



It will be a product of AI(artificial intelligence) and it can do so many things for me,including helping me with all of my housework,especially cleaning the floor which i hate to do most.It could cook the meals anytime for my family.It could send me to school and fetch me from school instead of my parents.added up to all,it could also be my teachers,teaching me English and Math!What an assume robot it will be!With the breakthrough of technology,i strongly believe that my dream will come true oneday.


He is a magical robot,he can chat with me,but also play many songs that I like to listen .But his most special is that he can paint a picture,and the paintings are particularly good.Because I also learn to draw,so this was especially pleased.


Sometimes,when I can not draw the human body and landscape,he would teach me how to draw this shape,how to use color,how to draw eyes and mouth,and so on.He solved many problems for me.For that,My painting levels increased a lot .



patent n./adj/.v.

The patent runs out in three years’ time. 这项专利为期三年。

Try some of this new patent medicine. 试试这种专利药品吧。

If you don’t patent your invention, someone else will steal the idea. 如果你不为这个发明申请专利,别人可能会剽窃其构思的。

call up =ring up 打电话给…/ bring back回忆/ 征召入伍

I called you up yeasterday but noone answered the phone.

I was called up three months after the war broke out.战争爆发三年后我被征召入伍。

The music called up my memory of the childhood. 音乐引起我对童年的回忆。


call for 需要,要求 去接某人或取某物 call on 号召,拜访 call in 收回 call off 取消

call at 拜访某地 call sb’s name 叫某人的名字 call sb names骂某人 call out 大叫

ex. The football match was called off because of the bad weather.

I called on Mr. Green this morning.

The president called on the whole nation to work hard to make the country stronger.

Let’s go to the meeting together and I wil call for you. 我们一起去开会,倒是我来接你。

This problem calls for careful thinking.

now and then = at times/ sometimes/ from time to time/ once in a while/ occasionally 有时,偶尔

I wrote to him now and then but not often. 我时不时给他写信,但不经常。

Speech distinguishes man from the animals. 语言使人区别于动物。

A person with good eyesight can distinguish distant objects. 视力好的人可以看清远处的物体。

You should be able to distinguish between right and wrong. 你应该能够明辨是非。

Lang Lang has already distinguished himself as a pianist.作为钢琴家,郎朗已享有盛名。

distinguish A from B. 使…有别于….

distinguish between A and B 分辨….的不同

be distinguished for…=be famous for…

beg for mercy乞求怜悯、宽恕 have/show mercy on…对….表示同情

at the mercy of… 任…摆布 without mercy 毫不留情地

Sympathy 指同情心或恻隐之心,强调共同分担,或引起共鸣等

It is a pity that such a talented man should be killed by the car.

He was moved with sympathy.

The criminal pleaded with the jury for mercy.

product-production n.---produce v./n. ---producer n.

set about (doing sth) 开始、着手 = set out to do sth

set down 记下,放下 set down to sth 开始做某事

set up 成立 set off (for) 出发 (=set out 出发); 引爆

set aside 放在一边、节省 set fire to 点火

convenient-convenience---inconvenience n.方便,便捷

It/sth. is convenient to/ for sb. 对某人方便

It is convenient for sb to do sth.某人做某事方便

This is a convenient tool for hair-cutting.这是一种便利的理发工具。

Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的话就来看我。

Our home is convenient to the shop. 在…附近

The shop is at a convenient distance from our home.

expectation n. 期待,期望;所希望的东西;前程;希望

in the expectation that… 预料着,指望着

in expectation of 预料着,指望着 beyong one’s expectation

against / contrary to all expectations 与预料相反

meet/live up to/come up to the expectation 不负众望

seize sb by the arm 抓住某人的手臂 seize power/ cotrol 夺取权利或控制权

注意:seize 不用suddenly修饰也不用再加by force

file letters/ an application/ complaint

bear a heavy burden / a loss 负重荷、承担损失

bear a person/ hardship/ pain 忍受某人/忍受艰难困苦/痛苦

bear love for …/deep feelings 怀有爱慕之情/怀有深厚感情

bear the sign/ an expression of….具有标记/ 带着…的表情


过去分词borne 可以表示生育,且多用于完成体的主动态;born主要用于形容词,作表语或定语,解释为“出生”;“天生的”

He is born in 1790/ into a poor family/ of French parents/with a good memory


She has borne 6 children.

All the costs of the repairs will be borne by our company. 我们公司负担所有修理费。

jam n./ v.

jam in/ into/ with 挤进/ 使…挤满 I jammed my clothes into a small suitcase.

jam up 把事情搞糟、搞乱 The accident jammed up the traffic for half an hour.





1. Ability goals能力目标

To help the Ss develop their reading ability by skimming for main ideas and car eful-reading for details with the teacher’s guidance.

To get The Ss to master some key words such as witness, abandon, yell, drag, flee and so on.

2. Learning ability goals学能目标

To enable the Ss to talk about animals under the sea.

To help the Ss know the importance of the relationship between animals and humans.



Teaching important points教学重点

Help the Ss know more about animals under the sea as well as the animals’ loyalty and help to human bein gs.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

1. Help the Ss get the main idea and some detailed information by fast-reading and careful-reading.

2. Help the Ss tell apart from Before, During and After in the story.


Step1. Warming Up : Talk about animals under the sea.

1. Have you ever seen some marine animals?

2. What have you seen, and where have you seen them?

I have seen a/some/many…… in/on/from……

amazing marine animals: seal, turtle, dolphin, sea-horse, sea-star, shark, angelfish, jellyfish, lobster, coral

Step2. Fast-reading:

1. Find out the Background Information of the story : writer, career, writing style, time, place, main character.

2. Find out the Main Idea of the passage: What’s the first story mainly about?

Step3. Careful-reading:

1. Clancy had heard of the killer whales that every year killer whales would help whalers catch baleen whales. Did he believe it at first? When did he believe it was a true anecdote?

