



2、愿生命的精彩和顽强与您同行,愿事业的蓬勃和你的美丽永恒!恭祝元宵佳节快乐!Let life wonderful and strong with your peers, vigorous and may cause your beautiful eternal! Happy Lantern Festival!

3、Tangyuan, full moon, I wish your family and friends a happy reunion!

4、The Lantern Festival, I ily!



7、ThefifteenthfullmoonshinesonKyushu,andthepeopleofallethnicgroupstravelhappily.Poigegongsandlionsdance,andstiltsandyangkothard.Concentrateonthelanterns,andthefunofriddlesleavespeoplebehind.Youcan'tmisssdumplingshoutpayingattentiontothem.hefifteenthmoonisroundandround,shiningontheoreturnhome;Thefifteenthlanternisroundandround,andthefiveblessingsfamilyishappy;ThefifteenthLanternFestivalisroundandround,andlifeishappierthanhoney.LanternFestival,familyreunion,nightching,funguessing,fullmoon,goodluck!(合同帮帮网 M.551336.cOm)


9、盏盏花灯报元夜,岁岁瑞雪兆丰年,玉烛长调千户乐,花灯遍照万家春,祝我亲爱的朋友,元宵节快乐!As those lanterns to rice glue ball, happiness snow bumper harvest, jade candle na swallowed, lanterns as the spring, I wish my dear friends, happy Lantern Festival!


11、ings and best wishes for Lantern Festival!

12、Yuanxiao is round moon circle make a wish round and round Old friends far away hand the SMS bless you you'll be happy and healthy forever!

13、三五良宵年映红,月上元宵相约黄昏后,宵灯伴你绵绣前程事事通,月圆情缘财源愿愿随心!欢乐今宵!Three night in flames, the month on yuanxiao reunion after dusk, night lights with you future cotton embroidery, everything love revenue may want to do a full moon! Happy tonight!

14、Although the city is empty, there are thousands of lights; although the lights are small, all the families are reunited.

15、Blessing sounds accompany you! Happy Lantern Festival!

16、Heart want to let you hear love to let you see not afraid to admit how sentimentally attached to you When thinking of you the month circle of the season I wish you a good dream tonight!


18、圆圆的月亮红红的脸,浅浅的笑容弯弯的眼甜甜的汤圆幸福的年,火火的好运伴永远!祝元宵节快乐! Round the moon was red face shallow smile curved eyes Sweet dumplings made of happiness fire fire the luck of the companion forever! I wish a happy Lantern Festival!

19、idnight people cleared spending a good family reunions group of light beauty you most "good" Send acacia and "circle"

20、best e first during the Lantern Festival! "Hongfu Qitian knoily business is prosperous every year!"


22、The Lantern Festival is round on the 15th day of the first month. Wish you good luck in the coming year.


24、Sincerely wish you and your family good health and happy Lantern Festival!

25、Round dumplings sticky and sticky, I wish you happiness still, family reunion.

26、这一刻,有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的元宵节!At this moment, have my deepest thoughts. Let cloud wisher to bless with full intention, embellish your sweet dream, wish you have a happy happy Lantern Festival!



