


八年级下册英语教案 篇1



















Step 1: Warm-up

1. Greet students and ask about their last vacation.

T: Good morning, class. How was your last vacation? Did you go anywhere interesting?

2. Have a short discussion about the students' last vacation.

T: Please discuss with your partner and share one interesting thing you did during the last vacation.

Step 2: Introduce new vocabulary and phrases

1. Introduce new vocabulary and phrases related to tourism, such as attractions, sightseeing, accommodation, transportation, etc.

2. Present the vocabulary and phrases using pictures and examples.

Step 3: Listening and speaking activities

1. Play a listening passage about a tourist's experience in a famous city.

2. Ask students to listen to the passage and answer the questions about the tourist's experience.

3. Have a class discussion about the tourist's experience and share their opinions.

Step 4: Reading and writing activities

1. Provide students with an article about a famous tourist attraction.

2. Ask students to read the article and answer the comprehension questions.

3. Have a class discussion about the famous tourist attraction and share their opinions.

4. Ask students to write a short paragraph about their dream vacation destination and why they want to go there.

Step 5: Presentation and practice

1. Divide students into groups and ask them to prepare a short presentation about their dream vacation.

2. Have each group present their dream vacation and give feedback to each other.

Step 6: Review and homework

1. Review the vocabulary and phrases learned in this class.

2. Assign homework: Ask students to write a short essay about their last vacation, including the places they visited, the activities they did, and their overall experience.



八年级下册英语教案 篇2

1 . 在小麦和黑麦地里,在岸边的芦苇丛中,发出微弱而嘈杂的鸣声。

2 . 沿河两岸连山皆深碧一色,山头常戴了点白雪,河水则清明如玉。在这样一条河水里旅行,望着水光山色,体会水手们在工作上与饮食上的勇敢处,使我在寂寞里不由得不常作微笑!

3 . 古代的人想腾云驾雾,没能实现,只能幻想,而现在我们可以腾云驾雾了。你只要坐上飞机就可以了。

4 . 母亲河长多公里,宽多米。河水是蔚蓝色的,远远望去母亲河就像一张蓝色的地毯。树木非常茂盛。很多喜欢钓鱼的人常常在树阴下垂钓母亲河的中央有一条长长的小桥,桥的俩旁雕刻着各种各样的图案,如:双龙戏珠,神龙摆尾。母亲河两岸有花,有草,还有不同叶的树。

5 . ononehand……ontheotherhand……一方面…另一方面…

6 . 古时候的“顺风耳”,成了现在的电话,它可以让两个相距很远的人很快听到对方的声音。还有手机录音机都是神话中的“顺风耳”。

7 . Artisinfluencedbythewayoflifeandbeliefsofthepeople

8 . abstractsthfromsth从…中提取…

9 . (“我越来越体会到我当初是多么幸运。”

10 . Whatcolourisit?It’sblackandwhite它是什么颜色的?它是黑白相间的。 MyschoolbagisheavyWhat’sinit?我的书包很重。里面有什么?

八年级下册英语教案 篇3

The goal:

The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.

Go For It! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识。教学内容的处理和取舍灵活开放, 只要教师从学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,任何教学步骤的安排都是可行的。“I sometimes go to the last to do the group work first…It depends on the teachers’ knowledge of the students actual language ability…”(David Nunan);提倡教师结合学生实际,充分利用学生、教师本身和环境中一切可以利用的资源,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,注意多渠道开发教学资源。 “Don’t use just the textbook. Anything in real life that connect and appropriate to the lesson can be used as teaching resources.”(David Nunan);提倡任务型语言教学,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格;课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,课后访谈调查,读写扎记,重视语言运用;正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。

The key points of each unit:

U 1 Making new friends Introduce yourself

Ask for and give telephone numbers Present tense to be

Prossessive adjectives:my,your,his,her

Identify ownerships Demonstratives:this,that

What questions and Yes/No questions

How do you spell pen?

