




 Amanda – Amanda has been going well, she is saying the words. But after a little bit of encouragement, she is becoming a little bit more confident with her speaking out loud in class. Keep practicing sentences at home. Colin – Colin is going well; he is active and answers all the questions I am asking from him. He is very eager to get u

p in front of the class and do the action or find the new pictures and say the word. Ivy – Ivy is participating very well in the class, she always likes to say the new words or sentences that we have just learnt. When asked a question; she thinks very hard and comes up with some great unique ways of saying the sentence. Mia - Mia is a very bright little girl, her vocabulary is very good. She always comes up with different sentences when I ask her a question; she is very active in the class which is very good. Jason – Jason is taking part in the class, he is still a little shy. But when asked a question he usually has no trouble answering it. When it is his turn to come up in front of the class, he is a little bit tentative. But eventually comes up. Oliver – Oliver is a very bright boy who is always participating in the class. When I ask him a question he does not hesitate and always gives me a different answer which

is fantastic. He understands everything that is going on in class. Cici -Cici is still making improvements all the time. She is getting more confident with the more vocabulary she is remembering. She is slowly getting more and more active in class, which is really great. Yana –Yana has missed a few classes this week but other than that she is remembering vocabulary much better and participating really well; she is still a little bit shy in class. But over time she will be much more vocal. Jerry – Jerry is going well even though he has missed a few classes; he is remembering vocabulary really well and he is starting to use it more often. He is still very quiet but he is making super progress all the time. I am really pleased. Yoyo –Yoyo is getting along really well in class. She is always keen to participate and shows great potential for learning. Her sentences are improving all the time and she is coming up with some very unique answers to my questions. Lucy–Lucy is becoming really involved in lessons and she is remembering a lot of vocabulary and starting to use it frequently, she is always putting her hand up to come up in front of the class I am really impressed with her and I hope she keeps it up! Jake –King is going well, he is very active in class and is always putting his hand up to come up and do the action or say the sentence. His vocabulary is continuing to improve which is very good. Dea – Dea is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant. Annie -Annie is coming along in leaps and bounds, she is really starting to understand the new words and sentences. She is becoming more aware of what is going on in class and her listening skills are getting

much better. Lily -Lily is still a little bit quiet and shy, but she is saying the new words and sentences. She is becoming more active during the class, and I can see that in know time she will be very active in the class. Stephen - Stephen is going well in class, he was very shy to begin with. But he has now opened up a little bit and is saying the new words and sentences. He is becoming active in the class which is really good. Yinuo- Yinuo is a very bright and smart little girl, her English knowledge is fantastic. She is very active in class and really enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences. She has a great grasp on the lessons and understands everything we are doing. Mia -Amy is going well; she has started to become more active in the class, which is really great to see. She is saying the new words and sentences well; is getting more active in class. Sophia - Sophia is going really well, she is very active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on during the class. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences. Sissy - Sissy has opened up more in class; in the beginning she was a little bit shy. But now she is saying the new words and sentences rally well. She is getting more active which is really good to see. Oscar - Oscar is a very bright little boy, he has a great grasp on the class and understands everything that is going on. He is very active in the class and is one of the first students to put his hand up and practice the new words and sentences. Jodie - Jodie is going really well in class, she is participating in almost every activity and is very active. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing what she has just learnt. Charles -Charles is active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on in the class. He will get up and say the new words and sentences. Carrie - Carrie is a smart little girl, she has a good understanding of English and is really starting to participate in the class well. She now enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words. Maggie – Maggie is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant.


1. You are a hardworking girl/boy. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.你是一个努力的孩子。付出才有收获,我希望你能在未来的英语学习取得更大的进步。

2. You are a nice girl/boy. I believe you’ll be successful on your study.你是一个不错的孩子。我相信你能在学习上取得成功。

3. You may have some difficults on English.I hope you will make more progress in later day.你在英语上也许有一些困难。我希望你在今后的学习上取得进步。

4. You are a clever girl/boy. I hope you make more improvement on your study.你是一个聪明的孩子。我相信你能在学习上取得进步。

5. You are an outgoing girl/boy. You are very active on class. Work harder you will make more progress.你是一个外向的孩子。你在课堂上非常积极。我相信你更努力一点就能取得更好的进步。

