


2、在平安夜,悠扬的钟声回荡,美丽的彩灯不停地闪烁。每一个声音和闪光都是为了你,祈祷和平和幸福的到来,祝你平安夜幸福! On Christmas Eve, the melodious sound of bells echoes and beautiful colorful lights flicker non-stop. Every sound and flash is for you, praying for the arrival of peace and happiness. Wishing you happiness on Christmas Eve!

3、又是一年平安夜,繁星微照树影斜,字句无声含满情,今夜平安永平安!平安夜到了,听说只要今晚收到祝福的人会永远幸福开心,那我一定要给你最真挚的祝福! Its Christmas Eve again, with the stars shining on the trees and their shadows slanting. Words and phrases are silent and full of emotions. Tonight, peace and eternal peace! Christmas Eve has arrived. I heard that as long as the person who receives blessings tonight will always be happy and happy, then I must give you the most sincere blessings!


5、平安夜里点燃一座炉火,温暖你的人生;平安夜里唱起一段颂歌,快乐你的生活;平安夜里吃上一个苹果,甜蜜你的心窝;平安夜里送上一段祝福,祝你幸福安康,平安一生。平安夜快乐! On Christmas Eve, light a fire to warm your life; Sing a hymn on Christmas Eve, happy your life; On Christmas Eve, eat an apple to sweeten your heart; On Christmas Eve, I send a blessing to wish you happiness, health, and a safe life. Happy Christmas Eve!

6、快乐圣诞节,浪漫平安夜,在这温馨祥和的圣诞佳节之际,我的问候化成雪花飘落你家,我的祝福变成信息传你手机。愿看短信的人圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas, romantic Christmas Eve. On this warm and peaceful Christmas season, my greetings turn into snowflakes and fall on your home, and my blessings turn into messages to be transmitted to your phone. Merry Christmas to those who read text messages!




10、今夜,敲响吉祥的钟,许下如意的愿,把快乐点缀在美丽的雪花上,让平安飘舞在无垠的大地间。平安夜,祈平安,真心愿你平安一生,幸福连绵! Tonight, ring the auspicious bell, make a wish, embellish happiness on the beautiful snowflakes, and let peace dance in the boundless earth. On Christmas Eve, I pray for peace. I sincerely wish you a safe life and continuous happiness!




14、平安夜,报平安,祝你一家子都安康;平安节,狂欢夜,送你一桌子美酒宴;平安人,平安树,保你一辈子有吃住;送大礼,赠吉祥,愿你一生幸福绵长。 On Christmas Eve, I wish you peace and wish your whole family good health; Ping An Festival, Carnival Night, send you a table of delicious wine feast; A safe person, a safe tree, guarantees you a lifetime of food and shelter; Sending great gifts and good luck, may you have a long and happy life.

15、牵挂、祝福你的人很多,我也是其中一个。虽说祝福只是一种形式,却能给心灵带来温馨与慰藉。圣诞将至,匆忙的我送去送去匆忙的祝福:圣诞平安夜快乐! There are many people who care about and bless you, and I am also one of them. Although blessings are just a form, they can bring warmth and comfort to the soul. Christmas is approaching, and in a hurry, I send my hurried wishes: Merry Christmas and Christmas Eve!

16、With a heart filled with blessings, on this special day, may happiness, success, happiness, flowers, and all beautiful wishes be with you. Merry Christmas! 奉上一颗祝福的心,在这个特别的日子里,愿幸福,如意,快乐,鲜花,一切美好的祝愿与你同在、圣诞快乐!


18、您是辛勤园丁,将花朵培育;您是生命导师,将真理传播;您是智慧画笔,将美好勾勒;您是希望烛光,将前途照亮。平安夜,向老师问好:祝老师平安夜快乐! You are a diligent gardener, nurturing flowers; You are a life mentor, spreading the truth; You are a smart paintbrush that outlines beauty; You hope the candlelight will illuminate the future. On Christmas Eve, greetings to the teacher: Wishing the teacher a happy Christmas Eve!

19、平安夜快乐屋外雪花飘,屋内炉火烧,家人团圆坐,幸福美酒飘,祝福频频送,情意暖人心。在这美好温馨的.平安之夜,真挚的祝福你健康平安,幸福年年。 On Christmas Eve, happy snowflakes float outside the house, the stove burns inside the house, family reunions sit, happy wine floats, blessings are frequently sent, and emotions warm peoples hearts. On this beautiful and warm Christmas night, I sincerely wish you health, peace, and happiness every year.

