


力复习课件 篇1

教学目标1.名词、形容词、副词、代词、数词、介词等词类的单词在句子中的灵活运用。2.词性之间的转换及易混单词。3.一词多译或近义词。4.通过以上任务活动,让学生了解如何正确做好词汇题,并且让学生对英语的学习产生兴趣。教学重难点1.注意名词&动词在句子中的适当变化。2.注意近义词的不同用法教学方法运用多媒体辅助教学及任务型教学。教学总体思路任务1 导入任务2 考点一任务3 练习任务4 考点二归纳任务5练习任务6 考点三任务7中考试题练习教学过程设计Step 1 Presentation中考试题引出中考考点。1. Miss Brown taught (他们) English last term.2. We don’t think their classroom is (干净) than ours.3. Is it the best one of the (照片) of your family ?4. I spent an hour (写) the passage last night.(them/cleaner/photos/writing)Step 2归纳中考考点:中考考点一:考查不同词类的单词在句子中的灵活运用一、名词 考虑可数名词单复数、不可数名词和所有格例1 Do you like white?We have shirts of different _____(颜色). 根据句意,可确定单词为“color”,通过前面的shirts和different两词可确定此处应用 colors。例2 September 10th is根据句意,确定单词“Teacher”,它与Day之间存在所有格关系,将Teacher变为复数,再变为所有格,应填Teachers’。二、形容调和副词还要考虑到形容词和副词“级”的变化。例1 He was very _____ (生气)with the man upstairs and began to shout, “Stop singing!”根据连系动词was ,此处应填形容词原级angry。例 2 On Sundays,children play (高兴)in the park. 此处应填副词happily,副词修饰动词 play。三、动词 五种形式 :动词原形、第三人称单数形式、现在分词,过去式和过去分词例1 Thank you very much for (借)me your bike. 介词后动词用-ing形式,故填lending。例 2 When he was ten, in maths.become interested in为固定词组,意为“对……感兴趣”,故此处应填interested。四、数词主要考查基数词和序数词五、代词考查人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词和疑问代词 例 1 Help y to some fish,Jim.根据句意,此处应用yourself.例 2 “Help y to some fish,please. ”Mrs Green said to the twins. 根据句意,the twins为复数,故填yourselves。Step 3 ExercisesChoose some exercises from the high school entrance exam and let the students do them in class.1. Your song sounds _________ (优美的).2. When he heard this, he became even ________(生气).3. Lucy can run as ______as Lily. (快) (07适应)4. They are __________ (摘) apples on the farm.5. My teacher always_________ me to work hard.(鼓励)6. He _______(跌倒) off a tree yesterday and hurt himself.7. December is the ________month of the year. (twelve)8. _______(百)of visitors come to Hanzhou every year.9. The famous writer lived in the __________ (二十) century.10. December is the ________month of the year. (twelve)11. _______(百)of visitors come to Hanzhou every year.12. Go _____ (经过) the bridge and you’ll find the shop.13. Jim hurried to school ______(没有)breakfast..14. ______(然而) ,at that exact moment my teacher, Mr Guo, came in.15. These clothes are no longer in fashion _______(尽管)they are still new.Step 4 中考考点2注意词性之间的转换及易混单词List all the words during the junior school and do some exercises. in the north of…/in the northern part of… west/western south/southern east/easternpark/no parkingplease/He is pleased./The trip is pleasant./With pleasure. It’s a pleasure. /unpleasantsafe/safely/safety succeed/success/successful/successfully be/feel proud of take pride inStep 5中考考点三1.注意一词多译或近义词如:Today LiLei didn’t come to school because he didn’t feel _____. (好) 注:这题中,“好”可以翻译成 good/well/nice,而表示身体好应用well.2.让学生归纳常见的单词Step 6中考链接Choose some sentences from the high school entrance exam.Step 7 Homework1. Review the words2. Do some word exercises.

力复习课件 篇2






(2)_____ 不能传声。第一章声现象(复习)


3、声波能使物体振动,能粉碎小石头,这表明声音具有 。第一章声现象(复习)






















1、 频率: 单位:赫兹(hz)

2、 振幅:振动的幅度




(1)实验方法:将钢尺一端放在桌面上,用手按住,另一端伸出桌面外( 相同)。第一次 拨钢尺,使钢尺振动发声;第二次 拨钢尺,使钢尺振动发声。


结论:振幅越大, 。

(2)实验方法:将钢尺一端放在桌面上,用手按住,另一端伸出桌面外(用大小相同的 拨动钢尺)。第一次伸出的 一些,使钢尺振动发声,此时钢尺振动的 ;第二次伸出的 一些,使钢尺振动发声,此时钢尺振动的 。


结论:振动越慢, 。








2、超声波具有 ___,易于获得较为集中的声能等特点。生活中的应用:声呐、B超图像、超声波清洗器、超声波焊接器

3、次声波可以传的很远,容易 。一定强度的次声波对人体会造成伤害。








































力复习课件 篇3



















(一)酸的性质(1)与指示剂反应 紫色石蕊试液变红色,无色酚酞试液不变色。

(2)酸 + 碱 = 盐 + 水。

(3)酸 + 某些金属氧化物 = 盐 + 水。

(4)酸 + 活泼金属 = 盐 + 氢气。

(5)酸 + 盐 = 新盐 + 新酸。

1、锌跟稀盐酸反应: Zn + 2HCl = ZnCl2 + H2 ↑ 有气泡产生,锌粒逐渐减少。

2、锌跟稀硫酸反应: Zn + H2SO4 = ZnSO4 + H2 ↑

3、铁跟稀盐酸反应: Fe + 2HCl = FeCl2 + H2 ↑ 有气泡产生,铁逐渐减少,

4、铁跟稀硫酸反应: Fe + H2SO4 =FeSO4 + H2 ↑ 溶液变成浅绿色。

5、铁锈跟稀盐酸反应:Fe2O3 +6HCl = 2FeCl3 + 3H2O 红色铁锈逐渐消失,

6、铁锈跟稀硫酸反应:Fe2O3 + 3H2SO4 = Fe2(SO4)3 + 3H2O 溶液变成黄色

7、氧化铜跟稀盐酸反应:CuO + 2HCl =CuCl2 +H2O 黑色氧化铜逐渐消失,

8、氧化铜跟稀硫酸反应:CuO + H2SO4 = CuSO4 + H2O 溶液变成蓝色。


(2)碱 + 多数非金属氧化物 = 盐 + 水

(3)碱 + 酸 = 盐 + 水

(4)碱+某些盐 = 另一种盐 + 另一种碱

1、氢氧化钠跟二氧化碳反应:2NaOH + CO2 = Na2CO3 + H2O

2、氢氧化钠跟二氧化硫反应:2NaOH + SO2 = Na2SO3 + H2O

3、氢氧化钠跟三氧化硫反应:2NaOH + SO3 = Na2SO4 + H2O

4、氢氧化钙跟二氧化碳反应:Ca(OH)2 + CO2 = CaCO3↓ + H2O 使澄清石灰水变浑浊

5、氢氧化钠跟稀硫酸反应:2NaOH + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + 2H2O

6、氢氧化钠跟稀盐酸反应:NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H2O

7、生石灰跟水反应:CaO + H2O =Ca(OH)2

(三)盐的性质:(1)盐 + 某些金属=另一种盐 + 另一种金属。

(2)盐 + 某些酸 = 另一种盐 + 另一种酸。

(3)盐 + 某些碱 = 另一种盐 + 另一种碱

(4)盐 + 某些盐 = 另一种盐 + 另一种盐

1、硫酸铜溶液跟铁反应:CuSO4 + Fe = ZnSO4 +Fe 铁表面覆盖红色物质,溶液由蓝色变浅绿色

2、碳酸钠跟盐酸反应:Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl +H2O +CO2↑有气泡产生固体逐渐减少