6. I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day. Come on.我希望你能在今后学习中书写上取得更好的进步。加油。

7. Your English is very good. I hope you can be more outgoing.你的英语非常棒,我希望你能更外向一点。

8. You are a shy but hardworking boy/girl. Try to be more active on class. Be confident, you should trust yourself.你是一个害羞但是努力的孩子。请在课堂上更积极一点。自信一点,要相信自己。

9. You are a nice girl/boy. Pay more attention on your English study. Wish you a successful future.你是一个不错的孩子。在英语学习上多用心一点。相信你将来更成功。

10. You are a clever boy/girl. I enjoy your activeness on class. Come on.你是一个聪明的孩子,我喜欢课堂上积极的`你。加油。

11. Congratulations on your progress. I’m sure you can make it. Come on.你祝贺你的进步,我相信你能做到。加油。

12. You are a clever girl/boy. This term you have done a good job. 你是一个聪明的孩子。这学期你做的很好。

13. This term you did a good job. I’m so proud of you. 这学期你做的很好,我为你感到骄傲。

14. You have done your work better this time. I believe that nothing is impossible as long as you work hard.这次你做得非常的好。只要你努力,我相信没


15. I’m sure you can do your work better than next time.我相信你下次会做得更好。

16. The harder you do, the sooner you will improve.你越努力,你就越早进步。

17. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make progress in the future. Work harder and you will make more progress. 没有付出就没有收获。我希望你后面可以进步,越努力,进步越大。

18. Come on. I’m sure you will make it soon. 加油,你能获得进步。

19. I’m sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English.我相信如果你继续练习你的口语,你会获得更大的进步。

20. If you don’t exert yourself in youth, you will regret it in old age.少壮不努力老大徒伤悲。

21. Time flies like an arrow. Don’t lose your time by trifling. Please work harder.光阴似箭,莫虚度光阴,请好好努力。

22. Learning without thinking leads to confusion. Thinking without learning ends in danger. Please work harder.学而不思则罔,思而不学则

















英语作文激励性评语 一、宏观性评价 1.整体印象类评语


’re careful of using to see your improvement in 'm expecting clearer/more beautiful hand-writing from you next ’d better pay more attention to word be more careful of your 's important to compose a draft 情感调控类评语

I appreciate your have a good knowledge of English are quite aware of making meaningful / 7


You are richer than others in collecting and using typical sentences an 'm expecting greater progre from you in you need my help, never hesitate to come to me.警句:

Hard work leads to to advance is to go one is without is harder than it up.二、微观写作技能方面的评语 1.专项点拨类评语

It's proper to use the proverb in Quite are good at using attributive clauses in your "struck" sentence is perfectly 'd better use "third person" in the first 's good to use the past tense in your 佳句欣赏类评语


What a wonderful sentence using "cover".It's really clever of you to use this beautiful inverted sentence is well / 7



A good perfect first a good last a perfect the points have been 's clever of you to use a topic sentence at the beginning of a 's wonderful to use proper conjunctions between are good at developing a have made great progre in developing a am glad to see the sentence coherence in your last pay more attention to the relationship between 's really wonderful to start/end your sentences with is your name? I am very glad to see that your think it is a good are good at developing a structure is very clear and you organize your points in a logically there is more detailed information, it will be pay attention to some basic grammar your vocabulary!I’m expecting better writing from you next is your name?


3 / 7



1, criticism style: For example: "this article does not fluent language, writing is not serious, the lack of vivid description, is an unsucceful eay." Such a comment, for those who are not serious student writing would be appropriate to use a bit but can not be used;otherwise it will discourage the entrepreneurial spirit of , in recognition of type: "that this is writing new material selection, design sophistication, using a comparison of contrasting a variety of writing style, the characters are detailed image of reading a long time people forget, is a superb masterpiece......" Such comments, suitable for writing with rich experience of those students, teachers willing to work hand in hand aement of the eay will make them more height and , incentive-style: Student's writing skills are not balanced, and some writing is only a partial or individual sentences, words wonderful, then a teacher at the time of writing reviews, it is neceary to seize the students of these bright spot, to stimulate their interest in writing."Wen's two Bi Yuju very wonderful, unique, reading a immersive feeling, I like the hope that the future can enjoy, the teachers believe that you will not let me