Identify people Demonstratives:these,those

U4 Things around the house Talk about where things are Where questions and Yes/No questions

U5 Spending time with friends Ask and answer questions about ownership

Make suggestions Present tense to have

Yes/No questions and short answers: let’s

Food Talk about likes and dislikes Present tense to like

Yes/No questions and short answers

Affirmative and negative statements

Thank someone Demonstratives:this,that,these,those

Dates Talk about dates When questions

Prossessive “s”

Make plans Present tense to want

Yes/No questions and short answers:

U10 Joining a club Talk about abilities Modal verb can

Yes/No questions and short answers:

Affirmative and negative statements

U11 Daily routines Talk about daily routines

Ask about and say times When questions

What time is it?

U 12 School subjects Talk about preferences

八年级下册英语教案 篇4

1 . 当人们第一次看到他的画时,他们确信他们是从墙上的一个孔看一个真实的场面

2 . 那么多的绿叶,一簇堆在另一簇上面,不留一点儿缝隙。那翠绿的颜色,明亮地照耀着我们的眼睛,似乎每一片绿叶上都有一个新的生命在颤动。

3 . 没有乐声扰乱两耳,没有官府公文拖累身心。

4 . 一条彩虹,从绿葱葱的田野里升起来,直通到天上,真像一座绚丽的天桥。

5 . (国王无奈,只好张贴皇榜,重金悬赏捕捉九色鹿。

6 . aswellas也,同,和;同…一样

7 . 。Shespendsatleasthalfanhourinthegymeveryday。每天她至少花半小时在体育馆。

8 . notonly……butalso不但……而且

9 . 。Doyouskatemuch?=Doyouoftenskate?你常滑雪吗?

10 . (他发誓永不暴露我的住地,谁知他竟然见利忘义!

八年级下册英语教案 篇5



1. 掌握新单词和短语。

2. 在不同的情境中正确、熟练地使用表示委婉请求的句型。

3. 培养听、说、读、写四项基本技能。















八年级下册英语教案 篇6




八年级下册英语教案 篇7



1. 掌握常用动词的过去分词的拼写形式以及熟练掌握already,yet在现在完成时中的应用。

2. 体会现在完成时在阅读文章《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的应用以及对阅读文章的理解分析。

3. 熟练掌握 already,yet 在现在完成时中的用法。

4. 掌握常用动词的过去分词形式。

5. 使用阅读技巧对阅读文章进行理解与分析。






1. 体会现在完成时在阅读文章《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的应用以及对阅读文章的理解分析。

2. 熟练掌握already,yet在现在完成时中的用法。


1. 使用阅读技巧对阅读文章进行理解与分析。

2. 熟练掌握already,yet在现在完成时中的用法。








Step 1 Greetings

Greet the students as usual.

Step 2 Presentation

Introduce the movie:Robinson Crusoe.

The teacher shows some introductions on the screen to arouse the students’ interests.

Step 3 Learn the new words


Step 4 Reading

3a, Read the passage and answer the following questions:

What does Robinson Crusoe wait for?

Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday?

3b, Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings.

1. You can use these to shoot things: _____

2. Something you use to travel in the sea: _____

3. A piece of land in the middle of the sea: ______

4. You can use these to cut things: ______

5. Signs left behind by someone or something: ______

3c, Correct the sentences:

1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink.

2. Friday made a small boat.

3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island.

4. Robinson used the ship to build a house.

5. Friday saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach.

6. Robinson tried to kill the two men.

After they finished the questions and let them check the answers.

Then get them read aloud the passage again and the teacher helps deal with the difficult points.

1) I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. 因此我不放弃,要等候另一只船。

another 既可用作形容词,也可用作代词。用作形容词时,意思是“又一的;再一的”,修饰名词,位于名词前;用作代词时,意思是“另一个”。

e.g. Just at that time,another man came in.

