


高三课件 篇1















高三课件 篇2

The First Period: Preparations for Reading

Step1 Learning the new words in the unit

Step2 Warming up

Note: The answers are based on world records as recorded by Guinness in

1. B. Vostok, Antarctica, 1983.

2. A. Radhouane Charbib, Tunisia, 2.35 meters. The tallest man in history may have been Robert P. Wadlow, USA, who was 2.72 meters in 1940.

3. A. Michael Kearney, USA. Michael was 6 years and 7 months old when he was studying for his degree. He graduated in 1994, at age 10, and later gained a Master’s degree at the age of 14.

4. A. Pelé (Edson Arantes do Nascimento), Brazil. Pelé played for the Brazilian team Santos of Rio de Janeiro and the American team the New York Cosmos, scoring a total of 1,279 goals.

5. B. Shamsher Singh, India. 1.83 meters in . Norwegian Hans Langseth had the longest beard ever, 5.33 meters in 1927.

6. B. Errol ET Muzawazi, Zimbabwe, gave a political-science lecture in Poland that lasted 62.5 hours.

Step3 Listening

Do Exercise 2 and 3.

Step4 Speaking

The Second Period: Reading

Step1 Pre-reading

Good morning, boys and girls. Summer is coming. It is becoming hotter and hotter. Do you know what the highest temperature is? What is the lowest temperature? Do you know where to find the answers to such interesting questions? (The Guinness Book of World Records.) What kind of book is it?

Step2 Reading

(1) Scan the text and find the answers to the questions in Pre-reading.

1. Sir Hugh Beaver was the director of Guinness Brewery who decided to write a book about records.

The book became the Guinness Book of World Records.

2. The first edition of the Guinness Book of World Records was published in 1955.

3. The longest moustache in the world reached a length of 1.6 meters.

4. Urumqi is the most remote city from the sea. A special and delicious record was set in 1997 to

celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China. The world’s largest jiaozi was made, weighing an

incredible 480 kilograms!

5. Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France in .

(2) Careful reading: find the main idea of each paragraph.

1. The birth of the book.

2. Records are sent into the book each year and they are put into different categories.

3. Some Chinese records in the book.

4. Many of the records come from the world of sports: some have moving life stories behind them.

5. Why people are so interested in world records.

6. The procedures to apply for a Guinness world record.

Step3 Post-reading

(1) Do Exercise2 in the Post-reading. (Keys: A: Para.5 B: Para.2 C: Para.1 D: Para.4 E: Para.6 F: Para.5)

(2) Do Exercise3 in the Post-reading.

Key: contact the Guinness Book of World Records →the editors decide whether the record attempt is suitable →the editors send rules and forms →a Guinness official inspects the record attempt →the official confirms the record →the Guinness Book of World Records sends a certificate

(3) Answer the following questions:

1. What are the categories in the Guinness Book of World Records?

The categories are human body, amazing feats, the natural world, science and technology, arts and the media, modern society, travel and transport and sports and games

2. What types of record attempts are not allowed?

Record attempts that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others are not allowed.

(4) Discussion:

1. Why did Sir Hugh Beaver want to create such a book?

2. Why do you think the book has been a best-seller for so many years?

The Third Period: Useful Words and Expressions in the Text

In 1951,the then① director of the Guinness Brewery ,Sir Hugh Beaver, wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe.After talking to his friends, he concluded② that a book which answered such questions might be popular. The Guinness company hired③ a company to write what later became Guinness Book of World Records④. The first edition was published in 1955 and has been a best-seller ever since. 在1951年,吉尼斯啤酒厂当时的厂长休-毕沃先生想要解决关于欧洲最快的鸟的争论。和他的朋友们交谈后,他认定能回答这样一些问题的书可能会受欢迎。吉尼斯公司聘用诺里斯和罗斯-麦科沃写了一本后来成为吉尼斯记录的书。第一版在1955年出版,从那以后一直是一本最畅销的书。

① then adv.用来修饰名词,意为“那时的,当时的”

② conclude vt., vi.

1. 结束[(+with)]

We concluded our meeting at 9 o'clock.

He concluded his speech with a question. =end … with…

The meeting concluded with the International song. =end with…

”To conclude, I wish you all good health and a long life.“ “最后,祝大家健康长寿。

2.推断出,断定 [+that]

The doctor concluded that the patient's disease was cancer. 医生断定病人患的是癌症。

The judge concluded that the accused was guilty. 法官判定被告有罪

3. 缔结(条约)[(+with)]

Britain concluded a trade agreement with China.

4. (最后)决定(为)[+to-v][+that]

He concluded to wait (=that he would wait) a little longer.

conclusion n.结论

come to/draw/reach/arrive at a conclusion得出结论(from the facts)

bring sth to a conclusion使……结束

come to / reach the conclusion that...所得结论是...,断定

leap / jump to a conclusion贸然断定, 过早下结论

in conclusion = lastly 最后,总之

eg: In conclusion I’ d like to say that you did it very well.

③ hire vt.(同)employ /take on, (反) dismiss/fire ;


vt. hire sb.(临时或短时间)雇佣某人 hire sth. = rent sth. 租借/用(东西)hire / rent sth.(out )to sb.把某物出租给某人; n. 租金(= rent),雇用

employ/ take on sb.(较长时间)雇用或聘用某人 employ sth. = make use of sth

appoint sb.任命/委派/挑选某人(做某工作或任某职位)

④ record vt.记录,录制 n. 记录;唱片(注意读音)

keep a record 保持记录 set a new record 创新记录

break/beat a record 打破记录 make a new record 刷新记录

keep a record of 保存…的记载 make e record 录制/制作唱片

More than 60,000 new records are sent in① to the book each year, but they cannot all be printed. Instead, the editors of the book set down② the records and keep track of③ them in other ways.The records are put into different categories.The Guinness Book of World Records has chapters on the human body,amazing feats,the natural world,science and technology,arts and the media,modern society,travel and transport,and sports and games.You can learn that the oldest person is a woman who lived to be④ 122 years and 164 days,that the longest moustache reached a length of 1.6 metres and that the longest poisonous snake is 5.71 metres long. There are also strange records, like the Englishman who balanced⑤ a small car weighing 159.6 kilogrammes on his head for thirty-three seconds!每年送来6,000多个记录,但它们不能都出版。然而编辑们记下这些记录,并以其他方式继续了解情况。这些记录被分成不同的目录。《吉尼斯世界大全》关于人体的篇章、令人惊叹的伟绩篇章、自然世界篇章、科学技术篇章、艺术和媒体篇章、现代社会篇章、旅游和交通篇章以及体育和娱乐篇章。你可以了解到年纪最大的人是一个活了122年164天的妇女,最长的胡须长达1.6米,最长的毒蛇有5.71米长。书中还有令人不可思议的记录,如一个英国人头顶重159.6公斤的小汽车长达33秒钟。

①Send sb in派人去处理某事

Soldiers were sent in to put down the riots。

Send sth in寄送某处进行处理

Have you sent in your application for the job?

② set sth. down 写下来

Why don’t you set your idea down on paper?

set sb. down 停车让人下车

The bus stopped to set down an old lady.

I’ll set you down at the corner of the street.

短语联想:set about sth./doing sth.做手某事/做某事=set out to do开始干

set off 出发 set aside 不理会;搁置;存储=put away

set foot in/on 踏上 set fire to sth./set sth on fire 防火烧掉…

set up 成立;建造 be set in 以…为背景

③ keep track of 记录;掌握…的线索;保持对…的联系

keep/ lose track of sb./ sth. = keep in/lose touch with 与…保持/失去接触

be on sb’s track/be on the track of sb. =be after sb.追踪某人

make tracks for…=go towards 走向

in one’s tracks =there and then当场,立刻

It’s hard to keep track of all one’s old school friends.

lose track of 失去的…线索;失掉对…的联系

lose track of time 说不准现在的确切时间


keep off 远离,不接近,避开 keep away from sb 远离某人

keep out 使在外,勿入 keep back 阻止;扣留;忍住

keep a diary记日记

keep …in mind记住,想着 keep up保持,继续

keep up with 跟上(状态) catch up with 跟上(动作)

keep watch 守望,值班 keep one’s promise 信守诺言

keep house管家 keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

④ live to be 活到。不定式 to be 作结果状语

She lived to be 80. 她活到了八十岁。

类似结构:prove /turn out to be…证明是;结果是

⑤ balance n.

天平: Have you brought something to weigh the flesh? A balance?

平衡: keep/lose one’s balance keep the balance of nature

谐调,匀称:All the parts of the building are in perfect balance.

余额: I must check my bank balance.

v. 使……保持平衡: How long can you balance on one foot?

结算: balance an account / one’s books 结账

等价,抵消:This year’s profits will balance our previous losses.

There are many Chinese records,For example,Tian’anmen Square is the largest square in the world with an area of① about 40 hectares. China has a greatest number of hospitals in the world and Urumqi is the most remote city from the sea - it is 2,500 kilometres from the nearest coast.A special and delicious record was set in 1997 to celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China. The world’s largest jiaozi was made, weighing an incredible 480 kilogrammes! 书中也有一些中国记录,例如,天安门广场是世界上最大的广场,占地大约40公顷。中国的医院数量昌世界上最多的,乌鲁木齐是离海最远的城市,离最近的海岸2,500公里。在庆祝香港回归中国时创了一个特别的美味的记录,做了世界上最大的一个饺子,饺子重得惊人,为480公斤。

① with an area of…拥有…面积

Many of the records in the Guinness Book of World Records come from the world of sports. Among the brilliant athletic achievements, a few records stand out① because of the moving life stories behind them.The Guinness world record for the fastest average speed at the Tour de France was set in by the American cyclist Lance Armstrong. Impressive as② the record is, it fades③ next to④ the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease. In Armstrong ,the then No 1 cyclist in the world, was diagnosed⑤ with cancer and many thought that it meant the end of his cancer, maybe even his life. In , however, Armstrong returned to the world of racing.He went on to set the speed record and achieve his goal of winning the Tour de France six years in a row⑥ from 1999 to .许多在《吉尼斯世界记录大全》的记录来自世界体育。在许多杰出的体育成就中,一些记录尤为突出,因为记录的背后有感人的故事。吉尼斯世界记录,在环法自行车大赛平均最快的速度是由美国自行车运动员兰斯-阿姆斯特朗创下的,虽然这个记录令人难忘,但阿姆斯特朗与疾病抗争的故事比这更令人瞩目。在,阿姆斯特朗,世界排名第一的自行车运动员被确诊患有癌症,许多人认为这意味着他运动生涯的尽头。然而在阿姆斯特朗返回世界赛场。他继续创下了速度记录,实现了他连续6次获得环法自行车赛冠军的目标。

① stand out明显;醒目;突出;杰出 ; 坚持;支撑

to stand out a crisis挨过危机 Stand still ! 站住,不许动!

stand by 在场;靠近; 袖手旁观;(无线 电台或军事方面)待命,准备行动 ; 试图援助;极力支持;忠于;信守

to stand by one's promise 遵守诺言 stand for代表,表示;意指;象征;容忍;允许

stand up耐久;耐用; 成立;站起 stand up for 维护;拥护;支持

Will the charge stand up in court? 这个指控在法庭上能成立吗?

② Impressive as the record is = Though the record is impressive。

as conj.虽然,引导让步状语从句时,必须倒装表语名词(若为可数名词单数必须省去a/an)或形容词(或相当于形容词的分词)﹑副词状语或动词原形。此时用though 也可以,但though引导的从句可以倒装也可以不倒装。

Child as/though he is, he knows a lot.

Young as/though he is, he can do it well.

Much as /though I like the book, I won’t buy it.

Try as /though he may, he won’t succeed.他或许会尝试,但不会成功。

Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone who’s as capable as John.

Angry as he was, he listened to me patiently.他很恼火,却能耐心地听我说话。

The air was cold, bright as the sun was.虽然阳光灿烂,天气却很冷。

③ fade vt., vi. faded, fading

A. 枯萎,退色,失去光泽;

Cut flowers soon fade. 剪下来的花朵容易枯萎。

The colour in this silk material will not fade. 这种绸布料子不会褪色。

B. (声音等)变微弱;(光等)变暗淡;逐渐消失[(+away)]

The sound of the footsteps faded away. 脚步声渐渐消失了。

The memory of her sufferings in her childhood will never fade from her mind. 她永远不会忘却童年时代所受的痛苦。

The shapes faded (away) into the night. 这些形象在夜色中渐渐消失。


fade in(电影画面或广播声音)渐现,淡入,渐强

fade out(电影画面或广播声音)渐隐,淡出,渐弱

④ next to

1) 在……旁边: He lives next to me.

2) 跟在……之后:

Next to skiing her favorite sport was ice-hockey. 我最喜欢的运动是滑雪,其次是冰球。


next to impossible 几乎不可能 next to last 倒数第二

⑤ diagnose vt.断定…的原因或性质。diagnose sb. with a disease 诊断某人患了某种疾病

be diagnosed. with a disease 被诊断患了某种疾病

The teacher diagnosed the pupils’ reading difficulties. 老师找出了学生在阅读上的原因。

His parents diagnosed his son’s absence from school. 他父母找出了儿子缺课的原因。

注:diagnose 的名词为diagnosis, 其复数为diagnoses,意为“诊断,诊断的结果,诊断书”。

⑥ in a row 连续, 一连串

in rows 成行, 成排

China’s women volleyball team won five champions in a row in the 1980s.

They planted the trees in rows.

Why are people so interested in world records? Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that led Sir Hugh to write the Guinness Book of World Records in the first place①.We want to know what is possible and find out just how far we can push ourselves. Clearly,we are also entertained② by accounts③ of strange and unusual deeds and facts.Whether we are out to set a new record ourselves or simply enjoy reading about champions, the Guinness Book of World Records makes for④ interesting reading.为什么人们对世界记录这么感兴趣?我们感兴趣的部分原因也许是和使得Hugh先生率先写了《吉尼斯世界记录大全》一样的好奇心。我们想知道什么是可能的,我们能够推进多远。显而易见,一些奇妙的、不同寻常的行为和事实叙述使我们快乐。无论我们是亲自破记录,还是欣赏阅读有关别人的夺冠壮举,《吉尼斯世界记录大全》都算得上是一本有趣的书籍。

① in the first place首先, 第一点 in the last place最后

in the next place其次, 第二点 in place of 代替, 用...而不用…

in places 在某些地方, 有几处

in one’s place 处于某人的位置, 为某人设身处地想一想 (= in place of sb.代替某人,取代某人的位置)

make place for 为...腾出地方, 让位于

take one's place 就座, 入座; 占有 地位;代替某人; 接替某人的位置

take the place of 代替 take place发生, 举行

in place 在原处; 适合 out of place不适合

I won’t go shopping today. In the first place I am tired; in the next place I have so much work to do; in the last place, I have nothing to buy

② entertain 招待,款待

entertain friends at / to [BrE] dinner请朋友吃饭

entertain guests with refreshments以茶点招待客人

注意当“款待”时的用法=treat sb to sth./serve sb with

③ account n.


an exciting account of the match对这次比赛激动人心的报导

The newspaper's account of the so-called reshuffle of the financial ministry was a complete fiction. 报纸对所谓的财政部人事改组的报导完全是捏造的。

B.考虑;顾及利益: He put his knowledge to good account. 他使知识发挥了效益。

C.账目: The accounts show we have spent more than we received. 账目表明我们


D.所欠账目: account payable应付账款

Your account is still unpaid. 你的帐还没付。

E.科目;账户: He put the money into his bank account. 他把钱存在他的银行账户上。

open /close an account开立/结束账户

G. vi., vt. 认为: I account myself well paid. 我自认为收入颇佳。


on account of因为;由于 She retired early on account of illness.

on no account=not on any account绝不;千万不要 On no account should the house be left unlocked.

on one's own account为了私利;责任自负(=at one’s own risk);独自(=by oneself)

on this/that account由于这个/那个缘故 Weather conditions were poor, but he did not delay his departure on that account.

of no/little account无足轻重 Emotional matters were of no account to them during the war.

on sb’s account为了某人的缘故 Please don’t change your plans on my account.

by/from all accounts据说,据报道 I have never been there, but it is a lovely place, by all accounts.

by your own account根据某人自己所说 By his won account he had an unhappy childhood.

take…into account (=consider) 把...考虑进去

account for 解释;说明:是……的原因;占;了解,查明;打败,消灭

How do you account for all the accidents in series? 你怎么解释这接二连三地发生的事故呢?