4 / 7


disappointed." Although a few words, but The role of such incentives are , exhorted formula: writing is that students expre their spiritual herb, their emotions and Jin Xian where, so the teacher the time to write reviews, but also pay attention to the ideological trend of students and put them onto a positive track."People can make their own away from the spirit of a high degree of material poverty, others enjoy the food, you can be immersed in the spiritual food intake, it will give you a lot of fun, so you go beyond the width and depth, they are!"I think, so a few words with advising the type of discourse, so that those who are poor enough to bring troubled students feel and ask a question type: teachers can sometimes be characterized by the student's eay, some with a depth so as to enable the students themselves to think about to answer, in the continual proce of reflection in improving writing example: Where do you think best describe? Why?;Text which deep understanding?;You use and what writing skills?;You are most diatisfied with is that of what?......6, an explicit: "It's like you in this writing, funny, humor, much has been philosophy, writing is smooth, such as Hangyunliushui, if re-writing something beautiful, even more icing on the cake is not it?" Such recognition among the implicit criticism will touched the hearts of the students, arouse their / 7


7, seminar-style: for the writing on some of the iues, teachers may use to discu type of tone, and students to explore and example: "If the reference one and the poem at the beginning of this article, do you feel?" "Narrative of events, using plug Syria is not more interesting?" 1、批评式:例如:“此文语言不流畅,书写不认真,缺少生动形象的描写,是一篇不成功的作文。”如此评语,对于那些写作不认真的学生,可适当采用一下,但不可常用,否则会挫伤学生的进取心。




6 / 7



5、反问式:教师有时可以根据学生的作文特点,提出一些带有深度的问题,让学生自己去思考、解答,在不断反思中提高写作水平。例如:你认为哪些地方描写最精彩?为什么?;文中有哪些深刻的体悟?;你使用了哪些写作技巧?;你最不满意之处是什么?…… 6、暗示式:“很喜欢你这篇作文,风趣、幽默之中不乏哲理,文笔流畅如行云流水,如果书写再漂亮些,不就更锦上添花了吗?”如此表扬之中的含蓄批评,更会触动学生的心灵,引起他们的重视。


7 / 7




















































英语老师给学生的评语 1新年寄语 吴进兴 平时你少言寡语,但你待人有礼貌,为人诚恳,团结同学,好学上进,老师知道你始终在不懈努力,在此希望你再接再厉,多讲究方法,把成绩高的更好,加油吧, No way is impossible to courage 勇敢面前没有通不过的路。

2新年寄语 阮伟清你是个聪明上进心很强的男孩,你尊敬老师,团结同学,待人有礼貌,虽然你上课发言还不够积极,字写得还不够端正美观,但老师发现你一直在努力地改正。加油吧,"只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针",你一定会成功的!Nothing seek, nothing find. 无所求,则无所获。

3新年寄语 朱琼滨你是我们班上的"小才女",优秀的成绩,逼真的绘画,优美的字迹赢得了同学们的青睐。但你一定要记住:"天才出于勤奋",老师希望你更加严格要求自己,不断进取,进一步提高英语,成为一个更出色的你。The more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。 BEST WISHES FOR YO

礼貌,思想上进,每当课堂上看到你专著的神情,老师就打心里面为你高兴,你聪明灵慧,总是有与别人不一样的好办法、好主意,这将助你走上更成功的道路。让我衷心为你祝福:你的明天会更美好。Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart). 有志者事竟成。

礼貌,思想上进,有明辨是非的能力。老师知道你一直都在努力,从没放弃,如果你能多考虑学习方法,你会更优秀。Choice of the end covers choice of the means. 选择目的包含着选择手段

果断,不拖泥带水,你眼睛里闪烁着智慧的光芒,证明你是一个思维敏捷的女孩。愿你在知识的海洋里遨游,做一个强者、胜利者!Choice of the end covers choice of the means. 选择目的包含着选择手段

智慧的眼睛,在全班同学和老师心目中树立了优秀学生的形象,全部同学都默默地把你作为榜样。上课专心听讲、认真完成作业。你团结同学,待人有礼貌,诚恳。老师布置的事情,你能默默地记在心里,积极去做,从来不用老师操心。Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋,带来好运气。


同时我希望你能认认真真书写。我真诚地祝福你:明天会更美好。He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。

活泼而又开朗大方的女孩,总是无忧无虑的,你对待师长很尊敬,对待他人总是很坦率,对待工作总是很认真,对待班级活动总是很投入,对待自己的总是很谦虚,你有自己的理想,你为班级带来很多欢快。 愿你永远快乐、上进,做一个成功的人!He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。

对班级漠不关心。粗心会使你失掉很多分数,你说呢?聪明的男孩,老师希望再次看到你对班级负责的身影!Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others.吸取他人教训,自己才会走运。