Saying is one thing and doing is another.


e.g. We need another three man to help do the work.

2) Not long after that,I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.


see sb. doing sth.意为“看到某人正在做某事”,强调看到的动作正在进行。

e.g. Mary saw him cleaning the classroom.


see sb. do sth. 意为“看到某人做了某事”,强调看到动作的全过程。

e.g. Mary saw him clean the classroom.


3) I named him Friday because that was the day I met him.


name作动词,意为“命名;给…取名”。固定搭配“name + sb. + 名字”意为“给某人取名为…”。

e.g. Lucy named her little son David. 露西给她的小儿子取名为戴维。

Step 5 Grammar Focus

Read the following sentences (让学生体会现在完成时的用法)。



e.g. ---Have you had your lunch yet?

---Yes,I have. I’ve just had it. (现在我不饿了)

2. 表示动作或状态从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到现在,而且可能还要继续下去。

e.g. I haven’t seen her these days.

I’ve known Bob for three years.

I’ve been at this school for over two years.

时间状语 already,yet,just,ever,never,before;for + 时间段;since + 过去的时间点;since + 段时间 ago;since + 一般过去时的句子。

构成:现在完成时是由“助动词have /has+ 动词的过去分词”构成的,规则动词的过去分词构成与过去式相同,不规则动词的过去分词则需逐个记忆。

Step 6 Practice


1. go through the tasks in 4a and 4b,then finish 4a and check the answers.

Keys:I have just drunk some tea.

Have you found it?

He has already left.

did he leave?

She has already seen the film.

I haven’t told them yet.

2. Finish 4b and check the answers.

Keys:loves,has read,will be,finished,will write,hasn’t read.

3. Finish 4c and check the answers.

Make conversations and complete the chart. (Follow the conversation on page 60)

Step 7 Homework

Sum up what they have learned in this lesson.



1. Judy has already _______ (finish) reading Little Women.

2. Tom and Mike have already _______ (decide) to learn Chinese on Internet.

3. Have you ________ (read) Alice in Wonderland yet?

4. Robinson ________ (have) already built a house on the island.

5. It often ________ (snow) in North China in winter.

参考答案:1.finished 2. decided 3. read 4. has; snows



八年级下册英语教案 篇8


Lesson 1: My Summer Vacation


学习并运用词汇:vacation, trip, relaxing, exciting, explore等。

学习并运用句型结构:I had a great/good/terrible summer vacation. I went on a trip to… We visited… It was relaxing/exciting/tiring/fun.











Step 1: Warm-up

1. Greetings and review.

2.Ask students to share their own summer vacation experiences in pairs.

Step 2: Pre-reading

1. Introduce new vocabulary: vacation, trip, relaxing, exciting, explore.

2. Use the new words in sentences.

3. Ask students what they think students do during summer vacation.

Step 3: While-reading

1. Pre-viewing: Show a picture of a beach vacation. Ask students to predict what the article will be about.

2. Read the article "My Summer Vacation" silently. (30秒)

3. Read the article again and answer the questions:

a. Where did the writer go on summer vacation?

b. What did the writer do there?

c. How was the weather?

d. How did the writer feel about the vacation?

Step 4: Post-reading

1. Class discussion. Ask students if they can relate to the writer's experience. Did they have a similar or different vacation?

2. Writing: Ask students to write a short paragraph about their summer vacation using the new words and the sentence structure: I had a great/good/terrible summer vacation. I went on a trip to… We visited… It was relaxing/exciting/tiring/fun.

3. Pair work: Ask students to share their paragraphs with a partner and ask questions to each other about their vacations.

4. Group sharing: Ask some students to share their paragraphs with the whole class.

Step 5: Homework

1. Write a letter to a friend in English, sharing your summer vacation experiences.

2. Prepare a short oral presentation about your summer vacation for the next class.


八年级下册英语教案 篇9

Title: A Trip to the Great Wall

Subject: English Lesson Plan for 8th Grade, Second Semester

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use present, past, and future tenses to describe a personal experience.