3、碳酸氢钠跟盐酸反应:NaHCO3 + HCl = NaCl +H2O + CO2↑有气泡产生固体逐渐减少

4、石灰石跟稀盐酸反应:CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 +H2O +CO2↑有气泡产生固体逐渐减少

5、硝酸银跟稀盐酸反应:AgNO3 + HCl = AgCl↓ +HNO3 有白色沉淀产生

6、氯化钡跟稀硫酸反应:BaCl2 + H2SO4 = BaSO4↓ + 2HCl 有白色沉淀产生

7、氢氧化钙根碳酸钠溶液反应:Ca(OH)2 + Na2CO3 = 2NaOH + CaCO3↓ 有白色沉淀产生

8、硝酸银溶液跟氢氧化钠溶液反应:AgNO3 + NaCl = AgCl↓ + NaNO3有白色沉淀产生

9、氯化钡溶液跟硫酸钠溶液反应:BaCl2 + Na2SO4 = 2NaCl + BaSO4↓有白色沉淀产生


K Ca Na Mg Al Zn Fe Sn Pb (H) Cu Hg Ag Pt Au


(1) 大多数酸可溶(HCl、HNO3、H2CO3有挥发性、浓H2SO4有吸水性。)

(2) 碱的溶解性:钾、钠、钡、铵溶、钙微溶,其余碱 全不溶。

(3) 盐的溶解性:








(1) 在金属活动性顺序表中,金属要排在氢前。

(2) 浓硫酸、硝酸跟金属反应不能生成氢气。

(3) 铁发生置换反应时,生成+2价的铁的化合物。








生石灰—— CaO 熟石灰——Ca(OH)2 石灰石、大理石—— CaCO3

食盐——NaCl 火碱、烧碱、苛性钠—— NaOH 纯碱、苏打——Na2CO3

小苏打—— NaHCO3 铁锈、赤铁矿——Fe2O3 赤铁矿—— Fe3O4

金刚石、石墨—— C 干冰——CO2 冰—— H2O

天然气(甲烷)——CH4 酒精(乙醇)—— C2H5OH 醋酸(乙酸)——CH3COOH


红色的固体——Cu、Fe2O3 、P(红磷)



暗紫色的固体——KMnO4 黄色的固体—— S

蓝色的固体——CuSO4?5H2O 蓝色絮状沉淀——Cu(OH)2

红褐色絮状沉淀——Fe(OH)3 常见不溶于酸的白色沉淀——BaSO4、AgCl



蓝色的溶液—— CuSO4、CuCl2、Cu(NO3)2等含Cu2+溶液











1、氢氧化铜跟稀盐酸反应: Cu(OH)2 + 2HCl = CuCl2 + 2H2O 蓝色沉淀消失

2、氢氧化铜跟稀硫酸反应: Cu(OH)2 + H2SO4 = CuSO4 + 2H2O 变成蓝色溶液

3、氢氧化钠跟硫酸铜溶液反应:2NaOH + CuSO4 = Na2SO4 + Cu(OH)2 ↓ 有蓝色沉淀产生

4、氢氧化钠跟氯化铁溶液反应:3NaOH + FeCl3 = Fe(OH)3↓ +3NaCl 有红褐色沉淀产生


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

中性 ← 酸性增强 碱性增强 →

紫色石蕊 无色酚酞


pH=7为中性 显紫色 显红色

pH>7为碱性 显蓝色 显红色










单质:非惰性气体一般由两个原子组成: F2,O2,H2,Cl2


化合物: 氢化物居多:H2S,HCl,H3P,HF,HBr,HI

力复习课件 篇4


2.创设情境导入:小朋友们表现得真棒!为了奖励大家,陈老师决定带大家去一个好玩的地方,(课件出示动物园门口的图片)看! 我们来到了什么地方?





1.导入:你看! 海豚正跳着欢快的舞蹈欢迎我们呢! (出示海豚摆出的类似声母的图片)我们一起来认一认。








1.导入:这节课海豚姐姐继续带大家去认识更多的动物。(出示图片)咦?这些动物怎么都背对着我们呀! 噢,原来小动物们要我们先读对了每种动物上面的拼音,它才肯回头见我们呢!




1.导入:同学们真能干,全读对了。这些小动物都抢着想把自己介绍给大家,和大家交朋友呢! 你们想先听谁介绍啊?


我是爱开qì chē的小熊,大家好!

大家好,我是爱吃luó bo的兔子!

我是只能干的猩猩,我洗wà zi!






力复习课件 篇5

篇一:画风 生字教案



设计者姓名:朱芮,11 级 11 班,学号 60 号 成绩

第1页,共4页 第2页,共4页

第3页,共4页 第4页,共4页





















































力复习课件 篇6

Period 1 Warming up & Listening

Type of lesson: warming up & Listening

Teaching aims:

1. Help the Ss talk about archaeological discoveries and describe the life of people in China during the periods of the Stone Age, the Bronze age, Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty.

2. By listening to the material on Page 74, students can know what the tool looks like, what its use is and so on and by practice, students can master the ways to get the main idea of the passage and some important or useful details.

Teaching focus: Train Ss’ listening ability.

Teaching aids: tape recorder, worksheet & computer


Teaching Procedures:

I. Warming up

Step 1. Ask the students some questions and show them some pictures of archaeological discoveries. Introduce the words “archaeology, archaeologist.”

1) T: China is a country with an ancient civilization. It has a long history and brilliant culture. In which ways can we learn about its history and culture? (Archaeology)

2) What can archaeological discoveries bring us?

Step 2. Present some typical archeological discoveries and lead the Ss to talk about them.

1) T: Please look at the pictures and talk about them.

Questions for thinking:

----What are these important discoveries ?

----What period of time do they belong to?

Step 3. Help the Ss describe the life of people in China during the periods above.

1) T: What can they remind us of ?

Remind us of the history

1.What they ate

2.Where they lived

3.What their houses looked like

4.What kind of tools they used

5.What kind of entertainment they had

……2) Discuss and talk about the following items.

Stone Age Bronze Age Han Dynasty Tang Dynasty



Home decoration




Step 4.Help the Ss get to know more important discoveries.

1) Match the time with the place where its relics are unearthed:

Stone Age Mawangdui

Han Dynasty the Banpo Ruins/ the Ruins of Hemudu

Bronze Age the Ruins of the Chang’An City

Tang Dynasty the Ruins of Yanshi Erlitou(1959, Henan)

2) Let the Ss enjoy the pictures and answer the questions.1. Where were they unearthed ?

2. Where can you go if we want to visit them?

II. Listening

Step 1. Pre-listening

1. Show students three pictures. And ask them in which period of time the people in the pictures lived. (Stone Age)

2. Show students some pictures of the tools used by the people in Stone Age. And ask them if they are asked to introduce one of these tools to other people, from which aspects they are going to describe them.

what it looks like

when it was found

where it was found

when it was used


how to use it

Step 2 While-listening

1. First listening to get the main idea.

What are they talking about?

