孔,把物料挤出颗粒的设备。)

154、Here we are in danger of smugly supposing superiority.(自我感觉优越并自鸣得意,这样的假设是很危险的。)

155、"The State may, in the public interest, expropriate or requisition private property of citizens and pay compensation in accordance with the law".(国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对公民的私有财产实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。)

156、"Don't you know bars at hotels are not so expensive?" Aso said when challenged over his spree.(在受到质疑时,麻生辩解说:“难道你们不知道酒店里的酒吧其实没那么贵吗?”)

157、Began applying stubble, working over the dark areas using the burn tool and the smallest spatter brush on 20% exposure.(开始添加胡茬,在暗区应用加深工具和最小的滴溅笔刷工具以20%笔素。)

158、As his weight approached 300 pounds, Saxen happened across a book with a photo of his old, svelte body on the cover.(当他的体重达到300磅的时候,萨克森意外发现了书的封面上刊登了他的旧照-那苗条的身材。)

159、But the inmate population is rising as well.(但犯人的数量也在不断增加。)

160、They soon reached agreement on the major points: confession, fealty, pardon, a certain sum of gold and silver to be paid.(他们很快就主要问题达成一致:认罪、效忠、赦免、一定数额的金银作为赔偿。)

161、He prayed to God to endue him with wisdom.(他祈求上帝赋予他智慧。)

162、Carbon fiber picks did not work as well as I had hoped. Most importanly they fell short of surreptitious by leaving marks on pin-tumblers similar to traditional tools.(碳素工具的作用并非像想象中那么好,最重要的是它们依然不够隐蔽,因为在弹珠锁中会留下和传统工具相似的痕迹。)

163、The CFTC, emboldened by bubbles in oil and gas prices to fight "excessive speculation", this week wrapped up hearings that foreshadow position limits for futures traders in energy markets.(商品期货交易委员会也由于石油和天然气的价格泡沫而变得更加激进地打击“过度投机行为”,本周结束的听证会预示着将对能源市场上的期货交易商采取头寸限制。)

164、She is a saucy miss.(她是个莽撞的女孩。)

165、We kindled a firebrand in the cave.(我们在山洞里点燃火把。)

166、For resolving the problem with admission of water and abstraction of waterlog of coastland, each Marine estuarine has built the floodgate.(为解决沿海地区的引水与排涝问题,沿海各入海河口都建有水闸。)

167、What instances must pass before them of ardent, disinterested, self-denying attachment, of heroism, fortitude, patience, resignation: of all the conflicts and all the sacrifices that ennoble us most.(她们一定见到不少热情无私、自我克制的事例,英勇不屈、坚韧不拔和顺从天命的事例,以及使我们变得无比崇高的奋斗精神和献身行为。)

168、do TV as a sideline. I spend the bulk of time doing my main business.(作电视节目是我的副业,我大部分时间都在做我的主要业务。)

169、Students swill slowly be taught cross-subject topics which would have varying elements of multiple"subjects."(学生会被逐渐教授跨学科话题,包含多种学科的的元素。)

170、kind of tired, imploring expression masked his thin face, and there was an unyouthful sag about his shoulders.(他瘦削的脸上写满了一种疲倦与哀求的表情,而且他的双肩有些不年轻的下垂。)

171、Inside painting snuff bottle is a traditional Chinese folk art.(内画鼻烟壶是我国传统的民间工艺。)

172、When supine, he had severely reduced blood flow through his brain returning to his heart.(在仰卧的时候,由大脑流向心脏的血流会出现神经性减少。)

173、Johnsaid I was a sissy. But I wasn't. It was just my legs that wouldn't do what I wanted.(约翰说我是胆小鬼。我才不是呢。只是因为我的腿总是不听我使唤。)

174、Detroit is merely trying to regain its swagger after a 39-43 season.(底特律只是想让战绩不像39胜43负这样的垃圾战绩。)

175、An actress recently starred in a saucy video called “I got a crush on Obama”.(一位女演员最近主演了一个超级视频短片,短片名叫“爱死奥巴马”。)