The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd. Oh, well, that accounts for it.

The Japanese market accounts for 35%of the company’s revenue.

All passengers have now been accounted for.

Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for 5 enemy bombers.

④ make for 可造成;可成为;有好处,有助于=contribute to

The large print makes for easier reading大字排版使阅读轻松些。.

Does early rising make for good health? 早起有利于健康吗?

Cultural exchanges makes for mutual understanding. 文化交流有助于相互了解。


make fun of取笑 make it规定时间;做到,办成

make out填写;理解;辨认出 make up弥补;补偿;组成;虚构;化装,打扮

make full use of充分利用

Anybody can try to set a record.There are,however,some records that the book does not accept.No records that are dangerous to the person who is attempting① it or to others are allowed.If you want to try to set a record,you should first contact the Guinness Book of World Records.The editors will decide if your idea is suitable② and then send you rules and the form you need to apply for③ the record. After wards,if all goes well,a Guinness official will come to inspect your attempt:If you are successful, the official will confirm the record and you will get a certificate from the Guinness Book of World Records stating that you are a world record holder! 任何人都能努力创记录。然而,有些记录这书不接受。任何对自己或他人有危险的记录都是不允许收入的,如果你想创记录,你应该首先与吉尼斯记录大全联系,编辑将判定你的想法是否合适,然后将你所需要申请记录的规则和表格寄给你。以后如果一切顺利的话,吉尼斯官员将来检验你有尝试。如果能成功,吉尼斯官员会证实你的记录,你会得到《吉尼斯世界记录大全》的证书,说明你是世界记录持有者

① attempt

vt. 试图;企图;试图做[+to-v][+v-ing]

They attempted to finish the task before July.

attempt a difficult task试图完成一项艰难的任务

attempt to carry out a plan试图执行某一计划

A man is being questioned in relation to the attempted murder last night. (一个涉嫌参与昨天夜里谋杀的人正在接受审讯.)

n. 试图,企图:

make an attempt to do / at/on doing sth 试图做某事

He made an attempt on the world record.

Her attempt at poetry was a failure.

The two superpowers both collude and struggle with each other in a vain attempt to redivide the world.

Mary has been preparing carefully for the English examination, so that she can be sure of passing it at her first attempt. (…以便于第一次尝试就能通过)

② suitable adj. 合适,适宜的


suit vt. 适合(指颜色、花样或款式的适合)

fit vt.适合(指大小、尺寸适合某人)

match vt.相配(指物体间大小、色调、形状、性质方面的搭配),是-----的对手

suited adj. 适合的

be suitable for/ to = be fit for = be suited to/ for适合于……,适宜于……

③ apply

vi. apply( to sb.) for sth.(向某人)申请某物 apply to do sth. 申请干某事

You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.

Apply to the publishers for permission to reprint an extract

Apply for a job/post/passport/visa

I want to apply for the job.我想申请这项工作

vt. apply sth to sth应用;运用

The results of the research can be applied to new developments in technology.

apply to sb/sth 适用 I have said applies only to some of you.

apply oneself/ sth. to sth./doing sth.=devote oneself to sth./doing sth. 专心从事/埋头于…

You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.

We must apply our minds to finding a solution. 动脑筋------

注意:application n. 申请,请求,n. 申请书

applicant n. 申请人 applicable adj.使用的,合适的

The Fourth Period: Language Study

Step1 Word study

2 Complete the following passage with the words or phrases from the box, using their proper form.

announce apply for athletic certificate confirm fade

inspect opportunity suitable in the first place

July 13, saw a very bright night in Beijing that will never(1) fade from memory.That night thousands of enthusiastic people celebrated Winning the bid① for the 29th Olympic Games in .

In order to (2) apply for the 2008 Olympic Games, the Chinese people and the government have done all they could to show that Beijing is (3) suitable to host the world’s largest (4) athletic event over the past two decades. Many of the members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have visited Beijing to (5) inspect China’s progress in preparing for the Olympic Games. They were fascinated② to see enthusiastic people everywhere,even in the small hutongs in the city.

When IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch (6) announced that Beijing would host the 2008 Olympic Games, all Chinese watching him on TV burst③ into cheers: ”We have won !”Afterwards, the Chinese delegation was given a (7) certificate by the IOC in Moscow which (8) confirmed the decision.

It was not only a great honour for Beijing but also a historical achievement for the whole nation. The reason why④ the Chinese people and the government want the Olympic Games (9) in the first place is to show that the country is able to host such an important event, to welcome foreigners to get a better understanding of China and to create new business (10) opportunities. We all hope that the 2008 Olympic Games will be the best ever and that the athletes and visitors will enjoy China and Beijing.

① vt., vi. bade 或 bid, bidden 或 bid, bidding


The little girl bid her granny good morning as she gets up in the morning. 小孙女一早起来就向外祖母道早安。

吩咐(某人做某事): Do as you are bidden. 按吩咐你的去做。

出价;投标: He bid $5 for an old book. 他为一本旧书出价5美元。

(打牌时)叫牌: I bid 2 spades. 我叫两个黑桃。

n. 出价

Park wants to sell his farm, and he has already had two large bids for it. 帕克想卖掉他的农场,并且已经有两个出大价的买主。

投标;招标: Bids for building the bridge were invited. 应邀参加建造那座桥梁的投标。


② fascinate vt. 迷住, 深深吸引

归纳拓展 adj. fascinating 迷人的

adj. fascinated 感到迷人的

③ burst into sth 突然而猛烈地发出或产生出某事物

归纳拓展 burst into tears = burst out crying 突然大哭

burst into laughter = burst out laughing 突然大笑

burst vt., vi. burst, bursting爆炸;胀裂; 突然而起;闯入; 充满;满盈

She burst through the door. 她突然闯进门。

I am bursting with joy. 我高兴得不得了。

burst out迸发;突然发作;突然…起来;

They burst out laughing. 他们突然大笑起来。

burst into the house = break into the house

n. 突发;猝起: a burst of laughter突发的笑声

④ The reason why…is that…. 这是一个常用句式,表示“…的原因是…”,如:

The reason why he came late was that he was caught in the heavy rain.


Review the Subject


(1) the + adj.

(2) to do sth

(3) doing sth

(4) the subject clause

(5) it 作形式主语,而由不定式或从句充当真正的主语放在句尾。

The wounded need treatment.

To win the game is our wish.

Taking exercise early in the morning has become part of her life.

Whether Jim will pass the interview depends on his confidence in himself.

It worried her a bit whether he will come or not.

The Fifth Period: Integrating skills

Step 1 Warming up

Last period, we learnt something about the Guinness Book of World records.

1. Who won the Tour de France six years in a row from 1999-2004? (Lance Armstrong)

This record is from the world of sports.

2. Do you like sports?

3. What kind of sports do you like?

4. What sports are up-to-date at present? (Surfing, rafting, rock climbing, bungee jumping…)

5. What do these sports have in common? (All of them are exciting. They need not only courage but also skills. )

6. Who are more interested in these sports? (Young people are more interested in these sports.)

7. Have you ever taken part in these kinds of sports?

So you are out-of-date! Although these sports are very popular in foreign countries, many Chinese teenagers have already been experienced! So they are experienced!

Today we’ll learn a passage about them called “Are you experienced?”

Step 2 Integrating skills

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. On weekends what do Lin Yong and his friends usually do after finishing their homework?

(They will go to the park to do skateboarding.)

2. When and how did they come up with the idea to build the ramp?

(Three years ago after watching a skateboarding competition on TV.)

3. What is their skateboarding club called? (Fun On Wheels.)

4. What are the hearts and minds of people to experience these sports?

(To try something new; to do something that you didn’t think you could do and overcome your fears.)

5. What is the difference between extreme sports and regular sports?

Extreme sports don’t have clear rules for winning or losing. The goal is often to have fun and enjoy the excitement of trying something new, dangerous and difficult; to defeat the other team or set a new record.

6. Is the sport too dangerous in their opinion?

(No, they don’t think so. Because they all wear helmets and other equipment to protect themselves. They don’t let anyone try a dangerous trick unless they are sure that they are skilled enough to perform it safely.)

7. What do “360” and “hang ten” mean?

360-jump high in the air and make a circle

Hang ten-jump high in the air with none of the fingers but toes touching the board.

Step3 Language points

1. a dozen of + 特指名词或人称代词复数宾格

a dozen +泛指名词

a dozen eggs a dozen of those apples a dozen of them

二十四 two dozen 三十六three dozen

eg: I’ve bought a dozen pencils for my son.

I want four dozen eggs.

dozens of 许多

by the dozen 按打,以打计算 in dozens 成打地

2. head down to = head for向……进发,动身

head 前往;朝向

eg: When I saw the car heading for me, I stepped aside.

Clouds are gathering. I think we’d better head for the hotel in case it starts to rain.

3. skillful: adj. 有技巧的;熟练的

搭配:be skillful /skilled with sth. = be skillful / skilled in / at doing sth.

eg. He is very skillful with the teaching job. = He is very skillful in / at teaching.

The young man is a skillful worker.

4. permission n. 许可,准许,同意 permit n.通行证,许可证;vt.许可,容许(+doing / sb. to do sth.)

ask for permission请求许可

with one’s permission经某人的许可

without permission未经许可

eg. You can’t enter my room without my permission.

He can only go out to play with his mother’s permission.

5. familiar adj.熟悉的,通晓的,随便的,非正式的

French was as familiar to him as English.他通晓法语就像通晓英语一样。

I’m very familiar with your name.我很熟悉你的名字。

sth./sb.be familiar to sb.某物/某人为某人所熟悉;

sb.be familiar with sth./sb.某人熟悉某人/某物

6. center on/ upon / around集中/居中; 把某人/物当作重点

eg: Their talks always center around politics. 他们的谈话总是围绕着政治。

The topic of the meeting centered on the development of China’s football in the following ten years.

concentrate on /upon 专注于

eg: 走钢丝时,你要集中精力于身体在空中的移动方式。

When walking on a high wire, you should concentrate on the way your body moves in the air.


1).concentrate / focus /fix one’s attention / efforts / thoughts / energy on/ upon sth.

2).be absorbed in sth.专心于

7. delight n.

1). 欣喜,愉快[U]

To our delight, our football team won.令我们高兴的是,我们的足球队赢了。

She ran back home with delight.她兴高采烈地跑回家。

2). 乐事,乐趣[C]

He enjoyed the delights of New York's night life.他喜欢纽约夜生活的乐趣。

vt. 使高兴;使愉快

The clown delighted the audience.小丑逗乐了观众

delighted adj.高兴的,快乐的

I'm delighted that you are back.你回来了,我很高兴。

We were delighted to read your novel.我们很高兴拜读你的小说。

相关短语:be delighted at 因……而高兴;

be delighted by/with sth.(sb.)喜欢某物(人);

be delighted to do因做……而高兴;

be delighted that...很高兴……

to one’s delight 令某人高兴的是-----

take delight in sth/ doing sth以-----为乐= delight to do sth. / delight in doing sth.

The old man delighted in doing little things for others.

He takes great delight in teaching his students.


1. 一本畅销书a best-seller 2. 做出结论draw a conclusion

3. 追寻踪迹 keep track of 4. 突出,引人注目 stand out

5. 被诊断患有be diagnosed with 6. 考虑进去,纳入考虑的范围 take into account

7. 三峡 the Tree Gorges 8. 创立纪录set a record

9. 连续的 in a row 10. 确认纪录 confirm the record保护

11.公园管理部门the park administration 12. 极限运动extreme sports

13.集中,专心致志于concentrate on 14. 青少年滑板爱好者 teenage skateboarder

15.抓住人们的心理capture people’s minds and hearts

16. 对…很熟悉 be familiar with sb. / sth. 17. 为某人所熟悉be familiar to sb.

18. 突然欢呼 burst into cheers/ burst out cheering 19. 寄送某处进行处理 send in

20. 尝试做attempt doing/ to do 21. 让某人高兴的是 to one’s delight

22. 对….小心谨慎 be cautious with 23. 写下 set down

24. 被分类be put into categories 25. be fascinated by 被…迷住

26. be fascinated with迷上 27.首先;第一 in the first place

28. 把某人(某事物)当作中心或重点center on / upon 29. 申请 apply for

30.向-----前进head down to = head for

高三课件 篇3

Reading comprehension:

Check the answers to the reading comprehension questions.


He was going the listen to a lecture,…

He was on his way to a lecture,… (page 91, paragraph 1, line 2)

Aksed him to tell him how to get to a place in the city.

Asked him for directions (page 91, paragraph 1, line 2)

Show the tourist around a place.

Show the tourist around (page 91, paragraph 1, line 4)

He was naturally very good at …

He as a gift for … (page 91, paragraph 1, line 6)

A part-time job which results in a full-time job, or interesting developments

A part-time job leading to greater things (page 91, paragraph 3, line 1)

Providing; on condition that

So long as (page 91, paragraph 3, line 2)

You can buy anything that you need if you have enough money.

You can buy whatever you need if you have enough money. (page 91, paragraph 3, line 3)

Learn how many hours’ work we have to do before buying something.

Learn how many hours’ work has to be done before we can buy something. (page 91, paragraph 3, line 5)

You have to learn when you should ask for help and when you should ask for information.

You have to learn when to ask for help and when to ask for information. (page 91, paragraph 4, line 4)

They regard highly someone who has an active way of life and is eager to learn.

They value someone who leads a active life and is anxious to learn. (page 92, paragraph 1, line 1)

Language points

Part-time jobs:

part-time teacher

part-time engineer

take a part-time job 打零工

Mr. Cook teaches part time in our school.

He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked him for directions.

ask for bread and be given a stone


ask for comment征求意见

ask for information 打听消息

ask for instruction 请示

ask for it 讨苦吃

ask for leave 请假

ask for trouble自找麻烦

They got on so well that Fred decided not to go to the lecture but to show the tourist around the university instead.


The plan caused not prosperity but ruin.


no one but (except) me 除我以外没别人

all but 几乎

The job is all but finished! 这工作差不多完成了!


Get out of here but fast!立刻从这里滚出去!

They spent a full and very enjoyable morning together, and Fred discovered that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively.

She has a gift for music.

I have no gift for painting.

Mother has a gift for making guests feel at home.

He was a man of excellent gifts.

一词多义:full adj.


a full train

The cup is full - it is full of milk.

Her eyes were full of tears.

That political statesman is full of ambition.

2 吃饱的;过饱的

I'm full (up).

3 完全的;最高度的

full speed

the full truth of the matter

They knew full well that he would certainly break his promise.

4 拥有全部权利的

Only full members are allowed to vote.

5 专心的

full of her own troubles

6 充实的

spend a full and enjoyable day


full of excitement

8 圆鼓鼓的;丰满的:

a full figure.

9 同父母生的:

full brothers/sisters.

It is a good idea to start a part-time job so long as it does not affect your studies.

I’ll lend it to you as long as you handle it with care.

You can stay as long as you like.