A. a short stick.

B. an ancient weapon to throw spears.

C. a little carved animal.

2. Second listening

Task: Listen and write down the questions asked by the students.

1) What ____________________________________________?

2) What ____________________________________________?

3) How ____________________________________________?

4) How ____________________________________________?

5) Where ___________________________________________?

3. Listen to the tape for the third time

Task: Get the answers to each of the questions.

Questions 1: What is it?

☆ Listen and fill in the blanks.

1) It looks like ____________ to me; about ___________.

2) At the top there’s a little ________________________.

3) At the bottom end there are __________ through the stick.

4) On the right there are __________of a young baby goat that is _________.

☆ Make a drawing of the tool.

Question 2: What was it used for?

☆ Listen and fill in the blanks.

1) It is an _____________. One of the __________________.

2) There were bears that ______________________________ and very large kind of _____________________________________________.

3) It was too dangerous to ______________________________ or even _____________.

Question 3: How did it work?

☆ Listen and finish the exercises.

1). How far can you throw a spear with our arm?

A. 15m B. 50m C. 45m

2). How far can you throw a spear with a tool like this?

A. 90m B. 300m C. 60m

3).By using this tool it could be thrown ___________________________________ and with _____________.There are three holes. One __________________________________, one __________________________, and ______________________was tied into the smallest one. A spear of about ________________ was laid on the stick, resting against the small piece of ____________ or leather. With a _________ on the string and a ________________ of the arm, the spear would be thrown.

Question 4:When and Where was it found?

☆ Listen and answer the questions

1) How old is it?

a) 1 to 2,000 years

b) 10 to 20,000 years

c) over 5000years

2) In how many places were this tool found?


3) How did people in South America and Australia know about this tool?

They invented it again.

Step 3 Post-listening

Task: Write a passage to introduce an ancient tool.

1) Show students a picture of different tools used by people in Bronze Age, and ask them to have a discussion about which one they are interested in.

2) According to the questions and answers in the listening material, students write a short passage to introduce one of the tools in the picture.

3) Present in class.

III. Homework

1) Revise their passage.

2) Preview the reading part of this unit.


Unit 20 Reading

Type of lesson: Reading

Teaching aims: Get the Ss to know about the King of Stonehenge

Improve the Ss’ reading ability

Important points: the Ss get a good understanding of the text

Difficult points: Ss’ reading ability get improved

Teaching aids: a tape recorder ,a computer and worksheets

Teaching procedures:

Step I. Pre-reading.(leading-in )

some pictures about famous tombs in Chinese history

2.When we discover a tomb of a king in China, what can usually be found in it?

( clothing, knife, pottery, jewellery, tools etc. )(leading the Ss know more words about them.)

3.Why were these things buried with the dead king or emperor?

Key:A.To show off their power and wealth.

B. To protect these things.

C. Want the died people to use them after their death.

D. To be given to him for his use in the next life.

F. To show people’s respect to the death.

Step II. While -reading

A. Fast reading to get the main idea of each paragraph, and then divide it into parts

Part 1 (para. 1): The discovery of a grave.

Part 2 (para.2_to 3_): Objects found in the grave.

Part 3 (para. 4_-_5): The importance of the discovery.

Part 4 (para. 6_-7_): About Stonehenge and the King of Stonehenge.

B. Detailed reading:

1. Read the first three paragraphs to find out

1) Which objects were found in the grave of the King of Stonehenge?

Key: a pin, clothing, a coat, a knife, earrings, arrows and a bow tools, weapons, pottery & jewellery

2) Which materials were found?

Key: fur, stone, clay, pottery, copper, bone, and goldRead paragraph 4 & 5 to answer the following question:

1) What are the five reasons to show the importance of the discoveries ?

Key: a) His grave is the richest of any found from that period.

b) This was a time when the first metals were brought to Britain.

c) This man was buried with two gold earrings which are the oldest gold ever found in Britain.

d) He was buried three miles from Stonehenge at the time when the great stones were being brought to Salisbury to build it.

e) He is an example of people who brought culture and new techniques from the European mainland to Britain.

3. Read Part 6&7. do T or F exercises

1) The biggest stones came from a long distance away.

2) Archeologists know how early man was able to construct Stonehenge without the use of modern constructions and machines.

3). The King of Stonehenge was likely to be involved in planning and

helping build the monument.

4). The King of Stonehenge came from Central Europe.

5). At first people thought that it was through was and armed conflict not

through trade and cultural links that the skills to make copper and bronze objects spread to Britain.

( Check the answers: F F T T T)

C. Language points:

1. Buried with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior.

该句为倒装句, 表语置于句首时, 倒装结构为“表语+系动词+主语”。

e.g. Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests.

2. Some of the objects found in the grave give us an idea of how he was dressed when he was buried.

found in the grave是过去分词作定语

give sb. an idea of 使某人明白

e.g. The book will give you an idea of what everyday life of ordinary

Americans is like.

3.That would have made him a man of distinction.

must/may/might+have done (肯定) 对过去事实的推理

e.g. He might have given your more help, they were busy. I can’t find my pen

anywhere. I must have lost it.

can +have done 表示对过去事实疑问和否定的推测

e.g. He can’t have finished the work so soon.

could + have done 意为“过去能够,而事实上却没有”,表示一种遗憾

e.g. He always works hard. He could have passed the exam.

should / ought to +have done 意为“过去应该…但没有…”,有责备对方的意思

e.g. You should have told me the news an hour ago.

shouldn’t / oughtn’t to +have done 意为“过去不应该…,却…”,意在责备对方

e.g. You shouldn’t have told him the news. He was nearly sad to death.

needn’t + have done 意为“过去本没有必要..…却……”

e.g. There was plenty of time, she needn’t have hurried.

might + have done 表示“过去本可以….却没有…”

e.g. They might have given you more help, though they were busy.

Step III. Post reading.

1. From things that were found in the grave, archeologists now believe that people in the Bronze Age in England had trade and cultural links with other parts in Europe. Give examples of such links and what was traded.

country or part of Europe material or object of trade

West Wales stones to build Stonehenge

Spain copper knife

France copper knife

Europe gold jewellery

2. For trade and cultural links as well as life in Britain and the construction of Stonehenge, people in the Bronze Age must have had knowledge about certain things and certain fields of science. Work in groups to talk about the inventions and kinds of science they must have had, based on the reading passage.

activity knowledge, science, inventions and tools needed

1. travel to Scotland roads, shoes, language

nstruction of Stonehenge hammers, ropes, sth. to transport heavy stones, architecture

3. hunting rope, string, bow, arrows, spear, sticks

4. trade with Europe money or goods to trade, boats, bags, maps, language

5. making copper knives fire, chemistry, physics, pots, hammers


With the development of modern tourism, more and more culture relics were destroyed by human beings, read the passage below, and think about “what should we do to protect our cultural heritage.”

Saving Stonehenge Oct.22nd,

With almost a million people visiting the monument each year, Stonehenge has become surrounded by roads and parking lots.

Recently, a group archaeologists decided to to restore Stonehenge to its natural setting. One road will be removed, and another will be routed through an underground tunnel. Today’s parking lots will become open fields, and a new visitors’ center will be built four kilometers away.

Unit20. Word Study

Type of lesson: word study

Teaching Contents: spare, average, date, cover, dress, find

Teaching Aims:Help the students grasp the usages and meanings of the above

words or phrases.