2. How many paragraphs are there all together in story1? The hunt can be divided into 3 stages.

Stage1: before the hunt: (para. 2-6):

Old Tom’s doing: throwing itself out of … and crashing down again… Why? to tell the whalers…, …by the boat…, circling back to …Why? to lead the whalers…

Whalers’ reaction: Another whaler __________. George _____ ___ _____ Clancy, and Clancy ______ after him. They __________ the boat and ______ ____into the bay.

Stage2&3: Dur ing and after the hunt: (para. 7-9):

Killer whale’s doing: The killers over there are ________ themselves on the top of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it __________; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The killers started ________ between our boat and the whale just like a pack of ____ ___ dogs. When the baleen whale was dead, its body wa s _______ down into the depths of the sea.

Whalers’ reaction: The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot.

Conclusion: They have amazing relationship. They work as a team

Step4 : Summary

Working at the _______station, I had the chance to _________ a baleen whale being attacked by a ______ of k iller whales.

On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was __________ my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. I ran down to the ______ in time to see an enormous animal _________ itself out of the water and then _______________ again. George told me it was Old Tom, who announced there would be a ___________.

Using a _________, we could see a baleen whale _______________ by about six killers. Some are ________ themselves on top of the whale’s __________to stop it breathing; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The whalers aimed the ________ at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot. Being badly ________, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was ________ by the killers down into the _______ of the sea.



Deal with Exercise 3 in Comprehending . Let the Ss work in groups and do some discussion:As a matter of fact, whales are now an endangered animal. Many people are trying to protect them from being hunted. The last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. But some countries oppose the ban. An d there are still people who hunt whales. What’s your opinion? Are you for or against the banning whaling? Consider the problem carefully and we’ll have a discussion tomorrow.



()4. A. Maths B. English C. television

()5. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. traditional

1、在机场_______ 2、讲英语_______ 3、在三周时间内_______

4、在晚上_______ 5、在办公室_______ 6、在中国的北部_______

7、试穿这一个______ 8、对、、、很容易_______ 9、在书架C上______

( )1.—_____ did you come back? —We came back last Sunday

( )2. —Whose dress is this? —It’s ____.

( )3. Do you want to be_____ our football team?

( )4. —Can you control the ball? —________________.

A. Thank you B. Very badly, sorry C. You are welcome

( )5. She didn’t _____ an ice cream yesterday .

( )6. I can’t swim _____.

( )7. —______ does school start? —At nine o’clock .

( )8. These chicks can’t______.

( )9. This girl is deaf. She can’t _______.

( )10. Lingling is very good ___ basketball.

( )1.Did you learn music? A.It’me .

( )2.Who is going to go to the airport? B.She had hamburgers.

( )3.How did you go ? C.At ten o’clock.

( )4.What did she have for lunch? D.By bus .

( )5.When are you going to go there ? E.Yes,I,did.

1. you for trip Are ready your (?)




4. you are go going to Where (?)


5. you, thinking about, what, are, ( ? )



This morning my father bought some milk for us . My sister doesn’t likemilk , and she gave her milk to me . I didn’t drink them . I will drink themtonight .

My sister is a very good girl . We are good friends . She studies very hard. And all of us like her very much . She wants to be a teacher .

( )1.Father bought us some milk .

( )2.I gave my milk to my sister .

( )3.I drank my milk .

( )4.My sister studies very hard .

( )5.My sister wants to be a doctor .


Ms Smart and Amy went to a department store last week. Ms Smart wanted tobuy a coat for Amy. They looked at a blue coat. Blue is Amy’s favorite colour.The coat was nice. But it was too big for Amy. The sales assistant took a smallone. But it was white. Amy tried it. That was lovely. Amy liked it very much. Sothey took it.

( ) 1. Where did Ms Smart and Amy go last week?

A. A department store. B. A supermarket. C. Amy’s school.

( ) 2. Ms Smart wanted to buy a ____ for Amy.

( ) 3. What is Amy’s favorite colour?

A. Black. B. White. C. Blue.

( ) 4. The blue coat was too ___ for Amy.

( ) 5. Ms Smart and Amy took the ____ coat.




Unit 5 Reading language points

1. keep it up 坚持下去,再接再厉

keep up with

If he could keep it up, he would break the world record.

2. fit in (with …) 相处融洽;适应

They work hard and fit in well (with each other).

It’s necessary for us to fit in with the times. 我们必须与时俱进。

3.board vt. 上船,上飞机(board the ship/the plane);

vi. 食宿;寄宿 board with/at…family

board n. 木板;甲板---on board=in a train, ship or plane

上船(动作):board the ship =go/get on board the ship=go aboard the ship

状态:be on board

They got on board the train.=they boarded the train.

We almost felt we were on board the spaceship.

When he was in France, he boarded with a French family.

Compare: board/ aboard/ broad/ abroad

go aboard the ship=board the ship

broad 宽阔的

abroad 外国的 study abroad; at home and abroad

4. It was the first time she had ever left her motherland.

It/this is the first/second/third time that sb has/have done sth

It/this was the first/second/third time that sb had done sth


It is the first time that I have spoken to foreign guests, so I feel nervous.


It was the first time I had visited such a beautiful place.

5. Xie Lei highly recommends it.

highly: 高度地(抽象);如果是空间的高,则用high

(wide; close; deep)

recommend: 推荐---- ~ sth to sb =~sb sth

~ sb for a job/position

建议(用法=advise)~ sb to do

~ doing

~ that sb (should) do …

6. as/so far as… 就。。。而言;在。。。范围; 远至。。。,直到。。。

So far as the weather is concerned, I do not think it will matter if we go there tomorrow.

As far as I know, he is still working there.

As far as he was concerned, he was satisfied with your answer.

He used to take a walk after supper, often as far as two or three miles.

The children walked as far as the lake.

7. feel/be at home (像在家一样)舒服自在

She felt at home on the stage this time, though she seldom appeared.

She was quite at home, because she recognized familiar faces.

8. I have been so occupied with work that I haven’t had time for social activities.

occupy: 占,填满---Is the flat already occupied?

be occupied with sth=be busy with sth

be occupied (in) doing sth=be busy doing sth=be engaged in doing sth

He is occupied preparing for the mid-term exams.