11新年寄语 伍庭英一学期来,你在学习上突飞猛进,一下子跃进了尖子生的行列,让老师和同学们刮目相看,可又有谁知道,在这成绩的背后凝聚着你多少心血,当得知你每天晚上刻苦钻研难题时,我非常感动,这可真印证了那句古话:锲而不舍,金石可镂。勤奋是人最可贵的品质,它将使你终身受益,助你取得成功!Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it. 弱者等待机会,强者创造机会。

12新年寄语 廖国方你是位聪明又可爱的好学生,是老师心目中的优秀生,老师好喜欢你上课专心听讲,勤奋好学的劲儿,这学期你上课回答问题次数多了,书写速度也加快了,但要记住快中还要求好,千万别粗心,这样好成绩会一直跟你交朋友的。!Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it. 弱者等待机会,强者创造机会。

13新年寄语 梁应健 你近来狠了不少,每一次当老师走进教室的时候,都能看到你认真学习的专心劲,但是时间不多了,还需要继续努力,希望你能抓住,争取更大的进步!老师想对你说的是,要多考虑学习方法,大胆提问,试试看。Heaven never helps the man who will not act.自己不动,叫天何用。

14新年寄语 李丽丽你那双珍珠般的眼睛里,盛满热情聪慧,上课时,你总是认真听讲;做作业时,努力思考;工作上,你认真负责,是个尽责的好学习。如果在好的基础上,勤奋刻苦,专心致意,不分散精力,你还有什么可挑剔的!请谨记:你的奶奶的衷心期待。It never rains but it pours.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。

15新年寄语 徐国维勤奋是一把金钥匙,它会帮你打开知识殿堂的大门;勤奋是艘巨舰,它会载你搏击知识海洋的风浪!希望你能牢牢握住这把钥匙,努力学习,不懈追求,希望的大门一定会向你敞开。你是个聪明的好学生,你的明天会更美好。Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。


敢于发表自己见解的好学生,你的勤奋和好学是班里出了名的'。上课总能看到你坐得端正的身影,听到你清脆的嗓音。学习,工作你总能带着一股认真的劲儿。瞧你,字迹端正了,成绩更突出了,大家也更喜欢你了。继续加油吧!你将成为一个更出色的班干部。Happiness takes no account of time.欢乐不觉时光过。 18新年寄语 廖杰源你是一个聪明机灵的学生,课堂上,你总是认真听讲,从不漏掉一个点儿。你更是一个全校闻名的好学生,自觉勤奋,关心集体,乐于助人,新年到来了,老师衷心祝福你:树起理想的风帆,抵达科学的彼岸;坚定信念,做个雄鹰翱翔蓝天。 The more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。

活泼,非常可爱的女孩。平时能歌善舞、兴趣广泛、知识全面、思维敏捷,特别使老师高兴的是,你的语言是多么丰富,多么与众不同,简直棒极了。学习时,你总是专心致志,勤学苦练,决不放过一个疑难问题;同学有困难时,你总能及时伸出温暖的手。我祝福你:祝福好运伴随你,祝福成功伴随你!老师相信,你的明天会更加美好。Necessity is the mother of invention.需要是发明的动力。

20新年寄语 陈晓东 "真人不露相"这句话用在你身上最合适了,在你不爱说话的外表下,藏着一颗勤奋,努力,上进的心,再加上你的聪明,才智,你学什么东西都特别快。瞧你,每次月考都取得了优秀成绩!要是你还能在大家面前大声地发表你精辟的见解,那同学们就更喜欢你了。加油吧,你将会是个很有出息的男孩!Lost time is never found again.岁月既往,一去不回。

21新年寄语 邱慧斌在大家面前,你有很多优点:唱出的歌,婉转动听;写出的字,工整娟秀。你是我们班其中一个全面发展的学生。你发言积极,见解独到,学习成绩优异,工作能力强,不愧为同学眼中的好学生。老师相信你那坚毅的精神一定会敲开成功的大门,愿你明天更美好。 No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。

机灵、乖巧......老师是那么的喜欢你。但你还记得吗?Early bird catch the worm.希望你刻苦拼搏,走在时间的前头,迎接最后的胜利。勤奋的汗水一定会换来成功的喜悦!No man is born wise or learned.没有生而知之者。