Important points: use the above words or phrases correctly and freely

Teaching Procedures:

I. spare

A. Read the following sentences and point out the part of speech of “spare” and the meaning of the underlined part

1. The boy loves surfing the internet in his spare time. (在空闲的时间里)

2. You should carry a spare tire in the back of your car. .( 备用胎)

3. I can’t spare the time for a holiday at present. . (抽出,腾出)

4. Can you spare me just a few minutes? . ( 抽出,腾出 )

5. He doesn’t spare any effort on his studies. .( 不遗余力)

6. Spare the rod and spoil the child. (不打不成器)

B. Summarize the usages and the meaning of “spare”

Spare : Adj. 1.空闲的;2.不用的,闲置的;3.备用的,外加的;

Verb, 1.抽出,拨出,留出;2.不吝惜(时间,金钱)

C. complete the following sentences.

1.What do you usually do _____________________( 在你空余时间)?( in your spare time)

2.You’re driving to Tibet? It’s a long way. Be sure to ________________________ ( 带个备用胎) (bring a spare tire)

3.We can ________________________(给你腾出一间房)(spare one room for you )

4. He _____________(想尽各种办法)to make her happy.(spares no effort)

II. average

A. present the following sentences.

1. The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.平均数

2. Tom’s work at school is above average, while Mary’s is below average. 高于/低于平均

3. The average age of the boys in the class is 17.平均的

4. What is the average temperature in Wuhan in August?

5. If you average 7, 14 and 6, you get 9. 均分

6. On average, there are 20 boys present every day.平均来说

B. Summarize the usages and the meaning of the word “average”

. average adj.平均的

verb .平均,均分。


C. Complete the following sentences:

1.What is ______________(平均的年龄)the students in your class?


On average 400 people die of the disease every year.

3.Temperatures in winter are __________ for the time of year.( 低于平均值) (below average )

III. date

A. Present the following sentences.

1. What is date today? (日期 )

2. The vase is of an earlier date than that one.(时代)

3. Has the date for the meeting been fixed? (日期)

4. The boy asked her for a date, but was refused. (约会)

5. They’ve been dating for months and know each other better than before. ( 谈恋爱)

6. Don’t forget to date your letter. (注明日期)

7. Young people’s clothes date quickly nowadays, so if you want to be fashionable you have to keep a close eye on fashion.(过时,不流行).

8. The property of the family dates from the war.(始于,追溯到)

9. The castle dates back to the 15th century. (始于,追溯到)

10. The information is out of date; you need to get the latest news.(过期了)

11. She likes to wear clothes that are up to date(.新式的, 现代的)

B. Ss read the sentences and point out the part of speech of the word

“date” and the meaning of the word and phrases.

date : 1) noun . 日期,时代,约会, 流行.

2)verb. 谈恋爱,注明日期, 过时,不流行. 始于,追溯到

C. Complete the following sentences

1. This kind of clothes is ______________.不流行了( out of date)

2. The church __________________. 始建于13 世纪.( dates back to / dates from the 13 century.)

3. Would you like to ___________ (定个日期开个舞会.)( fix a date for a party.)

IV. cover

A . Present the following sentences.

1. The small town which covers five square miles is famous for its

beautiful scenery. 占地

2. Not having been cleaned for a month, the desk was covered with

dust. 布满

3. Hundreds of reporters were sent to cover the Olympic Games held

in Greece. 采访

4. The noise was so loud that she covered her ears with her hands遮蔽

5. The doctor’s talk covered the complete history of medicine. 涉及

6. I can cover 100 miles before it gets dark. 走一段路

7. Will $50 cover the cost of a new shirt? 够付…钱

8. He always keeps a cover over his car. 覆盖物

9. May I have a look at the book whose cover is blue? 封面

B. Read the sentences above and pay attention to the meaning of the

word “cover”.

Cover : Verb占地,布满,采访, 遮蔽,涉及, 走一段路,够付…钱

noun 覆盖物,封面

C. Complete the following sentences.

1. Do you know _______________________. ( 这个国家占地多少) (how much the country covers )

2. His desk ___________________________ ( 堆满了书). ( is covered with books)

3. Who will be sent to __________________________ ( 采访这次运动会)? ( cover the sports meeting)

4. His book, _______________________ ( 封面是绿色), was a birthday gift from his mother. ( whose cover is green / the cover of which is green)

V. dress

A. present the following sentences.

1. Jim isn’t old enough to dress himself. ( 穿衣服)

2. How long does it take you to dress yourself? 穿衣

3. He has to dress well in his position. 穿戴

4. She was in special dress for the ceremony. 套装

5. She was wearing a silk dress. 连衣裙

B. Read and observe the sentences and point out how the word dress is used.

C. Present more sentences with similar phrases and tell the differences.

1. He was dressed in white and was easy to be recognized in the crowd.

2. He put on his coat and went to the cinema.

3. The emperor had nothing on when he thought he was in his new clothes.

4. Nobody is allowed to wear a beard in that village.

5. What shall I wear to attend her birthday party?

6. she was all in black.

D. Choose the right phrase to complete the following sentences.

1. She was ___________ the white _______ her mother bought for her yesterday. ( wearing, dress)

2. Don’t forget to _________ your hat, or you’ll get burnt. ( put on)

3. We are going to be late. Please get __________ quickly. ( dressed)

4. The child is too small to _____________ himself. ( dress)

5. Do you think I need to ___________ any jewellery to attend her wedding? ( wear )

6. On Children’s Day, the children _____their best clothes ______. (have…on )

7. The girl _____ red is my former student.( in )

VI. find

A. Present the following sentences.

1. The most amazing find was two gold earrings.

2. The old painting is quite a find.

3. I found a ten-dollar bill on the road.

4. I found him asleep on the sofa.

5. Please find the key for me. = Please find me the key.

6. When a waiter asks a customer, “ How do you find the soup?” He wants to know what the customer thinks of the soup.

7. I find it difficult to understand this film.

8. I was disappointed to find him out.

9. After school I always find him waiting at the school gate.

10. The poor man found his house broken into.

11. You should find out the answer by yourself.

B. Read the sentences, and pay attention to how “find” is used.

C. Complete the following sentences.

1. ______________________________ ( 最有趣的发现) was two dolls lying in the drawer. ( The most interesting find)

2. ____________________________ ( 你觉得这个演讲怎么样?) ( How do you find the speech? )

3. He ___________________________ ( 发现很容易) to get along with his new classmates. ( finds it easy)

4. Whenever he comes back from school, he always _________________________________ ( 发现他的狗坐在门外) waiting for him. ( finds his dog sitting outside)

5. When he woke up the next morning, _________________________________ ( 他发现屋外的世界完全地改变了). ( found the world outside completely changed)

Unit20. Grammar

1. Teaching Goal:

Review the use of “it”. Let students learn how to use “it” by doing some practice in reading, writing and so on.

2. Teaching important points:

The usages of it in different situations.

3. Teaching difficult points:

How to teach the students to master the usages of it

4. Teaching methods:

Observe the materials given to them, generalize from the different examples.

5. Teaching aids:

a projector , a blackboard and paper

6. Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead in.

Read the following the sentences, and pay your attention to the meaning and the function of “it” in each sentence.