She lived abroad as long as five years.

区别:as long as与as far as

The research on this subject has been done as long as ten years.

The children walked as far as the lake.

as far as 就……而言

as far as I know 据我所知

as far as I’m concerned 就我个人而言

You will find that people will help you if you are ready to help them.

He is always ready enough to help us.

He was ready to believe her.

be ready to die for the country


a ready intelligence

a ready response

ready wit

available 现成可使用的:

ready money.

She is too ready with excuses.


He gave a ready answer to my question.


They value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn.

You should value the advice of your teacher.

Don’t you see how they value your opinion?

We’d better value the friendship between us.


He valued the ring at $80.

You should learn the value of money, …

Most parents know the value of good education.

Your ideas have little value.

Your idea is of little value.

A newspaper might employ you if you have worked on a student magazine at university or at school.

to serve on a committee

a job on a newspaper

a nurse on the hospital staff.

Which side was he on in the game?

Lesson 62 LETTERS

Reading comprehension:

Check the answers to the reading comprehension questions.


I only work in the evenings.

I only work evenings. (page 93, letter 1, paragraph 2, line 2)

Occasionally, I notice that …

From time to time, I notice that… (page 93, letter 1, paragraph 2, line 3)

hides a piece of meat down inside the legs of his trousers.

puts a piece of meat down his trousers (page 93, letter 1, paragraph 2, line 3)

I think I’m in a difficult situation.

I think I’m in a difficult position. (page 93, letter 1, paragraph 3, line 1)

It would have been a good idea if I had told that workmate.

I should have told that workmate. (page 93, letter 1, paragraph 3, line 1)

What’s more, this man is a clever thief.

Besides, this man is a clever thief. (page 93, letter 2, paragraph 1, line 2)

The other staff may not trust you from then on.

The other people in the workplace may not trust you in future. (page 93, letter 2, paragraph 2, line 2)

They will think you tell the manager whatever you see and hear (like a spy).

They will think that you are the eyes and ears of the manager. (page 93, letter 2, paragraph 2, line 2)

You cannot lose/your situation cannot get worse.

You have nothing to lose. (page 93, letter 2, paragraph 3, line 2)

write to me and ask

write to me asking (page 94, letter 1, paragraph 1, line 1)

Possibly, the thief might put some meat in your bag and hope you will be caught and called a thief.

It is quite possible that the thief might put some meat in your bag, hoping you will be caught and called a thief. (page 93, letter 2, paragraph 4, line 1)

I am both surprised and annoyed that you haven’t done so already.

I’m rather surprised you haven’t done so already. (page 94, letter 1, paragraph 1, line 3)

It would have been correct for you to do this.

You should have done this. (page 94, letter 1, paragraph 1, line 4)

the correct things which must be done

the correct things to do (page 94, letter 1, paragraph 2, line 1)

Everyone in a work unit has the responsibility to report…

It is the duty of everyone in a work unit to report… (page 94, letter 1, paragraph 2, line 1)

Language points

It’s a part-time job, so I work only evenings.

I’ve got to work evenings.

I’m always at home evenings.

I work mornings/evenings/nights/Sundays.

Maybe I should have told that workmate I knew what he was doing.

I should have phoned Jack this morning, but I forgot.

He should have come before 2:30. It’s 3 o’clock now. We have to start.

It is quite possible that the thief might put some meat in your bag, hoping you will be caught and called a thief.

I telephoned him instead of writing a letter, hoping I would get n immediate answer.

The children reviewed their lessons in the classroom, reading, writing or listening to the tape.

The manager sat in his office, thinking how to stop stealing.

Putting on warm coat, they rushed out of the door.

Taking a taxi, we hurried to the airport.

There is no doubt about the correct thing to do.

There is no doubt about it.

There is no doubt about his advice.

There is little/not much doubt about what he said.

There is no doubt as to the truth of the story.

There can be no doubt as to their honesty.

There is no doubt that he is a thief.

There is little doubt that our team will win.

doubt v. 怀疑

I doubt the truth of the report.

I don’t doubt what he said.

I doubt whether/if he will come.

The manager might say you were the thief and call in the police.

Call the doctor in.

Call in a specialist.

The best thing you should do now I look for another job and hope that it will turn out better.

The party turned out a great success.

He turned out to be the best player on the team.

The cake turned out beautifully.

高三课件 篇4



by sea relate to share(v.) mark with long before turn to apart from tour (be)busy with ( be)determined to do sth. disobey key figure in peace oppose think up take up arms work on keep one’s promise with the purpose of


You’d better(not)… Let’s …

You need to… What/How about…?

(I think)you should/ought to…

Shall we…?

I suggest(that)you…

Why not…? Why don’t you…?

I will…

I have decided to /that…

I have (not)decided wh-clause / wh-word to…

I insist on /that…





1.settle vt.定居,解决(事端,矛盾等)安排,决定

We have settled a party on Wednesday evening.


This medicine should settle your nerves.


They settled their quarrel in a friendly way.


2.make up 创造,编造,弥补,化妆,构成,占有

John made up that joke about the talking dog.


The number of the college students in the country makes up only 1%of the population.


I have to make up the test I missed last week.


John and Tom quarreled, but make up after a while.



make sense有意义 make faces/a face做鬼脸

be made of /from由……制成 be made into把……制成……

make it成功,达到目的 make out理解;勉强分辨出

make up one’s mind下定决心


We must keep the good revolutionary traditions alive.


How can we keep the fish alive?我们如何使鱼活首?

拓展:keep+宾语+宾补(v.-ing/v. –ed/adj. / adv. / prep. phr)

I’m sorry for keeping you waiting all the afternoon.


Keeping the door and windows closed all the time is not good for your health.



keep an eye on 留神照看 keep body and soul together勉强生活

keep in touch with与……保持联系

keep time/regular hours守时(有规律)

4.be of +adj. +抽象名词表性质、特征,其作用相当于be + adj.

常用抽象名词:use, value, interest, importance, education, quality等

This book is of no use( / useless).


The young man is of good education( / well educated).


Customers don’t show any interest in goods that are of poor quality.


对比:be + of +具体名词 表类属,常用名词:size, colour, age, shape等。

The two children are of an age / the same age.(= This child is as old as that one.)


All of these rooms are of a size.


5.be related(to)和……有联系,和……有关

The Dutch language is closely related to German.


They are related to me by marriage.


拓展:n. relation


Doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.



I have had business relations with h im. 我和他已有业务联系。


My immediate relations are my parents.我的直系亲属是父母。

6.out of work失业

He was been out of work for over three months.


In recent years there has been an increase in the number of people out of work in that country.


拓展:be out of work = lose one’s work失业be in work在业,有工作

7.apart from(= besides/in addition to)除……之外(表示加上,否定句中与except通用)

The children hardly see anyone apart from their parents.


Apart from them, I had no one to talk to.


Apart from the price, the hat doesn’t suit me.




except for:说明整个基本情况后,对细节加以纠正,其后一般接名词。

except that:用来表示理由后细节,修正前面所说的情况,其后须接从句,可以与except for互换。

except when:除了……的时候

Everybody except John was able to answer it.


Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.

( = Your composition is very good except that there are a few spelling mistakes.)


I know nothing about him except that he comes from Africa.


He goes to work every day except when he is ill.



way of life生活方式 all the way一路上,自始至终

any way无论如何

by the way 顺便说 bay way of 通过……经由

ways and means办法

get in one’s way 妨碍 in a (one)way在某种程度上

in no way决不

lose one’s way迷路 way through 克服困难的途径

under way在进行中

way out出路 ways out of (摆脱困境等)的方法

on one’s way to在去……的途中

feel one’s way摸黑走,谨慎行事 make one’s own way取得成功,发迹

e.g. Tom will get used to the way of life in the U.S.A. soon.


9.key figure关键人物

figure 指有影响力的人物。key原意为钥匙,在此词组中作定语,可译作“关键的”。

figure 的复数形式是figures.

Public figures there welcomed the statement.


He became one of the leading figures in the country.



He was unable to govern his temper.


Don’t be governed by what other people say.


The rise and fall of the sea is governed by the movements of the moon.


11.on / upon(one’s )n./v.-ing一……就……

On his return to the lab, he set to work.


On arriving in Paris, he was put into prison.


The students stood up on the entrance of the headmaster.


12.play an important role in 在……方面起重要作用

Such strikes have played an important role in the development of the trade union movement.


For twenty years, Gandhi played an important role in working for equal right for Indians.


同义词组:play a part in…/play an important part in…


The laws were designed to make life difficult for non-whites.


The room was designed for children.


The road was not designed for heavy trucks.


(2) n.图案设计

The building is poor in design.这幢楼设计很差。

14.in prison([u])监禁之中,prison 前不加冠词,表示被监禁的状态

He has been in prison for three years.


Law-breakers are put in prison.


对比:go to prison坐牢 break(out of )prison越狱

cast…into prison(put…in/into prison)把……关进牢里(表动作)

类似短语:in school/go to school 求学 in hospital/go to hospital住院/去看病

15.march v./n. 游行示威,行进,行军

She was very angry and marched out. 她很生气,大步从屋里走了出去。

The soldiers marched on after a short rest.


短语:a hunger march反饥饿游行 a forced march强行军

on the march在行进中 a long and difficult march一次长距离的艰难行军

steal a march on/ upon(口语)偷袭(尤指以不正当手段)

e.g. The two firms are trying hard to steal a march on the other.


16.be honoured as… 作为……而受到尊敬

He was honoured as a teacher.


Gandhi returned to India in 1915 and was honoured as a hero.


拓展:v./ n honour-dishonour adj. Honourable-dishonourable(反义词)

常用短语:show honour to 向某人表示敬意

a sense of honour廉耻心

an honoured guest贵宾

do honour to向……表示敬意,带来荣誉

on/upon one’s honour以名誉担保

pay/give honour to向……致敬

honour system无监视的考试制度

in honour of…纪念……

with honour光荣地

for the honour of 为顾全……的荣誉

17.oppose v.(反义词:support)反对,反抗

People there opposed their government.


I oppose this plan because I think it is impractical.


同义词组:be opposed to / object to /be against

His father is very much opposed to her going abroad.他父亲强烈反对她出国。

He objected to working on Sundays.


We are for peace and against war.


另:opposition n.(位置)面对,反对

the house in opposition to each other面对面的房子

find oneself in opposition to sb. on a question


18.possess v.拥有(东西,特性)

They asked him whether it is true that he had possessed two cars.


He never possessed much money, but he is possessed of good health.


同义词(组):own/belong to/have/be possessed of

e.g. He owns a very good dictionary. = A very good dictionary belongs to him.

19.as follows 如下

He received a letter which read as follows.


The game rules are as follows.


His arguments are as follows.他的论点如下。

20.value vt.珍视,重视

I value his advice on how to study English well.


The may or valued public opinions.


Gandhi valued ordinary people.



题1 (上海春招)

Mr . Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to some schools for poor children.

A. set up B. setting up C. have set up D. having set up


题2 (NMET 北京)

Tow middle-aged passengers fell into dead sda. , neither of them could swim.

A. In fact B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Naturally


题3 (NMET 2001)

It is generally believed that teaching is it is a science.

A. an art much as B. much an art as

C. as an art much as D. as much an art as


题4 (NMET 春招)

-It’s good idea. But who’s going to the plan?

-I think Tom and Grey will.

A. set aside B. carry out C. take in D. get through


题5 The mother didn’t know was to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.

A. who B. when C. how D. what

分析:A。根据句意,空白处应填指人的who, who与to blame构成逻辑上的“动宾”关系。全句意为:由于打破玻璃(杯)的事是母亲不在家时发生的,所以她(母亲)不知道该责备谁打破了破璃(杯)。

题6 (NMET 北京)

The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to .

A. make it out B. make it off C. make it up D. make it over

分析:A。make it out发现真相,因为受到迷惑,所以试图发现真相。

题7 (NMET 2002)

The taxi driver often reminds passengers to their belongings when they leave the car.

A. keep B. catch C. hold D. take


题8 (NMET 2001 北京)

-Why haven’t you bought any butter?

-I to but I forgot about it.

A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected


题9 (NMET 2001 北京)

Have a good rest. You need to your energy for the tennis match this afternoon.

A. leave B. save C. hold D. get


高三课件 篇5



















高三课件 篇6

I. Brief Statements Based on the Unit

The activities of this unit, including Warming-up, Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, center on the subject-news and the media, which are connected with our life closely. It provides the students an opportunity to learn the language in using it.

By talking about news and the media, the students get more knowledge about them-not only know about the important parts they play in learning about the world, but also the ways they are written and made. The students must be very interested in this subject. This way, they can learn the language points easily and freely. They will not only learn some useful words and phrases about news and the media, but also learn to express opinions.

Besides, the study of the Grammar-the Past Participle can help the students use the language more exactly. By finishing each task provided in the textbook and the workbook, the students' skills to use language can be well developed.

Ⅱ. Teaching Goals

1. Talk about news and the media.

2. Practise expressing opinions.

3. Learn about the Past Participle (1): used as Attribute and Predicative.

4. Write a comparison paragraph.

Ⅲ. Teaching Time: Four periods

IV. Background Information


In ancient times the only way that men could send messages from village to village was on foot. When men learned to use the horse, communication became much quicker. However, compared to the modern world communication was still quite slow. Many parts of the world had no knowledge of events in other places. Later, the post was introduced and horse riders carried letters. This meant that communication was further improved. Horses drawn coaches could move people from town to town in quite a comfortable way. At the beginning of the last century the steam train was invented and for the first time really fast communication became possible. Not only could letters be sent easily from one part of a country to another, but travel was made easy, too. At about the same time, steam ships helped communication between countries.

The invention of the telegraph in the middle of the last century further increased the speed at which messages could be sent. In this system electrical signals, in code, are sent along metal wires. These signals travel so fast that they could go nearly eight times round the world in one second. A special device is needed to send the code. At the other end another device is used in order to receive the code. By this method messages can be sent over distances of several hundred kilometres. With the invention of the telephone the human voice could be sent over long distances. Because of this the telephone system replaced the telegraph for quick communication over long distances. The telegraph is still used, however, by newspapers in order to send news and for other purposes too.

At the beginning of this century radio was invented and in a few years communication was again improved. The main difference between radio and telephone is that radio uses no electrical signals which travel long distances along wires. Instead invisible waves, moving at the same speed as electrical signals, are used. A few years ago there were not many radio stations in the world. Today there are many hundreds of radio stations broadcasting in different languages and in all countries. The invisible radio waves can easily travel from one country to another. This means that listeners in one country can listen to programmes broadcast from another country. In this way information travels from country to country. Radio is often used by policemen to communicate with one another. In addition, police forces in one country can communicate with those in other countries in order to catch criminals. Ships at sea use radio so that they know exactly where they are. Aeroplanes use radio for the same reason and this makes it easier for them to find their way from place to place.

In the modern world there are many methods of communication. As well as radio there is television, for example. This enables information in the form of a picture to be broadcast from one place to another. Radio is often used as part of a telegraph system where distances are very large. Of the many modern methods of communication, radio probably remains the most important.

2. How the Program Is Broadcast?

We turn on the radio and a program comes to us from a broadcasting station miles and miles away. We know that words and music themselves haven’t traveled all that distance through space, but something certainly is bringing the program from the station. What is this silent carrier?

The answer is radio waves. We can not see radio waves or feel them or even hear them. In fact, nobody knows exactly what they are. But we do know that they are made by electricity, and we have learned how to use them.

