

1、彩色的雪花,白色的冬天,红色的圣诞,暖色的季节,在这个雪花纷飞的日子,希望我的祝福能驱走窗外的严寒。祝你圣诞快乐平安到永远! Colorful snowflakes, white winter, red Christmas, warm season. On this snowy day, I hope my blessings can drive away the cold outside the window. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and peace forever!


3、圣诞节快乐,你是始料不及的喜欢,是猝不及防的爱,请签收这份限量版的圣诞节礼物。 Merry Christmas, unexpected love, unexpected love. Please sign for this limited edition Christmas gift.


5、圣诞的喜悦,在天地间盘旋飞舞;悠扬的钟声,鸣扬了欢快的旋律;真诚的问候,在你的心坎上呢喃倾诉。圣诞节,愿我的问候带给你无限温暖和幸福! The joy of Christmas swirls and dances between heaven and earth; The melodious sound of bells resounded with joyful melodies; Sincere greetings, whispering in your heart. Christmas, may my greetings bring you infinite warmth and happiness!


7、我想变成一棵树,一棵只为你存在的圣诞树,顶上最大最亮的那颗星是我的真心,下面挂的是我的爱心,缠绕在丝带里的是我的痴心。亲爱的,圣诞快乐! I want to become a tree, a Christmas tree that exists only for you. The largest and brightest star on the top is my sincerity, and below is my love. Entwined in the ribbon is my infatuation. Dear, Merry Christmas!

8、圣诞节有着美丽的传说,美丽的节日送上美好的祝愿。一份祝福就有一份快乐,珍藏这快乐的短信,让我的祝福由它传达,祝你节日快乐。 Christmas has a beautiful legend, and beautiful holidays bring good wishes. A blessing brings happiness. Treasure this happy message and let it convey my blessings. Wishing you a happy holiday.

9、我想让阳光温暖你,用用星光装点你,用美酒陶醉你,用金钱砸晕你,用烟花璀璨你,用幸福淹没你,可我不做上帝很久了,只能用短信祝福你:圣诞快乐! I want the sunshine to warm you, decorate you with starlight, intoxicate you with fine wine, stun you with money, shine you with fireworks, and drown you with happiness. But I havent been a god for a long time, and can only wish you a happy Christmas through SMS!

10、再美的烛光,没有你也不好看;再神秘的礼物,没有你陪伴的思念只会蔓延。圣诞节快到了,提前告诉我我想要什么。只有你的陪伴,幸福才会被点燃! No matter how beautiful the candlelight is, it wouldnt look good without you; No matter how mysterious the gift is, the longing without your company will only spread. Christmas is coming soon, let me know in advance what I want. Only with your company can happiness be ignited!

11、在我看来你就是圣诞树最顶上那颗一闪一闪的星星。 In my opinion, you are the twinkling star on the top of the Christmas tree.

12、春花开,秋月圆,夏风凉,冬雪飘。如果你心里有烦恼,那就是生活的好时机。愿你早有闲,晚有闲。梦想跟随你的心,你的心跟随你的梦想。圣诞快乐! Spring flowers bloom, autumn moon is round, summer breeze is cool, and winter snow drifts. If you have troubles in your heart, it is a good time for life. May you have leisure sooner or later. Dreams follow your heart, your heart follows your dreams. Merry Christmas!

13、天苍苍野茫茫,暴富的希望太渺茫;水弯弯路长长,没钱的日子太漫长;楼高高人忙忙,今夜能否与你结伴抢银行?接头暗号:圣诞节快乐! The sky is vast and the hope of becoming rich is too slim; The winding water leads to a long road, and the days without money are too long; Tall buildings and busy people, can we join you tonight to rob a bank? Joint code: Merry Christmas!

14、我点击整个冬天看到了你的笑颜,我复制你的笑脸粘贴在我的心间,我下载我的思念把它另存为永远,我打开我的手机给你最美好的祝愿:圣诞快乐! I clicked on the whole winter and saw your smiling face. I copied your smiling face and pasted it into my heart. I downloaded my longing and saved it as forever. I opened my phone and gave you the best wishes: Merry Christmas!

15、圣诞节的点点星光,皎皎月光显得格外美丽。与你相处的时光,才是生命中真正的精华。 The twinkling stars and bright moonlight of Christmas appear particularly beautiful. The time spent with you is the real essence of life.