1. It is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing. Textbook (P3)

2. With the right kind of body, it is possible to float around in the ocean. (P20)

3. Isn’t it amazing that a single substance can be so important to our planet and even the whole universe. (P20)

4. It is very relaxing to take a dip in the pool in summer. (P37)

5. It was during the “ Match on Washington DC” in 1963 that he gave the speech “ I have a dream”. (P28)

6. It was also in Atlanta that one of the great leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, was born. (P44)

7. Zhongguanchun made it possible for him to follow his dreams and help the country he loves. (P3)

8. -“Relying on science, technology and knowledge to increase economic power” makes it clear that science and business can and must work together to build the future. (P4)

9. It was through trade and cultural links that European culture and new techniques were brought to Britain.

10. It has been proved that the copper knives came from the places as distance as Spain and western France.

Step 2 Learn the usages of “it” according to the following sentences, dialogues, and exercises.

1. -Where is your car?

-It is in the garage.


2. The young couple has a newborn baby. Do you know it is a boy or a girl?


3. -It is seven o’clock. There is a knock at the door. Who is it?

-It is the milkman.

4. -Oh, by the way, there was a telephone call for you. Who was it?

-It was my Mum on the phone.

( it可以用来指时间,有人敲门,确认某人为何人,在电话里)

5. It is raining a whole day. It is perfectly cool. It has been a long time since the last rain.


6. My grandmother kept telling me that I should help her with housework, but it didn’t help.


7. It is no use quarrelling with such a man.

It’s hard for them to answer such difficult questions.

It seems that I have made the same mistake once again.

It is unclear what we should do next week.

It is reported that another big earthquake will happen in the area soon.

It will take you three hours to fly to Hong kong from Beijing.



⑴. Is ______ necessary to finish the composition before May Day.

A. this B. that C. it D. he

⑵. Does ______ matter if I can’t finish the composition before May Day?

A. this B. that C. he D. it

⑶. ______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There B. This C. That D. It

⑷. In fact ______ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an football match.

A. this B. that C. there D. it

⑸. It worried her a bit ______ her was turning grey.

A. this B. that C. there D. it

( Keys ⑴ C ⑵ D ⑶ D ⑷ D ⑸ B )

8. He is a heavy smoker. I find it difficult to persuade him to give up smoking.

We soon make it a rule to walk two miles a day.

We take it for granted that water is free at restaurants.

I don’t like it when you shout at your parents.

I don’t feel it my duty to do so.

I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.



⑴. They have made ______ a rule ______ in the room.

A. this; not to smoke B. it; smoking

C. it; to not smoke D. it; not to smoke

⑵. I don’t think ______ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.

A. this B. that C. its D. it

⑶. The chairman thought ______ necessary to invite professor Smith to speak at the meeting.

A. this B. that C. its D. it

⑷. I think ______ to finish the work in such a short time is quite impossible.

A. it B. that C. this D. with

⑸ Don’t ______ that all those who get good grades in the entrance examination will prove to be most successful.

A. take as granted B. take this for granted

C. take that for granted D. take it for granted

(Keys: ⑴ D ⑵ D ⑶ B ⑷ B ⑸D )

9. 1). It was Tom who / that broke the window.

2). It was her whom you should ask.

3). It was because Li Ping was ill that he didn’t come to school last week.

4). It was where you come from that you should return to.

5). It was as you like that you must do everything.

6). It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began

7). It was in the library that was founded by Mr. Willians

that they finished reading the famous novel.

8). It was neither you nor he that is willing to go the park.

9). It was not only you but also he that is willing to go to the Great Wall.

10). It was his coming that made all of us very happy.


⑴ It was the ability to the job ________ matters not where you come from or what you are.

A. one B. that C. what D. it

⑵ I have already forgotten _________ you put the dictionary.

A. that it was where B. where it was that

C. where was it that D. that where was it.

⑶ Was it _________ Sandy’s carelessness _________ your keys were all lost.

A. because; which B. for; what

C. because of; that D. since; why

⑷ It was not long _______ he was born ________ his mother died.

A. before; that B. since; when

C. until; when D. after that

⑸ It was in the factory ________ was owned by Mr. White ______ they learned a lot from the workers.

A. that; where B. which; that

C. what; that D. which; where

⑹ ______ was it in 1979 ______ I graduated from the University.

A. That; that B. It; that

C. That; when D. It; when

⑺ It was not until he finished all his homework _______ to bed last night.

A. did he go B. when he went

C. that he went D. then he went

⑻ __ Where did you meet Johnson?

__ It was in the hotel ______ he stayed.

A. that B. where C. when D. while

(Keys: ⑴ B ⑵ B ⑶ C ⑷ A ⑸ B ⑹ B ⑺ C ⑻ B

10. 1. It is time for school.

2. It is time to go to school.

3. It is time for us to go to school.

4. It is time that we went to school.


1. It wasn’t until nearly a month later ______ I received the manager’s reply.

A. since B. when C. as D. that

2. Can ______ be in the desk ______ you have put my letter?

A. it; which B. I; where C. you; in which D. it; that

3. - ______ that he managed to get the information?

- Oh, a friend of his helped him.

A. Where was it B. What was it

C. How was it D. Why was it

4. It is what you do rather than what you say ______ matters?

A. that B. what C. which D. this

5. It was some time ______ we realized the true.

A. when B. until C. since D. before

6. It was in the lab ______ was taken charge of by professor Zhang ______ they did the experiment.

A. when; that B. which; where C. that; where D. which; that

7. I like ______ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

A. this B. that C. it D. one

8. - He was nearly drowned once.

- when was ______?

- ______ was in when he was in middle school.

A. that; It B. this; This C. this; It D. that; This

(Keys: 1 D 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 D 7 C 8 A

Unit20. Integrating skills

Roots of Chinese Culture

Teaching aims:

1. Help the students get the general idea of the text.

2. Help students know the importance of the relics and have correct sense to protect them.

3. Teach the students how to create a flow chart.

Teaching procedures:

VII. Step1. Lead-in

Show students some pictures of unearthed objects in Snxingdui, and ask them questions such as: Have you seen the pictures? What do you think of them? When and where were they found?

VIII. Step2. Fast reading

Ask the students to read the text quickly and them summarize the main idea of the text.

Paragraph1. The discovery of Jinsha Relics.

Paragraph2. The similarities between Jinsha Relics and Sanxingdui Relics.

Paragraph3. The importance of the discovery of Jinsha Ruins Relics.

Paragraph4.The discovery of Sanxingdui Relics.

Paragraph5. The importance of the discovery of Sanxingdui Relics.

Step3. Careful reading

1. Ask the students to listen and read paragraph by paragraph and then do the exercises.


1. What kind of special relics were unearthed in Jinsha Ruins?

2. Why could they take the archaeologists’ attention?

Because the ivory and animal bones found in Jinsha Village are important ,they will serve as important materials for the study of local geography, climate and the environment in ancient times.

3. Who was the first to discover the Jinsha Ruins and when?

Construction workers from a local company found ivory and jade in the mud when they were building road there on February 8, .


Why is cong special?

Because it was not made in Sichuan, but was transported there, which proved that Sichuan had trade links with the Yangtze and Yellow River valleys at that time.


What is the significance of the discoveries in Jinsha Village?

The discoveries there proves that the history of Sichuan is much longer than 2300 years.


True or false:

1. Sanxingdui Ruins were first discovered by farmers.

2. The farmers hesitated about whether to give the relics to the state.

3.The local teachers and officials persuaded them to turn in the relics.