9. We wish Xie Lei all the best in her new enterprise.

wish sb sth=may sb do sth

10. deserve +sth; +代词;+to do(to be done)

Good work deserves good pay.

His behavior deserves punishment.(to be punished/ punishing)

His hard work deserves all that happened to him.

11. apply to sb for sth 向某人申请某个(工作,职位)

apply… to sth 运用

12. take up 占据(时间,空间);开始从事某种活动

13. in the beginning =at first 起初

Everything is difficult in the beginning.

14. get lost 迷路,走失 get+done

15. hand in 上交 hand out

16. get a good mark 得到高分

17. I was numb with shock.(表示原因)

18. lack confidence 缺少自信=be lacking in confidence

19. After getting my visa I was very excited because I had dreamed of this day for so long.

….explained Xie Lei, who had lived all her life in the same city in China.

She told me that she had had to learn almost everything again.

First of all, he told me, I couldn’t write what other people had said withought acknowledging them.

Had done: 过去的过去(有个过去时相对比)


1. 他的努力应该得到奖赏,因此在学习上他取得了很大的进步。(deserve)

2. 她找到住房(flat)之前,住在我家。(board)

3. 飞机就要起飞了,请还没上机的乘客马上登机。(board)

4. 我以前从没做过这种工作,我不知道是否能与其他同事相处好。(fit in)

5. 这已经是我第三次看这本书了,因为我觉得这本书很有趣。

(it is the ..time that ….)

6. 他十岁的时候开始打篮球, 现在已经是个顶级选手了。

(take up)

7. 天气这么冷,她的手指冻木了。(with)

8. 就我个人而言,每个人的贡献,不管多小,都会对环境的改善有影响。(as fas as…)

9. 他整天忙于工作,抽不出时间和孩子一起交流。(be occupied with…)

10. 我到时,简刚刚离开。真遗憾这次没有见到她。(时态)


Book 2 Unit 5 Music 说课稿

Teaching arrangement

1st Period ------ New words & Warming-up

2nd Period ------Reading

3rd &4th Period ------Language study

5th Period ------Grammar

6th Period ------Using language

7th Period ------ Writing

8th Period ------ Revision

Period 1 New words &Warming up

Teaching important point:

Learn the new words of this unit and Warming up

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Learn New Words &Expressions of this unit

Step 2 Warming up


Do you like music?

Can you list some kinds of music?

What kind of music do you like best?

Then enjoy some different kinds of music in Warming up and match the music with the right picture.

2.Discussion: What kind of music do you like best? Why?

What can this kind of music do for you?

Step 3 Listening (Page 69)

1. Listen for the first time and do Ex3 on P69.

2. Listen again and finish Ex 2 on P69.

Step 4 Homework

1. Remember new words

2. Preview the reading text

3. Finish Part 1 of 22nd EW.

Period 2 Reading

Teaching important point:

Enable Ss to understand the text and learn about the history of a music band.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

Talking about the questions in Pre-reading

Step 2 Reading

1. First reading

Read the text to find the basic information about The Monkees.

Who The Monkees

What to do Played and sang music

When to break up In 1970

When to reunite In the middle 1980s

Achievements Very popular and sold many records

2. Second reading

Read Para 1 together.

Read Para 2 to answer the questions:

1) Why do most musicians form a band with others?

2) How do they always start and develop their band?

3) What is their dream as a band?

And then sum up the main idea of the Para 2 to finish Ex 2 on P35.

Read Para 3&4 to fill in the blanks.

1.The Monkees is made of a band of four _________, who _____________each other as well as played music. It began as a ______.

2.Their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups.

3.After a year _____ in which they became more serious about their work, The Monkees started to play and sing their ___________.

4.The band ________ in about 1970, but _________in the mid-1980s.

And finish the rest of Ex 2 on P35.

Step 3. Post-reading

Do the Ex1 on P35.

Discuss in groups to finish Ex 3 on P 35.

Step 4. Summary and Homework

1. Finish Reading Task of EW 22nd.

2. Find the difficult sentences in the text and prepare for the Language study.

Period 3&4 Language study

Teaching important points:

Learn the key words & expressions in the text

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Review the text and check the homework

Step 2 Difficult sentences in the text

Step 3 Language points

1. pretend vt. 假装,装作

pretend sth. She pretended sickness.

pretend to do sth She pretended not to see us.

pretend to be doing sth. She pretended to be doing her homework when I opened the door.

pretend to have done sth. She pretended to have seen that movie.

pretend that + clause She pretended that she had seen that movie.



Let’s pretend to be the pirates of Caribbean!

He pretended to be sleeping when his mother came in.

2. honest adj. 诚实的,正直的,老实的 honesty n.


1) To be honest, I don't like him very much. How about you?

2)Honestly(speaking), I think it is ugly.

3) He is very honest in business.

4) be honest with sb 对某人说实话


I hope you are honest with me.

3.attach vt&vi 系上,缚上,附加,连接

1)attach importance to ….. 重视……; 认为…..有重要意义

We should attach great importance to the coming final exam.

2) attach sth (to sth) 把….附在….上

Can you attach a picture of you to the letter?

3)attach oneself to….参加…

Would you like to attach yourself to the concert tonight?

4) attach to sthsb 与…有关联

He attached to the event.

4.form v. 形成,发展成, 组成

The rocks were formed more than 4000 million years ago.

We should form good habits when we are young.

Twelve colleges form this university.

n. 形状,形式,表格

When you sign up , you need to fill in this form.

Different countries have different forms of government.

常用词组:in form 在形式上

in the form of 呈现。。。的形状,以。。。的形式

take the form of 采取。。。的方式

form the habit of 形成。。。的习惯


The river forms a natural boundary between the two countries.

5.passers-by n.过路人



如: lookers-on, grown-ups, sisters-in-law, go-betweens

6 . earn vt.

a) 挣钱

Being a professor, he earns $ 100,000 a year.


His bad manners earned him a poor fame.

短语:earn one’s living=make one’s living 谋生


She earns her living by singing in bar.

