
















English Enlightenment Singing and Dancing Teaching Plan

As we enter the digital era, learning English has become a necessity and even a basic skill. Therefore, we should aim to make learning English fun and interactive for children. One way to do this is by incorporating music and dancing into English teaching.

The purpose of this English Enlightenment Singing and Dancing Teaching Plan is to provide a comprehensive and enjoyable way to introduce English to children. This plan will focus on various themes and topics that are relevant to their daily lives, including food, animals, sports, and hobbies. Each theme will be accompanied by a popular English song and dance that is easy to learn and fun to perform.

Firstly, the food theme will include popular English nursery rhymes, such as "I Am a Little Teapot" and "Patty Cake." Children will learn the names of different types of food and how to use them in sentences. In addition, they will learn simple dance moves that correlate with the lyrics of the songs.

Secondly, the animal theme will include songs like "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and "The Wheels on the Bus." Children will learn the names and sounds of different animals, as well as basic animal behaviors. They will also be taught fun animal movements to accompany the songs.

Thirdly, the sports theme will feature energetic and upbeat songs like "The Hokey Pokey" and "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." Children will learn the names of various sports and sports-related equipment, as well as different types of physical movements.

Finally, the hobbies theme will include songs such as "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." Children will learn about different hobbies and how to express their likes and dislikes. They will also be taught simple dance moves that correspond with the lyrics.

In addition to the songs and dances, each theme will include various language learning activities. These activities will include learning new vocabulary words, simple sentence construction, and basic grammar rules. Through these activities, children will develop a strong foundation of English language skills.

English Enlightenment Singing and Dancing Teaching Plan is an excellent way to create a fun and interactive learning environment for children. By incorporating music and dance into English teaching, children are more likely to be engaged, enthusiastic, and motivated to learn. This teaching plan is not only entertaining but also effective for cultivating strong English language skills.



"Playing Games English Enlightenment Teaching Plan" is a comprehensive program designed to enable children to learn English in an enjoyable way. The aim of this program is to help students enhance their language skills by playing various games that are not only fun but also educational. The program is designed for children aged between 5-12 years old and is divided into different levels based on their English proficiency.

Theme 1: Alphabet Games

Alphabet games are ideal for introducing children to the English alphabet, which is the foundation of the English language. These games can be used to help children recognize and write the letters of the alphabet, as well as improve their pronunciation. For example, an alphabet scavenger hunt can be organized where children have to find objects that start with each letter of the alphabet. Another fun game is to organize an English sing-a-long where children can practice their pronunciation while singing lively English songs.

Theme 2: Vocabulary Games

Vocabulary is an essential part of learning English. One of the best ways to learn new words is by playing games that promote vocabulary acquisition. These games can range from word puzzles, memory games, and taboo games to flashcards. For example, a word puzzle game can be used to teach children new words by having them solve puzzles that require them to complete words using the correct pronunciation and spelling. Flashcards can also be used to help children learn new words by matching pictures with corresponding words.

Theme 3: Storytelling Games

Storytelling games can be used to help students improve their reading and listening skills. These games encourage students to listen to and comprehend English narratives while promoting their imagination and creativity. For example, a group storytelling game can be organized where children sit in a circle and take turns telling a story while others listen and provide feedback. Another fun game is to organize a picture storytelling game where children can create stories based on pictures shown to them.

Theme 4: Grammar Games

Grammar games serve as an innovative way of teaching students the rules of grammar. These games are ideal for primary and middle school-aged children who are learning the basics of grammar. Games such as "Who Am I?" require children to guess the correct pronoun based on the hints given by the teacher. Other grammar games such as "Sentence Scavenger Hunt" can be used to teach students about sentence structure and punctuation.


The "Playing Games English Enlightenment Teaching Plan" is a great way to make English learning fun and engaging for children. Through the integration of games into the curriculum, students can improve their language skills and gain confidence in using the language. Moreover, the program is designed to cater to the needs of students with different English proficiency levels and ensures that all students learn at their own pace.



The English Enlightenment Sing and Dance Teaching Program aims to provide an interactive and engaging approach to teaching English to young learners. The program combines the use of music and dance to create a fun and stimulating learning environment that encourages participation and creativity in children. This teaching approach not only enhances the learning experience but also improves the overall physical and mental development of preschoolers. This program is an excellent way to introduce children to the English language and build a solid foundation for future language learning.