1. Since 1920, what have been unearthed in Sanxingdui Ruins Site?

More than 10,000 relics dating back to between 5000 BC and 3000 BC have been discovered. 53 holes were dug up and over 1,200 pieces, including bronze and gold masks, bronze objects and images, jade and ivory had been found.

2. What do archaeologists hope to discover in the future?

They hope to discover some of the mysterious palaces, tombs of kings and bronze and jade workshops.

True or false:

1. From 1929 to 1986, 53 holes were dug and over 1200 pieces of objects were found.

2. Today, the work in Sanxingdui has already been done.

2. Then let students to fill in the blanks.

What’s the link between Jinsha Ruins and Sanxingdui Ruins?

Civilizations Jinsha Ruins Sanxingdui Ruins


Who found it

Objects found

3. Reading comprehension.

1. The passage suggests that ______.

A. Jinshan Relics and Sanxingdui Relics were found by chance

B. archaeologists knew there were a lot of treasures there long ago

C. Yan Kaizong is not a patriot.

D. archeologists will never find another relics again.

2. Which of the following statements is right according to the text?

A. Jinsha had no trade links with other areas.

B. The ivory and animal bones found at Jinsha are of no real value.

C. Sichuan has a history of more than 2300 years.

D. Many of the relics at Jinsha have no connection with those found at Sanxingdui.

3. At Jinsha Relics, archaeologists found_________.

A. gold and jade

B. bronze and stone objects

C. many ivories

D. all of the above

4. Archaeologists are scientists who_______.

A.study nature

B. do research on animals

C. study the buried remains of ancient times

D. give instructions to students

5. We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. China has a long history with a rich culture

B. Yan Kaizong kept the relics found by his grandfather as his own

C. since 1986, archaeologists have stopped digging at Jinsha Relics

D. Sanxingdui Relics was first discovered by archaeologist

Keys: A C D C A

IX. Step4. Discussion

1. Why do you think the text is titled with “Roots of Chinese Culture” instead of “Sanxingdui Ruins”?

2. Do you think Yan Kaizong was foolish? Why?

X. Step5. Writing

1. After construction workers found ivory and jade in the mud when they were building roads there, what steps and decisions did they take? Then the teacher lists the all the steps and decisions on the blackboard.

2. Ask the students to decide in which order steps and decisions were taken.

3. Ask the students to create different shapes for different types for action, for example: triangles for decisions, circles for the discoveries, boxes for things that are going on and diamonds when calling in other people.

4. Then ask the students to draw the arrows to show the direction of the flow.

5. Ask the students to check for missing steps.

6. Just now we have made a poster showing a flow chart of “Jinsha Village”, can you make a poster showing a flow chart of “something has been stolen”? Please make it yourselves.

7. Please check your answer with the chart on page 80.

8. Ask the students to make a poster showing a flow chart of the things you should do when you have discovered some old things in the ground.


力复习课件 篇7



































力复习课件 篇8














①NH4HCO3 === NH3↑+CO2↑+H2O↑ ②CuO+H2===Cu+H2O

③Ba(OH)2+H2SO4 ===BaSO4↓+2H2O ④ 2Fe + 3Cl2 = 2FeCl3


①属于分解反应 ;②属于置换反应;③属于复分解反应;④属于化合反应







根据反应物和生成物 分解反应

的类别和种类可分为 置换反应


化 根据反应中是否有 氧化还原反应

学 电子转移可分为 非氧化还原反应

反 根据反应中是否有自由 离子反应

应 移动的电子参加可分为 非离子反应

据化学反应中热量 放热反应

变化情况可分为 吸热反应





























例1下列化工生产过程所发生的反应不属于氧化还原反应的是( )

A.用油脂制肥皂 B.用铝土矿制金属铝

C.用氯气和消石灰制漂白剂 D.用氢气和氮气合成氨


例2已知在某温度时发生如下三个反应:⑴ C+CO2=2CO ⑵ C+H2O=CO+H2 ⑶ CO+H2O=CO2+H2 由此可以判断,在该温度下C、CO、H2的还原性强弱顺序是( )


解析:对于反应:氧化剂+还原剂=氧化产物+还原产物,有以下规律:还原剂的还原性>还原产物的还原性,氧化剂的氧化性>氧化产物的氧化性。由反应式(1)可知C>CO,由反应式(2)可知C>H2, 由反应式(3)可知CO>H2。本题正确答案为A。

例3、G、Q、X、Y、Z均为氯的含氧化合物,我们不了解它们的分子式(或化学式),但知道它们在一定条件下具有如下的转换关系(未配平):(1)G Q+NaCl (2)Q+H2O X+H2 (3)Y+NaOH G+Q+H2O (4)Z+NaOH Q+X+H2O这五种化合物中氯的化合价由低到高的顺序为 ( )



例4、下列离子方程式正确的是( )







A中氨水是弱电解质,应写化学式;B中NaOH足量,Ca(H2PO4)2全部参加反应,式中Ca2+与H2PO4-不符合Ca(H2PO4)2化学式中的比例,故不正确;C中 在酸性条件下具有氧化性,正确。D中HS-水解程度很小。不能用“=”、“↑”,故不正确。答案为C。







例6、下列各组中的离子,能在溶液中大量共存的是( )

A.K+、Ag+、、Cl- B.Ba2+、、CO32-、OH- C.Mg2+、Ba2+、OH-、NO3- D.H+、K+、CO32-、SO42- E.Al3+、Fe3+、SO42-、Cl- F.K+、H+、NH4+、OH-

解析: A组中:Ag++Cl-=AgCl↓ B组中, + =BaCO3↓

C组中,Mg2++2OH-=Mg(OH2) ↓ D组中,2H++CO32-=CO2↑+H2O



NH4++OH- NH3·H2O或NH4++OH-=NH3↑+H2O


力复习课件 篇9











力复习课件 篇10

Teaching goals

1. Talk about humour and comedians

2. Practice saying tongue twisters

3. Express intensions and plans

4. Learn to use the –ing Form (1) as Atrribute and Object Complement

5. Write a funny story or joke in English

Period 1 Word study

1. Homour/humor

(1) amusement 幽默;诙谐;幽默感

He has no sense of humour. 他没有幽默感。

(2) person’s state of mind; temper 心情,心境

My daughter is in a good humour today. 我女儿今天很高兴。

(3) v. 使满足;迁就

When a person is ill he may have to be humored.


out of humour 不高兴; 心情不好

humourous adj. 幽默感的,诙谐的

2. bitter adj. 苦的; 难过的;痛苦的

The soup is bitter.

His failure to pass the examination was a bitter disappointment.


a bitter pill to swallow 苦药丸;勉强接受的苦事

to the bitter end 到底;拼命

take the bitter with the sweet 甘与苦都接受

bitterly adv. 苦涩地 bitterness n. 苦味

3. comedy 喜剧 tragedy 悲剧

comedian 喜剧演员; 行动滑稽的人

comedienne 喜剧中的女演员;女丑角

He prefers comedy to tragedy.

Comedians often work alone or as a pair.

Song Dandan is a popular comedienne.