7. extra adj. 比预期的要多的,额外的,特别的

The exciting football match went into extra time.

adv. 额外地,非常地

It is exciting to find such an extra beautiful house here.

Ex: 她说她不需要额外的帮助。

She said she didn’t need extra help.

8. perform v. a) 表演,演出

Tom and his band performed music by Mozart.


The doctor performed an operation to save the girl's life.

performance. n. 表演,表现,演出

Come and see her performance in the new band.

His performance in class is not good.

Ex: 我们被要求一学年表演两台戏剧。


We are asked to perform two plays each school year.

She won the gold medal for her excellent performance.

9. play a joke on/play jokes on sb 戏弄某人,跟某人开玩笑

You mustn't play a joke on the disabled people.

常用短语: make a joke of: 拿。。。开玩笑

It’s no joke. 不是闹着玩的。

You must be joking. 你在开玩笑吧。

类似短语: play tricks on=play a trick on 捉弄某人,戏弄某人

make fun of 取笑。。。

laugh at 嘲笑



I was just joking.

When she said that, I thought she was playing a joke on me.

10.rely on 信赖,依靠,信任

As children, we relied entirely on our parents.

We can not rely on him to tell us the truth.

11.get/be familiar with 对……变得熟悉/感到熟悉

be familiar to sb

He is familiar to us, but he is not familiar with us.

12.or so 大约….左右,通常放在数量词之后

The baby usually sleeps an hour or so after breakfast.

There are 30 people or so in the classroom.

13. break up: 解散,结束,散去,分手

The crowd started to break up when the night fell.

It seems that the good weather is going to break up.

He lost his job and broke up with his girlfriend.

Policemen broke up the fighting crowd.

Step 4 Exercise

Ex 1,2,3 on P36.

HW:Finish Part 2 of EW 22nd.

Do Ex 2 on P70.

Preview the Grammar to finish Ex 1 on P37.

Period 5 Grammar

Teaching important point:

The attributive clause led by prep+relative pronoun

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Find the 5 sentences in the text using prep+whom/which attributive clauses.

Step 2 Review the attributive clause Ss learned before.

Step 3 Prep+relative pronoun

1. 关系副词可由介词加关系代词取代 (介词可置于从句中,也可置于关系代词之前,介词之后不能用who和that)

Does anyone know the reason why/for which he is late?

I can well remember the time when/at which you left us.

I’ve hidden the ball in a place where/at which nobody can find it.

2. 介词的选择要观前顾后:观前即与先行词搭配,顾后指介词与从句谓语动词搭配

Can you give me the box in which there are books?

He is the teacher from which I learnt a lot.

3. 当定语从句谓语动词为动词短语时,介词不可分开而提前

You’re the very man whom I’ m looking for

4. 表示部分与整体时,the+n/adj/比较级,最高级/n%+of which/whom

He plans lots of trees, the highest of which is 50 metres tall.

There are 60 students in our class, 2/3 of whom are girls.

He has earned a lot of books, most of which are novels.

Step 4 Exercise

Finish Ex 2&3 on P37

Finish Ex 1&2 on P 71.

Step 5 Summary and Homework

Finish Part 3 of EW 22nd.

Preview Using language on P38.

Period 6 Using language

Teaching important point:

Understand the story of Freddy and learn some key words and expressions

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Listening

Do the listening part and finish Ex 2,3,4 on P38

Step 2 Reading

Read the text and answer the following questions

1) Where did they go and what did they do after being famous?

2) What’s the result of the TV show?

3) How did they try to avoid the trouble? Did they take effect?

4) What did they do at last?

Step 3 Language study

1. sensitive adj.

be sensitive to/about 对…敏感

Old people need special care in winter, as they are sensitive to the change of weather.

Step 4 Summary and Homework

Period 7 Writing

Teaching important point: To Learn more about the sporting robot

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Dictation

Step 2 Writing

1) 写作情景:


古代音乐 形式 没有书面形式,只有背诵,口传

内容 与乡村生活,季节,动物和,爱与悲伤等有关

原因 没有媒体,如收音机,电视,电脑等

现代音乐 形式 流行音乐

原因 多媒体普及家庭,工作等场所

趋势 越来越多的电子音乐

我的观点 听音乐能够减压,是我最喜欢的放松方式。



Sample writing:

Old music was never written down at first and performers had to learn hundreds of songs by heart. This was at a time without radio, TV or cinema and many of the country people could neither read nor write. Listening to live music was one way to get information as these songs were generally about country life, the seasons, animals and plants, about love and sadness in people’s lives.

Now popular music is in fashion and almost without exception, many teenagers are extremely fond of popular songs. As people now have enough media in their house or working place, it is much easier to have chances to listen to music, which makes it a trend that more and more music will be electronic music.

Listening to music is a wonderful way to reduce pressure as it washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Of all the things that make me happy, music is what I like best.

Step4 Homework

Finish the composition after class.

Period 8 Revision

Review the whole unit.


Unit 4 of Module 6 Language points

班级 姓名 学号 时间 评价

Learning Aims:

1. To learn some language points in this text to enlarge the vocabulary

2. To use the language points when doing the exercises.

Learning Important and Difficult Points:

1. Learn to analyze some long and complicated sentences.

Learning Methods:

1. Learn some phrases by heart.

2. Learn the usage of some words and phrases through self-study and practice.

Learning Procedures:


Ⅰ. 识记短语

1. feel honored 感到荣耀 2.be made up of 由……组成

3. human rights 人权 4. be based on 以……基础

5. be involved in 参与 6. in addition 此外

7. child labour 童工 8. with the help of 在……的帮助下

9. work on the projects 致力于项目 10. increase one’s awareness 提升意识

11.draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力 12. per day 每一天

13. add… to… 向……增加 14. under the umbrella of 在……的保护下

15. across the world 在全世界 16. lack of 缺少

17. agree to do 同意做某事 18. be available to 可得到的

19. look up 查阅 20. primary education 小学教育

21. meet goals 实现目标 22. worthy organizations可敬的组织

II. 重点单词、词组或句子用法探究

1.[原句回放]I am pleased to have this chance today to talk to you about the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often referred to. 句中as意为 _像,正如_,词性是__连词___ ,引导__方状_从句。refer to 意为 谈到__,其中to 是__介词__ (词性);refer to还有_查阅___ , __指的是___ 的意思。

[拓展]refer to … as 把……当作……;reference n. 提到,谈及;指的是;参考;查阅;reference book 参考书 小试牛刀


___He likes science, as his father does.__________________________________________

2) This exam is vital because the score will be ______ by the school you apply to. (B级)

A. looked up B. referred to C. added to D. turned on

3) The book ______ by Mr. Wu is written by my English teacher.