At the broadcasting station people talk or sing, instruments (乐器) play, doors slam(砰) ,and all of these make sound waves. The sound waves reach the microphone, and here they are changed into electricity. Then from a tall tower called the broadcasting aerial (天线) ,electricity sends radio waves. The waves travel in every direction, and some of them reach our radio aerial. Now a wonderful thing happens. The radio waves start an electricity current (电流) in our aerial like the one that was first made in the broadcasting station. Finally, the loudspeaker in our set changes electricity into sound, and we hear the program.

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases:

media, reliable, fire, face, difficulty, elect, go up, burn down, injure

2. Practise expressing opinion using the following:

What do you think of…?

What's your opinion?

Why do you choose…?

Perhaps…is more important.

I would rather choose.…

I don't think we should choose…

Maybe it would be better to choose…

Our readers want to know about…

3. Talk about news and the media.

4. Train the students' listening and speaking abilities.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the useful words and expressions appearing in this period.

2. Train the students' listening and speaking abilities by talking about news and the media.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to help the students understand the listening material exactly.

2. How to help the students finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.

2. Individual, pair or group work to make the students finish each task.

Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. a projector

3. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings and Lead-in

T: Good morning/afternoon, class.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/ Mr. X.

T: Sit down, please. Being the members of the society, we all cares for/about what happens around us or even what happens at home and abroad. How can you do so?

Ss: By reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV programmes, listening to the radio.

T: Are there any other ways? Think it over.

Ss: By a website.

T: Yes. It’s also a way to learn about the world. What do you call these things which help us know about to the world?


T: In English, we call it news media. Today we'll begin to learn Unit 2 News media (Bb: Unit 2 News media). First, let's learn the new words in this period. Look at the screen.

(Teacher first asks some students to read the words on the screen. Correct the Ss' mistakes in prononciation. Then teacher gives brief explanations. At last, let the Ss read and remember them for a while.)

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T: Well, now please open your books at Page 9. Warming up first. Look at each of the pictures and tell me which kind of news media it shows?

Ss: The first picture shows a website; the second one shows radio; the third one shows TV programmes; the fourth one shows magazines; the fifth one shows newspapers.

T: Quite right! Now, please work in groups of four and discuss the five questions below the pictures. A few minutes later, I’ll cotleet your answers. OK?

Ss: OK.

T: You can begin now.

(A few minutes later. )

T: Are you ready now?

Ss: Yes.

T: Which group would like to talk about the first question? Choose one member of your group to answer the question.

S1: I think TV is the most reliable among the news media. TV consists of a series of lively consecutive pictures. For the people who want to know what is exactly happening, a picture responds better to offer the truth of a fact than the mere words upon a page. It can offer an unique function of seemingly on-the-spot feeling, which is not available to the other media.

T: The second question?

S2. I think TV programmes are easy for most people to understand. Radio, can only be heard and sometimes can’t be picked up clearly. Newspapers and magazines are only useful for people who can read. Websites have many different pages, but you should be careful to read some of the pages. who can read. Website have many different pages, but you should be careful to read some of the pages.

T: The third question?

S3 : I will check other sources.

T: The fourth question?

S4: Every morning, the newspaper chief editor and the journalists discuss the main events of the day. Reporters are then sent to cover the events. They usually do some interviews and then check the information. They must work very fast. Later in the day, everything is put together at the news desk. Then the editors read the stories and make any necessary changes and choose a good title for each story. At last, they print them quickly and deliver them. Making a magazine is more or less the same as making a newspaper. But the articles in a magazine are more like stories, which are written by all kinds of writers. Magazines are not published as quickly as newspapers.

T: The last question?

Ss: News broadcast, newspaper, magazine, radio programme, website, report, reporter, editor, interview, write articles…

Step Ⅲ Listening

T: Next, let's come to the Listening. We are going to listen to two parts of conversations. The first part is an interview; the second part is a dialogue. Now, look at Exercise 1: Listen carefully to what is said and tick the information you hear in each part. If necessary, I'll play it twice. (Teacher begins to play the tape, and checks the answers after listening. Then ask the students to finish the rest of the tasks. )

T: OK. Now, please listen to each part once again and then work in pairs to talk about the questions in Exercises 2,3,4 and 5. Are you clear?

Ss: Yes.

(Teacher allows them enough time to talk about the questions. Then ask some students to say their answers.)

Step IV Speaking

T: Well, now it's time for us to be the editors of a newspaper. Here is a list of ten things that happened today. Look at the screen. (Teacher shows the screen and read through the list to the whole class.)

200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey.

China beat Brazil 5-1 in football.

France elected a new President.

Three children from your city were killed.

Someone robbed a bank in Shanghai.

Food prices are going up.

A house in your town burned down. Nobody was injured.

2 000 people in your city were happy today and moved into new buildings.

A Chinese scientist has invented a new car engine that does not pollute the air.

There is a rumour that a large company wants to build a factory in your town:

(Bb :go up, burn down)

T: Now, you've known the ten things, but you only need to report five of them. So, first decide which events you are going to put in your newspaper. Then give reasons for your choices and compare with your classmates. Work in groups of four or five. And the following expressions on the screen can help you with your dialogue. After a while, I'll ask some of you to act out your dialogue.

(Teacher shows the screen. )

What do you think of'…?

I would rather choose.…

What's your opinion?

I don't think we should choose…

Why do you choose…

Maybe it would be better to choose…

Perhaps… is more important.

Our readers want to know about….

(Teacher goes around the Ss and checks their work. If necessary, teacher may join in them. ) Sample dialogue:

A: Hello! How is everything going? Have you finished your work?

B: I'm very busy today. I've chosen five events among ten things that happened today to report in our newspaper. But I'm not sure whether I made the best choices. I need your advice.

C: Tell us more about your choices.

B: The first event I chose is “France elected a new President”. It is an important event these days. I think it may have a great effect on international affairs. The second is “There is a rumour that a large company wants to build a factory in our town.” What is your opinion?

A: I agree with your first choice, but why do you choose the second one? We should report something true to our readers, not rumours. Maybe it would be better to choose “A Chinese scientist has invented a new car engine that does not pollute the air.” It shows our country's science advancement.

B: Good idea. Then I'd rather choose “2 000 people in our city were happy today and moved into new buildings. “ and” China beat Brazil 5-1 in football. “They are both exciting news. They also reflect the improvement of people's life and the achievement in sports.

D: I think you made a good choice. What about the fifth one? Have you decided yet?

B: I think two events are suitable. I really don't know which is more important. It is hard to choose. They are “Food prices are going up. “ and ”200 people died in an earthquake in Turkey.”

D: Perhaps the former is more important. Our readers want to know more about their life. And this thing is related to everybody's life.

B: It sound reasonable. Let's think them over. Thank you for your advice.

Step V Summary and Homework

T: Up to now, we've talked a lot about news media. By listening and speaking, we've become more familiar with news media. At the same time, we've learnt some useful words and phrases. You should remember them and practise using them freely and exactly. After class, please collect more information about news media and talk about them with your classmates. Besides, don't forget to preview the contents of the next period. So much for today. See you tomorrow V

Ss: See you tomorrow.

Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 2 News media

The First Period

I : Five news media

website, radio, TV programme, magazine, newspaper

Ⅱ. Useful words and phrases

words., reliable, fire, face, difficulty, elect, injure

phrases., go up, burn down

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

高三课件 篇7


Unit Topic Functional Items Structure Reading Writing

Unit 1 That must be a record! Records, adventures & hobbies Measuring & comparing Review the Subject The Guinness Book of World Records

Are you Xperienced? A from

Unit 2 Crossing limits Exploration Judging situations & making decisions Review the Predicate Reaching out across the ocean

Going high: the pioneers of the third pole A persuasive essay

Unit 3 The land down under Australia Expressing prohibitions and warnings Review the Predictative The portrait of a nation

Australia A description of animals

Unit Green worlds Botany Expressing procedures Review the Object The birth of a science

Wildlife and garden roses A description of plants

Unit 5 Getting the message Advertising & advertisements Making complaints

Expressing emotions

Expressing & evaluating different views Review the Object Complement Advertising

Words that sell An advertisement

Unit 6 Going West Perseverance & success Talking about ability Review the Attribute Going west

Heroes of north A story

Unit 7 A Christmas Carol Literature: Drama Talking about attitudes and motivation

Giving advice Review the Adverbial A Christmas Carol A play review

Unit 8 Learning a foreign language Learning skills Talking about attitudes and motivation

Giving advice Review the Subjunctive Mood (1) Learning a foreign language: twice as hard?

Studying abroad A personal essay

Unit 9 Health care Health care Talking about society & values

Expressing opinions Review the Subjunctive Mood (2) A helping hand

The little mould that could An article for a journal

Unit 10 American literature American Literature Predicting & describing a story Review all the verb tenses A sacrifice for love A book review

Unit 11 Key to success Social behaviour & relations Talking about teamwork and success Integrative language practice Making the team work A letter

Unit 12. Education Education Talking about study methods and styles

Making comparisons Integrative language practice Education for all

How we learn An essay

Unit 13. The mystery of the Moonstone Literature Talking about mysteries

Giving advice Integrative language practice The Moonstone

Solving the mystery of the Moonstone A letter

Unit 14 Zoology Zoology Debating Integrative language practice The language of honey-bees

Monkey business An argumentative essay

Unit 15 Popular youth culture Youth Culture Talking about youth culture and interests of young people Integrative language practice Young volunteers

Denim jeans A report

Unit 16 Finding jobs Jobs & career Talking about likes & dislikes

Expressing wishes & expectations Integrative language practice Football: a good career choice?

Why do you think you would be good at this job? A personal statement

高三课件 篇8




step into take one’s place pick out build up divide up wealthy go through look into turn up check out to the point care for surround to one’s astonishment exact recover one after another tell apart set up come to light


I / He /She /can /may… It is possible that…

I/ He /She may not… He/ She is not likely to…

It is likely that… I am not likely to…

You can’t / musn’t… Don’t smoke. Look out!

If you…, you’ll… Don’t be late Take care!

You’d better(not)do it. Be careful. No noise, please!





1.leave sth. to sb.(在死后)将……留给某人;请某人负责某事

His aunt left all her property to him after her death.


I’ll leave it to you to buy the tickets.我委托你负责买票。

2.in one’s will在某人的遗嘱中


Her death is god’s will, I suppose.


His strong will enables him to refuse all the worldly pleaseres.


Where there is a will, there is a way.


3.by one’s first marriage 通过或由于某人的第一次婚姻


He left by the first train.


The electricity supply is operated by a switch.供电由一个开关控制。

4.check out清点;结账;核实;检查;开票提款

Ask him to check the information out for us.请他为我们核实一下信息。

We’d better check the whole room out in case it has been bugged .


The trainees checked out all right.


She checked out 6000 dollars.她提款6000美元。

5.for a start/to start with首先,第一点

You have no right to be here, to start with.


It won’t work:for a start, we don’t have so much money and secondly we cannot get the permission.


6.go through 浏览;经历;历经

He went through several houses, but haven’t bought one yet.


The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家已经历了太多的战争。

The plan must go through several stages.


拓展:go through with完成

He hasn’t gone through with his composition yet.


7.be present at 出席

How many people were present at the meeting?多少人出席了会议?


What present do you want for Christmas this year?



Now that the sports meet is over, our principal will present the prize.



I’m not going to buy a car at the present high prices.


(4)presently(adv.) = soon

She will be here presently.



at the present time = at present目前,现在

for the present暂时


Please pass me the bread and butter.


Pass the word to him that Napolean will come himself.



Because of the large crowd in the street the truck was unable to pass.



Nobody can go into the hall without a pass.


9.pick out认出;显眼;挑选

Can you pick out your brother in the crowd?


The houses in the painting picked out in white.


It’s so beautiful!How did you pick it out?


10.troop n./v.

(1)n. 一群,大量,许我troops军队,部队

A troop of school children went into the museum.


The local people demand the withdrawal(撤退)of foreign troops.



The students trooped up on the sports ground.


We all trooped into/out of the hall.



(1)vt.飞跃 +地点或距离作宾语:驾驶(飞机);(用飞机)运送;放(风筝)

fly the Atlantic / the English Channe/ a distance of km


Supplies of food have been flown to the refugees.


The children are flying their kites.



Time flies like an arrow. 光阴似箭。

The little girl flew to her grandmother.





fire(火)+fly(苍蝇)= firefly(萤火虫)(=lighting-bug,美语)

municate v.


communicate information/feelings/news…to sb.把信息、感情、消息……传递/传达给某人

I’ll communicate the news to you directly.



communicate with sb.(by)用……与某人联络/沟通

We communicate with each other by telephone/letter.


拓展:communication n.[u]通讯[c]消息pl.通讯系统

Radio and television are important means of communication.


Communications satellite helps the human a lot in many ways .


13.beeline n.两地之间的直线;捷径(指蜜蜂采蜜后径直飞向蜂房,这条路叫beeline)

(1)make a beeline for sb./sp.走近路;走直路;向……直行

As soon as the meeting was over, he made a beeline for the pub.


If you want to catch up with them, you’d better make a beeline for them.


(2)in a beeline 成直线地,笔直地

The pupils went to the museum in a beeline.


e to light 发现,暴露(= be discovered / exposed /found out / be brought to light)

Much more new evidence has come to light(has been discovered/has been exposed/has been brought to light),so the judges have to sentence the man to death.


When the old woman died, it came to light that she was actually very rich.


15.be different from与……不同

Your idea is different from mine.


对比:make sb./ sth. different from使某人/某物不同于……

Her special accent makes her different from others.


16.one after another一个一个地,表示数量多并连续出现

School was over and students went out of the school gate one after another.


对比:one by one表示按顺序逐个进行或出现

Don’t hurry! You should enter the office one by one.


拓展:by and by一点一点地,逐渐地 little by little一点一点地

step by step 一步一步地,循序渐进地

17.amaze vt.使……惊奇 = astonish, surprise

The news amazed us greatly.这条消息使我们感到很惊奇。


They were all amazed at the amazing news.


(2)amazement n.

to one’s amazement令人吃惊的是

To my amazement, they have gone to Xishuangbanna.


类似短语:to one’s happiness/excitement/sadness/puzzlement


18.the more…,the more… 越……就越……

The harder you study, the more progress you’ll make.


对比:more and more… 越来越……

Our school is becoming more and more beautiful.


19.again and again = time and time again = over and over = over and over again再三地

The old man thinks of his happy past again and again.



题1 (NMET )

As we joined the big crowd. I got from my friends.

A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed

分析:A。get separated from sb.和某人分开。

题2(NMET 北京)

-How are the team playing?

-They’re playing well, but one of them hurt.

A. got B. gets C. are D. were

分析:A。got hurt意为“受伤”。get后接过去分词表示被动,受伤的事发生在过去,要用一般过去时。

题3 (2002 上海春季)

It long before we the result of the experiment.

A. will not be; will know B. will not be; knew

C. will not be; know D. is; know

分析:C。It will not be long是主句,意为不久;在before引导的时间状语从句中,要用一般现在时表示将来。

题4 (NMET 2001北京)

at the door before entering, please.

A. Knocked B. To knock C. Knocking D. Knock


题5 (,北京春)

We’re living in an age many things are done on computer.

A. which B. that C. whose D. when


题6 (2002 上海,35)

There is a feeling in me we’ll never know what a UFO-not ever.

A. that B. which C. of which D. what


题7 (2003 上海)

It is believed that if a book is , it will surely the reader.

A. interested; interest B. interesting; be interested

C. interested; interesting D. interesting; interest

分析:D。interesting有趣的;interest vt.使……感到有趣。

题8 (2003 上海春)

It was because of bad weather the football match had to be put off.

A. so B. so that C. why D. that

分析:D。这是一个强调句,对because of bad weather进行强调,强调句的结构是It is/was + 被强调的部分+that(who)…

题9 (2001 上海春)

It was for this reason her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in small village.