176、He is represented by the media as a dangerous firebrand.(传播媒体报导他是个危险的煽动者。)

177、She probably thinks I went sissy up in here.(她可能以为我在这里变得女里女气了。)

178、Qingdong sag is a secondary structure unit of Jiyang depression and lies in Bohai shallow sea waters.(青东凹陷是济阳坳陷的一个次级构造单元,位于渤海浅水海域。)

179、Meanwhile, yahoo also is in Microsoft of snipe of ground of do one's best buy.(与此同时,雅虎也在不遗余力地狙击微软的收购。)

180、Can humans catch swine flu?(人类会感染猪流感吗?)

181、Fast dynamic response, easy arc ignition, little spatter.(动态特性优良,引弧容易,焊接过程飞溅小。)

182、This installment looks at the second and third approaches.(这一部分介绍第二和第三种方法。)

183、Add your meatballs and let simmer uncovered with the sauce.(加入肉丸煮,不要让酱覆盖肉丸。)

184、He makes the dust rise from the earth with his swagger; he adds his loud voice to every word that I utter.(他昂首阔步,使地上尘土飞扬;我说出的每一个字里,都掺杂着他的喊叫。)

185、don't think a comedy has to have so much smut to be funny.(我不认为喜剧就必须这么淫秽,才算好笑。)

186、Then the Fox will leap at the Boar and tear off its right ear and its tail and slink off to hide in the mountain caves.(然后狐狸会越过野猪,把它的右耳和尾巴抓破,潜逃,隐藏在山洞。)

187、Isn't the title a required field for a flit?(难道title不是一个flit的必要字段吗?)

188、Think of poor Otter, waiting up there by the ford!(想想可怜的奥特吧,他在浅滩那儿等着呢!)

189、Extending your tongue helps flatten the back of your tongue.(伸展舌头可以让你的舌头变平。)

190、Global customers of iron ore believe it will entrench the miners' pricing power.(全球各地的铁矿石消费者认为,它将巩固矿商的定价权。)

191、To extradite Mr Lugovoi or try him at home would be kowtowing to the West (and betraying a KGB ex-colleague); by doing nothing, he may seem to be protecting a murder suspect.(引渡卢格沃或是在国内审判他将是向西方磕头(并且背叛前KGB同事);而什么都不做,他则似乎成了要保护一名谋杀嫌疑犯。)

192、CAM m is almost certainly here to stay and supplant its predecessors.(这里可以断言的是,CAM肯定会替代其前辈。)

193、Zope scripts are a new feature with Python 2.3, and they are intended to supplant External Methods.(zope脚本是Python2.3的一个想用来代替外部方法的新功能。)

194、Quite molten pool, little spatter and no undercut ensure workpiece be in good welding appearance.(焊接熔池平静,飞溅小,不咬边,焊缝成形美观。)

195、The superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority.(迷信的人把优先权放在表面的超音速的优良上。)

196、Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.(你的结婚戒指可以刻上个人题字不另收费。)

197、The design of bored pile foundation is researched in calculations of floodgate structure. At the same time, the thesis discusses how to consider carrying capacity of vertical resistance between piles.(对水闸结构计算的钻孔桩桩基设计进行研究,并就如何考虑桩间竖向抗力的承载作用进行探讨。)

198、The original German inscription on the back of the photograph reads, "Ukraine 1942, Jewish Action [operation], Ivangorod."(原版照片背面用德文写着“乌克兰1942,犹太人行动,伊万格勒”。)

199、The New Interdisciplinary Science Building for Energy Research at Brookhaven Lab, in Upton, New York.(布鲁克海文实验室的跨学科能源研究科学中心,位于纽约州的阿普顿。)

200、Zombies shamble up the rows of the grid toward your house, and if they get past your defenses, well, you know.(僵尸们在网格的每一行向你的房子蹒跚而行,如果他们越过了你的防线,那么,你知道的。)