A. referring to B. referred to C. referred D. to refer

2.[原句回放]The UN is an international group made up of countries that want to increase peace, and I’m very happy to have been chosen to be a Goodwill Ambassador for them. 句中made up of 意为 ___由…组成____ , 作 __后置定语__(成分)。它的反义词组是 ____make up____, 该词组还有 __化妆____、__编造____、___弥补___ 等含义。to have been chosen 是动词不定式的 ___完成____ 时态, 表示动作 ______已经______ 发生。

[拓展]be made up of = consist of 由……组成 be made from/of 由……制成

be made into 被制成 小试牛刀!


I feel honored to be invited to attend your wedding. __________________________________


Are all animals bodies made up of cells? _____________________________________

3)As we all know, the world is ______ seven continents and four oceans. (B级)

A. consisted of B. made in C. made out of D. made up of

4) Women ______ 40 per cent of the workforce. (C级)

A. make out B. make for C. make up D. make into

3.[原句回放]With the help of these armies and other worthy organizations the UN assists the victims of wars and disasters. 句中worthy是 __adj.___ (词性),作 定语____ (成分),意为 ___可敬的____ 。除此之外,worthy 还有 ___值得__ 的意思。assist 意为 帮助___ ,可构成词组 assist sb. _to do_/__with sth _/_in doing_____________。

[拓展]be worthy of +n be worthy of being done be worthy to be done be worth doing/n It is worthwhile to do/ doing 小试牛刀!

用worth,worthy和worthwhile 填空

1) The book he bought is worth_ 100 yuan.

2) His advice is worth considering/consideration.

3) I think the advice is worthy of being considered.

4) I think the city is worthy to be visited.

5) I think it is worthwhile to visit the city.

6) The problem is ______. Which is wrong?

A. worth paying attention to B. worthy to be paid attention to

C. worthy of being paid attention to D. worthy being paid attention to

7) The novel is ______ worth reading.

A. very B. so C. well D. much

4.[原句回放]Watch any TV report on places where there is a war, and you will see soldiers wearing blue berets. 该句是由一个 祈使句 + and + 陈述句 组成。Where there is a war 是一个 定语 从句, where 是 关系副词 (词性)。 see soldiers wearing blue berets中wearing blue berets 是 宾补 (成分)。小试牛刀!


Work hard, and you will realize your dreams.______________________________________


Hurry up , or you will be late.____________________________________________________

1)Do more speaking, I think, ______ you’ll improve your spoken English.

A. then B. and C. so D. or

5.[原句回放]In addition, my visits will encourage people working on the projects and draw local people’s attention to the situation. 句中in addition意为 另外 ,在句中相当于besides,表示 递进_ 关系。working on the projects在句中充当 后置定语_(成分)。draw one’s attention to 意为 把注意力吸引到…… , to 是 介词(词性),后接 n/v-ing/pron(词性)。

[拓展]attract/ call/ catch one’s attention 吸引某人注意力 pay one’s attention to 注意,留心 fix /focus one’s attention on 集中注意力于 小试牛刀!

1)Don’t let your students play computer games any more; you should ______ their attention to their study.

A. pay B. turn C. change D. draw (B级)


He waved to attract the attention of the waiter.

6.[原句回放]There are lots of such promgrammes and funds under the umbrella of the UN, and these have helped millions of people across the world. 句中under the umbrella of 意为在…的管理、保护下 。across the world 意为 在全世界 。

[拓展] under the leadership of 在……的领导下, under the control of 受……控制, 在进行中 under way , 在建设中 under construction , 在修理中 under repair , 在讨论中 under discussion 。 小试牛刀!

1) The flowers grow well ______ the green house.

A. under the help of B. with the permission of

C. under the leadship of D. under the umbrella of

7.[原句回放]Apart from the urgent problems caused by wars and conflicts, the UN helps countries with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease. 句中apart from 意为 除…之外 ,相当于besides( besides/ except)。lack of 意为 缺乏 , lack是n.(词性),另外lack 还有 vt.(vt./ vi.)。

[拓展] be lack of 缺乏 no lack of 不缺乏 for the lack of 由于缺乏 be lacking in 缺乏 小试牛刀!

1)Though ______ money, his parents managed to send him to college (C级)

A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in

2) The exporer got a disease in blood for the ______ of fresh vegetable and fruit.

A. sake B. lack C. safe D. result (C级)


I. 根据要求将下列句子翻译成英文

1. 他很高兴被提供了一个出国的机会。(be happy to )

He is happy to have been offered a chance to go abroad.______________________________

2. 如果操作不当,机器就会很快坏掉。(operate )

If operated improperly, the machine will break down soon.____________________________

3. 除了恶劣的天气之外,我们还经常遇到野兽。(apart from )

Apart from the bad weather, we also meet with wild animals frequently.__________________

4. 缺水是这个地区最大的难题。(lack )

Lack of water is the biggest problem in this area.____________________________________

II. 单项填空

1. It is really dangerous. One more step ______ the baby will fall into the well.

A. or B. so C. but D. and

2. If the tickets are still ______ to us, I want to buy one.

A. able B. available C. acceptable D.enjoyable

3. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it ______ shopping and eating.

A.refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to

4. He ______ so much work that he couldn’t really do it efficiently.

A. put on B. took on C. took in D. took over

5. Much attention should be paid to ______ people destroying the rain forest.

A. stop B. stopping C. keep D. keeping

6. Most people don’t realize the amount of effort that is _______ in writing.

A. involved B. involving C. contained D. called

7. ______ these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.