Theme 1 - Alphabet Fun

The Alphabet Fun theme is designed to introduce children to the English alphabet in a fun and interactive way. The program includes songs that help children learn the letters of the alphabet. The program also includes dance routines that help children remember the order of the letters, which is a crucial component of alphabet learning. Children are encouraged to participate in the dance routines and sing along to the songs. The program also includes letter recognition games and activities that promote letter recognition and understanding of letter sounds. This theme is an excellent way to build a foundation for reading and writing in English.

Theme 2 - Numbers and Counting

The Numbers and Counting theme is designed to teach children the basics of numeracy in English. The program includes songs that help children learn the numbers from one to ten. The program also includes dance routines that help children remember the order of the numbers. Children are encouraged to participate in the dance routines and sing along to the songs. The program also includes number recognition games and activities that promote number recognition and understanding of basic mathematical concepts. This theme is an excellent way to build a foundation for math skills in English.

Theme 3 - Colors and Shapes

The Colors and Shapes theme is designed to teach children about colors and shapes in English. The program includes songs that help children learn the names of colors and shapes. The program also includes dance routines that help children identify and recognize colors and shapes. Children are encouraged to participate in the dance routines and sing along to the songs. The program also includes color and shape recognition games and activities that promote color and shape recognition and understanding. This theme is an excellent way to build a foundation for artistic and creative skills in English.

Theme 4 - Animals and Nature

The Animals and Nature theme is designed to teach children about animals and nature in English. The program includes songs that help children learn the names of animals and the sounds they make. The program also includes dance routines that help children identify and recognize different types of animals. Children are encouraged to participate in the dance routines and sing along to the songs. The program also includes animal and nature recognition games and activities that promote curiosity and understanding of nature. This theme is an excellent way to build an appreciation for the natural world and develop communication skills in English.


The English Enlightenment Sing and Dance Teaching Program is a fun and interactive way to teach young learners English. The program combines music and dance with language learning to create an engaging and stimulating learning environment. The program is designed to introduce children to the English language and build a solid foundation for future language learning. The program helps children develop fundamental skills in reading, writing, math, art, creativity, and communication in English. The program is an excellent way to improve overall physical and mental development and promote curiosity and learning in preschoolers.





1. 培养孩子对英语学习的兴趣和自信心;

2. 帮助孩子建立正确的英语语音基础,准确发音;

3. 培养孩子基本的英语词汇量和日常表达能力;

4. 培养孩子初步的英语听说能力,能够进行简单的交流;

5. 引导孩子从早期阶段开始进行英语听说读写训练;

6. 鼓励孩子与其他学习者进行互动和实践。



① 英语基本词汇教学:


② 英语基础语法教学:


③ 英文童谣和歌曲:


④ 英语听说训练:


⑤ 学习小组活动和互动游戏:




① 多媒体教学法:


② 游戏教学法:


③ 情景教学法:




1. 课堂表现评估:


2. 个别测试评估:


3. 口语表达评估:


4. 互动评估:








1. 学习天气单词:使用图片和动画等视觉辅助工具来帮助孩子们学习各种天气单词,如sunny、cloudy、rainy、snowy等。

2. 唱天气歌曲:教学者可以为孩子们带来一首简单的天气歌曲,并辅以手势来帮助孩子们记忆歌词和动作。

3. 跳天气舞蹈:设计一段专门的舞蹈来带动孩子们一起跳跃,使他们更好地理解天气的变化。



1. 学习动物单词:使用图片和动画等视觉辅助工具来帮助孩子们学习各种动物的名称和特征,如lion、tiger、elephant、giraffe等。

2. 唱动物歌曲:教学者可以为孩子们带来一首简单的动物歌曲,并辅以手势来帮助孩子们记忆歌词和动作。

3. 跳动物舞蹈:设计一段专门的舞蹈来带动孩子们一起跳跃,使他们更好地理解动物的习性和特征。



1. 学习数字单词:使用图片和动画等视觉辅助工具来帮助孩子们学习各种数字单词,如one、two、three、four等。

2. 唱数字歌曲:教学者可以为孩子们带来一首简单的数字歌曲,并辅以手势来帮助孩子们记忆数字和顺序。

3. 跳数字舞蹈:设计一段专门的舞蹈来带动孩子们一起跳跃,使他们更好地理解数字的排列和组合。



