23新年寄语 李丽敏你总是默默无语地认真学习,即使遇到了挫折也毫不气馁,沉静之中带着几分倔犟,淳朴之中透着踏实,每次打开作业都能欣赏到你清秀的字体,每次批改作文

都能感受到你的执着。你会成功的,我始终对你充满信心。Nothing to be got without pains but poverty. 只有贫困可以不劳而获得。


A man becomes learned by asking questions.不耻下问才能有学问。

性格开朗而又爱好广泛的女孩,能歌善舞,同学们都喜欢接近你,与你在一起谈笑风生,你懂礼貌,尊敬老师,关心集体,还有一手工整漂亮的字,学习上严格要求自己,不满足现状,有竞争思想,你的优点不胜枚举。老师想,如果在考试时你能做到更细心答题,你一定会跟"优秀"靠得更近一些。BETTER AND BETTER. There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。班主任:MR ZHONG 执着地去追索成功,你的生命之树一定会开花结果。He who does not advance loses ground.逆水行舟,不进则退。

27新年寄语 赵文君你的不断追求,给你带来不断进步,你是一个纯真可爱的女孩,你思维敏捷,想象力丰富,某些问题有自己独到的见解。的确,你很聪明,常问出别人无法想到的问题,多么与众不同。老师同学都很欣赏你。愿你前程似锦。 No one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。

28新年寄语 廖玉琼 你踏踏实实,从来不骄傲。你是一个文静大方的女孩,有自己的主见,默默地吮吸着知识的甘露,学习成绩出色,老师喜欢你在知识的海洋里畅游的学习劲头。在此老师衷心祝你:永远快乐,象一只蝴蝶一样在大自然中自由飞舞;但愿美好的未来属于你!Wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths.智者嘴在心里,愚者心在嘴里。

29新年寄语 赖均飞你是个非常优秀的男孩。你聪明,往往能答出其他同学答不出的问题,你从不向困难低头,所以每次月考都能取得好成绩,你的兴趣广泛,尤其是爱好足球,这给你带来与他人切磋的机会。同学们永远都会记得你在竞技场上顽强拼搏的身影。希望今后你再接再厉,更上一层楼!Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

30新年寄语 张银喜你是一个性格独立坚强的女孩,与人相处懂得谦让,能热心助人,尊敬老师,热爱学校生活,积极参加课外活动,爱劳动,学习认真,成绩优良,老师希望你以后

加倍努力,克服粗心大意,讲究方法,争取更大进步!愿成功伴随你。Work makes the workman. 勤工出巧匠。 DONT GIVE UP UNTIL YOU MAKE IT.

为你加油、为你喝彩,而当时的我,好激动、好兴奋!自此,那一幕便深深地烙在我的脑海里。你学习也很努力,工作态度一丝不苟,你为班级争得了许许多多的荣誉,我感谢你!继续努力吧,我深深地为你祝福!加大力度突破英语使你更优秀。Work makes the workman.

很努力的好学生,不过,最近你又有了进步,这可真让老师松了一口气。相信自己吧,你是一位有聪明才智的人,你一定会用勤奋、上进谱写出一曲成功的乐章。EVERYTHINGWILL GO WELL. Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

33新年寄语 苏嘉健你思维敏捷,想象力丰富,某些问题有自己独到的见解,关心集体,是老师的得力助手,从而赢得同学们的好评。在学习上近来你已有很大进步,但是还需要不懈努力,尤其是文科。希望你改进学法,多问多思。愿成功伴随你。Heaven never helps the man who will not act.自己不动,叫天何用。

明天更加美好。He who risks nothing gains nothing.收获与风险并存。

懒惰、不愿思考"这位朋友,使你和好成绩还有一定的距离。聪明的你,想获得优异的成绩,一定知道怎么做了,对吧!相信在不久的将来,你一定会和好成绩交上朋友的。消除偏科情况,迎接最后胜利。祝你成功!Success belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。

36新年寄语 廖文思有着小鸟般的童心的你,是那么活泼,那么可爱,为同学们带来欢乐与美的享受,学习上,你成绩不断进步,深得老师和同学们的赞赏,希望你在新的学习生活中不求真知不罢休,老师等着你的好消息。Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

37新年寄语 何健飞这学期你各方面的表现都很不错,学习成绩稳步提高,我一直对你充满信心,相信你能靠实力做一个出类拔萃的人,希望你加倍努力提高英语成绩。在此,老师

自己充满信心,因此你学得特别棒,愿你继续努力,记葆出色。Congratulations to you!