4. intend v. ---have in mind as a purpose or plan 打算; 意欲

intend to do sth 打算做…

intend that… 打算;

intend sb to do sth 想让某人做某事

be intended for 是为…设计的

intend to have done sth. 本想做某事(而没做)

intention n. 意图; 目的; 意旨






5. amuse v. = satisfy or excite the sense of humour or cause laughter of 使欢乐; 使发笑

amusement n. 快乐;娱乐;消遣

amusing adj. 引起乐趣的; 娱人的

amusingly adv. 娱人地

feel/be amused at/by/with 对…感到有趣


2. 他的回答使我好笑。

6. appreciate v.

(1)be thankful or grateful for 感激

(2)understand and enjoy the good qualities of

赏识; 鉴赏;欣赏





7. suffer v. =experience pain or difficulty 受…苦/折磨

suffering n. 痛苦 苦难

sufferer n. 受难者;病人

sufferable adj. 受得住的; 禁得住的

When I was in my childhood, I suffered from poverty.

Economy in Iraq is suffering from the war.

I know you have suffered a lot. = I know you have had a lot of sufferings.

8. Operate v.---(cause to) work 开动; 使运转; 使生效; 操作;管理; 作手术

The machine operates continuously.

This law operates universally. 这个规律是普遍起作用的。

He intends Dr Li to operate on him.

The machines are operated by electricity.

This company operates two factories.

Operation n. 工作;操作;生效;手术

Operator n. 操作人员; 电话接线员;

Operative adj. 操作的;运转的;有效的

9. Direction n. 方向;方位; (pl.)指示;说明;倾向;

He drove in the direction of London.

He gave me directions to enable me to find his house.

Our school is under the direction of a good principle.

The enemy ran away in all directions.

directive adj. 指导的

director n. 指导者; 董事

direct adj. 直接的

directly adv. 直接地

10. confuse v. ---mix up; put into disorder 弄糊涂;使混乱;混淆;

The road sign confused the driver.

Don't confuse Austria with [and] Australia.

They asked me so many questions that I got confused.

Confused adj. 混乱的;慌乱的;狼狈的

Confusedly adv. 慌乱地;混乱地

Confusion n. 混乱;慌乱;混淆

Period 2

Step 1 Warming up

1. Show a Chinese tongue twister to Ss and let them speak out as quickly as possible.(slide show)

“四是四,十是十;十四是十四,四十是四十;谁要把十四说成四十,我就打 他十四;谁要把四十说成十四,我就打他四十。”

2. T: “In fact, not only are there many Chinese tongue twisters, but also there are many English tongue twisters. ” let Ss read the following tongue twister as quickly as possible.

1. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.

2. There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.

3. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Peter Pan Peanut is the peanut picky people pick.

4. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

5. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.

3. T say: “ It is difficult for people to say the sentence without making errors, these types of sentences are called tongues twisters. Tongue twisters are also difficult for native speakers. It can be fun to practise a few and try to see who can say them fastest.”

Step 2 Listening

1. Let Ss listen to the tape the first time, without taking notes. Make sure they understand all the words before listening. Then, ask them to finish Exercise 1.

2. let Ss listen to the tape again and ask them to finish Exercise 2. Then play the tape again to help them finish the Exercise 2

Step 3 Speaking

1. T asks: “Do you like to watch comedies or crosstalk shows?”

“ Which comedies, little sketches, or crosstalk shows do you like best? ”

“ Who is your favourite comedian? Why do you like him/ her?”

2. Listen and read the dialogue, then explain some language points in the dialogue.

make sb. laugh act the role of

tongue twister a couple of intend to

3. let Ss work in pairs, one act as a journalist and the other act as a circus clown and let them make a similar dialogue about interview between journalist and circus, then let Ss act it out in the class.

4. Learn useful expressions to express intensions and plans:

5. Group work (A)

6. Group work (B)

Step 4 Homework

1. Write a story according to the pictures and what you have heard on the tape.

2. TALKING: (Workbook, page 108)

Ask Ss to look at the pictures, make up a funny story about what is happening and say whether they think the situations are funny or not.

Period 2

Step 1 Revision

1. Word list

2. Enjoy the students’ dialogues

3.Read the following sentences as quickly as possible.

1). A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

2). Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick.

3). She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely seashells.

So if she sells shells on the seashore,

I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Show some pictures to Ss :

Tasks: “Do you know these people?”

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy

The comic duo of the 1930s “Laurel and Hardy.” the thin one is called Stan Laurel, while the stout one is called Oliver Hardy. They are funny because they are each other’s opposites: one fat and one thin; one is clever and one is silly etc.

Mr Bean

Although Mr Rowan Atkinson acts as different comic characters he is most famous around the world as Mr Bean. Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces, he acts silly, he seems to be quite stupid, and the things he does are strange.

Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman in the film Tootsie (1982). In this film Hoffman acts the role of a woman, and many people agree that his performance was so good that you often can’t tell the difference. But in the film of course there all kinds of funny moments.

Ma Ji

Ma Ji is a well-known artist of crosstalk shows in China. His numerous crosstalk shows always make his audience roar with laughter.

2. Read the text and find out the best choice.

1).Why is Dustin Hoffman so famous?

A. He is famous for his works.

B. He is famous for his foreign accent.

C. He is famous for his role acting as a woman.

D. He is good at playing on words.

2). What does a “sketch” mean in the text?

A. a rough, quickly made drawing

B. general outline

C. short, humourous play

D. a piece of writing

3). Comedians and players in a comedy are similar in ______.

A. Their way of playing with words

B. Clothes

C. Crossing-dressing way

D. Foreign accent

4). Choose the main idea of each paragraph.

a.Description of a clown b.What’s a crosstalk show

c.The traditional crosstalk show d.Description of comedians

e.The writers of comedies both at home and abroad

A. 1-e; 2-a; 3-d; 4-b; 5-c

B. 1-e; 2-d; 3-c; 4-a; 5-b

C. 1-a; 2-e; 3-d; 4-b; 5-c

D. 1-e; 2-a; 3-b; 4-d; 5-c

5). Why have crosstalk shows been popular with people? Which of the following is not the reason?

A. They have two speakers.

B. They make people not only laugh, but also think about life.

C. The richness of the spoken language is made full use of.

D. Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words.

Step 3 post-reading

1. Pair work let Ss describe a clown in their own words.

2. Discussion compare Western and Chinese comedy shows. What do they have in common? How are they different?

3. Exercise finish the exercise 2 in Studentbook, page 53

Step 3. listening True (T) or False (F)

1.Camedies are music plays that make people laugh.

2.Word play is a way to create fun in comedies.

3.Clowns use some words to make people laugh.

4.Both body language and face are important in comedians’ shows.

5.A crosstalk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversations.

Step 4 Oral practice

1. Can you describe a clown in your own words?

2. What does a clown look like?

Step 5 language points

make …funny 使得…有趣

be famous for 因…而著名

make fun of 取笑; 开…的玩笑

roar with laughter 大笑

make-up n. 化妆

act out 表演

have in common with 和…有共同之处

date back to =date from 追溯到

a flow of 源源不断的

make use of 利用

Step 6 translation

1. 西安以兵马俑而著名.

Xi’an is famous for the Terra Cotta Warriors.


Sometimes crosstalk players make fun of themselves to make the audience roar with laughter.

3. 西安古城墙始建于明朝.

Xi’an City Wall dates back to the Ming dynasty.


Nowadays, more and more people begin to make use of the constant flow of information on the internet.

