有关Unit7 Follow me The second period(第二课时)的教案


在开展教学工作之前,老师要承担起对每一位同学的教学责任。教案课件是每个老师工作中上课需要准备的东西,有了教案的支持可以让同学听的快乐,老师自己也讲的轻松。如何才能将小学英语教案写的清晰而有条理呢?小编为此仔细地整理了以下内容《有关Unit7 Follow me The second period(第二课时)的教案》,欢迎阅读,希望您能阅读并收藏。

一、 新授内容(new  contents):

1.say  a  rhyme: follow  me.

hands  up!

hands  down!

follow  me,

and  turn  around.

2.play  a  game. an  eye.


1.能听懂、会说歌谣follow  me。



多媒体   图片


step1. preparation


2.sing  a  song

step2. revision.

1.listen  and  do.

touch  your  mouth/nose…

2.ask  the  students  to  introduce  their  features  in  english.


1.open  the  book  then  discuss  the  picture.

2.read  the  rhyme  slowly.

show  a  picture  of  “hands  up”.then  ask  students  to  read.read  after  the  teacher.

the  same  way  to  teach“hands  down.”and“turn  around.”


1.listen  to  the  tape  and  try  to  repeat 

2.listen  and  do.


1.practice  in  pairs.

2.act  out.

step6.homework .


2023教案Unit 4 My bag 第二课时



1)能听说单词book, bag, pencil, pencil box.


3)能听说句子this is a…



1. 媒体准备:图片、单词卡片、歌曲磁带


本课中的句子例如:this is a book.. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一教学难点,可从以下方面做努力:


2) 多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,促进学生的口语表达能力。



pre-task preparation:warmer


2. listen and act.(tape and recorder)

   t: ask pupils to answer the questions.

3.t: ask the pupils to listen and follow the teacher.

a)  sit down, please.

b)  put it down.

c)  show me your book.

d)  open your book

e)  close your book.

f)  show me your pencil-box.

g)  open your pencil-box.

h)  show me two pencils.

i)  close your pencil-box.

请学生跟着老师“听听做做说说”。在听听做做说说中感知句子的含义。既加大了语言输入量,又调节了课堂气氛。使学生在轻松、愉快的氛围中进行听说训练。 while-task procedure

1.  song“a pencil ”

2.  introduction : this is a book.

3.  open books and read a learn to say .


what is it?this is a …..

(tape and recorder)

1.enjoy the english song to elicit  t: show the object to  pupils

2.t: ask pupils to follow and repeat  t-ps( passing game)

3: t: ask pupils to pass the apple and say “this is a book ” one by one

4. t: ask pupils to describe “book”


what is it?guessing game(guess the word)

1. t:ask pupils to guess the word by giving the riddle.  pn: guess 通过猜谜游戏引出新单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。


3. question 

4. read the book again

5.introduction this is a …..

imitation and playing a game

one , two , three . put the book in the bag .

one , two , three . put the pencil in the pencil box .借助实物,通过游戏让学生在猜一猜、玩一玩过程中学习。让学生在边玩中操练句子this is a … .让学生在玩中学,在学中玩,使学生在游戏中习得语言。通过提问,提供学生运用语言表达思想的机会。培养学生善表达、能交际的能力。

imitation and read the word card.

post-task activityactivity:

1.reading the new words.

2. practise sentence  this is an/a…  (pictures and word card)

ask pupils to read the new words.(pupils show objects)

ask pupils to practise sentence in pairs.  ps: pair works.

select pairs to practise to the class.

sing the english song“a pencil ”通过活动,学生在轻松愉快的环境中进行句型操练,把单词放在句型中操练,把单词教学与句子教学整合起来。让学生在轻松快乐的歌曲中有效的巩固所学单词。


1. read page18-19after the tape


有关Unit 1 New Year 第一课时(1ST PERIOD)教案

一、主要新授内容(new contents)

let’s learn---uncle, aunt

let’s talk--- how are you? i am fine, thank you./ very well, and you?



2、在“新年到,家人、亲朋好友相互拜访”的语言使用环境中,能用正确的语音语调说出uncle, aunt两个新授词汇;能够根据家庭成员的关系在口语中正确表达uncle, aunt的称谓。

3、在一年级第一学期的学习基础上,能熟练运用how are you? fine, thank

you./i am fine, thank you./ very well, and you?等简单语句进行相互问候。


学生的学习能力和语言的实际使用对教材呈现的教学内容进行拓展,所以在口语导入just so-so. not bad.等等生活中同样常用、表达意思不同的多种简单回答,有助于学生在实际生活中对语言的理解和表达更为准确和真实。


1、任务前期准备阶段(pre-task preparation section)

   pre-task preparation是指我们要求学生运用目的语(即所学的语言)之前,呈现给学生的新语言材料。也就是我们常说的:input。在这个环节主要让学生获得对新语言材料的第一次感知。

activity 1 (song)