20、抛一片爱意给你,与你交融成爱的美丽,月缺月圆我都爱你!今天是平安夜,真心祝你一生平安! Throw a piece of love to you, blending with you into the beauty of love. I love you even when the moon is full and missing! Today is Christmas Eve, I sincerely wish you a safe life!

21、不要在平安夜送礼物,发信息表达你的愿望,通过手机把祝福送到你的心里。愿你的人生甜如蜜,健康第一,容颜青春帅气,幸福的日子无与伦比。快乐的平安夜! Dont give gifts on Christmas Eve, send messages to express your wishes, and send blessings to your heart through your phone. May your life be as sweet as honey, with health first, youthful and handsome appearance, and unparalleled happiness. Happy Christmas Eve!


23、平安夜,让吉祥的雪花陪你跳舞,让开心的歌谣伴你入眠,让幸福的烟花为你闪耀,让温馨的灯火为你摇曳,让惬意的风儿为你吹拂,让真挚的祝福为你祈祷。朋友,平安夜快乐,祝你好运,一切如意! On Christmas Eve, let auspicious snowflakes dance with you, let happy songs accompany you to sleep, let happy fireworks shine for you, let warm lights sway for you, let comfortable winds blow for you, and let sincere blessings pray for you. Friend, happy Christmas Eve. Wishing you good luck and all the best!

24、平安夜,舞翩阡。雪花飘,飞满天。心与心,永相伴。 On Christmas Eve, dancing gracefully across the fields. Snowflakes drift and fly all over the sky. Heart to heart, always together.


26、温情的雪花,甜美的歌声,随着圣诞老人的雪橇,叮叮当当的闯入你的梦中。愿融化你的忧伤,驱除你的烦恼,填满你的幸福,让你平安夜美梦到天亮! Warm snowflakes, sweet songs, along with Santa Clauss sled, ding into your dreams. May you melt your sadness, drive away your troubles, fill your happiness, and let your Christmas Eve dream until dawn!



29、浦西外滩逛一逛,衡山酒吧话情调,东方明珠瞧夜景,城隍庙中留个影,阳澄湖旁尝闸蟹,七宝老街品美味,人民广场走几步。上海平安夜,愿你过得好惬意。 Take a stroll around the Bund in Puxi. The bar in Hengshan is full of emotion. Look at the night view of Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Leave a picture in Chenghuang Temple. Try crabs beside Yangcheng Lake. Taste delicious food in Qibao Old Street. Take a few steps in Peoples Square. On Christmas Eve in Shanghai, may you have a very comfortable time.


31、愿得一人心,白首不分离!沉默的爱!向日葵![述职报告之家 Ys575.com]



34、关于平安夜,我送你三个平安,三个平安:希望你能上一个台阶,你的烦恼解决了,空缺能补上;一切都可以稳定,身心健康,幸福长久,心境平和。祝你有一个幸福吉祥的夜晚。 Regarding Christmas Eve, I will send you three peace wishes. I hope you can take a step up, your troubles are resolved, and any gaps can be filled; Everything can be stable, both physically and mentally healthy, happy for a long time, and in a peaceful state of mind. Wishing you a happy and auspicious night.



37、平安夜,送短信,所有祝愿都成真;平安夜,发短信,情意长久心连心;平安夜,写短信,吉星高照交好运;平安夜,看短信,财源滚滚万事顺;试一试,肯定准,愿你平安永开心;祝圣诞节快乐。 Christmas Eve, sending text messages, all wishes come true; On Christmas Eve, send a text message, with long-lasting affection and heart to heart connection; On Christmas Eve, write a text message, bring good luck with the bright stars; Christmas Eve, watching text messages, with abundant financial resources and smooth sailing; Give it a try, its definitely accurate. May you be safe and happy forever; Wishing you a happy Christmas.

38、亲爱的,这是属于我俩的圣诞节,我可以要一份圣诞礼物吗:轻轻地拥着我,陪我度过只属于我俩的平安夜。 Dear, this is Christmas for both of us. May I have a Christmas gift: gently embrace me and spend Christmas Eve with me, which is only for both of us.

39、平安夜,愿你梦里美好,梦醒实现! On Christmas Eve, may your dreams be beautiful and your dreams come true!



42、平安夜,空气中充满欢乐笑声,袜子装满四季平安,火炉燃烧着幸福火焰,烟囱飘出吉祥云朵,短信翩翩写满祝愿:祝你平安夜平安,快快乐乐过圣诞! On Christmas Eve, the air is filled with joyful laughter, socks are filled with four seasons of peace, the stove is burning with happy flames, the chimney is emitting auspicious clouds, and text messages are elegantly filled with wishes: Wishing you a safe Christmas Eve and a happy Christmas!


