Green grass is on the ground.


俗话说,磨刀不误砍柴工。幼儿园的老师都希望自己讲的课学生们爱听,能学习的更好,为了提升学生的学习效率,准备教案是一个很好的选择,教案可以让同学们很容易的听懂所讲的内容。您知道幼儿园教案应该要怎么下笔吗?小编经过搜集和处理,为您提供Green grass is on the ground.,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

Green grass is on the ground.

主题:Green gra is on the ground. 班级:大班

老师:Ly Time:November 11th Teaching aims Le on 9

认读Q and R

听懂: Your green gra is on the ground. I know you like it.

Good afternoon.

会唱:< Baaing, baaing, peeper shee gt;

Teaching tool:

Some cards、tape

Teaching Procedures Teacher Student 1st.Warm up

First: cheek name.

Second: Sing the song with children about what we have learned last le on .

Children should act and sing the song.

Your can act what you want to act.


Review the contents about le on 8.

First: Show some cards and put the children to say: I can see ……and I can’t see…

Second: make the children say three dogs name.

Method: play the flash card game with the children and help them to remember the sentence :I can see ……or I can’t see…

Some words they don’t know how to read.

But the are very interested in the game ,most of the children can say I can see table 、book TV act.

The can remember the dogs name.


First: show the cards and introduce Peeper sheep to the children.

Second: look at C D and listen to the contents about the le on:

Peeper sheep: Good afternoon, peeper sheep.

Mighty m&;#111nkey: Good afternoon Mighty m&;#111nkey.

Mighty m&;#111nkey: I see. You’re hungry. Here you are. Your gra . Your green gra in on the ground…

Third: teaching the children how to eak world and sentence of the dialogue.

Fourth: Tell them the mea about the dialogue. And encourage the children to act the dialogue in front of the cla room.

Learn the song: &;lt aaing, baaing. Peeper shee gt;

They can remember the sheep’s name quickly.

When we listen to the dialogue together, some children can say some worlds about what we have learned in the picture. ex: they can say the world gra ,tree, Dance Doggie, and so on.

Repeat the sentence “your green gra is on the ground” more and more. 4th.Goodbye

< aaing, baaing. Peeper shee>

Fallow the tape, singing the song < aaing, baaing. Peeper shee >tighter.

5th.Feed back

Most of the children can eak the sentence, but some of them can’t.

The children are more interested in the game and song. 6th.Judge of myself

I should keep more patience with the children.


幼儿园大班英语教案:Red Yellow Blue and Green


1、在复习颜色red、yellow、blue和green,的基础上,让幼儿学会听懂问句“what color?”并能用“red、yellow、blue……”来回答。

2、能将所学四种颜色的英语名称:red(红)、yellow(黄)、blue(蓝)、green(绿)用于学过的单词前或一句话中。如It is a red bird.3、通过多种游戏后活动激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣。






(孩子们,欢迎你们来到幸运35的现场,我是主持人 MI ZHONG,我将和你们一起度过一个愉快的35分钟,你们准备好了吗?)(每个幼儿手臂上系上一根有四中颜色的带子,分别以它们的颜色命名。)比赛一出示颜色大转盘,上面有各种颜色,老师捐到什么颜色,请小朋友用英语说出来,速度由慢到快。

比赛二老师:“Boys and girls.Let’s play a game! What's mi ing?”(现在我们来玩个游戏,什么花不见了?)Please close your eyes.(教师任意取走一种颜色,然后请幼儿)Please open your eyes,请幼儿观看后说出Red(yellow、green、blue)flower不见了。

二、学习听问句1、老师“我们知道了四种颜色的英语名称,那如果我们问一种东西是什么颜色,应该怎样说呢?”应该这样问:What color is it? (它是什么颜色的?)回答是:It's red(是红色的)It's yellow(是黄色的)It's blue(是蓝色的)It's green(是绿色的)2、老师分别指着花和颜色转盘上的颜色,提问:What color is it? 幼儿用It's……回答。

寻找书上的红黄蓝绿。(比赛)colour game: colour the card。

T: this is a picture, who is she?

C: she is mermaid。

T: please colour the hair yellow。 Colour the hand pink……T: please put your picture in the basket。


教师出示一个红色的圈“It’s a ring.What color is it?”幼儿回答:

教师手持红色圈作开车状“I am a driver.”(我是一名司机,现在我的汽车开到谁的面前,回答对了我的问题,就请上车)教师随《小司机》音乐手持方向盘开车,绕场一周,停到任意一个幼儿面前,指着其衣服颜色提问:“What color is it?”幼儿回答:It's……回答正确。教师作请上车手势,幼儿跟在老师身后开汽车,游戏反复进行。



②幼儿手握圆圈随《小司机》音乐开汽车,音乐停。红灯亮:教师提问:Little drivers,Look! What color is it? It's red. Red light stop. (红灯停)黄灯亮:教师"What color is it? It's yellow.Yellow light wait. (黄灯等)绿灯亮:教师"What color is it? It’s green.Green light go. (绿灯行)游戏可反复一次游戏:我说你做,给每个幼儿一张纸,在纸上给邮局,消防车,大海,圣诞树上涂上颜色。



That’s all for today.Cla is over。 Bye―bye.Boys and girls.

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