



2、With today"s women"s day, I send you my sincere wishes, wishing you a happy and happy life and a sweet life.[心得体会大全 M.xd63.COm]

3、Teacher, remember that you handed me a bottle of green tea on the day ofthe college entrance examination and asked me to prepare for the mental exam?Today, I'd like to propose a cup of green tea and say thank you.

4、wish you money freely, face is better than flowers, every day is full of happiness, wish you a happy holiday!

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6、Female friends, it's time for our festival. We should put down our workto find happiness, put down our housework to get comfortable, put down ourchildren so as not to get tired, put down our stress and have a healthy heart.On March 8 Women's Day, take a good vacation and have a rest.

7、Women"s Day is coming. Wish you happiness forever!



10、What is beauty? I didn't know until I saw you; What is intelligent, onlywhen you know it; What is gentleness? I know only when I know you; What is agood woman, you are the standard. On March 8th Women's Day, I wish you eternalyouth and happiness.

11、Take care of the family in every possible way. Smart and capable peopledon't let a man, but people who know how to read books are praised by others.Perfect as you, of course, is family harmony, everything goes well, and yourcareer goes smoothly step by step! Happy Women's Day, lovely perfect woman!

12、I heard that I associate with beautiful women to keep my eyes open, withsmart women to support my brain, with healthy women and with happy women. Iassociate with you, and keep you all. I wish the perfect woman a happyholiday.

13、Congratulations on your holiday. I'll cook and you eat. You only haveone holiday a year, the rest I have holidays every day, I have one day off everyyear, and the rest you work overtime.

14、wish you a happy and happy women"s day, more and more young, more and more beautiful!

15、Women"s day arrived, I wish you become a real rich girl.

16、As soon as delivers you to tie the rose,flirts to express one's ideas depends upon it. Delivers you a peach blossom,a change in one's fortune from bad to good depends entirely on it. Delivers you a pallid to gather,hundred years good and count on it. After delivering you bowl of jellied bean curd to finish eating,laughed. March Eighth joyful!--送你一束玫瑰,传情达意依靠它。送你一只桃花,时来运转全靠它。送你一扎白合,百年好和指望它。送你一碗豆腐花吃完之后笑哈哈。三八节快乐.

17、Dear, today is your holiday. I don't know what to say. Only countlessgratitude: Thank you for growing old with me! I love you forever!