Great! / Nice! / Perfect! / Good! / Very good! / Wonderful! / Correct! / Excellent! / Careless! / Unclear! / Untidy!



Well done! / Neat and tidy! / Very nice! /Quite correct! /Quite OK (Okay)! /Well-written! /Just so- so. /Far from correct./So careless!/Try hard!



Your English is excellent.

I wish you would work harder.

How I wish you would be more careful.

Pay attention to your spelling.



学习无坦途。—There is no royal road to learning.

光阴一去不复返。—Lose time is never found again.

学习从不嫌晚。—Its never too late to learn.

熟能生巧。—Practice makes perfect.

不劳无获。—No pains, no gains.

昨日不再来。—No one can call back yesterday.

放弃就是失败。—To give up is to fail.

百说不如一干。—Actions speak louder than words.

有志者事竟成。—Where there is a will there is a way.

一知半解很危险。—A little learning is a dangerous thing.

苦尽甘来最是甜。—Sweet is pleasure after pain.

学问无涯,人生有限。—Art is long, but life is short.

不提问的人,是什么也学不到的。—He that nothing questions ,nothing learning.

良好的开端是成功的一半。—A good beginning is half done.

不耻下问才能有学问。—A man becomes learned by asking questions.

一心不能二用。—A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.

谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。—Care and diligence bring luck.

学习的敌人是自己的满足。—Complacency is the enemy of study.

自信是走向成功的第一步。—Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.

勤奋是成功之母。—Industry is the parent of success.

今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。—Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.

失败是成功之母。—Failure is the mother of success.




You care.

Beautiful work !

You’ve done a good job.

Great! Your English is very good and your answers are right.


You are making progress.

You can do better now than you did before.


Come on !

I’m sure you can do your homework better next time.


Your handwriting is so beautiful. Can you try hard for your homework?或者说:Super!Try to be better next time ! /Try again , I’m sure you will do better next time ! / Looking good ! / Now you are flying !


If you can write carefully , Your homework will be better . I think you can.


“I’m sorry to see that you can’t use your own head to finish your homework . If you feel hard to finish your homework, you can ask me. I will help you .Will you do it all by yourself next time?


“Great ! You can do homework by yourself now . I’m very happy . Try again. ”或 I’m very happy to see your progress.Wonderful!


What a pity! Your work is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes.


You should have done well, but you didn’t listen carefully in class,what a pity!


Although you make lots of mistakes, I love your handwriting. Next time you can do it better, I believe in you.


You’ve walked far in study and you can walk further! Work harder, you’ll be a top student.


Little by little one goes far. If you don’t work hard, you’ll fall behind others. Do you hope so? If not, what should you do? I hope to see you make progress.


“Well done! But would you please improve your handwriting?” 又如:“Try again, I’m sure you’ll do better next time!”


I’ve found your handwriting is better than before. Very good!


①“What a beautiful handwriting! If only be more careful!”—多漂亮的.书法呀!要是作业再仔细一点就好了!

②“Well done !But would you please improve your handwriting?”—做得很好!再设法改善一下你的书法怎么样?


①“Im so glad to see your great progress in your exercises.”—你的作业进步这么大,我真高兴!

②“Im pleased that you have made so great progress now .Thank you!”—很高兴看见你现在取得这么大的进步。谢谢你!

③“Try again ,Im sure you will do better next time!”—再努一把力!相信你下次会做得更好!)

④“Well done ! Try to be better next time, will you?”—真棒!争取下次更好,行吗?

对作业较差的学生,批评要注意艺术性和启发性,避免伤害学生的自尊心。英语中的委婉语和虚拟语气常可以用来表达带批评意义的指导,如:“ If only……!”、“ How I wish ……!”、“ Would you please ……?”、“Im afraid you ……”等等。我常用的这类批语有:

①“If only your handwriting were better! ”—要是你的字能写工整点该多好啊!

②“How I wish you did your homework all by yourself! I think you can!”—我多希望你能自己完成作业啊!我相信你能做到。

③“Im sorry to see you didnt use your own head this time. Will you do it all by yourself next time?”—我很遗憾, 你这次作业没有使用自己的脑袋。下次作业独立完成,好吗?

④“Would you please pay attention to……?”—请你注意……好吗?

⑤“Im afraid you used Chinglish here , do you think so?”—恐怕你在这儿用的是中国式英语,你说 呢?(“Chinglish”是“Chinese English”的幽默说法)