A. which B. why C. that D. how

分析:C。这是一个强调句for this reason进行强调,其明显标志是介词for.

高三课件 篇9

Teaching plan

By: Xi Yuling Class: Class8, Senior III

Date: Sept. 15th Topic: Unit3 Integrating Skills

Teaching aims and demands:

1) To improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension.

2) To enable the Ss to know something about Australia.

3) To enable their ability of finding out main ideas and writing.

Teaching aids:

Multi-media computer and a tape recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision.

1. Ask the Ss to translate some useful phrases orally.

1.由……组成 2.被……所环绕

3.座落于…… 4.一颗七个角的星




8.对……有害 9.结果

10.对……有影响 11.忍受

12.把……转变成…… 13.从……中获益

14.强化权力 15.与……不同

2. Ask the Ss to revise some information about Australia by filling the blanks.

1. Australia consists of six____________ and two ______________.

2. It is surrounded by the________ _________ and the ________ ___________.

3. The national flag shows __________________________________.

4._________ and _________ _________ __________first came to the continent.

5. It was formed in _______. 6. ________ is its official language.

7. After the World Wars, Australians benefited from _____________, and people from about _______ countries moved there.

8. Its English is different in ___________ from American English and British English.

9. _______ is its most famous city. 10. Its capital is ________.

Step 2 Fast reading

Allow the Ss a few minutes to read the passage and try to answer some questions.

1. How many kinds animals are mentioned in the text?

2. Which country is the larger one, America or Australia? How do you know?

3. Why is there a long fence across Australia?

4. How about its climate?

5. What do many Australians do at weekends?

Step 3 Careful reading

Ask the Ss to read the passage carefully and try to find out some detailed information.

Animals: __________________________________________________________

Distance: __________________________________________________________

Size: __________________________________________________________

Population: ________________________________________________________

Agriculture: _______________________________________________________

Natural resources: __________________________________________________

Climate: __________________________________________________________

Sports: ___________________________________________________________

Step 4 Post reading

Ask the Ss to listen to the tape and try to answer the five questions in their Best Design.

Step 5 Useful Expressions

Help the Ss find out useful expressions in each Para.

1. 与…有联系 2.产卵,下蛋

3. 用…喂… 4.以…为生

5. 生… 6.极度危险

7. 整个大陆 8.在面积上

9. 面积约相当于美国 10.一个富裕的国家

11. 使 …不入内 12.躲开,置身于…外

13.将…赶拢, 14.取决于 …, 视…而定

15.整年 16.很高兴去做…


Step 6 Writing

Write a short passage about Australia if time permits.


Homework Reading task of Test 3

高三课件 篇10




I think there can be but one outcome to this affair.


She was satisfied with the outcome of her efforts.




1.) 哭泣,流泪[(+over/for)]

The girl wept over her sad fate.


Mother wept for joy.


2.) 悲叹,哀悼[(+over/for)]

We all wept in silence for the deceased.




The little girl wept herself to sleep.






1.) 给(房间)配置(家具等);装备[(+with)]

How are you going to furnish the house?


2.) 供应;提供[(+with/to)]

I’ll furnish you with all you need.


attend to

1.) 注意;致力于

You should attend better to your studies.


2.) 关心;照料;护理

The nurse is attending to a sick man.


do up

1.) 修理

The room needs doing up.


2.) 使穿上

She was done up in her Sunday best.


3.) 使精疲力尽

He was done up after the long trip.




1.) 苍白的,灰白的

She was pale with fear.


2.) (颜色)淡的

Her beauty seemed pale beside Mary’s.


He wore a pale blue tie.




1.) 赞成,同意;赞许

The professor does not approve the government’s foreign policy.


2.) 批准;认可

The city council has now approved the scheme for the erection of a new public library.



赞成;赞许 [(+of)]

I’m afraid your parents won’t approve of your going there.




1.) 剃去...上的毛发;刮(脸)等

shave one’s face


2.) 刮(胡子等)[(+off/away)]

He shaved off his beard.



1.) 修面,刮脸

He shaves every morning.


2.) 挤过,勉强通过

He shaved through the math exam.



1.) 剃刀,刮胡刀;刨刀

2.) 修面,刮脸[S]

I need a shave.




1.) 梳子;(羊毛等的)毛刷,马鬃刷

2.) 女人头发上梳状的饰物

3.) (用梳子)梳理[S]

My hair needs a good comb.



1.) 用梳子梳理

The mother combed the child’s hair.


2.) 彻底搜查[(+for)]

We combed the city to look for our lost dog.


at length

1.) 最后,终于

At length, we began to understand what she wanted.


2.) 详细地

He talked at length about his work.




1.) 使闪光;使闪烁[(+at)]

Why is that driver flashing his lights at me?


2.) (向...)闪现出[(+at)]

I flashed a warning glance at them.


3.) (火速地)发出(电报,电讯等);使迅速传遍

The news was flashed around the world.



1.) 闪光,闪烁

The stars flashed in the night sky.


2.) (想法等)掠过,闪现

A thought flashed through my mind.


3. 飞驰,掠过

A car flashed by.




There was a flash of lightning a moment ago.





The subject is immensely complex, and hard to simplify.


Unit 11

criterion/ criteria(pl)



What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student’s work?




1.) 概括的,扼要的

He gave a summary report of the day’s events.


2.) 实时的;草率的;即决的,简易的

The government took summary action to aid the earthquake victims.




He made a summary of the case.




1.) 百分率,百分比[C] [(+of)]

What percentage of children were absent?


2.) 比例;部分[C]

Each of them got a percentage of the profits.


3.) 【口】好处,利益[U]

There is no percentage in arguing with him.




1.) 疑有,察觉

The tiger suspected danger and ran away.


2.) 怀疑,不信任

We suspected their honesty.


3.) 怀疑(某人犯有过错)[+of] [+(that)]

The police suspected that Bill did it.


4.) 猜想;料想 [+(that)]

I suspect they’ll come.






His motives were suspect with others.




1.) 提供饮食;承办宴席[(+for)]

He runs a restaurant and also caters for weddings and parties.


2.) 满足需要(或欲望);迎合,投合[(+for/to)]

Those newspapers cater to the lowest tastes.




Who’s catering your daughter’s wedding?





Ellen has got a temporary job.



1.) 临时工,临时雇员

She works in the office as a temporary.


2.) 临时事物;临时房屋

The wartime temporaries will be replaced by permanent homes.




1.) 期待;预期[U][C]

The dog wagged its tail in expectation of a bone.


2.) 期望,预期的事物(pl.)

The reward fell short of our expectations.


3.) 前程(pl.)

a young artist with great expectations




1.) 分开,分割[U][(+into)]

The compilers agreed upon a division of the textbook into twelve units.


2.) 分配,分派[U][(+between/among)]

The thieves quarrelled about the division of their stolen goods.


3.) 【数】除(法)[U]

The boy has learnt to do division.




1.) 妥协,和解[C][U][(+between)]

I hope we shall come to a compromise.


2.) 妥协方案,折衷办法;折衷物[C]

The interior decoration of the house is a compromise between Chinese and foreign styles.



1.) 互让解决(分歧等)

2.) 连累,危及

You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people.


3.) 放弃(原则等);泄露(秘密等)

He refused to compromise his principles.




They found it wiser to compromise with her.




1.) 力的;动力的

a dynamic load


2.) 能动的;动态的

a dynamic verb


3.) 有活力的;有生气的;强有力的

a dynamic young businessman




1.) 使窘;使不好意思,使局促不安 [(+with/by)]

Arthur seemed embarrassed by the question.


2.) 使负债;使拮据

A large family embarrassed him.


3.) 妨碍,阻碍

Wearing the heavy coat embarrassed his movements.




1.) 矛盾的,对立的[(+to)]

The prisoner’s statement was contradictory to the one he’d made earlier.


2.) 好反驳的,喜争辩的

a contradictory nature



1.) 矛盾因素,对立物

2.) 【逻】矛盾命题;否定项



1.) 激烈的;猛烈的;强烈的

The boat sank in a violent storm at sea.


2.) 由暴力引起的;暴力的[Z]

She died a violent death.


3.) 极端的,极度的

A violent impatience overcame him.


4.) 狂暴的,凶暴的

The madman was violent and had to be locked up.




1.) 放弃,辞去

The general resigned his commission.


2.) 把...托交给,委托[(+to/into)]

She resigned her children to the care of her sister.


3.) 使听从,使顺从[(+to)]

He is resigned to his fate. 或 He resigned himself to his fate.




The simplest thing is for him to resign at once.




1.) 明确的,确切的

She made no definite answer.


2.) 一定的,肯定的

It’s definite that he’ll be late again.


3.) 限定的



1.) 祝贺;恭喜[(+on/upon)]

I congratulate you on your great discovery.


I want to congratulate you with all my heart.


2.) (后接oneself)自我庆幸[(+on)]

He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash.




1.) 财政;金融;财政学[U]

He got the position on the strength of his skill in finance.


2.) (对事业的)资金支援[U]

3.) 财源;资金;(国家的)岁入;财务情况[P]

The country’s finances have improved.




Our project is adequately financed.




We are financing for the housing project.




1.) 下降,下跌;减少;衰退,衰落

As one grows older one’s memory declines.


Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month.


2.) 【书】倾斜;下垂

3.) 婉拒;谢绝


1.) 婉拒;谢绝[+to-v]

She declined their invitation.


She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn’t feeling well.


2. )【语】使发生词尾变化,使变格


1.) 下降;减少[S1]

There is a decline in real wages.


2.) 衰退,衰落[the S]

3.) 倾斜[the S]



1.) 口头的,口述的

An oral agreement is not enough; we must have a written promise.


He passed his German oral exam.


2.) 口的,口部的

The oral opening in an earthworm is small.


3.) (药)口服的

The doctor prescribed an oral dose of medicine.


高三课件 篇11


Warming up

Look at the pictures and match each flower with its correct name

Which flower is your favorite? Explain why.


Why was Carl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?

His system of grouping plants in families was unique, which based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.


Fast reading

How many people are mentioned in the passage?

Carl Linnaeus Daniel Solander Joseph Banks Captain Cook

Careful reading

1. Before Linnaeus botany was ________.D

A.studied by doctors B.unknown to anyone C.fully developed D.a branch of medicine

2. Some economic species plants such as____ could help to develop local economies.C

A.rose and peony B.tea and apple C.cocoa and hemp D.Cocoa and lemon

3. It was ____ who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.A

A.Joseph Banks B.Captain Cook C.Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander

4.Paragraph one of the text mainly tells us ___ .C

A.the importance of botany B.how to classify plant species into groups

C.Linnaeus’contribution to botany D.Linnaeus’discoveries about different species

5.Captain Cook made ___voyages altogether around the world. C

A.one B.Two C.Three D.four


1. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?

Some scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not.

2. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?

To study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun; to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip; to search for an unknown southern continent.

3. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?

Because the government would not pay for such a new field of science as botany.

4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”?

When people plant strawberry, they spread straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.

Translate the following phrases into English:

1. 详细地 in detail

2. 处于支配的地位,负责 in charge of

3. 由……负责 in the charge of

4. 任命某人为…… appoint sb. as

5.将……分类成 classify…into…

6. 计算……之间的距离 calculate the distance between…

7. 一代一代传下去 pass on from one generation to the next

8.建于……之上;以……为基础 be based on

9.参与; 陷入 ……的活动 be involved in

10.根据;视……而定;按照 according to

11.搜索;寻找 search for

12.总而言之 altogether

1.match…with (在品质;颜色;设计等方面)相等,相当,相配

2.at the age of 在……岁时

3.look out for 警惕;留心;守侯

4.on a large scale 大规模地;大范围地

5.year after year 年年;年复一年

6.pass away 逝世

7.name…after 给……取名;命名

8.in detail 详细

9.take care of 关心;照顾

10.classify…into 分类;归类

11.develop a lifelong friendship with 与……结存了终生好朋友

12.born into 出生

13.have an appetite for knowledge 有求知欲

14.appoint sb. as… 委派;任命某人为……

15.spread over 传播;流传

16.a great deal of 大量;许多(用于不可数名词)

17.lie in 在于

18.related to 与……有关

19.the key to 关键是(在于)

20.adapt to 适应于

21.be sunken into 堕入

Integrating skills


Find out the important people mentioned in the text.

Charles Darwin From England Gregor Mendel From Austria

Gote Turesson From Sweden

Choose the best answers according to the passage

1. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that_ . C

A. genetics is more important than the environment to plants

B. genetics is less important than the environment to plants

C. both genetics and the environment are important to plants

D. neither genetics nor the environment is important to plants

2. Darwin observed that the birds with _ _ would eat_ . B

A. small beaks l hard seeds B.broad beaks;hard seeds

C. hard beaks;hard seeds D.broad beaks;soft seeds

3.Darwin joined the scientific expedition on _____ . C

A. the Endeavour B.Tahiti C.the Beagle D.space

4. Scientists of the nineteenth century believed that . D

A.the development of new species was behind the influence of the environment

B.the development of new species and the influence of the environment were hand in hand

C.the development of new species had nothing to do with the influence of the environment

D the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species .

5. Darwin studied physics,chemistry and botany because_________ . B

A.he was invited to join scientific expedition

B.he was interested in them

C.he could do a lot Of experiments

D.he wanted to finish his book“On the Origin of Species”

Fill in the following blanks




Charles Darwin

The wild life of Galapagos, many varieties of garden roses

There were differences between the species of the different islands’yet all showed a clear relationship with those of America’ differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

Gregor Mendel

Flowers and peas

Many characteristics were passed on from one generation to the next, without influence by the environment. His research gave birth to the science of genetics.

Gote Turesson

A wild plant found on the Swedish west coast

Found evidence for the existence of stable varieties within species in nature. He showed that differences between plants of one species occurred as a result of the environmental conditions in their habitat.

The text can be divided into four parts

Part I Pa1-3: Darwin and his research.

Part II Pa4-5: Mendel and his experiment.

Part III Pa6: Turesson and his study

Part IV Pa7: the importance and significance of the research of the three.

Important sentences in the passage

1. It was Darwin’s visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles that gave him the key to his new theory.

2. Back home, in England, Darwin realized that differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as in plants.

3. As a result of Darwin and Mendel’s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that that influence of the environment was behind the development of new species.

4. It would take a next generation of scientists to bring the importance of the environment on species back in view.

Unit 5 Getting the message


Look at the pictures on page37 and fill in the chart


Ad 1

Ad 2

Ad 3

The products they persuade you to buy

Advanced electronic roducts


Soft drinks

How to persuade

By using abstract design, slogan and pictures

By using wonderful pictures ,slogan and realistic products

By using wonderful pictures, slogan and products

The message each ad gives

High quality,

Help customers to succeed

Create beauty,bring happiness and love to customers

Help athletes to refresh themselves.

How is the information conveyed

Pictures, slogan, spokesman

Products,slogan, pictures

Pictures,slogan, products

Words related to advertising

advertise, advertisement advertiser, brand, post, spokesman, spokeswoman, designer, entertain, promote, customer, slogan, text, writer mislead, humorous, persuasive, broadcast, annoy, appeal to


Collect advantages and disadvantages of advertisements from the students

Advantages Disadvantages

Provide information Mislead customers

Increase sales Give false or incorrect information

Make the public aware of social problem Raise the price of products

1.the first form of advertising : in Greece and Egypt around 1500 B.C.

2.the first printed advertisement: in London 1477

3.the first commercials on radio: about 1920

4.the first commercial on TV: after World War 2

Reading Find out the main idea for each paragraph

Pa1: Ads are found almost everywhere

Pa2: People react to advertisements in different ways.

Pa3: The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers’ choices.