A. In addition B. In addition to C. except D. what’s more

8. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a ______ of exercise.

A. limit B. lack C. need D. demand


1.Ability goals:

Enable the Ss.to describe cloning:

What is the advantages of cloning?

What is the problems or dangers of cloning?

What is your opinion of cloning?

2.Learning ability goals:

Help the Ss.learn how to describe cloning.

How to describe cloning.

(2)Teaching difficult points.

Help the Ss. analyze the writing techniques of the article.

Skimming,task-based method and debate method

A recorder, a projector ,multi-media.

T:Do you know what is cloning?

Let the Ss. look at pictures:

Which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-made.

Explain how they differ.

What benefits can humans gain from cloning?

What problems may arise when humans are cloned?

What’s the text mainly about?

How do gardeners clone plants?

What two major uses do cloning have?

How many femal sheep participate in the cloning of a new sheep.

What problems do Dolly have?

What the effect of Dolly?

Main idea:

(1)give the order of procedure.

What is your opinion of cloning?Give reason.

1. Firstly ,gardeners use it all the time to produce commercial quantities of plants.

quantities of 许多,大量的。既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。

拓展:a large /good/great number of+可数名词复数

2.cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illnesses ……

be cast down:feel discourged 灰心,沮丧

词汇:cast about/around for 到处寻找,试图找到

3.On the other hand,Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and …….

have an objection to (doing) sth. 反对干某事

raise /voice an objection 提出反对意见

object to sth./doing sth.反对做…

4.It suddenly opened everybody’s eyes to the possiblility…..

open one’s eyes to sth.使某人明了,对…开了眼界。

5.The fact that she seemed to develop normally……

that 引导同位语从句,说明fact 的内容,that不做成分。

6.Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.


,now,then,up,down,in,away,off,out,in the room,on the wall等,置于句首时,句子倒装。


1. The plane flew away.

2. Thousands of Ss.waited in the lecture hall.

3. Your turn to recite the passage comes now.

本课是阅读课,在阅读中主要采取skimming, scanning, timing reading 等阅读方法。阅读前的讨论是围绕即将阅读的材料提出话题或问题,通过讨论唤起学生的背景知识和阅读兴趣,使学生对所要阅读的材料有一定的心理准备,然后带着目的去阅读。阅读后的讨论一是为了检查学生对文章的理解情况,并进行交流,让学生充分发挥想象力。教学过程中以学生为中心,突出学生的主体作用。在课堂上,每个学生都是课堂教学的中心。讨论式教学能为学生提供运用语言的语境与机会能协助学生在语言实践中把语言知识和技能主动转化为交流能力。并且学生在讨论中思维活跃,发言积极。




Warming-up and pre-reading

1. character n.人物,角色;特性,特征;性格;人格,品性;(汉)字,字体

a. It is a good story, but I find some of the character rather unconvincing(不令人信服).

b. They are twins but they have quite different characters

c. He is a man of good character.

d. A Chinese character 一个汉字

2.Fiction n. 1)小说(总称);虚构的文学作品


Fact/Truth is stranger than fiction. [谚语]事实比小说更离奇。

短语:legal fiction 法律上的假定 light fiction 通俗小说

pure fiction 纯粹的谎言;十足的谎言 science fiction 科幻小说

3.Desire vt.1)渴望;希望(做某事)desire to do sth.


3)要求【请求】某人做某事desire that-do/should do

desire sb. to do sth.

a. I desire an immediate answer of yours.

b. We desire to have a good result.

c. Please desire him to come in.

d. They desire that you should come at once.

n. 愿望;欲望;要求;食欲;情欲;向往的东西

短语:at one’s desire照某人的希望 get one’s desire 得到所希望的东西

meet one’s desire 满足某人的欲望 have/feel a great desire for 渴望―――

nurse a desire for 怀有――的欲望

leave much to be desired 有许多改进/不足的地方

leave nothing to be desired 尽善尽美;完全中意


4.satisfaction n.(opp.dissatisfaction)1)满足;满意;舒服;


I heard the news with great/much satisfaction.

He smile with satisfaction.


It will be a great satisfaction to you to know that---你如果听到――一定很满意

Feel/find satisfaction at (in) 对――感到满意

Give satisfaction to 使――满足(满意,称心)

Take satisfaction in 对――感到满足(满意);乐于――

To one’s satisfaction = to the satisfaction of 使――满意的是

Express one’s satisfaction with(at) 对――表示满意

5. test vt&n. 检验;考查;测验;考试;考验

let’s use another method to test for its pulling force.

词语搭配:an achievement test 成绩测验 a live test(火箭)载人试验

a nuclear test 核试验 a test in physics 物理测试

a test paper一份试卷 a blood test 血液检查

短语:test out 考验 take a test 参加考试

put-to the test 将――加以化验,检查

6。asent adj.(opp. Present) 1)不在的;缺席的;缺勤的


He is absent on business.

He was absent in his mind then.

Long absent soon forgotten. 离久情疏

短语: be absent from a friend 和朋友分离

be absent from (home,school,office)不在(家);缺(课);缺(席);缺(勤)be absent without excuse 擅自缺席

7.Alarm n.警报;惊慌

The fire caused much alarm.


1) give the alarm = raise an alarm 发警报;向――告急

2) take (the) alarm at 对――感到吃惊

3) a fire alarm 火警

4) in alarm 惊慌;担心

5) sound the alarm 响警报;吹警笛

vt.使警觉;惊动;使惊慌 Don’t alarm yourself.

7)be alarmed at(the news)被(那消息)吓一跳

8)be alarmed for (the safety of--) 放心不下;担心(――的安全)

8.Smooth adj.平坦的;平滑的;顺利的

The course of true love never did run smooth.恋爱无坦途/好事多磨。

The way is now smooth.

Vt. 使――光滑,平坦或顺利


1)make smooth 弄平滑;扫除障碍 2)smooth out 弄平;铺平;解决

3)smooth away/over 使容易;排除;解决(困难等)

4)smooth the way for 铺平道路;排除障碍;使容易做

5)smooth down (使)平静下来;弄平

9.embarrass vt. To cause to feel ashamed, uncomfortable or anxious 使困惑;使局促不安

The decline of sales embarrassed the company.