Step 7 exercises

1. He hates to be _____.

A. make fun of B. making fun of

C made fun of D. made fun

2. The castle ____ the 16th century.

A. is dated to B. dates from

C. dated from D. is dating back to

3. It is ____ to have cold drinks on such a hot day.

A. a fun B. funny C. fun D. funs

4. Our losses should be ____ with more loans, otherwise we won’t be satisfied.

A. made in B. made out C. made for D. made up

5. He put his whole heart into ____ ways ____ the quality of the products.

A. think of; of improve B. think up; to improve

C. thinking of; improving D. thinking up; of improving

Period 5

Integrating skill

Step 1 Reading comprehension

1.Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?

A. The writer was on her way to an interview.

B. She braked hard and hit another cyclist.

C. She shouted the driver of a yellow car.

D. The driver of the yellow car was angry with her for being so rude.

2. The driver of the yellow car turned out to be ______.

A.The boss of the office

B.The manager of the company

C.One of her friends

D.The man with whom she had to work together

3. What does she mean by the sentence “the last time we met I did most of the talking”?

A.You listened to me last time we met.

B. I’ll listen to you this time.

C. I shall say nothing about the accident.

D. I think you must be angry with me.

4. Which of the following can be used as another title for the text?

A. An Accident

B. An Interview

C. Tell Him What You Think of Him!

D. A Kind Manager

5. From the text, we can conclude that the manager was ______.

A.A careless driver B. selfish

C. Tolerant (宽容的) D. determined

Step 2 language points:

1.be on good terms with 与某人关系好

2.cut in 插入

3.in the other direction 朝着另外方向

in the direction of 朝着…方向

4. brake hard 使劲刹车

5.go up 上前去

6.lay down 放下

7.drive off 开车走掉

8.knock off 撞掉

9.shout at 冲着…大嚷

10. be on time for 按时

11. in great surprise 吃惊的

12. in (total) silence 一言不发地

13. look on…as… = regard…as… 把…看作是

14. be angry with sb 对…生气

15. make jokes about 拿…开玩笑

Step 3. exercises:

1. 他们把受伤的人放在地上。

2. 我看见他开车向着城里的方向去了。

3. 他对着我大叫大嚷,我很生气。

4. 我和李岩关系一直很好,我把他当作我的最亲密的朋友。

5. 那个司机把一个男孩撞下自行车,却驾车跑了。

They laid the injured man down on the ground.

I saw him drive away in the direction of the town.

I was angry with him for his shouting at me.

I have been on good terms with Li Yan and I look on him as my closest friend.

The driver knocked a boy off his bike but drove off.

Step 4 Homework

Write a funny story or joke in English.

Period 6


Period 7

Exercises in workbook

Period 8

Workbook integrating skills

1. Read the poem and explain the meaning of it.

2. Understand the poem better by going through the explanations on the reading paper.

力复习课件 篇11

Lesson 25 Shopping in Beijing

1. go shopping do some shopping

He wants to shop.

He wants to do some sopping.

He wants to go shopping.

Let's do some shopping this Sunday.

go swimming go skating

go fishing go surfing

go skiing go boating

2. He looks in fifteen shops.

3. buy sth. for sb. buy sb. sth.

She buys a dress for Denden.

She buys Denden a dress.

4. a pair of chopsticks

5. You can walk with it.


6. 时间表达法:

直接表达法:“点钟 + 分钟”表达

9:35 nine thirty-five 8:20 eight twenty

分钟数若小30分钟时,用past 表示“超过”。即“分钟 + past + 点钟”。

6:25 twenty-five past six

7:05 five past seven

分钟数若大于30分钟时,用to 表示“差 --- --- ”。即“分钟 + to + 点钟”。

4: 58 two to five 2:35 twenty-five

整点用 “整点数+o'clock”来表示

11:00 eleven o'clock

半点用half 来表示

12:30 half past twelve

一刻钟用 a quarter 来表示

10:45 a quarter to eleven

6:15 a quarter past six

Lesson 26 Li Ming goes home

1. miss: I miss you very much.

I missed the early bus this morning.

My pen is missing.

2. gift: This watch is a gift from my friend.

Mary has a gift for music.

3. He arrives in Beijing at eight.

He arrives at eight.

4. have a good/nice/great trip

I had a good trip yesterday.

Did you have a good trip yesterday?

--- I am going to Beijing tomorrow.

--- Have a good trip!

5. The new book is for you.

6. one & it

I have two books, a thick one and a thin one.

I have an interesting book. Would you like to read it?

7. fall fell have had is/am was

are were do/does did hurt hurt

8. 基数词变序数词规律:

123特殊记;8去t,9 去e , 5、12去ve 加fth, 整十数字把y 变 i 再加eth.

9. What happened to your leg?

What happened to you?

What happened yesterday?

Lesson 27 Jenny goes home

1. do /does did see saw

have / has had am/is was

are were fall fell

go/goes went get got

come came say said

break broke broken

take took hurt hurt

buy bought

2. look play

start live

hope use

stop plan

study carry worry

3. called moved borrowed

enjoyed answered finished passed

helped cooked wanted shouted

needed counted

4. last year last week last Monday

He is the first to come, I'm the last to come.

5. I have a gift for you.

Here is a ticket for you.

He is leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.

We are waiting for a bus.

Let's go for a walk.

6. I missed you very much.

Lesson 28 Danny goes home

1. I hurt my nose./I fell. /I broke my tail!

2. I was taking a picture with Jenny's camera.

I wanted to fly a kite.

It's too hard.

3. tell a (funny/interesting)story about --- .

4. fall over 向前倒 ; fall down 倒下;

fall off 掉下来。

5. 经常以复数形式出现的一些名词:

glasses: 眼镜 jeans: 牛仔裤

shorts: 短裤 pants: 裤子

clothes: 衣服 trousers: 裤子

Lesson 29 Jenny's and Danny's Pictures

1. show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.

2. What happened to --- ?

An accident happened to him.

3. This is --- at --- 这是 --- 在 ---

This is Li Ming at Tian'anmen Square.

4. a picture of ---

This is a picture of Jenny at the Palace Museum.

5. I have some pictures from my trip to Beijing.

6. It's near (to) Wangfujing Street.

Lesson 30 Gifts for everyone

1. put on : put on your T-shirt, please.

Please put it on. take off

Take off your coat, it's hot in the room.

2. I bought a gift for you. The kite is for you.

3. It's too small for me. It's too big for me.

4. above, over, on

above, 是\"在 --- 的斜上方”,而 over 是“在 --- 的正上方”, on 是“在 --- 的面上”。

The light is over us.

The plane is above us.

The book is on the desk.

5. She likes sandwiches.

She likes reading books.

She likes to read books today.

The hat looks like a hat.

He looks like his father.

He is like his father.

6. 别人感谢你时,你说:You're welcome.

别人向你道歉时,你说:Never mind.

--- Thanks a lot.

--- You're welcome.

--- I'm sorry, I broke your pencil.

--- Never mind. I have another one.

Lesson 31 A Letter from Li Ming

1. I like swimming, but I don't like to swim today.

2. Look! This is a letter from Li Ming.

3. have a great time with sb.

Did you go to the cinema with Tom?

He left with these words.

I bought a bike with that money.

What's wrong with her?

4. I like reading very much.

I like to visit a friend of mine today.

look like feel like be like

5. You were sleeping on the train. You were very loud.

The baby is sleeping.

He didn't sleep well last night.

He had a good sleep last night.

be sleeping go to sleep have a sleep

力复习课件 篇12













