Pa4: Ads help companies and customers n a variety of ways.

Pa5: the most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

Pa6: Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems.

Pa7: Customers should be careful of illegal ads.

Pa8: Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.

Answer the following questions

Fast reading

1.What is people’s reaction to ads.? P2

2.What is the basic principle of advertising? P3

3.What is the most important function of ads? P5

4.what’s the advantage of good ads? P8

Careful reading

1.Why is advertising popular?

2.How does advertising help consumers and companies?

3.What is the basic principle behind advertisements?

4.Why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people’s attention?

5.What is a “bait-and-switch” a?

6.How can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?

Choose the best answers:

1.The word “advertising” means to make a product known to . D

A managers through broadcast B leaders by radios

C firms by printed notices D people in various ways.

2.One advantage of advertising is that it helps . A

A increase product sales B make a product more expensive

C increase production D reduce the costs of a product

3.Advertising is a highly developed . B

A information B industry C trade D science

4.The development of radio, television, cinema, magazines and newspapers has with the development of advertising. B

A followed up B gone hand in hand C gone behind D taken place

5. The best chance to reach customers is to . C

A sell them the product B sell them what money can not buy: love, happiness and success.

C appeal to their emotions D reduce the price of the products.

6.The development of media has gone hand hand the development of advertising. C

A. by; by B. by; with C. in; with D. in; by

8.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because . 答案:A

A. ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others

B. ads are useful and entertaining C. ads are annoying

D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying

9.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision. 答案:B

A. sellers B. ads C. our friends D. defenders

10.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means . 答案:D

A. all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

B. few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

C. no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

D. all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits

11.In order not to become easy target for ad makers, we must . 答案:A

A. distinguish between fiction and facts B. watch TV more often

C. believe all the ads D. never believe any ads

12.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to . 答案:A

A. appeal to their emotions B. make interesting pictures

C. give customers proper prices D. send messages to customers

13.Paragraph 4 is mainly about . 答案:C

A. ads must increase the production B. ads must reduce the price of the production

C. ads must help companies and customers D. ads must make a product more expensive

14.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5? 答案:C

A. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.

B. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.

C. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.

D. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.

15.Why is advertising popular? 答案:C

A. Because ads are found in newspapers. B. Because ads are found on the Internet.

C. Because ads are found on TV. D. Because ads are found everywhere.

16.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that . 答案:C

A. we must learn to believe ads B. we must learn to accept ads

C. we must learn to analyse ads D. we must learn to accuse ads

T or F

1.People react to advertisements in different ways.( )

2.The basic principle of advertising is fairly difficult.( )

3.Since an increase in sales means an increase in production, the price may be increased, too. ( )

4.Truthful ads provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product.( )

5.Perhaps the most important function of advertising is to increase a company’s profits. ( )

6.By using the techniques developed by the advertising industry, governments and other non-profit organizations can spread knowledge, change attitudes and improve society.( )

7.All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.( )

Difficult sentences

1.The development of radio ,television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development.

2.Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.

3.The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.

4.First of all ,we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.

Integrating skills

Fill in the blanks for the revision

Advertising is a highly developed industry. It has gone hand in hand with radio, television and other media.

People react to ads in different ways. Some think ads are useful and help consumers

make informed choices while others accuse companies of using ads to mislead us. Companies can influence customers’ choices by introducing a brand name and by associating products with customers’ needs. There are so many ads for customers that advertisers must try to get their message across by appealing to their emotions.

Ads help companies and customers in all kinds of ways. They can help companies increase sales . At the same time , they help customers choose among all the available products. In fact, truthful ads provide good information,and help customers compare feathers, functions and costs. Some governments name a famous person as their spokesman or spokeswoman to make people aware

of their social problems and policies.

Customers should protect themselves by keeping an eye out for bad ads, telling false information from real facts and making good choices.

II Lead-in

1 what product do they persuade you to buy?

2 what information about product can you get?

3 How is the information conveyed?

4 What are the skills of making good ads?

III Reading

1 How do the ad-makers create a positive image of the product they are promoting?

2 How do ad-makers choose a name for the product?

3 What kind of slogans should be used to make the consumers to form a positive image? Can you give an example?

4 How are the ads presented ?

How to create a positive image of the product

Choose the words and brand names --- tell the consumer about the advantages of the product ---choose a funny name(use a well-known word--- choose names from old stories--- invent a new word )

A good slogan( should be catchy --- easy to remember --- convey a message)

Ads are started with a puzzle or question And presented in a humorous way

1.in order to 为的是;目的在于

2.take …into consideration 考虑某事物

pare…with… 把……与……比较(对比)

plain about 对某人与某物抱怨

5.in charge of… 负责;处于控制或支配的地位

6.hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联的

7.with the develop of 随着……发展

8.on the other hand 另一方面

9.get… across 传播或为人理解

10.instead of 代替(后面接名词代词动名词或介词短语)

11.appeal to 呼吁;上诉;投合(兴趣或心愿)

12.armed with用…… 做准备;备有

13.make sb. aware of 使人明白;觉察;意识到

14.keep an eye out for 留心或注意到某人或某事物

tect…from… 防护而不受

16.at the right time 在恰当的时候

17.point out to (向某人)指出;使注意

18.make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通

19.accuse…of… 指责;控告

20.attach to 系;贴;固定;附着

21 differ from 不同于

22 attach to/connect with 附着/联想

23 attach importance to 给予重视

24 start with 以 开始

25 with the purpose of 以 为目的

26 point out 指出

27 refer to 指/参考

28 think twice 慎重考虑

Unit 6


Read the text then answer some questions.

1 When did we decide to move to another place? 1845,10

2 How long did the journey last? About a year

3 What is our first destination? India Greek in Kansas

4 Is the journey hard? Can you make some examples about it?

Yes, it is hard. You can make many examples.


Listen to the tape carefully then do these exercises.


Exercise1. True or False

1 We traveled alone. (F with many other families)

6 When a young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children and wait for help, I agreed. (F I didn’t agree.)

( )7 When the animals smelt the water, they all ran.

Exercise 2

Choose the best answers

1.The reason why my father wanted to go to California is that . 答案:C

A. California was in desert B. California was far away

C. California was a wonderful land described in a book

D. California was the largest state in the USA

2.People moving to the west would meet in . 答案:A

A. Kansas B. California C. Salt Lake Valley D. Salt Lake Desert

3.On which day did the author enter the Salt Lake Desert? 答案:B

A. April 12. B. November 4. C. October 15. D. December 25.

4.Why did the travelers call their ninety-mile drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “Long Drive”? 答案:D

A Because the landscape was dry and barren. B. Because water was salty and not drinkable.

C. Because their water supply was so low. D. All of the above.

5.After the travelers burnt their wagons, they had to go on their feet with another miles to go. B

A.2 500 B.500 C.90 D.45

6.Why didn’t the author stay behind with the children and wait for help? A

A. Because that meant he/she would die.

B. Because he/she knew that children were tiresome.

C. Because he/she knew that there was a wagon waiting for him/her.

D. Because he/she felt he/she could get a prize by his/her father.

7.The animals almost ran when the travelers reached the edge of the desert, why? 答案:C

A. Because they were tired and weak. B. Because they had no burden.

C. Because they must have smelt the water. D. Because they went back to their home.

8.How long did the author spend finishing the journey? 答案:A

A. More than 40 months. B. About 2 months.

C. About a year. D. About a year and a month.

9.From the text, we can infer . 答案:D

A. the author and the travelers had to go all day and all night long

B. there was no oxen left when the travelers reached California

C. many travelers died when their days of hardship came to an end

D .it’s a long way to travel from the author’s hometown to California

10.The best title of the text is . 答案:B

A.A Journey To California B. Long Drive

C. The Salt Lake Desert D. Enjoy Your Life


1 Where in the text do you find evidence that the wagons were not he most suitable means of transport? You can find your answers in paragraph 3.

2 Why did the travelers call their ninety mile-drive through the Salt Lake Desert the “long drive”?

We had to travel long without water or grass for the animals to eat. It was hard.

3 What can you learn from this reading passage? What impresses you most?

1)After suffering from many difficulties, we can live a better life. Facing the hardship, never give up, etc.

2)The courage of the people impresses me most.

1.believe in 信任;信耐

2.stand for 代表;代替

3.adapt to 适宜

4.lose heart 灰心;泄气

5.be cast away (被)抛弃

6.give up 放弃

7.less than 少于;不足

8.set off for 开始(旅程;赛跑);出发

9.move on 继续前进

10.take the way 出发;首途

11.lose one’s way 迷路

12.hang out 伸出

13.in desperate need of 在极度需要的(时候)

14.on our feet=on foot 步行

15.be accustomed to doing sth. (通常用于被动语态)习惯于

16.suffer from 患病;遭受……之苦

17.hurry on to (with) 赶紧办理;急急忙忙地去做某事

18.stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

19.start doing sth. 开始做某事

20.go on all fours 用四肢

21.(at)the edge of of (在)……边缘

22.stare at 瞪视; 凝视

e to an end 结束;终止

24.a race against time 与时间赛跑

25.save…from 挽救……免于

26.take up to 占用(时间;空间)

27.at stake 在危险中;关系重大

28.risk one’s life to 冒险去做某事

29.apply…to… 运用;应用

30.add up (两个或两个以上的数量或量)加起来

31.take it easy 别紧张;放松点

32.keep up 维持;保持;使某事处于高水平

mon sense 常识;情理

34.leave behind 忘带;留下

35. live through sth. 经历某事物而幸存

36.tie up 系;拴;捆

37.go for 为……去;努力获取

Unit 7

Step one . Answer the following questions.

1.When does the story happen ?

2.Who is Ebenezer Scrooge ? Which word is he always to comment everything ?

3.Who is Bob Cratchit ? What does he want to do ?

4.What does the gentleman want to do ? Has he Promised ? What happened to Scrooge ?

Step2.Judge the following sentences True or false

1.It was cold in scrooge’s office and Bob had to warm himself over the candles. T

2. Scrooge was willing to let Bob have a day off because it would be Christmas the next day. F

3. Scrooge was invited by his niece and he accepted happily. F

4. A gentleman arrived at Scrooge’s office because he wanted to collected money for the poor. T

5. Scrooge didn’t want to give the poor any money because he was poor himself. F

6. According to the dialogue, in Scrooge’s dream he met his old friend ------Jacob Marley. F

Step three : Fill in the blanks according the passage

It was the day before Christmas and the weather was terrible . Bob wanted to have a day off in order to have a good Christmas dinner but his boss , Scrooge, who was cold , mean and only interested in making money didn’t allow him to do so at first. Scrooge’s nephew--- Fred wanted to invite Scrooge to attend their Christmas dinner but he was refused . A gentleman who wanted bo connect some money for the poor was also turned down by Scrooge. At last when all the others left Scrooge had a dream , in which he Santa Claus

Integrating Skills

Divide the play into 3 parts. Try to find out what caused Scrooge to turn over a new leaf.

Find out something about the firs scene

Place:_ The place where Scrooge live once lived

The time when Scrooge was young.

Time: Young scrooge and his girlfriend

The girl wanted to be separated from Scrooge

Characters: Scrooge cared nothing except money

Event: He felt very uneasy.

In the second scene, Scrooge saw the Christmas party held in Bob Cratchit’s houses. Judge the following sentences True of False .

1.In the dream it was Christmas Eve and the Cratchits were having a Christmas dinner. 2. In the dream Tiny was ill but his father couldn’t afford the medicine for him.

3. These things really happened to the Cratchits. F

4. On seeing the scene Scrooge wanted to change his life.

5. Scrooge ordered a big Christmas tree for the cratchits’. F

Scene 3

From here we say the Scrooge turned over a new leaf. How did Bob Cratchit feel when he saw Scrooge and his turkey ? D

A. Satisfied B. Interested C. Angry D. Surprised

He hadn’t expected that Scrooge would be so generous

Choose the best answers

1.Christmas is traditionally celebrated on . 答案:B

A. December 24 B. December 25 C. December 30 D. December 31

2.Which of the following is not true according to the dialogue? 答案:A

A. The business is now owned by Scrooge and his partner, Marley.

B. Marley died on December 24th.

C. The gentleman tried to persuade Mr Scrooge to do something good for the poor.

D .Many thousands of people don’t have enough money to keep themselves warm.

3.Ebenezer Scrooge is . 答案:D

A. a warm-hearted boss B. a lazy kind boss

C. a hospitable boss D. a greedy ungenerous boss

4.According to the dialogue,which of the following sentences is right? 答案:C

A. Nothing happened when the clock struck one.

B. Scrooge’s eyes were wet because he had a cold.

C. The girl who used to love Scrooge has married another man.

D. Scrooge,a kind old man is always commenting on everything by saying “Humbug”.

5.In the sentence,“He is cold, mean and selfish old man ”,“mean” is . 答案:D

A.有技巧的 B.心情不好的 C.普通的 D.吝啬的

6.From the dialogue, we can infer . 答案:C

A. Fred helps Scrooge become a helpful man

B. everyone does wish Ebenzer Scrooge a merry Christmas

C. Ebenzer scrooge corrects his mistakes and makes a fresh start

D. Scrooge’s partner, Marley died at Christmas

7.The main factor that makes Mr Scrooge change his mind is that . 答案:A

A. he feels afraid the bad thing will happen to him in the future

B. he regrets what he did in the past

C. he is moved by what Santa Claus says

D. he loses his fortune and becomes a poor man himself

8.What can’t be concluded from the passage? 答案:D

A. People usually have turkey for Christmas.

B. The place they live in is cold in winter.

C. Bob is quite astonished Scrooge’s generousness.

D. All the poor people can enjoy a merry Christmas now.

9.According to Fred,Christmas is the day of the year when people . 答案:D

A. think of the past and look forward to the future

B. put valuable things in their pockets

C. have dinner together

D. show kindness to people and help others

10.Mr Scrooge is reluctant to open his heart to the poor because . 答案:D

A. there are plenty of prisons in the world B. he is poor himself

C. the union work houses can help the poor

D. he only cares about his own business and never shows kindness to others


1.care for 喜爱;照顾

2.in the race to do sth. 在做某事的竞赛中

3.put on 穿上

4.so far 至此

5.in want of 需要

6.at this festive season of the year 在一年中喜庆的季节

7.close up (尤指暂时)关闭;使靠近

8.leave alone 不管;随…去

9.toast to 干杯

10.date back to 追溯到(过去的某个时间)

11.on the contrary 相反

12.have an eye for 关注;能判断;能欣赏

Unit 8

Fast reading

1 What is the most puzzling question in learning our mother tongue?

2 If we develop our study skills and way of learning, is learning foreign language twice as hard or as easy?

Careful reading

Tell the sentences true or false

1 Although experts don’t agree each other, they all share a common opinion :Life is a very successful language school. T

2 We study our mother tongue all day long for about 5 years before we master it. But we only spend a few hours a week and in a few years’ time we can speak a foreign language. T

3.Successful language learners usually step away from the academic challenges. F

4The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the worse their language acquisition.F

Choose the best answers

1.Most children have mastered their mother tongue . 答案:C

A. at the age of five B. by the age of eight C. before they are five D. since they were five

2.Successful language learners do share the following characteristics except . 答案:A

A. the ability to memorize the words B. an interest in understanding their own thinking

C. willingness to take chances D. confidence in their ability

3.The best option for the exchange students is . 答案:A

A. living with local people B. living in the dormitory

C. choosing exchange programmes at various academic levels at a reasonable cost

D. making friends with the other students

4.The disadvantage of studying abroad is . 答案:B

A. language and culture B. cost and safety C. custom and culture D. exchange programme

5.Visiting students do the following things except . 答案:C

A. staying in the host family’s house B. eating in the host family’s house

C. becoming a member of the family D. keeping in touch with the host family afterwards

6.Before going out to study in a foreign country,you should not . 答案:C

A. care much about the money that may cost you B. collect as much information as possible

C. plan a long course to study D. discuss every detail with your family

7.The sentence “Life is a very successful language school” means . 答案:B

A. we are equipped with a special ability to learn language

B. the key to learn the language well is to communicate with the people around us

C. parents can give children language lessons

D. people can learn the language by themselves

8.What makes it easier to study abroad nowadays? 答案:D

A. The cost has become reasonable. B. There are programmes for all levels.

C. Students can find “home-stay” service and live with the host family.

D. All the above.

9.The greatest value of an exchange student studying abroad is . 答案:C

A. to learn the language B. to widen one’s views and understand the culture of other country

C. to get better idea of yourself and your own culture D. to learn to be independent of oneself

10.What’s the purpose of writing this article? 答案:C

A. Learning a foreign language is twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.

B. Learning a foreign language is more important than learning our mother tongue.

C. Learning a foreign language is twice as easy if we develop our study skills.

D. In fact,the number of people learning a foreign language has increased with years.

Decide which language ( mother tongue or foreign language) each of the sentences below

A We learn quite fast.