2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1song “happy new year” & calendar “jan. 1st”一边听“新年快乐”的歌曲一边看屏幕上映出的1月1日的日历一开始让学生听有关新年的歌曲,营造出新年的气氛,让学生直接进入本课的语言使用环境中2questions & answers教师通过类似“look, it’s jan. 1st.new year is coming! do you know the song? can you sing the song? are you happy?… …等让学生明白一月一日是新年的日期,同时使学生体会到新年的快乐activity 2 rhyme1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑(1b-u1-2)2)屏幕2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1question用this is may. she is happy. look and listen, who is coming?提示学生注意媒体上出现的人物与学过的儿歌引起学生对于要复习的儿歌的回忆2rhyme “my father is coming di-di. …my mother is coming. di-di.… …”集体朗诵儿歌输入语言使用环境后,可以通过复习father, mother, brother,以及how are you?句型,帮助学生先回忆学过的内容,为本教时学习另外两种回答作铺垫activity 3 (song)1、教学辅助(aids)1)录音机2)图片2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1song “happy new year” & calendar “jan. 1st”学生一边听录音机播放“新年快乐”的歌曲一边教时出示的1月1日的日历一开始让学生听有关新年的歌曲,营造出新年的气氛,让学生直接进入本课的语言使用环境中2questions & answers教师通过类似“look, it’s jan. 1st.new year is coming! do you know the song? can you sing the song? are you happy?… …等

有关上海牛津1A Unit1 Period7教案

period 7teaching aids: cassette player. real object (paper, pencil, ruler, rubber, pen, book)procedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task

preparation1. warming-uplet pupils do “roll, roll, roll” game.(first)t: what?p: a pencil.t: here you are.p: thank you.(then)p1-p2/p1.p2-p3.p4p1.p2.p3.p4-p5.p6.p7.p8“滚雪球”游戏是在老师给出一个model之后,让学生将这段内容一传二,二传四地传播开来。这种形式的操练可让学生在最短的时间内,有充分的语言交流机会,使全体学生都处于语言操练的气氛之中。2. daily talktalk about the objects in the classroom.t: what can you see in the pencil-box?p: i can see…t: what can you see in the classroom?p: i can see bag/book/…用看得见模得着的实物来复习单词,操练句型,体现语言的交际性。同时可自然地引出下面的学习内容。3. an activityask pupils to answer questionsif the pupils’ answers are right, awards to them.t: what can you see on the desk?p: i can see a …(book e.g.)t: yes. a star for you.p: i can see a …t: yes. a star for you.一年级的新生对粘纸会有兴趣,因此当学生答对后用五星粘纸当奖品,会激发学生的学习兴趣。由于教师的话语,学生可在自然的状态下了解…for you 的意思。while-task

procedure1. learn: one for…1.t: look! so many stars.one for you, one for me.one for you and one for me.follow me to say, please.(body language)p: one for you, one for me.(body language)2. t: now if you have got a box of chocolates and you want to share with us. you can say…p: one for you, one for me.通过教师的形体语言,学生容易理解for you /for me 的意思。学生经过机械模仿,可熟悉新单词和句型。2. situational dialogueif there are two desks here, what can you say to your deskmate?p1: one for you, one for me.p2: a desk, a desk for you and me.t: excellent.创设一些情景,让学生感受for you/for me的实际运用。 3. a gameshow pupils a sentence or write a sentence on the blackboard.(pair work)p1 (face to the blackboard)say the sentence to p2p2 (back to the blackboard)listen and repeat the sentence.sentence 1: i can see a pencil.sentence 2: i can see a ruler.sentence 3: paper, a pencil for you and me.这个游戏是通过看、听、说环节初步培养学生的阅读、听力和表达的能力。4. a rhymeask pupils to follow the tape to read the rhyme. post-task

activitiesmake a new rhyme(pair work)ask pupils make a new rhyme according to the rhyme just learned with the objects in the classroom.让学生尝试根据教室里或书包里的实物,编出新的儿歌。assignmentwork book p4circle the words that you learnt today. 【教案设计说明】刚入学的学生在接触牛津英语教材时,会被其中的图片所吸引,产生浓厚的学习兴趣。牛津英语的特点之一就是插图形象生动,趣味性强,图文并茂;牛津英语的特点之二就是教学内容具有很浓的生活气息,这为我们进行情境教学创造了有利的条件。作为老师,我们的任务就是利用课本,灵活多变地创设情境,活化教材,让学生学习英语,运用英语,激发学习英语的兴趣。本课的引入部分及操练部分都体现了这些特点。在daily talk中,老师安排了一个与实际环境相结合的情景,让学生通过观察教室,运用已学的词汇回答what can you see in the classroom?这样一问就使学生自然地要去观察教室。在新授后的操练中,老师创设了一个与生活实际相结合的情景。在学了…for you and me之后,老师设计了一个情景,你有一包巧克力想与人分享,你该怎么说?这是活化教材的进一步体现。通过创设一个与生活实际相结合的情景,学生在操练for you/for me 的同时,也体会着与人分享的快乐。课堂教学要体现的交际化和情境化,应该是英语教师不断钻研和尝试的目标。