- Textbook: 8th Grade English, Unit 6: Travel

- Whiteboard and markers

- Pictures or videos of the Great Wall of China

- Handouts: Vocabulary list, fill-in-the-blank exercise, and writing prompts

Warm-up (10 minutes):

1. Activate prior knowledge by asking students what they know about the Great Wall of China.

2. Show pictures/videos of the Great Wall and ask students to share their impressions.

Vocabulary Review (15 minutes):

1. Give each student the vocabulary list handout.

2. Review the vocabulary words related to travel, such as "sightseeing," "adventure," "memorable," "journey," etc.

3. Engage students in a game of "Charades" or "Pictionary" to practice the vocabulary words.

Listening and Reading Comprehension (20 minutes):

1. Read a short passage about the Great Wall of China aloud.

2. Ask comprehension questions to check understanding.

3. Play a listening comprehension activity where students listen to a description of someone's trip to the Great Wall and answer questions.

Grammar Focus (15 minutes):

1. Introduce present, past, and future tenses using examples related to the Great Wall trip.

2. Provide handouts with fill-in-the-blank exercises for each tense.

3. Allow students to work individually or in pairs to complete the exercises.

Writing Activity (30 minutes):

1. Distribute writing prompts to each student. Examples:

- Describe your dream journey to the Great Wall.

- Write about the most memorable trip you've ever had.

- Imagine you've traveled to the Great Wall. Write a postcard to a friend, describing your experience.

2. Allow students sufficient time to brainstorm and write their compositions.

3. Encourage students to use the present, past, and future tenses learned in the grammar focus.

Sharing and Feedback (10 minutes):

1. Optional: Select a few students to share their compositions with the class.

2. Provide feedback, focusing on grammar accuracy, vocabulary usage, and overall coherence.

3. Allow students to ask questions or seek clarification.


Review the main points covered in the lesson, emphasizing the use of present, past, and future tenses to describe personal experiences. Assign any homework related to the topic if applicable.

Note: The lesson plan above is a general outline and can be adjusted according to specific teaching needs and time constraints. The duration mentioned for each activity is approximate and may vary based on the class dynamics.

八年级下册英语教案 篇10



范文1:How to Protect the Environment

Environmental protection is becoming increasingly important in today's world. As individuals, we all have a responsibility to do our part in protecting the environment. Here are some simple yet effective ways to make a difference.

Firstly, we can start by reducing our use of disposable items. For example, instead of using plastic bags when shopping, we can bring our own reusable bags. This simple change can greatly reduce the amount of plastic waste produced.

Secondly, we should also make an effort to conserve energy. Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use is a simple step that everyone can take to save electricity. Additionally, using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances can also make a significant impact.

Thirdly, we should promote the use of public transportation and carpooling. Using public transportation not only reduces air pollution, but also helps to decrease traffic congestion. Carpooling with others can also reduce the number of cars on the road, thus reducing carbon emissions.

Furthermore, we should be mindful of our water consumption. Simple actions such as turning off the tap while brushing our teeth or taking shorter showers can help to conserve water. Additionally, fixing any leaks or drips in our homes can prevent water wastage.

Lastly, we should promote recycling and proper waste disposal. Separating recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, and glass from our regular garbage can greatly reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. Additionally, we should avoid littering and always dispose of our trash in designated bins.

In conclusion, it is vital that we all take steps to protect the environment. By following these simple tips, we can make a positive impact on our planet and ensure a better future for generations to come.


范文2:Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for our overall well-being. Here are some tips for staying healthy.

Firstly, it is important to eat a balanced diet. This means including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in our meals. Avoiding excessive sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats can also help to prevent various health problems.

Secondly, regular physical exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Engaging in activities such as running, swimming, or cycling can improve cardiovascular health and strengthen muscles. It is recommended to aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.