B We are not taught but learn anyway. M

C Some people think that we are born with an ability to learn this. M

D We can learn faster if we develop study skills.

E Most people have mastered this by the age of five. M

F We learn this in a special place where we can get help.

G It takes longer to learn this. M

H We Learn this by communicating with others. M

Main idea of each paragragh .

1. The environmental factor of learning mother tongue.

2. Different opinions of language experts.

3. The difference between learning mother and learning a foreign language.

4. The characteristics of successful language learners.

5.Different learning ways of successful language learners

6. The importance of the purpose of learning.

The purpose of writing the passage to tell us that learning a foreign language does not have to be twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.

Integrating Skills

What is the best way to learn a language ? Why ?

I think the best way to do this is to go to a country where the language is spoken.

We can use the language at any places at any time . It’s good for language learning.

2. Is it possible for you to study abroad ? Yes, it is.

3. What should you do before you go abroad?

We should find out as much as possible about different programmes, including the cost and length of our stay.

4. Can you list the advantages and the disadvantages of studying abroad ?

Advantages of studying abroad

1). become fluent in the new language

2). make friends with people from different background.

3). Understand another culture

4). broaden your horizons and improve your understanding of the world

5). learn about yourself and what your culture is really like

6). learn to depend on yourself

Disadvantages of studying abroad

1). Some of them may fall behind in their studies when studying abroad.

2).They may not be able to take classes at the same level as at home.

3). Parents worry about the safety of their children and may also be concerned about the cost.

Choose the main idea of each paragraph

Para. 1 It is possible for a student of any level to study a foreign language in a country where the language is spoken.

Para. 2 Advantages of studying abroad.

Para. 3 disadvantages of studying abroad.

Para.4 What should you do in order studying abroad ?


1.make progress 前进;进步

2.make sense of 弄懂…的意思

3.in other words 换句话说;换言之

4.take risks/a risk 冒险

5.experiment with 进行试验;进行实验

6.piles of 一大堆;一大批;一大团

7.knock down 击倒;撞倒

8.that is to say 也就是说

9.fall behind 落后

10.be different from 与…不同

municate with 与…联系;与…交流

12.distinguish…from… 把与区别开来

13.adjust to 调整;调节;使适合;使便于使用

14.in the process 在进行;经过;在…过程中

15.in common (团体)共同的;公有的

16.make mistakes 犯错误

17.make friends with 与…交朋友

18.take (an active ) part in (积极)参加

19.take patience to 有耐心去做….

高三课件 篇12

I. Fast reading

1. In the cave the two brothers discovered______.

A. a secret art museum B. strange-looking animals

C. nothing but paintings D. lots of paintings and carving

2. After they decided to say the night in the cave, they_____.

A. talked about the discovery B. danced excitedly

C. didn’t feel sad at all D. collected enough food

3. The two brothers thought that it looked as if they had stepped into a secret art museum because______.

A. there was a wall of painted animals in the cave

B. there were so many paintings and carvings on the rock

C. they were examining the pictures like visitors to a museum

D. the cave was like an art museum which only the two boys knew

4. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the writer’s feelings?

A. He was excited because he wanted to tell about the discovery.

B. He felt sad because he couldn’t tell his family they were safe.

C. He was proud they discovered something of great value.

D. He felt disappointed because the cave would become very noisy the next day.

5. Why did the writer think that they were in a better position than their grandparents?

A. Because they were safe and had made a great discovery.

B. Because their grandparents did not know what was happening to them.

C. Their grandparents were very worried, but in fact they were safe.

D. Because they had discovered such extraordinary paintings in the cave.

2. Questions

1. How did the boys feel when they saw the shapes on the rock?

2. What did the writer do then?

3. What astonished them?

4. Why did they stay the night in the cave?

5. Why did the writer feel excited? And why did he feel sad at the same time?

6. Why did the writer want that moment to continue for ever?

7. What did the two boys imagine would happen?

8. What did they wonder about?

9. How old were those carvings and paintings?

10. What was the headline in the newspaper?

3.Language points

1. I got the radio____ again by twiddling(缠绕)with some wires.

A. to work B. working B. worked C. work

2. Many American women are choosing single life or_____ later in life. They are more independent than women______.

A. get married; used to B. Getting married; used to be

C. marrying; used to D. getting marry; used to be

3. I made a great ______in a second-hand bookshop yesterday and got many old books I had wanted for long.

A. discovery B. find C. looking for D. research

4.When the novel Harry Potter ______, it topped best-seller lists for many months.

A. came across B. printed C. came out D. published

5. Many plant species________ by humans and becoming extinct(灭绝).

A. destroy B. are destroying

C. is destroyed D. are being destroyed

6. The Guinness Book of Records is a reference book that______ all types of records about the world and its inhabitants(居住者).

A. covers B. writes C. obtains D. holds

7. Thin oxygen, strong winds, and awfully cold temperatures make_____

impossible for any animal or plant life to exist on the mountain.

A. this B. it C. which D. its

8. Centuries ago, women in Europe ______wear wooden or metal corsets (紧身内衣) to give them thin waists.

A. use to B. used to C. are used to D. were used to

9. Red, often used in fast food restaurants, makes us feel active, _____after we have eaten, we want to get up quickly and leave, thus ____space for more customers.

A. so that; making B. so that; to make

C. however; making D. in case; make

10.In Germany, for instance, ____ there are now very few wolves, a campaign has started to protect wolves.

A. which B. where C. that D. when

11. The successfully man talked about the difficulty ____he managed to collect enough money to start his first company.

A. which B. with which C. with it D. in which

12. _____weather it is, we shall start tomorrow; and I cannot wait any longer.

A. No matter B. What C. Whatever D. Even though

13. ----Have you repaired my watch yet?

----Not yet, but I _____it by 11 am.

A. am repairing B. have repaired

C. will have repaired D. have been repaired

14. It looks as if the rain will continue for some time, but it may____ before dark.

A. turn out B. turn up C. come out D. clear up

15. From 1920 to 1950 many attempts to climb Mount Everest failed _____ the cold and dry air, fierce winds, _____ difficult terrain, and high altitude.

A. as a result B. because of C. so that D. that’s why


eg.Tom was very quiet this morning.

It’s bad manners tokeep silent when the teacher asks you a question.

He stood there still.

Still waters run deep(prov.)

The sea is calm now,but it can also be rough sometimes.

He tried tobe calm,but couldn’t.

2)with+n.+doing/done/to do/adj./adv./prep phrase

eg.With the house burnt,he had nowhere to stay.

He can’t fall asleep with the light on.

With the man leading the way,I found the way easily.

With a report tofinish,he had tostay up until midnight.

He can’t be engaged in the work with such a loud noise outside.

3)clear up

eg.The weather has cleared up.

Her face cleared up as she read the letter.

When you finish your meal,please clear up=fix up the kitchen.

The book has cleared up=solved many problems for me.

They have cleared up the misunderstanding between them.


on one’s way;in the way;by the way;by way of

eg.I’m writing a report;don’t be in the way.

He went to Beijing by way of Shanghai.

feel/fight/make/wind/find one’s way

eg.It’s so dark in the cinema that we had to feel our way.

After school,the students made their way=headed for home.


eg.He dog has a keen ~ of smell.

This word has many ~s.

a ~of pleasure/humor/duty/beauty/safety/justice

There is no ~ in doing that.

in a sense/make sense/make sense of

eg.What you say is true in a ~=in some/a way=to some extent.

What you said at the meeting made no ~.

Can youmake ~ of this poem?


in a word=as a rule=on the whole/in words/with these words/by word of mouth/leave word/break one’s word/eat one’s words/waste one’s words/have a word with/have words with=quarrel with


1.D A D D C

3.B B B C D A B B A B B C C D B

高三课件 篇13






amazing,spot,surround,astonishment,to one't astonishment,troop,downward


Prohibitions and warnings(禁止与警告)

1.You can't/Mustn't do…

2.If you…,you will…

3.You had better not do…

4.Don't smoke.

5.No noise,please.

6.Look out!/Take care!/Be careful!

7.Make sure you lock the door when you levave!

8.Mind the wet paint!

9.Mind your own business!别管闲事!

10.Watch out where you are walking.




kind of 与sort of


This kind of question(questions)is not easy.


That kind of food is too expensive.

3.口语中,学习惯说These kind (s)of+单数或复数名词,动词复数。因其结构不太亚谨,在书面语中常改用另一种说法。试比较:

These kind(s)of flower(S)are very beautiful.

Flowers of this kind (sort)are very beautiful.

These kinks of deer are very rare.

Deer of this kind are very rare.这种鹿非常罕见。




These kind of bikes are made in Shanghai.

These sorts of bikes are made in Shanghai.

These kinds of bike are made in Shanghai.



This sort of thing is often heard about.

This sort of things is often heard about.

Things of this sort are often heard about.

5.还应注意,在修饰不定代词时,this kind(sort)常放在不定代词之后。例如:

I have never heard of anything of this kind.

6.a kind of…与…of a kind

(1)a kind of表示“一种……”的意思。但并非都可译为“一种”,在对所说事物(人)不能确定其真正含义时,常常译成“大致可以说成是……”,“类似……的东西”。例如:

He is a kind(sort)of genius(天才).

At the same time another kind of paper was developed.同时另一种纸也被研制出来。

(2)…of a kind (sort),也有很多不同的含义。表示“同种类的”,“徒有其名的,劣质的,勉强算是……的”等意思。例如:

Things of a kind come together.物以类聚。

You bought some tea leaves of a sort yesterday.你昨天买了什么劣质茶叶。

The boss gave his workers rice of a kind.那老板给工人们吃极差的米饭。

7.kind(sort)用于复数,也可用of kinds(sorts)形式。应注意修饰kinds(sorts)的形容词也应放在of之后。例如:

People eat different kinds of food (food of different kinds) which change into energy.

He saw all kinds (every kind)of people (people of all kinds/every kind.)



The new car goes at an amazing speed.

amazing可以作形容词。amazed作形容词是“被惊异”。amazement是名词“惊异,惊愕”。常用词组有:to one's amazement使某人惊异的是……。如:

I was amazed to find him there as well.

To my amazement I came first.


Mystery surrounded the actress's death.女演员之死笼罩着神秘的气氛。


The wall surrounds the church.=The church is surrounded by/with the wall.

We found the village surrounded by a river.

The old man sat there telling stories,surrounded by some children.

The beauty of the surrounding scenery is beyond description.


She like to bring up her child in healthy surroundings.她希望在健康的环境中养育孩子。


1.varieties of多种多样的

in large groups群居

municate with sb与某人交流信息

with bees=make a study of bees=do research on bees研究密蜂

5.to the left 向左。on the left在左边

6.mark sth blue把某物标成蓝色记号

e to light被发现

8.set out to do sth=set about doing sth着手干……

9.fly through the air 在空中飞行

10.be away on holiday外出研究

11.improve one's understanding of增进对……的了解

12.out of the research of够不着的地方




1.There are also other varieties that do not live in groups at all.还有些蜂根本不群居。

(1)variety n.变化:多样化;种种;种类。如:a variety of fruits 各种水果,make a choice from three varieties of whisky从3种威士忌酒中作一选择,a life full of variety 丰富多彩的生活,different varieties of plant不同种类的植物。

(2)in groups一组一组的;一群一群的。in large groups 大批地。

2.…many more came to it one after another in a short time .不一会儿,越来越多的蜜蜂很快就来了。

(1)one after another一个接一个地(着重表达连续性,且是三者以上),不能变形为one…after another。但one after the other一个接一个地(常指两个间的连续动作),有时也变形为one…after the other。而one by one 一个一个地,依次地(不着重连续性,而着重逐个,各个)如:

They entered the meeting-room one after another.


We destroyed the enemy forces one by one.我们各不歼灭敌军。

(2)in a short time 很快,不久。in such a short time在如此短时间内。

3.Vone Frisch wanted to find out whether the dance told them how far away the feeding place was .冯弗里施想要弄清楚这种舞是否告诉它们喂食的地方离得有多元。

how far away有多远距离(带与静态性动词连用)。而how far 多远(多与移动性动词连用)。如:

How far did you go?你走了多远?

How far away do you live?你住得多远?

4.Thedancer ran in a straight line,wagging from side to side.跳舞的蜜蜂沿着直线跑,边跑边左右摇摆。

(1)in a straight line以直线的方式。in常用于表达形式、方式、排列等,译作“按照,以,符合于”。如:stand in a cicle站成圆圈,speak in a whisper低声讲话,run in threes and fours三五成群地跑,in a good order井井有条地,in my opinion/view以我之见。

(2)from side to side从一侧到另一侧;左右地。已学过的类似无结构还有:from mouth to mouth中中相传,from sun to sun 从日出到日落,from door to door沿门,挨家挨户地,from day to day 日复一日地,from end to end从头到尾(=from cover to cover),from hand to hand从一人之手到队人之手,from time时常,不时。

5.Back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely.他们回到蜂房旁,密切注视着摇摆舞。

closely密切地。close 既可作形容词表“密切的”又可作副词表“紧紧地”亲近地。像这种有两种形式的副词在使用中应注意:一般与形容词同形副词不能用在动词之前,而带…ly 的副词可以;与形容词同形的副词不能置于It be…that强调句型中,而带-ly的副词则可以;表示距离远近、物体高度、深度及宽度时,与形容词同形的副词往往表具体含义;而加-ly的副词表抽象意义。又如:

We flew high in the sky.我们在高空飞行。

We think highly of their research.我们对他们的研究评价很高。

6.He set out to discover whether the wagging dance showed direction.他开始着


set out to do开始干/set about doing开始干/set off for 出发到某地;使爆炸

7.sit up for sb;sit up with sb;sleep late;stay late;stay up

(1)sit up for sb深夜不睡以等待某人;sit up with sb熬夜照看(或护理)某人。如:He sat up for his son, who sat up with hissick mother-in-law.


(2)sleep late睡懒觉;stay late(或stay up late)很晚才睡觉。如:

I wonder why Tom never sleeps late and Mike always stays up late.


8.put aside,put away,lay up


It's wise to have some money put away(或:laid up,put aside)for old age.为养老而储蓄些钱是明智之举。

但put saide着重“把……这放到一边”暂不去动它,或不做某事,而put away着重“把……收藏起来”以便以后使用。如:

Put your books aside.We are going to have a dictation.


Put all the instruments away on the shelf so that they won't yet broden.