Be/feel embarrassed in the presence of strangers

短语:embarrass sb. with sth./by doing sth. 做――使某人尴尬/害羞/窘迫

Don’t embarrass them with(by asking) personal questions.不要问隐私,会让他们觉得不好意思。

Embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,难堪的,害羞的

I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.

Embarrassing adj.使人尴尬的;令人难堪的

What has been your most embarrassing moment?

10.sympathy n.同情;同感;同情心

Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night.

短语:1)express sympathy for 慰问

2)feel sympathy for, have sympathy for 同情

3)in sympathy with 同情;赞成;跟着;和――一致

11.accompany 伴随;陪伴;同时存在或发生

I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.

Strong winds accompanied by heavy rain.

12. ring(sb.)up = call (sb.) up 给某人打电话


1) give sb. a call/ring 2)make a (telephone) call

3) call sb. on the telephone 4) phone/telephone sb.

挂断电话的相关短语:ring off ring off the telephone

回电话的相关短语:call bake ring back

13.turn around 转身;回转;旋转

When the teacher turned around, they began to whisper.

All of a sudden he turned around/about and saw me.

短语:trun about转身;转向;调向 turn against背叛;反抗;使对抗

turn away 把(脸)转过去;抛弃 turn off解雇;关掉;使失去兴趣

turn on打开 trun out结果是;证明是;生产(产品)

14.There stood-此句为存在结构,常用于这种结构的动词有:stand, seem to be, happen to be, be likely to be; live, come, enter, lie 等;

There happened to be nobody in the room.

Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.

15. declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;说明;宣称

1) declare + n.宣告 They will declare the results of the election soon.

2) declare + n + (to be)n./ adj. 宣布――为――

The judge declared him (to be) the winner of the competition.

I declared this conference (to be) open.

3) declare + (that)从句 宣称;声称

She declared (that) she was right.


Declare oneself 发表意见,表明态度 declare war on/upon 对――宣战

Declare against 声明反对 declare for (in favour of )声明赞成

16.Envy vt.& n.嫉妒;羡慕

1) envy +sb. (for sth.) 2)envy sb. Sth.

How I envy you! They envied us for our success.

I envy you your good fortune.

短语: be in envy of one’s success 羡慕某人的成功

Out of envy 出于嫉妒/羡慕

17.Leave--- alone 不管;别惹;让――独自待着;不打扰

Leave my book alone. 不要动我的书。

Let me alone to do it. 由我做吧。

Using language

18. explanation n. (其后常跟of, for ) 解释,注释;说明

She’s giving an wxplanation of how the machine works.

1) by way of explanation 作为说明,以解释的方式

2) come to an explanation with sb.与人交谈后消除了误会

3) In explanation of 解释,说明

I had better say a few words by way of explanation.

I’ve come to an explanation with them about the matter.

Have you anything to say in explanation of your conduct?

19.Take ---seriously 严肃对待;认真对待

You can’t take his promise seriously; he never keeps his word.

20.divorce n. 离婚;断绝关系 vt. 与――离婚; 使――离婚;脱离

1)The judge divorced the couple.

2)He got divorced from his wofe last month.

3)He is divorced from societ.

4)Life and art cannot be divorced.

短语: get/obtain a divorce 获准离婚

a divorce between thought and action 思想与行动脱节

divorce oneself/be divorced from one’s spouse 和自己的配偶离婚

Learning tip

21. set aside 将――放在一边;保留;储蓄(时间;金钱);忽视/不顾(要求、感受)

So set aside some time each day to write, even if it is only five minutes.

I’ve set aside some money for the journey.

She always sets aside my feelings.

短语:set about 着手;开始 set--against 使――和――为敌/对立

Set apart = set aside 留出;拨出


The second period for Language points for Reading

Check the homework.

1.that is to say /that is 也就是说,即 常用来进一步解释前面说过的事情。这是个固定短语,在句中作插入语,前面都可有逗号,后面可接句子或短语。

eg. My boss has asked me to attend a lecture about the use of the Internet three days from now, that is to say, on Friday.

John is a Londoner, that is to say, he lives in London.

eg. People seldom realize the value of health till they have lost it.

What is the value of the book?

This is the value of regular exercise.

eg. I’ve always valued your friendship/your advice.

The Ss have always valued their teachers.

The machine is valued at 1,000 yuan.

eg. Five colleges formed the university.

Water forms almost three quarters of the human body.

Clouds are forming on the top of the hill.

form a /the habit form in line in the form of

eg. She has a tall graceful form.

These are two different forms of the same thing.

4.in need of 需要中的,需要。。。。。后接名词或代词

eg. We’re collecting money for families in need.

Our school is in great need of English teachers.

need v.

We need to work harder./ We need work harder.

sth. need doing/ to be done.(want , require)

eg. The old temple needs repairing/ to be repaired.

eg. Please turn to page 216.

When you are in trouble ,you may turn to your teacher (for help).

区别turn down/ turn up turn in turn on/ turn off

eg. 1). After he left the university he became a teacher, but later he turned _____ translation.

2). The English evening turned out______ a great success.

A. be B. being C. to be D. to have

eg. She acquired a good knowledge of English by careful study.

If you did not steal the watch, you had better explain how you did acquire it.

acquire/ earn/ win /gain/ obtain/get

acquire 指通过自己的努力或经过一个过程而获得才能,智力等;earn一般是通过自身劳动而获得报酬或因自身劳动而得到的荣誉等;win指的是通过努力而得到有一定价值的东西或因占有优势而得到。


obtain 通过较大努力或经过相当一段时间才获得早已希望得到的东西。

get 最普遍用语。

eg. He is man with rich knowledge.

My knowledge of French is poor.

To the best of my knowledge, he is honest and reliable.

He has a good knowledge of English.

Longjing is a good tea.

This is a fine paper.

Ex: One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain______ good knowledge of basic word formation.

7.Communicate (1)联系, 通消息, 交流思想 (vi)

Eg. They had no way to communicate with Kurt.

