

Happy National Day! Let's cherish our freedom, embrace our unity, and celebrate what makes~~你也在参考这方面的句子吗?或许你正在查找类似"表祝愿的英文句子125句"这样的内容,如果合你所需,不妨马上收藏本页。


1、Wishing you a happy National Day with peace, prosperity, and happiness!

2、Wishing you a happy National Day filled with joy, love, and gratitude.

3、Wishing all fellow citizens a joyful and blessed National Day celebration!

4、Happy National Day to the land of hospitality, generosity and kindness! 祝福好客、慷慨和善良的国家国庆节快乐!

5、Let's celebrate the birth of our great nation with pride and gratitude on National Day.

6、Happy National Day to all those who believe in the limitless potential of our country and its people!

7、May the blessings of hope, peace and prosperity be yours on this National Day and beyond! 愿在国庆节和未来时刻,您拥有希望、和平和繁荣的祝福!

8、Wishing you a colorful and exciting National Day with plenty of good cheer and happiness! 祝您国庆节多姿多彩,充满欢乐和幸福!

9、May our country continue to stand tall and prosper, guided by the principles of democracy, freedom and justice on this National Day. 愿我们的国家在国庆节上继续以民主、自由和正义的原则为指导,崛起并繁荣昌盛。

10、Wishing you a wonderful National Day celebration with your friends, family and loved ones! 祝您与您的朋友、家人、亲人共度一个美好的国庆节!

11、Happy Independence Day to the land of the free!

12、Celebrating the beauty, warmth and hospitality of our Nation on this National Day! Happy National Day!

13、May the spirit of unity and cooperation continue to inspire us on this National Day and always! 愿团结和合作的精神在国庆节和永远都激发我们!

14、Happy National Day to the greatest country in the world! 祝世界上最伟大的国家国庆节快乐!

15、On this National Day, let's appreciate the natural resources and beauty of our country's environment!

16、On this National Day, let's come together to celebrate our Nation's journey to prosperity and success!

17、Let's embrace the vision and spirit of the Chinese educational system on National Day!

18、Wishing everyone a peaceful, prosperous and joyful National Day celebration!

19、Let's all unite and celebrate our great nation on National Day!

20、Wishing you a delightful National Day, filled with good food, good company, and good vibes.

21、Celebrating the wonder and beauty of China's cultural heritage on its National Day!


22、Let's celebrate the diversity and beauty of our great nation on this National Day!

23、May the anniversary of our country's independence fill your hearts with pride and joy.

24、Happy National Day! Let's celebrate the beauty and rich history of our country.

25、Wishing peace, success and prosperity to our homeland on this National Day!

26、Wishing everyone a happy and blessed National Day celebration filled with pride and joy!

27、Happy National Day to a country with an unwavering sense of purpose and belief!

28、Let us continue to honor and cherish the traditions and values of our nation!

29、May the spirit of unity and togetherness continue to inspire us on this National Day and beyond! 愿团结和联系的精神在国庆节和未来时刻继续激励我们!

30、Celebrating National Day with a sense of pride and patriotism, may our nation shine forever!

31、On this National Day, let's appreciate the beauty of our country and the goodness of our people!

32、Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, blessed, and joyous National Day filled with love, peace, and happiness.

33、Let's come together and celebrate our country's diversity on this National Day!

34、Happy National Day! Let's continue to work towards a better and brighter future for our nation.

35、Saluting the courage and bravery of our heroes – happy National Day!

36、Happy National Day! Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous year ahead.

37、Let us cherish and appreciate the many blessings of our nation!

38、Celebrating the beauty and richness of Chinese culture on its National Day!

39、Happy National Day to the land of my birth and the home of my heart!

40、Let's come together as one nation and show the world what it means to be a proud citizen of this great nation on National Day!

41、Happy National Day to the land of the Terracotta Warriors, the Giant Panda, and the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding!

42、Happy National Day! Let's honor our veterans and their families, and remember their sacrifices.


43、Here is to the bright and beautiful future of China on National Day!

44、May this National Day be a day of reflection and gratitude for our beautiful country!

45、On this National Day, let's honor the heroes who have fought for our country and its people!

46、Happy National Day to all those who call our great nation home. Let's celebrate together with pride and gratitude.

47、May this National Day bring us all peace and prosperity!

48、May this National Day be a day of reflection and gratitude for the opportunities and blessings we have!

49、Happy National Day to the passionate and energetic people of China!

50、Let's come together and celebrate all the things that make our country great on National Day.

51、Best wishes for a happy and memorable National Day with your family and loved ones! 祝您和您的家人、亲人度过一个快乐难忘的国庆节!

52、Let us celebrate the amazing achievements and progress of our nation!

53、May the love and kindness of our nation fill your heart on this National Day and always! 愿我们国家的爱和善良充盈您的心灵,在国庆节和永远!

54、Let us continue to work together towards a more peaceful, prosperous, and harmonious future – happy National Day!

55、Let's honor the heroes who have sacrificed their lives for our country. Happy National Day, China!

56、Let's come together and celebrate the freedom, democracy, and progress of our nation on National Day!

57、Happy National Day! May the future of our country be filled with hope and dreams!

58、Celebrating the National Day with gratitude, love and respect for our country. 以感恩、爱国和尊重之心庆祝国庆节。

59、Here's to the great achievements of China and its people on its National Day!

60、Let's take a moment on this National Day to thank our soldiers, healthcare workers, and all those who are working tirelessly for the betterment of our country. 在国庆节这一天,让我们花时间感谢我们的军人、医务人员和所有为祖国发展不知疲倦工作的人们。

61、Best wishes for a happy and blessed National Day with your loved ones by your side! 祝您和您的亲人身边度过一个快乐祥和的国庆节!