9.put an end to; put a stop to

(1)put an end to使结束,使终止,使消灭。如:

That accident put an end to his life .那次事故断送了他的命。

(2)Put a stop to =bring sth to a stop使……停下来(说明只是停止,而不是终结)。如:

It's saining hard, we have to put a stop to the work.


10.owe sb sth;owe sthe to sb

owe sb sth欠某人债务;应向某人表达……。如:

I owe her 20 yuan=I owe 20 yuan to her .我欠她20元。

We owe you an apology(=we owe an apology to you)我们应向您道歉。

owe sth to sb还可表达:应把……归功于……。如:

We owe our happy life to our Party.(注意这时不能改换为:we owe our party our happy life.)我们的幸福生活归功于党。

11.of one's own;on one's own

of one's own“自己的”,常作定语。on one's own“独自地,独立地”,常作状语。如:

We have a house of our own.我们自己有一座房屋。

He directs the film on his own.他独自导演那部影片。


A Bad Neighbor

Mr.and Mrs.Wu were fed up with their neighbor. He was always borrowing things

from them.

“It's not right,”Mr,Wu said to his wife one evening.“At some time or another that man thing.”

“You're quite right,”hiswife replied,“and most of the thing he's never returned.”

“What i want to know,”her husband said,“is why can't he buy the things he needs,like everyone else?”

“Because people like us are foolish enoughto lend him what he needs,”she replied.“As long as we arewilling to lend,he'll keep on borrowing.”

“Then we'll never lend him anything again,”Mr.Wu said.“The next time he asks to borrow something,I'll say no.”

“We must have a good reason for saying no,”his wife said,“and we must always try to be polite to him.We don't want to make an enemy of the man.”

It was not long before their decision not to lend their neighbor anything ever again was put to the test.

The next morning there was a knock on the door.

Mr.Wu went to answer it.

Their neighbor was standing there.Mr.Wu knew he was going to ask to borrow something,and was ready to refuse him politely.

“Good morning,”their neighbor said,“I'm sorry to trouble you,but I wonder if I could borrow your garden scissors.”

“I'm sorry,”Mr.Wu said,“but I'm afraid my wife and I will be using them today.We'll be spending all day working in the garden.”

“Oh,I see,”the neighbor said ,“in that case,may I borrow your golf clubs?You won't be needing them if you're working in the garden all day,will you?”


1.If you were to throw a stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?

2.What is a boxer's motto?

3.What's a 747's motto?

4.What's every baby's motto?

答案:1.wet 2.If at first you don't succeed,try,try again. 3.If at first you don't succeed,fly,fly again. 4.If at first you don't succeed,cry,cry again.






This is one of the books which were written by Charles Dickens.

He is the only one of the boys in our class who has learned French.


He said he a Frenchman,which was not true.


A young man from our school,whose name I have forgotten,has gone to Scotland.

This is the desk,whose legs we have repaired.(whose legs可改为the legs of which)




I don't know the foreigner with whom my teacher shook hands.

(或I don't know theforeigner(whom)my teacher shook hands with.)

但要注意:who和that不能直接位于介词后作宾语;有的短语动词是不能拆开的,因为这些介词存在于关系密切的固定短语中,常见的这类短语有:look for,look after等,如:

This is the pencil that Ma Lili is looking for.(对)

This is the pencil for which Ma Lili is looking.(错)


He stood by the window,through which he could see what was happening outside.(the window 是介词through的逻辑宾语)


This is the house in which(=where)Chairman Mao once lived.

Everyome knows the reason for which(=why)the High Dam was built.

I still remember the day on which(=when)we visied the temple.


The evening that people spent singing and playing music was exciting.(充当宾语)

The Summer Palace,where we spent last Sunday,is a famous place.(作状语)

The islands of Britain that we visited last year are made up of four parts.(作宾语)


The factory where he works there is a large one.(应去掉there)

This is the factory which we visited it last Sunday.(应去掉it)






This is the reason(for which/why/that)he came last for class.

I don't like the way (in which/that)he talks.




1.Finally the thief handed he had stolen to the police.

A.every thing B.that C.which D.all

2.This is the highest building .

A.we have ever built in out school B.that has ever been built since1994

C.where all the senior students will live D.built for us to live in

3.The building are bright at night is our school library.

A.which B.whose windows C.where D.the windows of which

4.The girl is our new English teacher.

A.you spoke to B.that you talded

C.of whom hair is beautiful D.you said something to

5.She has two daughters .

A.two of them are bright B.neither of whom works as a teacher

C.who are both workers D.both of whom have gone to college

6.The person is a professor.

A. who is talking to the shop assistant B.that the shop assistant is talking to

C.whom you are talking D.with who they are talking

7.That is the office my mother once worked.

A.which B.in which C.when D.where

8.The skirt is mine, .

A.whose colour is blue B.that I bought last year

C.which cost me twenty yuan D.whose colour I am interested in

9.The washing machine works well.

A.I bought last Thursday B.my mother is eager to buy

C.whose sides are all white D.that is made is Shanghat

10.Shanghai is the very place .

A.which the foreigners are interested in B.the foreigners are eager to visit

C.where live a lot of foreigners D.what the foreigners like to stay at

11.Joan is one of the best writers .

A.who are thought highly of

B.whose books the people in the world enjoy very much

C.who have published a lot of books

D.that has been given medals

12.the two friends met again,and tehy talked about a lot of things an persons

they could remember at college.

A.who B.whom C.which D.that

13.He is everyone likes to work with.

A.one B.theone that C.the person D.whom

14.This is the modern hotel the visitors can enjoy all good things.

A.which B.in which C.that D.where

15.The earth goes round the sun, even a child knows.

A.which B.that C.as D.it

16.The railway bridge will be finished in two days.

A.which is being built now B.where we visited yesterday

C.we visited yesterday D.where there are a lot of busy workers

17.Is that laboratory ?

A.the one that we visited yesterday B.where we visited yesterday

C.the one we visited yesterday D.that we visited yesterday

18.Is that the laboratory yesterday?

A.we visited B.where we visited yesterday

C.the one we wisited D.which we visited

答案:1.AD 2.ACD 3.BD 4.AD 5.BCD 6.AB 7.BD 8.ACD 9.ABCD 10.BCD 11.ABC 12.D 13.BC 14.BD 15.AC 16.AC 17.AC 18.ABD











1.I heard from you yesterday,/I received/got you letter yesterday.或者:Your letter reached me yesterday.

2.Thank you for your invitation.

3.While/When I stayed in your home,you gave me a lot of help.

4.Please come to our city for a visit if you have time./Please come to our city to visit if it is convenient to you.

5.I wish you to succeed./I wish you successful./I wish you success.

6.May you have a good trip./A good journey to you.

7.There will be an English evening party this evening.An English evening party will be held this evening.



1.My father persuaded me not to time TV all day and all night.

A.waste;to see B.spend;to watching C.waste;watching st;to see

2.Did you watch the TV broadcast of the football match last night?

B.alive C.living ly

3.She must have known the result of her maths exam, she?

A.mustn't B.haven't C.hasn't D.isn't

4.The manager is over there.Why not make yourself him?

A.know about B.known to C.known by D.known as

5.I'm glad to see you here.But in fact,I know you .

A.don't;are coming B.don't;have come

C.didn't;came D.didn't;were coming

6.These wet clothes should to dry.

A.hung up B.be hung up C.hang up D.be hanged up

7. ,we plant young trees.And the young trees grow taller .

A.Year after year;year after year B.Year by year;year by year

C.Year by year;year after year D.Year after year;year by year

8.She is a good student.She is always the first to school and the last


es;leaves B.to come;to leave

ing;leaving e;leave

9.The museum they visited last week the 15th century.

A.dates from B.dates back from C.dates since D.dating back to

10.Thinking you know in fact you don't is a terrible mistake.

A.that;what B.that;that C.what;that D.what;what

11.I feel like in the fresh air after supper,but I'd like at home today.

A.towalk;to stay B.walking;staying

C.to walk;staying D.walking;to stay

12.-Where are you from?

- .

A.I'm British B.I speak English

C.I was born in Ireland D.i used to live in Wales

13.The that the church is great.

A.part;makes B.parts;plays C.part;plays D.role;play

14.The girl took of the two oranges and gave one to her brother.

A.smaller;bigger B.the small;the big

C.the smallest;the biggest D.the smaller;the bigger

15.To be honest,that problem made me .

A.puzzled;puzzled B.puzzling;puzzling

C.puzzled;puzzling D.puzzling;puzzled

16.Everything must be ready.Chairman Zhang in the minutes.

A.will arrive B.is about to arrive

C.is possible to arrive D.is probable to arrive

17.My cousin went abroad ,that is .

A.in his thirties;in the 1990s B.in his thirty;in the

C.at the age of 30;in 1999s D.at thirty;in 1990's

18.You won't get well unless you the doctor's advice.

A.hear B.listen C.follow D.receive

19.Our headmaster would like with the boy Henry.

A.to have words;whose name is B.having a talk;with the name of

C.have to word;his name is D.to have a word;named

20.-How are you getting along with you work?

-I haven't made I should.

A.so more progress as B.as much progress as

C.as many progress as D.much progress like


We are often warned by our teachers not to waste time because time(1)will never return.I think it quite(2).What does time look(3)?Nobody knows,and we can't see it or touch it and no(4)of money can buy it.Time is abstract,so we have to (5)about it.

Time passed very quickly.(6)students say they don't have(7)time to review their lessons.It is(8)they don't know how to make(9)of their time.They waste it in going to theatres or parks,and (10)other useless things.Why do we study every day?Why do we work?Why do most people(11)take buses instead of walking?The answer is very(12).We wish to save time because time is (13).

Today we are (14)in the 20th century.We(15)time as life.When a person dies,his life ends.Since life is short,we must (16)our time and energy to our studies so that we (17)be able to serve the people well in the future.Laziness is the(18)of time,for it not only brings us(19),but also does other(20)to us.If itis(21)for us todo our work today,(22)us do it today and not(23)it until tomorrow.(24)that time is much more(25).

1.A.lost B.passed C.missed D.used

2.A.important B.true mon D.terrible

3.A.for B.like C.after D.over

4.A.amount B.quality C.quantity D.price

5.A.think B.imagine C.examine D.check

6.A.Such B.Some C.Sometime D.Most

7.A.spare B.free C.enough D.much

8.A.reasonable B.why C.because D.certain

9.A.good B.use C.something D.up

10.A.doing B.making C.taking D.getting

11.A.ought to B.have to C.would rather D.had better

12.A.easy B.simple C.obvious D.clear

13.A.worthless B.priceless C.limiting D.little

14.ing B.living C.struggling D.advancing

15.A.look upon B.use C.think D.believe

16.A.devote B.spend C.give D.set

17.A.must B.should C.may D.can

18.A.helper B.thief C.butcher panion

19.A.wealth B.health C.failure D.illness

20.A.danger B.harm C.trouble D.difficulty

21.A.successful nvenient C.necessary D.important

22.A.help B.let C.make D.have

23.A.keep B.remain C.repeat D.leave

24.A.Remember B.Think C.Realize D.Save

25.A.valuable B.expensive C.worth D.fragile



There was a time when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters(匪徒)in return for “protection”.If the money was not paid immediately,the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop.Getting“protection money”is not a modern means.As longago as the fourteenth centruy,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkwood,made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.

Then Sir John Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a group of soldiers and settled near Florence.He soon made a name for himself and came to be known to the Italians as Giovanni Acuto.Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other,Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to those who were willing to pay the high price he demanded.In times of peace,when business was bad,Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and,after burning down a few farms,would offer to go away if protection money was paid to them,Hawkwood made large sums of money with this method.In spite of this,the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero.When he died at eighty,the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had his picture painted,which was in memory of“this bravest man”.

1.What protection did Chicago gangsters give to those who paid them?

A.They saved those people's businesses from destruction.

B.They left those people's business unharmed much.

C.They sent soldiers to serve them no matter what help they needed willingly.

D.They didn't take those people's lives

2.Sir John Hawkwook's Italian name‘Giovanni Acuto'was one which .

A.he gave himself in order to become better known to the Italians

B.he earned through his sharp practice of selling his‘protection'

C.he needed so as to hire his soldiers to Italians

D.was given him in telling his services to the others'

3.The Italians regarded Hawkwood as a sort of hero .

A.because they couldn't help admiring his bravery and boldness

B.as he aided the citizens in peacetime when business was bad for them

C.he had played an important role in their daily life

D.for he lived so long and was given a state funeral by the Florentines

4.From the passage,we can guess the gangsters were those .

A.who were of great importance to the poor

B.who made the businessmen do whatever they were in need of

C.who were always ready to be sent abroad

D.who did harm to others

5.According to the writer,Hawkwood was .

A.a sort of national hero B.an experienced leader

C.a brave soldier C.a noble gangster


The sun had gone behind a cloud.I was very tired and wanted nothing in the world so much as to be at home.At last I got to the gate of Hide Park.But this was worse than ever;there were buses there-high and terribly red cars,taxis and still more buses in an endless line.Everywhere there were people hurrying past or waiting to get into the buses,while I stood lost in the middle of them.

I was ready to cry.In despair,I crossed the street on to an“island”, where I found a policeman. I took my last bit of courage in both hands and said, “Please,sir,where is Addison Road?”He began to explain,but when he saw that I couldn't understand he became helpless,too.“Are you French at school?”A few minutes later,he smiled and raised his hand.How wonderful!The traffic stopped.Even the red buses stood still and waited until I had crossed the road.

6.That is the most probable reason why she was tired out.

A.it had been very hot by then

B.the writer had been standing lost for a long time

C.the writer had been completely lost

D.the writer had been wandering in the park for a long time

7.Because the writer was made so worn out, .

A.she wanted nothing on earth but her home

B.she thought it perfect to stay at home

C.she would never leave her home at all

D.she didn't get to the park on time.

8.In this passage“island”means .

A.a piece of land surrounded by water

B.a raised place in a busy street where people may be safe from traffic

C.a safe place that can omly be used by policemen

D.a safe place that nobody can use without permission

9.Why did the traffic stop? Because .

A.all the drivers could understand French

B.perhaps a certain driver had broken the traffic rules

C.all the drivers knew the policeman very well

D.the policeman was directing the traffic

10.In which country do you think the story happened?

A.Switzerland. B.france.

C.England. D.A certain non-English speaking country.


is my physics teacher.He has 1.75metres 1.

in the height.He was born on November4,1952.So 2.

he is a middle-aged man. graduated Qinghua 3.

University in 1978.After graduation,he becomes a middle 4.

school teacher.He has been taught physics for 20years. 5.

He is a success as a teacher.He has been given a 6.

lot of honors.He is not only a good teacher in the 7.

physics but also opeak English and Russian very well. 8.

In his spare time,he likes reading books,collect 9.

stamps and listening music.Also, is kind-hearted. 10.

答案:(一)1.C 2.A live“实况的” 3.C。对过去肯定推测的反意疑问句用have与主语相一致。 4.B 5.D对说话前动作的陈述。 6.B 7.D 8.D序数词后常用不定式作定语。 9.A date from=date back to 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.C 该句是为强调part而使其提置句首,后跟that定语从句。play a part/role in 在……起作用;扮演……角色。14.D “the+比较级+of the two+复数名词”表“两者中最……”。15.D puzzling“令人迷惑的”,puzzled“被迷惑的”。16.A“be about to ”不与表将来的时间状语连用。17.A 18.C follow/talk with advice听取……的意见,ask for one's advice征求……的意见。19.D have a word/talk with 和……聊一聊,have words with sb=quarrel with sb和……争吵 20.B

(二)1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.B 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.A


(四)1.has改为is 2.去掉the 3.graduated后加from 4.becomes改为became 5.taught改为teaching 6.对 7.去掉the 8.speak改为speaks llect改为collecting 10.listening后加to