The two friends haven’t communicated with each other for years.

Eg. With his help, we tried to communicate the feelings to the hosts.

You don’t communicate your ideas well in the essay.

Eg. He communicated the disease to the rest of his family.

School children often communicate colds to each other.

eg. I must get into communication with him on this subject.

eg. all sorts of services/ goods/ books/work

eg. The doctor searched the wound and found the bullet.

They searched everywhere but could not find the lost child.

search for sb./ sth. 与 search sb./ sth. , search sw. for sb./sth. 区分

eg. Police and tracker dogs searched the woods for the missing boy.

I have searched my mind for a reason, but can find none.

in search of = in one’s search for (引起状语)找寻

Ex: The police ______ the prisoner to see if he had a gun.

C. was in search of D. was in their search for

Eg. I signed to him to keep away, but he continued to advance.

A month has passed and the work has not advanced.

Sugar has advanced two cents a pound.

Eg. The shopkeepers advanced their prices.

His work advanced the science of microbiology.

The date of the meeting was advanced from June 10 to June 3.

The plan he advanced was not good.

May I advance my opinion on this matter?

eg. Everything should be fixed in advance.

eg. She walked two yards in advance of her husband.

In this he was in advance of his party.

advanced adj. 先进的; 高级的; 年老的, 时间过去很多

eg. She was cited as an advanced worker.

He is spending a year in advanced studies.

He is advanced in years.

10.rather than 而不,与其说…倒不如说 ; 宁愿…而不愿

eg. Edison preferred to continue his work, rather than rest on his achievements.

The housewives prefer to go out to work rather than while away the time at home.

Her performance in work is good rather than bad.

would rather…than…/ prefer to do… rather than do…

eg. He hopes for a chance to go abroad.

He threw away a chance to be a manager.

…. 的可能性 chance of doing sth./ chance to do

eg. The prisoners here have no chance to get away.


by chance/accident sb. chance/happen to do

It (so) chanced /happened that…

take every chance to do sth.

12. address (1)写地址, 把…..寄给, 向…..提出 vt

Eg.Please address the letter for me.

Who ought I to address my request to?

Eg. He is going to address the meeting in a minute.

He will address you on the subject of war and peace.

Eg. He addressed her as “Miss Mattie”.

eg. Please ask him to leave his address.

What’s your home address?

The President gave an address to the nation over the radio.

Eg. At the beginning of June an event occurred.

I am so awfully sorry that this has occurred.

It won’t occur again, if I can help it.

Eg. That view of the case did not occur to me before.

That he should have some deep personal objection had never occurred to me.

经常用于以it作形式主语的句中, 真正的主语可以是从句, 也可以是不定式。

Eg. It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child.

It didn’t occur to me that you would object.

It didn’t occur to me to mention it.

Didn’t it occur to you to close the windows?

Eg. E occurs in print more often than any other letter.

The same theme occurs in much of his work.


1.at the beginning of 在、、、的初 2.hear of 听说

3.witness sb/sth 亲眼目睹某人某事 4.with one’s own eyes 亲眼

5.sort out 分类、整理 6.hear sb doing sth听见某人在干某事

7.an annual income 年收入 8.on the shore 在海岸上

9.yell out 大声叫喊 10.ahead of 在、、、前面

12.a pack of一包、一群、一伙 13.at a depth of在、、、的饿深度

14.in the meantime在次期间;与次同时15.mother tongue母语

16.help sb out帮助某人摆脱困境或危难17.the relationship between A and B A和B的关系

18rent sth to sb将、、、出租给某人 rent sth from sb 租借或租用

19.at the seaside在海边 20.by magic用魔法

21be/become aware of对、、、知道,明白、意识到 22. a narrow escape死里逃生

23 turn sth upside down 上下翻转过来的、弄得乱七八糟的

24be scared to death吓死 be scared of sth/doing sth/to do sth害怕做某事

25in time to do sth 及时做某事 26be about to do sth即将做某事

27have on=be wearing穿着、戴着 28head out into前往某地

29grab急抓,seize抓紧、夺占 snatch突然掠夺 grasp抓紧、全面领会

30in the distance在远处 31work as a team协同作战

32 on top of 在、、、上面 33 stop sb doing sth阻止某人做某事

34being badly wounded由于伤势严重 35within a minute or two片刻之后

36bring in引进、赚得、 收(庄稼) 37wash off 冲走

38hold up举起、支撑、使、、、耽搁 39an international ban国际禁令

40reflect on/upon思考、反思、回忆 41such extraordinary beauty如此奇特的美景

42a new dimension of life 一个全新的生活空间 43 mind sb doing sth介意某人做某事

44 a sharp drop陡坡 45 the diary entry日记内容

46 I’d like a refund, please.请退款 47wise-looking长相聪慧的

1 work as a volunteer当志愿者 2hear from sb收到某人来信

3be dying for sth/to do sth迫切想要、渴望 die out灭绝 die away逐渐消失 die down逐渐减弱 die off相继死去 4adapt (oneself) to sth/doing sth使适应

5for sure一定、必定 6the other day前几天

7come across sb/sth偶遇=come upon/run across/run into

8be relevant to与、、、相关的 9make a difference有影响、起作用、产生差别

10shake hands with sb和某人握手 11had been doing 过去完成进行时

12stick out伸出 13stick tosth坚持、、、

14all over the place到处、乱蓬蓬 15what if倘若、、、怎么办

16not…but不是、、、而是、、、 17 a sewing machine缝纫机

18oxen for ploughing耕牛 19go hungry挨饿

22in need在困难中 23It is a privilege to do sth做某事感到很荣幸。

24participate in sth参加、、、 25financial security财务保障

26operate on给、、、动手术 27a remote village一个偏远村庄

28all the time一直、始终 29practise doing 练习做某事

30 in a clinic在一家诊所 31donate sth to sb捐赠

32 wedding anniversary结婚周年纪念日 33life skills生活技巧

34have the privilege of 有、、、的饿特权 35 in a soft voice轻声地

36purchase sth with sth/ purchase sth for sb买