Thirdly, getting enough sleep is equally important. Lack of sleep can negatively affect both our physical and mental health. It is recommended for teenagers to get between 8-10 hours of sleep each night.

Furthermore, it is crucial to manage stress effectively. Chronic stress can lead to a variety of health issues. Engaging in activities such as meditation, yoga, or spending time with loved ones can help to reduce stress levels.

Lastly, it is important to avoid harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. These substances can have severe negative effects on our health.

In conclusion, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for our well-being. By following these tips, we can ensure a healthier and happier life. Remember, small changes can lead to big improvements in our overall health.

八年级下册英语教案 篇11

1 .

2 . 秋天的风姐姐更是另一番样子,风姐姐无声无息走过去,高粱笑的乐弯了腰,石榴笑的咧开了嘴年年都是好收成,农民伯伯看着一车车的粮食心里乐开了花。风姐姐是一位棒极了的舞蹈家,它一跳舞,落叶便也跟着跳起了美丽的舞蹈。

3 . considersb/sthtobe/as

4 . 欣赏自己,就要把自己描绘成一幅画。你可以让画面上长出绿草红花,你可以叫流水汩汩,你可以让山林幽幽,你可以让阳光温柔地照亮这一方天地。一个能在自己的精神世界自由地行走的人,无论他是富有还是贫窘,快乐与自信始终是他行走在滚滚红尘中的形象。

5 . 他们互相靠近的两膝,都隐没在手卷下的衣褶里。

6 . becontemporarywith与…属同时期

7 . everysecondyear

8 . Whenpeoplefirstsawhispaintingstheywereconvincedtheywerelookingthroughaholeinthewallatarealscene

9 . aimtodosth意欲,企图做某事

10 . HowmanyChinesebookscanyousee?Icansee你能看见多少本书?我能看见二十本。

八年级下册英语教案 篇12

1 . 一下车,我们便飞快地往观景台攀爬去。站在观景台上放眼远眺,再没有比秋雨洗浴后的铜鼓岭更迷人了。整座铜鼓岭,都是苍翠欲滴的浓绿,风一吹,林涛四起,像群山深深的呼吸,给人一种神秘幽远的感觉。收眼近瞧,茂密的灌木丛里,鲜艳的野花在山风的轻抚下翩翩起舞。山上还有一座风吹能动但却不会倒的大石头,叫“风动石”。风动石屹立在那,就像一位长者在眺望着美景。天上的云朵飞快地移动着,就像波涛汹涌的大海,从天外滚滚而来,显得分外壮美。西边山脚下的月亮湾犹如一面巨大的明镜,无数雨点落进水里,就像一颗颗跳跃的珍珠。真是“水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇”,让人仿佛走进了连绵不断的画卷中。

3 . ThedoorisgreenThewindowsareyellow门是绿色的,窗户是黄色的。

4 . 我喜欢自然,喜欢没有束缚的感觉。破土而出的小草,粼粼湖水,幽微的花香,舞动的柳条儿,对我总是有着磁铁般的吸引力,让我为之驻足,为之惊叹,它们的美是细小的,甚至微不足道,然而却是那样的质朴,透露出一种生命的自然气息。

5 . 霎时,豆大般的雨滴从天而落。滴到了我的手上,慢慢地流到手指上,滴下。“啊!下雨啦!”一声尖叫在人群中播洒。街上的人们纷纷跑进一家商店里。我也跑,我用我全身的力量跑回家。。。。。。

6 . What’shisname?HisnameisZhangPeng他叫什么名字?他叫张鹏。

7 . takeone’splace代替,取代;入座;就位

8 . 。Whichsportdoyouprefer?=Whichsportdoyoulikebetter?你更喜欢什么运动?Ipreferskating。=Ilikeskatingbetter。我更喜欢滑雪。

9 . asaconsequenceof=inconsequenceof=asaresultof由于…的原因

10 . Putyournotebookinyourbag把你的笔记本放进书包。