17、圣诞钟声将敲响,五彩礼炮放起来。圣歌悠悠传四方,平安果来报平安。驯鹿撒腿世界跑,要把礼物全送到。吉祥如意满天舞,幸福健康身边绕。祝圣诞快乐! The Christmas bell will ring and the colorful fireworks will be set off. The hymn spreads far and wide, and the fruit of peace brings peace. Reindeer run around the world, wanting to give all the gifts. Auspicious dances all over the sky, surrounded by happiness and health. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

18、有你在我的生命里,我的日子充满了生命。一路上你,还怕什么雷击。正因为有了你,幸福和满足总是洋溢着。如果不是你,那好猪粮喂谁?圣诞快乐。 With you in my life, my days are full of life. Along the way, you were afraid of lightning strikes. Because of you, happiness and satisfaction always abound. If it werent for you, who would be feeding good pig food to? Merry Christmas.

19、愿所有的好梦依偎着你,入睡是甜,醒来成真!愿所有的财运笼罩着你!日出遇贵,日落见财!愿所有的吉星呵护着你!时时吉祥!刻刻平安!祝你圣诞快乐! May all good dreams snuggle up to you, sweet to sleep, and come true when you wake up! May all financial luck envelop you! At sunrise, you will find wealth; at sunset, you will find wealth! May all the auspicious stars protect you! Always auspicious! Always be safe! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

20、送你一棵圣诞树,挂满我的关心与爱意;送你一颗巧克力,装满我的柔情与蜜意;送你一个大蛋糕,做成相思爱恋的味道;把我装进圣诞老人的袋子送给你,只希望给你惊喜。圣诞快乐! Send you a Christmas tree, filled with my care and love; Send you a chocolate, filled with my tenderness and honey; Ill give you a big cake to make into a taste of lovesickness and love; Put me in Santa Clauss bag and give it to you, just hoping to surprise you. Merry Christmas!

21、无论这个圣诞节,还是以后的每一个日子,我都会一直爱着你,愿我们的爱情长长久久。 No matter this Christmas or every day after, I will always love you. May our love last forever.

22、圣诞节来临,一份甜蜜送你一棵现金牛,两份甜蜜送你一份帮助,三份甜蜜送你一份好心情,四份甜蜜送你一份无忧。五香钱满盒给你。六份甜蜜送你永远健康! Christmas is coming, with one sweetness giving you a cash cow, two sweetness giving you a helping hand, three sweetness giving you a good mood, and four sweetness giving you a worry free gift. Ill give you a full box of five spice coins. Six sweet gifts give you eternal health!






28、当雪花将天空填满我对你的,当雪花将大地包裹我对你的牵挂。下雪了,远方的你,短信到我的长祝福,在外面照顾好自己!圣诞快乐! When snowflakes fill the sky with my concern for you, when snowflakes wrap the earth around my concern for you. Its snowing, you from afar, send me a long message of blessings, take care of yourself outside! Merry Christmas!

29、我收到过最好的圣诞礼物,是穿越风雪为我而来的你。 The best Christmas gift I have ever received is you, who came to me through the wind and snow.


31、平安夜的钟声敲响了,驯鹿儿跳跳,为你带去了欢乐;铃声儿叮当,为你带去好运;慈祥的圣诞老人为你带去祝福:快乐不止圣诞这一天,幸福不止这一刻! The bell of Christmas Eve rings, and reindeer jump and bring you joy; The bell jingles, bringing you good luck; Kind Santa Claus brings you blessings: happiness is not just on Christmas day, happiness is not just in this moment!


33、亲爱的,愿这个圣诞节里有你的微笑,每一个日子都被你的爱情温暖着。 Dear, may your smile be on this Christmas, and every day be warmed by your love.

34、幸福平安夜,悠悠鹿铃声,快乐圣诞节,我把礼物送,给你一盏灯,照亮你前程。圣诞节快乐! Happy Christmas Eve, leisurely deer bells, happy Christmas. I give you a gift, a lamp to illuminate your future. Merry Christmas!

35、明月,一闪一闪,挂天边;思念,一丝一丝,连成线;回忆,一幕一幕,在眼前。在这圣诞来临之际,送上温情祝愿!祝您阖家幸福!圣诞快乐! The bright moon, flickering and hanging on the horizon; Missing, a trace, connected into a thread; Memories, one scene at a time, in front of me. On the occasion of Christmas approaching, send warm wishes! Wishing you and your family happiness! Merry Christmas!