62、May our country continue to thrive and prosper on this National Day and every day!



64、Happy National Day to all those who love and cherish this great country!

65、Let us celebrate the hard work and dedication of all our fellow citizens!

66、Best wishes on this special day! May the Chinese people always be filled with pride and love for their country.

67、Celebrating the vibrant and dynamic Chinese culture on National Day!

68、Happy National Day! May our unity and cooperation lead us towards a brighter future.

69、Let's make this National Day a time to reflect on our country's strengths and weaknesses!

70、On National Day, let's remember the sacrifices and struggles of our nation's heroes and martyrs.

71、Best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous National Day full of blessings and hope for the future! 祝您国庆节和平、繁荣、拥有充满未来希望的祝福!

72、Wishing you and your family a happy, peaceful, and blessed National Day filled with love, hope, and unity.

73、Let's raise our flag high and sing our national anthem with pride on this National Day! 在国庆节这一天,让我们高举我们的国旗,唱响我们的国歌,感到无比自豪!

74、May the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship continue to drive our nation towards success. Happy Birthday, China!

75、Let's make this National Day a day to remember with love, unity and peace!

76、May our Nation continue to flourish and prosper in the years to come! Happy National Day!

77、Happy National Day! Let's honor and remember our country's rich history and culture.

78、Let's unite as one, celebrate our differences, and embrace the diversity of our nation on National Day.

79、Happy National Day to all those who have contributed to the growth and development of our Nation!

80、Wishing you a beautiful National Day filled with laughter and joy.

81、Wishing you a joyous and memorable National Day celebration filled with blessings!

82、Wishing you a wonderful National Day celebration surrounded by the people you love the most! 祝福您与最爱的人度过一个美好的国庆节!

83、Let's take a moment to appreciate our great nation on this National Day!

84、Best wishes for a fun-filled National Day, filled with festivities and good times.


85、May our Nation continue to inspire and motivate generations to come! Happy National Day!

86、Wishing you a happy and peaceful National Day filled with gratitude and appreciation!

87、May your National Day be a day of celebration, joy, hope, and love for our great country and its people.

88、On this National Day, let us honor the spirit and courage of our nation!

89、Let us celebrate our country's rich diversity of languages, cultures, and traditions on this National Day.

90、Always proud to be a citizen of this patriotic and amazing nation!

91、May our country continue to shine bright as a beacon of hope and democracy for the world to see. Happy National Day!

92、Happy National Day to a nation with a bright and promising future ahead!

93、Happy National Day to the land of sports, arts and entertainment! 祝福体育、艺术和娱乐之乡的国家国庆节快乐!

94、Happy National Day! May we continue to work towards a more sustainable, peaceful, and just world.

95、Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful National Day!

96、Happy National Day! Let us continue to move forward with strength and determination!

97、Let us take pride in our nation's achievements and continue to strive for even greater success on this National Day! 让我们为我们国家的成就感到自豪,并在国庆节继续为更大的成功而努力!

98、Happy National Day to the strong and resilient people of China!

99、Best wishes for a happy National Day and for a prosperous future for your country.

100、Let's come together on this National Day to celebrate our heritage, our traditions, and our future.

101、Here's to the beauty of China and the pride of its people!

102、May this National Day be a time for unity, love, and respect for our fellow citizens!

103、Best wishes for a happy and successful National Day celebration full of endless possibilities! 祝您国庆节欢乐、成功,充满无限可能!

104、Let's embrace the spirit of love, unity and togetherness on this National Day and beyond!

105、Let's celebrate the diversity and richness of our nation's culture on this National Day!


106、Happy National Day to the inspiring and visionary people of China!

107、Here's to a brighter future for our Nation! Happy National Day!

108、May the blessings of this National Day bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to our nation. Happy Birthday, China!

109、This National Day, let's come together as one nation and celebrate our traditions, culture, and heritage.

110、Happy National Day to one and all! Let's continue to work towards a brighter future for our Nation!

111、Let us celebrate the talents, skills and creativity of our nation on this National Day! 让我们在国庆节庆祝我们国家的才能、技能和创造力!

112、Happy National Day! Let's stand tall and proud as we celebrate our heritage, culture, and traditions.

113、Let's celebrate the diversity, creativity, and innovation of our country on this National Day.

114、Wishing you a happy National Day filled with love, laughter, and togetherness.

115、Let us treasure the unity and harmony of our nation on this National Day and always! 让我们珍视我们国家的团结和和谐,在国庆节和永远都如此!

116、Honoring the past and embracing the future – happy National Day!

117、Wishing China a future of peace, stability, and progress on National Day!

118、Let's all come together and celebrate our country's birthday on this National Day! 让我们一起庆祝国家的生日,在国庆节上团聚!

119、May this National Day be a time to celebrate the achievements of our country and our people!

120、Happy National Day! Let's uphold the values our country stands for!

121、On this National Day, let's pledge to work towards creating a more tolerant, compassionate and caring society for all our citizens. 在这个国庆节上,让我们承诺为所有公民创造更加宽容、同情和关爱的社会而努力。

122、May the National Day be a time for us to come together as one and work towards building a stronger, more united and prosperous nation. 愿国庆节成为我们团结起来、建设更加强大、更加团结和繁荣的国家的时刻。

123、Happy National Day! Let's work towards a brighter future for our country.

124、Happy National Day! May the love of our country fill your hearts today and always.

125、Happy National Day! Let's cherish our freedom, embrace our unity, and celebrate what makes us unique.

